This Witch Transmigrated into the Romantic Novel's Supporting Role-Chapter 254: Funeral

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Chapter 254

At Old Master Chi's funeral, many people came, including business and political elites. Chi Yan held Old Master Chi's portrait and stood at the front with Chi's Eldest Uncle, while Chu Yang stood behind him. This gesture told the world that Chi Yan would be the main decision-maker for the Chi Corporation from now on.

Some very elderly people also came, supported by their children and grandchildren, with tears in their eyes. These were Old Master Chi's close friends, who paid their respects and then shook hands with Chi Yan and the others.

Chu's Dad, Chu's Mom, and Chu Luo also came. They had learned about Chu Yang's pregnancy, which would normally be joyous news, but the sadness of Old Master Chi's passing overshadowed it.

Many funeral attendees were seeing all the Chi family members together for the first time, mainly because the Chi family was usually very low-profile. Chi's Eldest Uncle and Chi's Eldest Aunt were rarely in the country, Chi Yan's parents seldom participated in social events in Jing City, and Chi Xin moved in different circles.

"Is that the future matriarch of the Chi Corporation?"

"I've noticed that everyone in the Chi family is incredibly good-looking, especially the two young ones."

"Old Master Chi lived a life without regrets: filial children, outstanding grandchildren. I hear Chi Yan is quite capable."

"Yes, and the eldest grandson seems to be doing very well in politics."

"In any case, it's better to be friends with the Chi family than enemies."

After kneeling for a while, Chi Yan turned to Chu Yang during a break and said, "Yang, are you tired? Do you want to rest for a bit?" After all, Chu Yang was pregnant.

Chu Yang shook her head, "I'm fine, I can keep going."

Zhao Yun, standing next to her, supported her, "Lean on me. If you're tired, go rest. Grandfather wouldn't mind."


After Old Master Chi was buried, Chi's Eldest Aunt soon returned to her work post thousands of miles away, with Chi's Eldest Uncle accompanying her. Chi Jin did the same.

Chi Yan and Chu Yang moved back to the old family home. Chu's Mom had been staying there recently to take care of Chu Yang and advise her on pregnancy matters. Zhao Yun joined in, and the two mothers spent their days discussing pregnancy and child-rearing with Chu Yang.

But Chu's Mom couldn't stay in Jing City forever, so after a few days, she returned home with Chu's Dad. The crops in the fields needed tending, and Chu Yang had plenty of people to look after her. Before leaving, Chu's Mom instructed Chu Luo, "Remember to come and take care of your sister when you have time, okay?"

"I know."

"Pregnant women come first, so don't upset your sister, no matter what."

Chu Luo thought to himself, "Who could upset her?" But he said aloud, "I know, I know."

After Chu's parents left, Chu Yang said to Zhao Yun, "Mom, you should go take care of your business too. I'm fine now, and there are people here to look after me. It's okay."

Zhao Yun did have some research to do, but it wasn't urgent. "It's alright, I'll stay a few more days."

Chi Yan, however, was troubled. At night, his mother kept watching him sleep. When Chu's Mom was there, both mothers watched him. They even suggested, "Why don't you and Yang sleep in separate rooms? I'm worried your sleeping habits might disturb her."

Chi Yan thought to himself, "Absolutely not!" But he said, "I sleep very well, I won't disturb her at all. If she needs to use the bathroom or drink water at night, I'll wake up immediately."

"You need to behave yourself during the first trimester, understand?"

Chi Yan nodded vigorously, "I understand, I understand."

"Even after the first trimester, you need to behave."

Chi Yan: "Of course, of course. I'll definitely behave."

After countless warnings, Zhao Yun finally went back to work.

Due to her pregnancy, Chu Yang was driven to and from school by a chauffeur. If she didn't return home for lunch, Wen Yi would deliver nutritious meals to the school.

The baby wasn't causing much trouble, so Chu Yang didn't need to take a leave of absence from school. She just had more people attending to her needs.

However, Chu Yang discovered that her witch powers had decreased by half due to the pregnancy, with the other half being absorbed by the baby. As she rubbed her belly, Chu Yang thought that this child would likely inherit her talents.

Three months later, Chu Yang received wedding invitations from Jin Yang and Wei Feng. After graduation, they had both stayed in Jing City. Jin Yang became a high school teacher, while Wei Feng entered the government system.

Jin Yang and Wei Feng invited only close friends to their wedding. Qian Xin and Zhou Caicai had returned to their hometown but flew back for Jin Yang's wedding.

Chu Yang would occasionally go shopping with Jin Yang when she had free time, but she hadn't seen Qian Xin and Zhou Caicai in a long time. Jin Yang's wedding finally brought the group back together.

The day before Jin Yang's wedding, they held a final bachelorette party. Chu Yang attended but couldn't drink alcohol due to her pregnancy, so she stuck to fruit juice and couldn't stay out too late.

Meanwhile, Chi Yan attended Wei Feng's bachelor party. ƒгeewё

"I heard Yan is going to be a father. As expected of Yan, he's the first among us! Impressive!"

Chi Yan took a drink, "Don't talk about me. Tonight's not about me, it's about Feng. You should be taking care of him."

Wei Feng said, "I'm just asking for your advice. After all, Yan, you have experience. You seem to have a good relationship with the boss lady even after marriage. How do you maintain that?"

"Know when to back down. Don't stick to that 'real men don't apologize' nonsense. At home, your wife comes first."

"I think we forgot that Yan is henpecked."

Everyone laughed.

Chi Yan looked at Wei Feng, "Oh? So Feng isn't?" He had seen Wei Feng being chased and hit by Jin Yang, a big man begging for mercy from a petite woman.

Wei Feng's ears turned red as he rubbed his head, "A... a little."

The others burst into laughter.

Someone nearby sighed, "I get it now. Only men who are afraid of their girlfriends or wives can find girlfriends and wives."

"That's... a strange way to put it. You don't even have a girlfriend and you're already afraid?"

Everyone laughed again.

Wei Feng interjected, "Hey, hey, what's this about being afraid? It's about respect and love!"

"Wow~~~" Everyone started teasing him.

After a short while, Chi Yan got up to leave.

"Hey, Yan, where are you going?"

Chi Yan replied matter-of-factly, "To pick up my wife. Tonight is your bachelor party, it doesn't have much to do with a married man like me. Besides, my wife is pregnant and needs to rest early. I'm off." With that, he left.

Jin Yang's party was on the other side. Chi Yan politely knocked on the door, and when everyone saw it was him, they looked at Chu Yang.

Chu Yang quickly got up, "I'll be going now. Have fun, everyone."

"Okay. Take care and rest well. The baby is most important."

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"I will. Bye-bye."


Chi Yan put his arm around Chu Yang as they left, with a group of envious women behind them.

"Yang looks so happy, and she's pregnant too. Their child is going to be super cute."

Jin Yang immediately raised her hand, "I call dibs on being the godmother. Don't fight me for it!"

The others quickly raised their hands too. "I can be godmother number two!"

"I'll be number three!"

Everyone burst into laughter.