To Kiss An Idol-Chapter 67

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67 The Flashback – The End of the Story

Scared, I picked up the phone. But thank God, it was a video call displaying my sister’s face. I disconnected the call and return with a simple voice call. I didn’t want my sister to know where I was. I didn’t want anyone to know where I was. It was two days since I talked with my family.

“What?” I barked on the phone as I was angry at her for scaring me.

“Where are you? I have been calling you for days,” shouted Apeksha, worried.

“I was in transit,” I replied.

“Did you go to the end of the world that it took you days?” screamed Apeksha, again.

“Stop investigating!” I shouted. “You are not Sherlock Holmes, you will never be able to deduce where I am.”

“I know where you are,” scoffed Apeksha.


“You are in Paris,” mocked Apeksha.


“How did you...?” I gasped sarcastically.

“I thought you would go to a place where you could speak the local language,” replied Apeksha.

“I know French, so I must be in Paris. What logic!!” I laughed.

“Yeah,” but Apeksha was unable to detect the hint of sarcasm in my voice. I was happy, NK. I was smiling. I could not stop smiling from the moment I put my foot on Korea’s soil.

“So smart! Why are you not the topper of your class?” I teased her.

“Di! You are teasing me. Tell me where you are?” asked Apeksha.


“When will you be ready to tell us?” asked Apeksha.

“I don’t know.”

“Just tell me you are okay.”

“What will happen to me? I just arrived here.”

“When will you start work?” inquired Apeksha.

“On Monday.”

“You can’t even tell which company you are working for?” pressured Apeksha.

“That would give away my location, idiot,” I replied.

“So, it’s not a global company, got it,” Apeksha was glad to hear a clue.

“Oh, as if you can find that out.”

“I will prove to you that I am Sherlock Holmes,” sneered Apeksha.

“You might be John Watson but Sherlock, not even in million years,” I mocked.

“Di!” suddenly Apeksha’s tone changed.

“What?” I too became serious.

“You will take care of yourself, promise?” requested Apeksha.

“Ape! I will be okay,” I assured her.

“Will you find a therapist?”

“I don’t know. I will if I need one,” I replied.

“You know you can talk to me, anytime, right?” asked Apeksha.

“I know my ‘headache’,” I teased.

“Hey! Don’t call me that,” protested Apeksha.

“You were my ‘headache’, you are my ‘headache’, and you will always be my ‘headache’.”

“Love you.”

“I love you too and tell mom and dad I am fine,” I said.

“They are here, tell them yourself,” said Apeksha.

There was a beep on the phone which meant the Apeksha turned on the loudspeaker of the phone. “I love you mom, dad,” I shouted over the phone.

“We love you too. Take care of yourself,” my parents shouted back in unison.

“I will, bye.”

“Bye, dear.”

“Bye, Di,” Apeksha chimed in.

“Bye, Ape.”

After talking to my family, I went to bed. I was tired from all the work and travel I did. I slept till midday, there was no one to trouble me anymore. My slumber was broken by the ringing of the doorbell. I jerked myself from the bed and opened the door. My things had arrived from India.

The whole day I kept opening boxes and placing the things around my house, dancing all around. There were a few decorative items, a few utensils, a coffee maker, a toaster and my books, a whole library of books. My apartment was now my home, a cosy home filled with sweet-smelling books.

No call came that day, not even from my parents. For over a year they acted as mam bird but now they realised that I was ready to spread my wings, again. That night I set multiple alarms on my phone, grabbed a copy of “Little Women”, my favourite book and went to bed. The outfit I was going to wear at the office was hanging at the front of the closet.

Everything was set for the next morning. I read a few pages of the book and have no idea when I fell asleep.

I woke up early even before my alarm rang. My book was open on my other pillow. I closed the book and got ready for the new job. After having my breakfast and coffee, I left my home, my new cosy home.

True to the cab driver’s words my house was 15 minutes away from the office. I like walking so I chose to walk there. The morning was cold, and I had a mask on. I grabbed my overcoat closer and walked the distance. The cold air on my face was numbing, the sensation I was now very much aware of.

I reached the office and for a few moments, I kept looking at the building. The beautiful building was captivating. The morning sun was shining on the glasses. The building was bathing in golden light. It was hard to avert eyes from that. I stood there for a minute and took in all the beauty of the building.

A deep breath after I started moving in. I reached the reception, but it was empty. I realised that in my excitement and nervousness I was way too early. The guard let me in, but I had no way to go up for that I needed an ID.

