Thriller Night Talk-Chapter 25: The timing of this resignation is too coincidental

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Chapter 25: The timing of this resignation is too coincidental


Editor-PerpetualMreow, Proofreader-Ghostie

He wasnโ€™t sure if his memory was affected by the prop masterโ€™s own capability to observe and remember, but Young Master Wei realized that he couldnโ€™t remember what โ€˜Yan Shuangshuangโ€™ had looked like. ๐‘๐˜ฆ๐˜ฅ๐‘›๐˜ฐ๐˜ท๐‘’๐˜ญ.๐‘๐˜ฐ๐‘š

He only knew that the other partyโ€™s face was small and exquisite, her chin was pointed and that her eyes were large and bright.

Wei Fuyuan, however, found that he had no impression of what her nose, mouth and aura were like.

While he was lost in thought, the woman next to her was still talking.

Wei Fuyuan just wanted to force himself to remember โ€˜Yan Shuangshuangโ€™sโ€™ appearance at first and didnโ€™t notice what she was talking about, but soon he noticed something strange.

That woman was babbling on and on about โ€˜Yan Shuangshuangโ€™sโ€™ appearance to the prop master.

โ€œโ€ฆ The bridge of her nose is very tall and straight, and the tip of her nose is slightly tilted. Itโ€™s very cute, isnโ€™t it?โ€

โ€œโ€ฆ She laughs and a pair of dimples appear on her cheeks. Sheโ€™s truly a little sweetheart.โ€

โ€œโ€ฆ Isnโ€™t this lipstick a good color too? It should be Macโ€™s Mocha milk tea, which really matches her heart-shaped lips.โ€

With the womanโ€™s seemingly random descriptions of โ€˜Yan Shuangshuangโ€™sโ€™ features, her face gradually became specific and clear.

She was a little beauty with a melon face, willow eyebrows, apricot eyes, an upturned nose and a small mouth. She had the kind of delicate, sweet and pure appearance that most conforms to the aesthetics of modern people.

The woman was still talking.

โ€œโ€ฆ Isnโ€™t Shuang Shuangโ€™s skirt nice? I picked it for her. This Beige matches her lovely snow-white skin.โ€

โ€œโ€ฆ Speaking of her outfit, her hairband is the same color as her skirtโ€ฆโ€

Through the props masterโ€™s eyes, the person, โ€˜Yan Shuangshuangโ€™, โ€œcame to lifeโ€ as Wei Fuyuan gradually noticed the other partyโ€™s clothes, in addition to her appearance.

At this time, โ€˜Yan Shuangshuangโ€™ finally spoke.

Her voice was soft and sweet, like a rice cake soaked in honey.

โ€˜Yan Shuangshuangโ€™ smiled shyly, said hello to the props master in a soft voice and sweetly called him โ€œbrother Xie.โ€.

Wei Fuyuan thought that such a girl was really charming and was definitely capable of attracting most straight men.

Unfortunately, for her, he was gay. In his opinion, this woman, daughter of the devil, who all men would fall madly in love with after a single glance was not nearly as charming as Bei Quan!


As soon as the idea flashed in his mind, Young Master Wei wanted to slap himself on the forehead and secretly scolded himself for being a fool.

โ€”โ€”It was not good to compare these two people. Why did he think about that thousand-year-old fox!

He forced himself to stop thinking and focus on the prop masterโ€™s memory.

At this time, the prop master was completely enchanted by โ€˜Yan Shuangshuangโ€™.

His attention was completely focused on โ€˜Yan Shuangshuangโ€™, and he hardly glanced at the unknown female colleague next to him.

Wei Fuyuan could only concentrate, grasping every short moment that passed, to confirm who the other woman was.


โ€œXiao Weiโ€ฆ Comrade Xiao Wei, open your eyes.โ€

Bei Quan sat on a park bench, while Wei Fuyuan lay across the bench, his head resting on his bossโ€™s lap.

Bei Quan slapped Wei Fuyuan on the cheek to wake him up.

Young Master Wei gave a low hum, slowly opened his eyes and came face to face with Bei Quanโ€™s smiling chestnut coloured pupils..


He suddenly turned over and sat up, covered his chest and began to cough violently.

โ€œCough, cough, cough!โ€

Bei Quan gently patted Wei Fuyuanโ€™s back and sighed regretfully:

โ€œHey, let me just say it. Well, itโ€™s actually more convenient to hit the back of the head.โ€

Wei Fuyuan finally calmed his anger, turned his head and stared at Bei Quan ferociously.

