There's Something Wrong With This Account-Chapter 251 - : 251、Sword Embryo Master and Apprentice

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Chapter 251: 251、Sword Embryo Master and Apprentice

Translator: 549690339

Just as Lu Xun finished speaking, Xiao Ran’s expression changed involuntarily, and her eyes began to sparkle!

Her heartbeat started to accelerate, and her gaze towards Lin Chan became different.

Xiao Ran was a naturally combative person. Among the several world protagonists, she was the most enthusiastic about fighting.

After the foreign invasion, she was always among those at the very front lines, her figure holding two gigantic axes always in sight.

For such a belligerent individual, to have the chance to spar with two natural sword embryos in one night, this was absolutely a top-notch pleasure!

At this moment, Xiao Ran was so excited she was almost trembling!

Little Chan peeked at Xiao Ran and found her elder sister kind of scary…

Lu Xun, standing to the side, looked up at the clouds in the sky, speculating about everyone’s reactions.

At this moment, the high sky above Yanwu Peak was exceptionally lively.

The words Lu Xun had just spoken exploded like a bomb!

Here on their visit to the Demon Sect, they initially thought they had seen all the new generation of genius disciples, especially since even Lu Xun had made a move. They thought they had a basic understanding of the Demon Sect’s new generation.

But they didn’t expect there to be another one hiding!

And what’s hidden is a rare, once in a thousand years natural sword embryo!

Master and disciple both have sword embryos!

News of Lu Xun being a natural sword embryo was already known worldwide, so even if he performed exceptionally well, people wouldn’t be too surprised because they already had expectations of Lu Xun.

But Lin Chan was different.

This quiet little mute girl, who seemed to follow Lu Xun everywhere with an obedient and sensible demeanor, if you didn’t know better, you’d think she was Lu Xun’s personal maid.

But this seemingly unremarkable girl possesses the highest potential in the path of the sword?

In the center of the crowd, over a dozen gazes fell on Shen Yan.

The faces of the two elders from One Sword Mountain and Ten Thousand Sword Mountain both froze. They stopped minding their manners at this moment, one grabbing Shen Yan’s left wrist, and the other his right, their faces screaming, “I need a definite answer.”

The two elders from the Sacred Land of Sword Path asked in unison: “Is this true? Are they really natural sword embryos!?”

Shen Yan, with his egg-like face, squeezed out an ugly smile and said, “It’s true!”

Shen Ludan was known for his stinginess in the Cultivation World.

And how stingy was he?

This chapt𝒆r is updated by frёewebηovel.cѳm.

He’d even split a penis into two halves and use it two times!

Even though the title of ‘Master and Disciple Double Sword Embryos’ was grand, he had to scare people twice with it.

And an occasion like today was, of course, the most suitable.

There were high-ranked members from seven great sects present, and this Outer Sect Competition was drawing worldwide attention.

The great cultivators were all old acquaintances. They had just sat in the Demon Sect Main Hall, chatting over tea, and mainly…no, not mainly, bragging was the main activity.

When a group of bragging experts gather together, everyone tends to brag about themselves.

They’d boast about how awesome they were, reminiscing about the challenging old days, but they could never agree on who was more amazing!

As the host, Shen Yan and a few peak masters had to go along with it all, they had to be humble, otherwise, it would look as if the host lacks quality.

Of course, when they visit other sects, they also brag and show off, and they are among the ones who can do it best.

Shen Yan and the others had been holding back their feelings for a while now, but at this moment, they felt completely relieved!

The expressions of the two elders from One Sword Mountain and Ten Thousand Sword Mountain were complicated, and their feelings even more so.

Ever since the founder of the sword path passed away, no natural sword embryos had appeared in this so-called sword cultivation holy land.

Just when they thought Yan Li, who bore the title ‘The World’s First Sword Cultivator’, had closed off from the world, Lu Xun emerged from the Demon Sect.

It was fine when only Lu Xun emerged, but now even Lu Xun’s disciple bears the most remarkable sword path!

The two elders found themselves in deep worry all of a sudden, feeling as if a thick fog had descended in front of them, obscuring the future of their sects.

Shen Yan allowed the two elders to grab his arms, uttering in his rooster-cawing-like voice with a grin:

“When the little master uncle hadn’t reached the initial realm, he traveled the world and unexpectedly brought back a disciple who is also a natural sword embryo from his journey among the mortals – who was also at the early stages of cultivation. Perhaps… this is destiny.”

The people above the clouds were momentarily at a loss for words.

The bragging contest concluded with a single sentence from Lu Xun.