After waiting for a few more minutes a cute man entered the building. He went and stood behind the reception. I stood up from my seat and greeted him.

“Hello! My name is Nivritti.”

“Hello, Ms Nivritti. How may I help you?” asked the receptionist.

“I am starting a job in the Script department,” I replied. 𝗳𝗿𝐞ℯ𝙬𝗲𝗯n𝗼νel.𝒄𝑜𝘮

“May I see your appointment letter?” requested the receptionist.

“Sorry!” I was confused.

“I am sorry that I am asking that, but we can’t let anyone enter the premises without proper authorization, crazy fans, and all. I hope you understand.” He tried to make me understand that he could not allow me inside without proper authorization.

“Oh right! I knew the security was tight. Just forgot,” I smiled at him. I knew about crazy fans of K-pop idols and the extent to which they were ready to go to meet them.

I looked in my purse and took out my phone. I opened the mail where I received the soft copy of the appointment letter and showed it to him.

“Right!” he said. He typed in something on his computer and went to his printer. He handed me a lanyard. “This is your temporary ID. Go to the 5th floor and report to the HR department, they will give you a permanent ID. After orientation, you can report to your department on the 11th floor. Ask for Choi Chung-Ho. He is the head of the department.”

“Thank you so much for your help,” I said with gratitude.

“Good luck and welcome to the team,” smiled the receptionist.

“Thanks again.” I smiled at him and went to the turnstiles he pointed at. I placed the temporary ID on the sensor screen and the turnstiles opened up. I made my way to the lift and climbed to the 5th floor.

Sheepishly, I looked around when a man approached me from behind.

“Are you lost?” he asked in Korean.

“Sorry. My name is Nivritti Rathod. I am supposed to start my job today. I am here for my orientation. The man at the reception told me to come to the 5th floor, the HR department,” I said.

“Okay English, no Korean,” exclaimed the man. Before I could reply he continued, “come with me.” I silently followed him.

He made me sit in a conference room and sign paper after paper. He gave me all the rules and regulations of the company. I was then sent to take my photograph and a new ID was made for me.

They gave me a hard copy of my appointment letter and other contracts. I placed the envelope neatly in my bag and placed the ID badge around my neck. I again climbed the lift.

You have no idea how happy I was, how free I was. While climbing up I took my badge in my hand and kept looking at it with awe. I had worked for big names before, but this was a welcome change. The K-pop scene was changing the world and I was about to work for the biggest media company in Korea.

The lift chimed and the doors opened. I stepped outside and looked at the floor. I read the signs and the production team, the script team and the art team were on the 11th floor.

I looked at the sign which read “SCRIPT DEPARTMENT”. Again, a deep breath and I charged in. I looked around for help, but everyone was busy with their work. I tapped on the shoulder of a nearby worker and asked him where I could find Choi Chung-Ho.

“Choi-ssi, this girl is here for you,” shouted the man.

Chung-Ho stood up from his seat and asked, “how may I help you?”

It was my first time meeting CH, I had no idea how close I would get to him. He treats me like his own daughter, and I will be eternally grateful. I answered, “um... my name is Nivritti. I here for the...”

Before I could complete my sentence, CH understood who I was. “Oh, you are the new girl.”


“Yes,” I replied.

“You are done with the HR?” asked CH. I nodded. “Come with me.” He signalled me to follow him.

“Yes, sir.”

“No need to call me sir. Call me Mr Choi or Choi-ssi,” interrupted CH. He showed me my seat and said, “This is your seat, you will work directly under me. Make yourself at home. There is a meeting in half an hour in the conference room. See that room.” He pointed at a big room on the floor. It was all windows and doors. Everything inside the conference room was completely visible. I could see shades that one could pull for privacy.

“Yes,” I replied.

“Meet everyone there. Meanwhile, get settled,” said CH.

“Thank you,” I smiled, and he smiled back.

Everything was new and charming. I was happy to see that. I placed all other important documents back inside my purse. For half an hour I kept staring at the system as I had nothing to do. Then, it was time for the meeting, and I was ready.

Everyone else started getting up from their seat and I followed suit. The chairs were quickly filled so I chose to stand at the back of the room. I had my notepad and my pen in my hand to make notes. I kept exhaling loudly as I was nervous.

In that meeting, we were told about Rencontre and asked to come up with ideas. It was after the meeting when I met with Yong and then you and your team. You know everything that happened after that. This was my life’s story.