Bei Quan immediately realized the condemnation in the opponentโ€™s eyes.

He spread his hands out innocently:

โ€œThere is no other way, either slap the chest or the back, or the back of the head. You can only choose one of the two.โ€

Wei Fuyuan really wanted to resign on the spot, but when he saw Bei Quanโ€™s smile, all those thoughts dissipated. Wei Fuyuan took a few deep breaths before sharing the information he had obtained. He calmed his emotions and turned to Bei Quan.

โ€œI saw โ€˜Yan Shuangshuangโ€™ and her colleagues.โ€

โ€œVery good.โ€

Bei Quan praised him.

โ€œNow letโ€™s go back. Sort out the information on hand.โ€

Wei Fuyuan turned his head and looked at the bench next to himโ€”the prop master was laying on the back of the chair, still unconscious.

Wei Fuyuan asked, โ€œThen what should we do about this guy?โ€

โ€œJust leave him here.โ€


Bei Quan spread his hands indifferently, โ€œHe will wake up later.โ€ He smiled slightly, โ€œItโ€™s fine. He will forget everything when he wakes up.โ€


โ€œItโ€™s her!โ€

Wei Fuyuan pointed at the photograph of a personal profile in front of Bei Quan and exclaimed excitedly, โ€œThis is the woman I saw in that surname Xieโ€™s memories!โ€

Bei Quan took the file and scanned it quickly in a glance, and the corners of his lips slightly lifted.

โ€œWell, thatโ€™s very interestingโ€ฆโ€

Wei Fuyuan leaned over, โ€œOh?โ€

Bei Quan turned to his side to make it easier for Wei Fuyuan to take a look.

Wei Fuyuan only knew that the other party in the prop masterโ€™s memory was surnamed โ€œMoโ€. Fortunately, Bei Quan had vast and powerful connections, and was able to quickly get the list of all the female employees surnamed Mo in Lisa Media.

Lisa Media had a total of 12 women surnamed Mo in the whole company; there were eight between the ages of 20 and 35. Wei Fuyuan looked up and down the list but wasnโ€™t able to find anyone whose appearance matched what he had seen in the memory.

This result surprised Bei Quan. After thinking for a while, he decided to expand the search scope and transfer the information of the recently resigned employees.

And they finally found the โ€œlittle Moโ€ whom the props master met that fateful day.

The girlโ€™s name was Mo Yuqing. She was 26 years old and was an executive assistant.

Even from Wei Fuyuanโ€™s standards for aesthetics as a gay individual, he had to admit this Miss Mo Yuqing could certainly be called a โ€œbeauty.โ€

Compared with โ€˜Yan Shuangshuangโ€™sโ€™ pitiful and weak temperament, Mo Yuqing was more glamorous and clearly was not a pushover.

Mo Yuqing in the photo had sharp facial features and gorgeous makeup. If she was a few years younger, she could have easily entered the entertainment industry.

It was reasonable to say that, with this appearance, Mo Yuqing should be given preferential treatment wherever she was. In an industry that attaches great importance to appearance such as the media, as long as her working ability was not poor to the point of anger and resentment, her future should have been bright.

And truly, Mo Yuqing had not suffered at Lisa Media.

On the contrary, she was the main representative of her department. She had also been praised by her superiors, colleagues and customers, and was highly appreciated by the leaders. Many people speculated that she would have been promoted and raised to a higher position soon and embark on a new peak in her career.

However, only 20 days ago, Mo Yuqing had suddenly resigned.

Originally, the company stipulated that the resignation should be one month in advance, and generally, to facilitate the settlement of wages, the resignation date would be selected at the middle or end of the month.

But Mo Yuqing hadnโ€™t done that. Sheโ€™d sent an email to the leader on April 4th, saying that she had to resign immediately because of something at home and would not go to work the next day.

Originally, the resignation did not meet the formalities and was indeed a bit weird. It was reasonable to say that the superior should have intervened.

At that time, however, Lisa Media had just had a murder case in which Shen Xing had killed Xu Ziye, and they were being closely watched by various media.The public relations department was also busy, and the entire company was going through a rough time. Thus, Mo Yuqing was not the only one who resigned.

The frequent personnel changes in that month made the leaders of all departments worry. No one had the leisure to care about the whereabouts of a former employee who no longer came to work.