The process was like everyone sitting at a poker table, the opponent not playing a card until the end when he threw down four of a kind, and then scooped up the entire pot.

At this moment, the sparring match between Lin Chan and Xiao Ran began.

On the stage of Yanwu Peak, Xiao Ran temporarily suppressed her realm to the same level as Lin Chan.

Lin Chan was still in the Initial Realm, and Xiao Ran had already reached the second realm. Her cultivation base was slightly higher than Lu Xun’s. If she didn’t suppress her cultivation base, such a discussion would be meaningless for Lin Chan.

Xiao Ran held two large axes in her hands, while Lin Chan only had a broken sword in her palm.

The Broken Sword Partridge Sky was broken from the middle of the sword, so its length was only half that of a regular longsword, almost the same as a shortsword.

The rust on Partridge Sky had mostly been removed, and the condition of the Sword Spirit had clearly improved. It went from hanging on its last breath and could die at any time, to …

— looking like it could say a few last words and die.

Lu Xun had practiced the Sword Cultivating Technique for so long that he knew how incredible this orange-level skill was.

The little sword in his Sword Heart improved fast – every time the Sword Cultivating Technique leveled up, it would make a substantial leap!

Meanwhile, Lin Chan’s Sword Cultifying Technique had also made small progress, reaching nearly level 2 peak. However, the transformation it brought to Partridge Sky was too insignificant.

Lu Xun sometimes wondered, “What level of Magical Weapon was the Partridge Sky in its prime?”

The harder it was to restore, the more it indirectly proved that it had been at a high level!

Lu Xun sometimes doubted whether the Divine Sword with a small gap left by the founder of Sword Mountain was stronger or weaker than the Partridge Sky in its prime?

Conversely, the battle between Lin Chan and Xiao Ran seemed to swing back and forth – it wasn’t one-sided like Lu Xun’s fight before.

Now, any skill that Lu Xun knew, Lin Chan knew as well.

Whether it’s Sword Cultivating Technique, Pink Ink, or Water Sword Formation, Lin Chan has grasped them all.

In fact, it’s through her that the real power of a natural Sword Embryo can be thoroughly displayed!

This is completely different from Lu Xun, who is a counterfeit Sword Embryo.

Sword-related skills can display greater power in her hands!

However, Lu Xun is different. Instead of amplifying his own power, he weakens other sword cultivators…

He had experimented – he could even suppress Lin Chan, a “real sword embryo”!

So, in reality, he is not a sword path genius, but a pot stirrer among sword cultivators, specifically making them uncomfortable.

Perhaps one day, when Lin Chan’s cultivation base matures and she wields her natural sword embryo advantage, she could create a grand scene of all swords returning to their roots with a wave of her hand, with countless flying swords rushing to her.

While such a spectacular “Sword Comes” scene will never happen to Lu Xun, for him, it is simply to say to the flying swords:

“Beat it!”

Then the flying swords would be repelled.

One is “Sword comes,” where all swords return to the roots.

The other is “Sword goes,” where they all rebound.

This master-disciple could possibly become a nightmare to all sword cultivators!

“Whoosh ”

Xiao Ran’s Cutting Tree move knocked Lin Chan off the stage.

Lin Chan was defeated.

Xiao Ran admitted, “Lin Chan, you were quite skilled!”

Little Mute didn’t show any ill feelings after losing and also gracefully conceded.

She is not the competitive type. This is a major difference between her and Xiao Ran.

She only worried if her performance was good or not and if she had let down her master?

Lu Xun walked over to Lin Chan, lightly patting her shoulder, and said, “You did well.”

A smile immediately came to Lin Chan’s face.

Winning or losing didn’t really matter – master’s praise was what really mattered~

This mute girl, up until now, isn’t fully aware of how special she is.

Since she’s been surrounded by not normal beings in the Demon Sect’s backyard, her knowledge about her own extraordinary nature is quite minimal.

However, this doesn’t matter. Lu Xun believed this was just fine.

And he was clear about one thing.

“Starting tomorrow, my Little Chan will become famous far and wide!”

(PS: There’re too many things to be done before the new year and during the new year period. My house is noisy too, and for me who doesn’t have a draft, it means I also would have to work even during the New Year…I am just a baby with a bunch of “mom” guys.

Therefore, the recent updates might not be stable – please understand that. Many authors are going on a New Year’s vacation. I…will see how it goes.

By the way, recommending a new book, “I Might Be Practicing Fake Immortality” written by Ming Yue, my friend. The name of his new book is “I Really Am Not The Second Generation Of The Immortal” – you can give it a try!)