There's Something Wrong With This Account-Chapter 253 - : 253,Lu Xun’s Popularity (Thanks to the Alliance Hierarch “Nothing to Seek and Can’t Seek” for the reward)

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Chapter 253: 253,Lu Xun’s Popularity (Thanks to the Alliance Hierarch “Nothing to Seek and Can’t Seek” for the reward)

Translator: 549690339

These past few days, the Demon Sect has been steadily hosting its Outer Sect competition.

Now, the Outer Sect competition is nearing its end, with only the top eight competitors remaining.

Interestingly, none of the remaining competitors are players.

It’s not that the Demon Sect’s players are lame, but the game hasn’t been out long enough for the players to level up significantly. Even if their gameplay and awareness are impressive, they still can’t bridge the gap.

Simply put, Demon Sect players are currently lacking, but they won’t always be.

Among the top eight competitors, Ji Li stands out as the most eye-catching.

Her pretty face, “D-cup” figure, and talent slightly inferior to the World Protagonist have all made her the most noticeable among this batch of Outer Sect Disciples.

Actually, Xu Zhongcheng’s talent and cultivation base are not inferior to Ji Li’s at all, but sadly he doesn’t have the same advantages as Ji Li, being an average-looking guy, so he can’t compete with her.

On the forums, under the organization of some rich players, betting has begun on the final placements of the Demon Sect Outer Sect competition.

Lu Xun checked and saw that Ji Li had the most supporters.

The jokester players all sent their blessings to her.

“Xu Zhongcheng has a determined look in his eyes, broad shoulders, and an impressive physique. His qualifications and cultivation are impeccable. Therefore, I support Ji Li!”

“Ji Li’s looks and figure are my ideal. I choose Ji Li!” freewebnøvel.coɱ

“It seems she has a special relationship with the Purple Palace. I also choose Ji Li!”

“Can you guys get a grip? This is about betting money! What does appearance have to do with anything? Ji Li, I love you!”

Only a few players supported Xu Zhongcheng and their comments were something like:

“Wow! His nostrils are so big, I really like them~”

Unlike the spectators on the forum, the Demon Sect players were nervous.

Because they had all been eliminated, but the task they received from Lu Xun still couldn’t be completed yet.

“Seems like we have to wait for the Outer Sect competition to end before we could submit the task,” the players thought to themselves.

What they were anxious about was not completing the task, after all, from the task’s contents, there is an experience points reward for the top three players, but not for the rest.

What they were worried about was whether they could become the sword-servicing boy… under the Purple Palace!

Lu Xun did not give a specific criteria, nor did he say anyone who ranks a particular position could become his sword-servicing boy. Therefore, the task’s outcome was uncertain, and no one knew if they had a chance.

They privately discussed it amongst themselves. Those with negative mentalities even believed that no Demon Sect player was eligible, especially considering no one even made it to the top eight.

The short Cai Jiangjiang was in the crowd of players, unable to see Lu Xun sitting on the high platform because she was blocked by the taller players around her.

“Sigh, I was eliminated so early, I probably don’t have a chance to become the Purple Palace’s sword-servant girl now, do I?” She sighed in her heart.

Her strong point is tactical command, a key player in group battles, but she really is just average in individual matches and couldn’t perform well, hence she was eliminated early.

This woman with a childlike body and mature heart really wanted to get close to Lu Xun, not just for her future career development, but also because Lu Xun was her type – a real catch!

“Looks like I’ll have to look for another opportunity.” she fist-pumped internally.

She was thinking about all this while glancing at the young boy standing next to her and the small… green turtle lying on his head.

This boy went from being unnoticeable to shocking all the players in just a few short days.

He seemed to get stronger with each fight and he’s not even a professional player!

In the end, he actually stormed to second place among the players!

This seemingly simple-minded boy is Han Bagui.

However, his achievements wouldn’t have been possible without Lu Xun’s help. For every match he won, he received 2000 experience points. So, he really did get stronger with each match, particularly as far as experience points were concerned.

Compared to him, Mo Guanji, who was also “assisted” by the “old man”, was a total failure, managing only an above-average rank by relying on his lackluster gameplay.

He had already surprised a huge number of players by achieving this rank.

“How can this noob called Mo Guanji keep getting stronger?”

“His skills are average, but he barely scrapes through every time!”

“His leveling speed is insane. I have no idea where he’s getting all his experience points. If I had that many, I’d already be on cloud nine!”

Mo Guanji was content with his final ranking. And Han Bagui didn’t think much of it; he seemed absolutely indifferent to his rank.

Actually, at this moment, it wasn’t just Cai Jiangjiang watching Han Bagui. Many professional players were also keeping an eye on him.

After all, he hadn’t joined any professional clubs or even a guild. He was worth wining and dining!

Cai Jiangjiang thought to herself, “Even if this Han Bagui leveled up more slowly, his rank wouldn’t be bad. His gaming skills are top-notch. This kind of player is born for competition!”

She decided that she wanted to find a chance to connect with Han Bagui, who had suddenly made a name for himself, to see if she could get him to join her club.

She had absolute confidence in her ability to win people’s hearts.

Pure-hearted little girl, invincible!


On the ring, Ji Li’s longsword collided with a long blade, knocking her opponent off the ring.

Ji Li, who had won the match, calmly said, “Thank you for the duel, senior brother.”

The man who lost got up and said, “Er…Senior Sister Ji Li, I actually joined the sect later than you. I just grew up a little faster…”

As he was talking, he realized that Ji Li had already lost interest. She was looking at the high platform, meeting eyes with Lu Xun who was sitting on top.

Lu Xun smiled at her, then nodded. Ji Li immediately clenched her small fists in excitement, as if she had received the greatest praise.

She hadn’t cared about her ranking before, but now she wanted to win all the way. She wanted to be number one!

“Come on, Ji Li!” she cheered for herself.

Lu Xun watched Ji Li on the stage with amusement.

Ji Li had performed even better than he’d imagined. It wasn’t in vain that he had whipped her daily before returning to the sect.

After getting beaten by Lu Xun day after day, Ji Li had improved her skills quite a bit.

She had now become a representative figure among the outer sect disciples. She symbolized the highest combat power of the Demon Sect’s outer disciples and had made the sect proud in public.

Because of this, Lu Xun felt a sense of shared glory.

Finally, as everyone had guessed earlier, Ji Li and Xu Zhongcheng made it to the finals.

When the two of them stepped onto the stage, the audience’s reactions were markedly different.

Ji Li was met with deafening cheers, while Xu Zhongcheng’s entrance was met with less enthusiastic applause.

Xu Zhongcheng didn’t mind. He knew if he were in the audience, he would definitely be cheering for Junior Sister Ji Li.

He just wanted to put on a good show, be himself, and do it…in front of the Young Elder!

Xu Zhongcheng looked up at the high platform, his eyes fervent.

Young Elder was the one he admired the most.

Lu Xun felt his gaze and thought, “Was he just looking at me?”

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Why does Xu Zhongcheng look like a fanboy when he looks at me?

Could this be a showdown between my male and female fans?

(PS: Thanks to Alliance Hierarch “I have no wish and can not wish” for the 100,000 Qidian Coins reward. We’re one step closer to the “Century Alliance War”.

By the way, I originally wanted to take a New Year’s vacation, but I felt like you all must be bored at home in self-quarantine. I decided to come back and update my novel, though my update speed can only provide a few minutes of entertainment for you guys per day, haha!)