The Young Master in the Shadows-Chapter 46: The Mountain

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Chapter 46: The Mountain

The van waiting for them had 4 rows of seats and could fit 10 people easily.

Victor walked to Aria and throw her a small backpack. “Carry this for me. If anything were to happen to it, I will tell father about your disobedience.” He said then got into the van and found a place in the back long seat with Lily, while the girls sat in front of him, Aria clenched her teeth, then turned away and sat next to the driver, as she wanted to get as far away from Victor as possible.

“Let’s go then, we will be meeting with a few friends at the first bus stop before the mountain, so keep an eye for them,” Victor said as he laid down and put his head on Lily’s lap then closed his eyes.

Aria looked at him with a piercing gaze then looked at Lily who seemed to be very happy with the situation. She seemed to be playing with Victor’s hair.

“This girl has already fallen,” she thought as she turned her head forward and gestured to the driver to go. He was trying hard not to look at what’s happening in the back.

The van was on the road for 20 minutes when Victor opened his eyes and asked the twins in a soft Voice. So that Aria in the front would not hear him.

“I didn’t get the chance to ask you yesterday, what was Tom’s decision? Whom did he choose?” He asked.

“Ah….” The twins hesitated a little and then answered. “Young master, he said both….” Mina said while keeping her head down.

“What a pervert! are you sure he meant that?” He asked.

“Not really, he seemed hesitant,” Mina said as she was thinking about Tom. “He might be a pervert for real.”

“So what are you going to do, would you both prefer to stay with me?” He asked.

The girls hesitated, they wanted one of them to escape servitude, but Tom’s answer and attitude did not help at all.

“OK, I will find a chance to ask Tom subtly later, this way we can get a clear answer, and you won’t have to embarrass yourself anymore.” He said with a warm smile.

The twins nodded their heads in approval, they were really embarrassed yesterday. And their young master is always very understanding.

Aria in the front was acting as if she heard nothing of the conversation between Victor and the twins, but her ears were pointing backward for a while now, and she was amazed by her brother’s ability to scam little girls, Although she didn’t know the full story, she got the gist of it. She was not that young and naive.

“I have to be careful,” she thought, “This young brother of mine is pure evil,”

At this moment Victor’s phone rang, it was Margret.

“Ah, Hello Margret, where are you now?”

“Good, We would be there in about 10 minutes.”

“Yeah, See you later.”

He said and hang up,

“They are waiting for us at the bus stop, so hurry up.” He said to Aria, before returning to his blissful nap.

Aria who was at the front nodded her head, then made sure to keep her attention on the road.

Soon she saw six teens standing in front of a rural bus stop, are those the friends he talked about?

“Miss. Aria, those are our friends right there.” Mina’s voice came from the back confirming Aria’s thoughts.

So she quickly asked the driver to park the van near them, and the other van also stopped.

Aria went down and greeted everyone. and introduced herself.

“Hello everyone, My name is Aria, I am Mr. Victor’s secretary. Why don’t you get into the back van and we shall get going?” she asked.

“Ah, hello miss Aria, My name is Tom.” Tom immediately greeted her with a charming smile, making her blush a little. He had such an effect on women.

Then he looked at the front van and saw the twins and Lily sitting there by themselves. So he waved his hands at them and said hi.

“Miss Aria, why don’t we go to the front van? we can fit inside.” Tom said. He wanted to sit next to that girl in the back.

“It would be a little cramped though,” Said Aria.

“Isn’t there a large empty seat in the back?” Asked Peter.

“Ah… Mr. Victor is currently napping there so it is not empty.” Said Aria with a little blush.

Making Tom and the others go forward and see that victor was indeed asleep, happily drooling on Lily’s lap.

“Ah, Fuck that pervert,” Thought Tom. But He didn’t give up, He became more determined not to let Victor stay alone with the girls.

“It’s OK, the car would fit us and we could squeeze in,” He insisted.

Aria didn’t know what to say, but the boy named George saved the situation,

“I can sit with Sarah on the other van,” He said, wanting to spend some time with her, as he has long wanted her to be his girlfriend.

Aria looked at the girls searching for Sarah, and one of them with a blushed face nodded a little,

“Fine then, get in, let’s get going,” She said then returned to her seat.

Margret quickly ran and took the seat in front of the twins with Anna, Leaving Peter and Tom to sit behind the driver.

And the convoy began to go up the mountain.

“Young master, why did you request that we wear hiking clothes, you surprised me when you sent me that message.” Asked Margret who turned to the back to look at Victor.

“I didn’t tell you before, but I heard rumors about the mountain being a magical place with some secrets, so I thought it would be such a waste to just visit the movie set, maybe we can go explore a little and get to know each other more while we are there,” He said making the girls feel excited. This young master is cool and courageous they thought.

“This entire mountain belongs to my family, you see,” He continued, “My father brought it in the past, he thought it contained some treasure, but after searching for two months he found nothing, so he left it here to rot,” he said making the girls eyes sparkle, how rich do you need to be to buy a mountain then get bored with it.

The twins quickly got why he had them carry such packs, It seemed the young master had this idea from the start. He wanted to go treasure hunting.

Tom glared at Victor in the back.

“This pervert wants to take advantage of the girls in the mountains,” he thought

“The mountain is very dangerous. I advise you not to do such things, many hikers disappear there every year. And father already said that there was nothing there,” Said Aria from the front.

“Of course, I know, So going with me is optional, but not for you big sister, you will come with me and the twins.” He said making her clench her jaw and ball her fist with anger, she knew that she had no choice.

“Why do the girls have to go with you? They are free to make their own choice!” Tom suddenly said making Aria likes him more. while the twins flinch a little.

“Ah, I made a bet with the twins yesterday. And I won, so they agreed to serve me the entire day,” Victor said with an evil smile. He had agreed on this with the twins earlier.

“What bet? Is it true?” Asked Tom as he looked at the nervous twins who nodded their heads.

“That’s a secret,” Victor said mysteriously, “If you are too scared to come with us you are free to stay.” he taunted him.

“Who said I am scared, Of course, I would come, I won’t let the girls suffer with you.” He said as he swore not to leave the girls alone with such a man. As for the bet, he would ask the twins later, when they are alone. they would never hide anything from him.

Aria looked at Tom and nodded her head, that’s how a young man should be, not like her perverted brother.

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