This Bastard is Too Competent-Chapter 165: The Will of Council of Elders

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Chapter 165: The Will of Council of Elders

“I must claim the throne here and now.”

Ian’s words were quite provocative.

But it wasn’t just mere words.


At Ian’s aura, the royal sword trembled, as if at any moment he could strike down the man before him at his command.

The twelfth seat—no, King Eloin seemed lost in thought for a moment, but quickly realized that he couldn’t deceive Ian. He quickly spoke.

“How did you know?”

His disguise had been flawless.

Ian smiled openly.

“Isn’t blood thicker than water?”


“They say a parent always knows their child. But it’s equally true that a child can recognize their parents.”

Ian had seen through it from the very beginning.

However, King Eloin did not believe him.

‘No one has ever seen through it before. And he saw through it at a glance?’

Neither did the cold-hearted First Princess.

Even the Third Prince, who had a great sense of perception, failed to notice him as he stood in front of him.

It was inevitable.

Because what King Eloin was using was.

[Shadow’s Reflection]

It was one of his abilities.

This ability allowed him to distort his presence, appearing different to others by altering his aura, mana flow, and even his very essence.

Moreover, he could leave behind a doppelganger that acts and thinks just like him.

It was an ability finely tuned for the king’s stealth.

Thus, Ian’s realization was, indeed, astonishing.

‘Even the empress, who shares blood with him, or Lila, Ian’s mother, had not sensed it.’

Up to this point, the only one to have picked up on even a faint trace of it was the First Prince. Even he had not been entirely certain.

Yet, Ian had discerned it effortlessly.

‘Could it be mere luck?’

No, that was unlikely.

He had the power of the Seven Virtues, so with that power, he could certainly notice.

But Ian smiled for a different reason.

‘There were many factors that allowed me to notice.’

The way he’d taken an interest in Elaira behind him from the moment he’d walked in rather than in himself.

But the thing that recognized him most were those eyes.

‘That gaze.’

At first glance, it seemed like there was no emotion at all.

But in reality, those eyes held a burning ambition, as if ready to set the world on fire at any moment.

But the important thing now was not the king’s identity.

“I must caution you against revealing your true self to my mother or sister.”


“Your Majesty… No, Father, you lack the right to do so.”


The king’s unexpected appearance after sending a messenger indicating otherwise was quite emotional.

But Ian pointed to the king’s appearance now.

“If you couldn’t come here with a clear conscience, why did you come at all?”

It was clear this meeting would hurt both his mother and sister. At those words, the king’s expression hardened.

“Even so, I have come to see you.”

As a king, he had no choice.

While one reason was to evade scrutiny from the empress and other nobles, the looming fear of losing them once more, as he had in the past, also weighed heavily on him.

It would be better for everyone if he pretended not to be interested and met them in secret.

But Ian didn’t think so.

“Whose benefit is this truly for? Is it solely for Your Majesty’s sake?”

“What do you mean?”

“Did you really think they’d be happy meeting in such a way, hiding from others? Without even being acknowledged properly, treated as if unworthy?”


Ian knew.

He understood how much a person could be made miserable by humble origins and a king’s indifference.

He had already endured it all in his previous life. Yet, if in this life his mother or sister were subjected to such treatment…

‘I cannot allow it.’

But King Eloin still had something to say.

“I am the father.”

“And until now, you were a father she didn’t even know existed.”

“That child wants to see me.”

“She is already disappointed and has cried. Do you intend to bring her more disappointment?”


Of course, Elaira might be happy just by seeing King Eloin.

But not Ian.

“If you’re only going to hurt them from the beginning, then don’t bother meeting at all. No, I won’t even allow that meeting.”


That was what was best for those two.

Ian’s words left the king unable to refute.

But he can’t seem to break his will.

As a father, he couldn’t do anything about it.

Ian nodded as if to say he understood it.

‘You cannot completely cut off human relations.’

But if he tried to completely exclude the king, he would surely be met with great resistance.

So Ian slowly lowered his sword.

“If not as the king, I will allow you to observe them from afar as the twelfth seat.”

The king made a bewildered expression at those words.

No one had ever addressed him in such a manner before.

His gaze seemed to convey a silent message:

‘How dare you impose conditions on me?’

‘Even as the king of Bahara, do you not realize you cannot command me?’

Nonetheless, Ian raised his eyebrows resolutely.

“As Lila’s son and Elaira’s brother, I make this request of you for the first and last time, Father.”


“If you refuse my offer…”

Losing one son in this moment was already too much.


He was challenging the king, almost as if he was a contender for succession.

A gaze that said he couldn’t forgive any more, even if it was his own father.

“What is your decision?”

King Eloin let out a soft sigh.

“Very well. Do as you wish.”

It wasn’t fear of fighting with Ian.

It was because the Black Lion Knights were hiding around, out of sight.

He knew that if he fought and got hurt, he might never see his wife and daughter again.

Even being able to see them from a distance was better than nothing.

And right at that moment…

“Then let’s go.”

“To where?”

“Weren’t you here to see them? I’ll introduce you as one of the Twelfth Seats of the Black Lion Knights.”


At Ian’s words, King Eloin’s eyes widened.

Ian had acted as if he intended to cut all ties until now, and suddenly he was being invited back in.

Ian smiled with a hint of amusement.

‘Throughout my past and present, I’ve never felt unjust.’

In his previous life, he had lost his mother early on, leaving no room to feel maternal affection. But Elaira, his younger sister, was different.

‘I want her to experience the family affection I never had.’

He didn’t know why.

It wasn’t simply because she was his younger sister.

There was an uncomfortable feeling in a corner of his heart, as if he owed her something.

It was definitely connected to something from his past life.


“Very well, let’s proceed.”