โ€œThe timing of this resignation is too convenient.โ€

Wei Fuyuan frowned, โ€œShen Xing killed Xu Ziye on the 2nd, and Mo Yuqing resigned two days laterโ€ฆโ€

He turned to Bei Quan and said, โ€œIโ€™m pretty sure that Mo Yuqing is the โ€˜Xiaoqingโ€™ who called us!โ€

Then Wei Fuyuan touched his chin, โ€œNo wonder she said that she didnโ€™t know about โ€˜Sโ€™ when she called. It turns out that she was no longer working for Lisa Media.โ€

He thought for a moment and asked, โ€œSo what role did this person play in the case?โ€

โ€œGood question.โ€ Bei Quan smiled and nodded, โ€œLetโ€™s take a look at the clues at hand.โ€


According to โ€˜Xiaoqingโ€™, that was, Mo Yuqing, the series of strange incidents at Lisa Media Company began when they recruited a new intern, โ€˜Sโ€™, that was, โ€˜Yan Shuangshuangโ€™.

Mo Yuqing described โ€˜Yan Shuangshuangโ€™ as a โ€œdaughter of the devil.โ€ She portrayed her as a woman who could attract and make any man who saw her fall madly in love.

However, after careful investigation, they found that โ€˜Yan Shuangshuangโ€™sโ€™ identity was strange.

After a thorough examination, they discovered that โ€˜Yan Shuangshuangโ€™sโ€™ identity was also unusual. Not only was there no such individual found in the personnel file, but even the female employees in the firm did not think such a person existed.

But when Wei Fuyuan inquired into the memory of the prop master, he did see โ€˜Yan Shuangshuangโ€™ as weak and slender as a small white flower, and Mo Yuqing beside her.

Bei Quan drew a circle around the name โ€œYan Shuangshuangโ€ with a red pen.

โ€œNow, Iโ€™m 90% sure that โ€˜Yan Shuangshuangโ€™ is the incarnation of Hui Gui in this case.โ€

As far as they knew, the only lady who could see โ€˜Yan Shuangshuangโ€™ was Mo Yuqing, who had called the [Thriller Night Talk] hotline, which is suspicious.


Young Master Wei suddenly patted his thigh.

โ€œI felt something was wrong from the beginning. Now Iโ€™ve finally figured it out!โ€

Bei Quan tilted his head slightly.

โ€œDo you remember Mo Yuqingโ€™s detailed description of โ€˜Yan Shuangshuangโ€™sโ€™ appearance when she called us?โ€ Wei Fuyuan said.

โ€œWhen I was in Xieโ€™s memories, I saw her do it again!โ€

Bei Quan, โ€œOh?โ€

Wei Fuyuan asked, โ€œWhen you introduce me to others, you just say my name and position, right?โ€

โ€œYou donโ€™t describe to others how tall and handsome I am or what clothes and belt I wear. Are others blind and canโ€™t see for themselves?โ€

His tone was very natural as he complimented himself.

โ€œIsnโ€™t it unnecessary to be so specific in an introduction that youโ€™d go as far as tell others about how Iโ€™m a handsome man with eight-pack abs and a mermaid line?โ€

Bei Quan smiled and nodded, โ€œThat makes sense.โ€

โ€œAnd I noticed one more thing!โ€

Wei Fuyuan became more and more excited as he spoke, his voice increased in volume, and his words increased in speed subconsciously. He was as excited as a husky, eager to express himself.

โ€œAt the beginning, it was like looking at flowers in the fog. I couldnโ€™t see โ€˜Yan Shuangshuangโ€™sโ€™ appearance at all. I only had a vague impression that she should have a melon seed face and big eyes.โ€

โ€œBut as Mo Yuqingโ€™s description became more specific, I gradually had a specific understanding of her appearance, such as the shape of her nose and lips, what lipstick she was wearing, what clothes were on her and so on.โ€

โ€œThere are some details that Mo Yuqing didnโ€™t mention, but I could โ€˜seeโ€™.

But itโ€™s not so much that I saw it with my eyes, it was more as if I was making it up by myself according to what I expected of the otherโ€™s appearance and temperament!โ€

Young Master Wei paused.

โ€œIn other words, โ€˜Yan Shuangshuangโ€™sโ€™ appearance seemed like it was being โ€œcreatedโ€ as Mo Yuqing described what she was supposed to look like!โ€

Proofreader Ghostieโ€™s Gossip night talk *^*:

Ghostie nomming melon seeds: here we have a peacock in his natural habitat flaunting his bright plumes trying to woo a thousand years old fox who may or maynot be secretly adoring the said peacock.

Btw Iโ€™m trying to pick a name between โ€˜smol peacock masterโ€™ and โ€˜silly husky princessโ€™ for our familyโ€™s little master Wei.

Tell me what you think suits better. ^^