Accompanied by the Twelfth Seat and not King Eloin, Ian made his way towards Duke Lavaltor’s office.


Upon arriving at Duke Lavaltor’s office with the Twelfth Seat, Ian found Elaira next to their mother, Lila.

Though she tried to hide it, her eyes were red and swollen.

“Who is that person?”

“You can call him ‘that guy’ instead of ‘that person’.”

King Eloin stared at Ian intently at his words.

“His Majesty sent him. Although he seems to have a bad temper, his skills seem decent.”

King Eloin continued to stare at him as if to say, “Look at this.”

However, whether acknowledging his gaze or not, Ian ignored Eloin’s gaze and smiled broadly.

“What are you doing? Not even introducing yourself.”

“I am Cain of the twelfth seat.”

King Eloin naturally stepped forward, implying a ‘let’s see’ attitude, and introduced himself.

Lila greeted him with a smile.

“Nice to meet you. Please take care of me in the future.”

“I will protect both of you with my life.”

“You don’t have to go that far.”

“No, I absolutely will protect you.”

King Eloin’s eyes filled with warmth as he looked at Lila and Elaira.

Effortlessly, he positioned himself behind them, as if it were his rightful place all along. His demeanor was so flawless that anyone would assume he was on duty.

However, Ian’s focus was not on him.

Galon approached quietly and whispered, “Your Highness, a messenger has arrived from the royal palace.”

At the mention of the palace, Ian immediately turned his attention to King Eloin.

Yet, the king seemed engrossed in observing Lila and Elaira in his guise as the twelfth seat.

Galon, seemingly unaware of the king’s identity, continued speaking to Ian while keeping an eye on Cain.

“The messenger has arrived with orders for your immediate presence at the palace. It appears… the succession war has come to a conclusion.”

“Is that so?”

Ian’s eyes sparked with interest.

It appeared that King Eloin had done something before leaving secretly.

‘Since he slipped out secretly, perhaps he even set up a decoy?’

For now, he decided to play dumb about it.

Thanks to that, a smile crept onto Ian’s face.

‘Here, he’s not a king, but the twelfth seat, after all.’

That didn’t matter then.

Ian stood up and headed toward the reception room to meet the messenger.

‘There might be someone who recognizes my mother, after all.’

He wanted to conceal their presence.

But upon encountering the messenger in the reception room, Ian couldn’t help but be surprised.

“Who might you be?”

“I am Count Lorencia.”

He wasn’t just any royal messenger.

“Aren’t you a noble from the Council of Elders?”

“Ah, Your Highness remembers. It is an honor for my family. Your Highness.”

The middle-aged count, bearing the emblem of a dragon’s wing on his chest denoting his position, was representing the Council of Elders.

Ian looked at the Count in surprise.

“I wonder why someone like you has come to deliver the king’s message.”

“I am here to convey the council’s position along with the king’s summons to the palace.”

“Council’s… position?”

Count Lorencia smiled, his gaze possibly directed towards Elaira in the next room.

“The Council of Elders extends a warm welcome to Princess Elaira. Therefore, I hope that both of you will enter the palace together.”


Ian’s expression hardened.

Even if his father, the King, had only recently become aware of Elaira’s existence, it was remarkable how well-informed the Council appeared to be.

However, this wasn’t necessarily a bad thing for both Ian and Elaira.

‘If my sister can be acknowledged as a princess… it will ensure her safety.’

Regardless of the Holy Empire’s might, they would hesitate to act rashly against Kaistein.

Being a princess offered more security than being a mere saintess.

“Very well. Let’s do that.”

“That is a wise decision.”

But just at that moment, the count smiled while looking toward the next room, as if representing the Council of Elders’s position.

“I must clarify, though… only you, the prince, and the princess are to enter the palace.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Your mother, Lila, has not been granted permission to enter.”


Lila’s current status was that of a slave.

“Moreover, it has come to my attention that she is currently being pursued by the Holy Empire. Perhaps if she were a saintess, things would be different, but the Council of Elders has decided that they cannot go to war with the Holy Empire over a mere slave.”

“Are you aware that the person you’re speaking of is the mother of me and my sister?”

“Of course. However, just because she bore royal children doesn’t mean that she herself is entitled to royal status, does it?”

Like drawing a line on a pumpkin doesn’t turn it into a watermelon.

T/N : English proverb is putting lipstick on a pig.

It was an arrogant look that said that even if you bore royal seed, you weren’t accepted as part of the royal family until the Council of Elders’s approval was granted.

Ian asked in a cold voice.

“What happens if I decline?”

“If that’s the case, then the prince’s qualifications for succession will be null and void. If you’re satisfied with being the King of Bahara, then you may proceed as you wish.”


Ian’s body trembled.

Though he didn’t show it outwardly, it was evident that he was struggling to suppress the rising anger and killing intent within him.

Believing Ian had comprehended the situation, the count smiled and departed.

“Then I shall take my leave, trusting that you grasp the intentions of the Council of Elders.”

Ian’s gaze remained cold as he observed the count’s departure.

Galon cautiously interjected, “Are you alright, Your Highness?”

No matter what, they were family he had lost for a long time.

How could he let himself be dragged along like this by the family he had finally found, wondering if he would be led as they wished?

“Sir Galon.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Go and bring my sister and mother.”

“Your Highness?”

“We must go to the palace together.”


Galon widened his eyes.

“Are you saying… you intend to give up your qualification as Kaistein’s successor?”

However, Ian replied with a chilling smile.

He tightened his grip on the royal sword and said, “I can’t let a bunch of bastards who aren’t even the king run roughshod over my sister and mother.”

If they wouldn’t accept him, he would ensure they had no choice but to do so.

He aimed to impart a bitter lesson to those who dared to negotiate with him for the throne.

With that, Ian’s gaze remained icy.