The Wealthy Eldest Sister Rules Supreme-Chapter 360 - 347: Thinking About

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Chapter 360: Chapter 347: Thinking About

After all, no matter what was said at this moment, she wouldn’t listen; it would be better to let her sober up after facing the inevitable setback.

That being said, Zhuang Wencheng of his family is a kind-hearted person who can endure hardships and work diligently. He is profoundly fond of Zhuang Qingning. What if Zhuang Qingning doesn’t object to the idea?

If they genuinely end up married, it wouldn’t be a bad thing at all.

Zhuang Futian clasped his hands behind his back, not responding to anything, and headed for the hall.

Looking at his demeanor, Mrs. Wang immediately knew that he must not fully agree with what she had just said.

This Zhuang Futian, he’s so obstinate!

Mrs. Wang pursed her lips, not wanting to argue with Zhuang Futian anymore. She went into the house to fetch some money, planning to buy some pork belly.

She counted the copper coins that she had taken out, then thought about it, and took out twice as much.

If pork is to be stewed, might as well stew more of it. In addition to giving some to Zhuang Yonghe’s family, some should also be sent to Mrs. Wen’s household.

Mrs. Wen adores Zhuang Wencheng and has a close relationship with Zhuang Qingning. When Zhuang Qingning and her sister Zhuang Qingsui were in a terrible situation, Mrs. Wen rented out the tofu shop to them, essentially saving their lives. Zhuang Qingning is grateful to Mrs. Wen for this and respects her very much.

Given this, it wouldn’t hurt to mention this matter to Mrs. Wen and let her play a role in matching them. This could potentially expedite the process.

The more Mrs. Wang thought about this, the happier she became. She took the money and hurriedly went to buy the pork, fearing that if she was too late, the best pork belly would be sold out.

Just as she was stepping out of the door, she suddenly remembered something and hurriedly turned back to Zhuang Yonghe’s house to find Zhuang Wencheng.

When Zhuang Wencheng arrived at Zhuang Yonghe’s house, Zhuang Qingning was already there.

He hadn’t seen Zhuang Qingning for several days, so he was quite delighted when he saw her now, “Little Sister Ning.”

“Brother Wencheng.” Zhuang Qingning greeted him with a sweet smile.

“I haven’t seen Little Sister Ning for a few days. Have you been busy with the workshop and the shop?” Zhuang Wencheng said with a smile, “The weather has cooled down these days, but it’s getting drier and more prone to causing internal heat. I’ve prepared some fire-fighting herbal medicine. Please take it back later and make a bowl to drink every day to prevent the internal heat.”

“In early autumn, what we fear most is internal heat. If there is internal heat, it may cause sores in the mouth or sore throat. Although it’s not a serious illness, it can be very uncomfortable. It would be good to have some herbs that can help alleviate the internal heat.”

Zhuang Qingning nodded, “Brother Wencheng, since you have prepared this herbal soup to remove heat, why not buy more for the workshops and shops. Everyone can have a bowl of soup a day for prevention.”

Zhuang Qingning always considered others in everything she did, primarily those who worked in the workshops.

Having such a generous owner should make the workers feel quite fortunate.

Zhuang Wencheng smiled and nodded, “Good idea. However, this fire-removing herbal soup isn’t suitable for everyone. Those with cold constitutions and weak spleen and stomachs may not do well with it.”

“Once this batch of herbs is picked up, it may take a few days to relax. I can take this opportunity to check on everyone and figure out who isn’t suitable for this soup to prevent any problems that might arise.”

“In passing, I can also practice my pulse diagnosis skills.”

During these days, Zhuang Wencheng was busy preparing the mosquito repellent herbal packages and occasionally saw a few patients with minor ailments. However, he hadn’t been seeing patients regularly. Over time, he feared his skills would become rusty. Seeing more patients, especially those who appeared healthy, would be good practice.

“That’s good. But I’m sorry you have to go through all this trouble, Brother Wencheng,” said Zhuang Qingning.

“Little Sister Ning, you are too polite. This is what I should do,” Zhuang Wencheng grinned.

“But speaking of pulse diagnosis, Brother Wencheng, you studied medicine, and it’s a waste of your talent to prepare mosquito repellent herbal packages here. Are you interested in opening a medical clinic in town?”

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Zhuang Qingning said, “There is only one pharmacy in the town. Mr. Wei from the pharmacy is getting on in years and, although he owns the pharmacy, he is not a qualified doctor. Many times, he can’t attend to patients. If we could open a clinic or go to the pharmacy to see patients, it would be good.”

“If Brother Wencheng is interested, I can help set things up?”

Zhuang Wencheng had looked after Zhuang Qingning in the past, and she had always remembered his kindness. Although the matter of Zhuang Wencheng being driven out by Doctor Ge didn’t directly have anything to do with her, she still felt some guilt because she was indirectly involved.

Zhuang Qingning always felt a bit of guilt in her heart and wanted to help Zhuang Wencheng plan for the future.

Upon hearing this, Zhuang Wencheng felt a warmth in his heart.

Zhuang Qingning was indeed concerned about him, but he wasn’t sure if this concern was due to sentiment between man and woman or merely guilt about his expulsion.

However, no matter the reason, as long as Zhuang Qingning cared for him, he was delighted.

“I have also been thinking about this matter. Still, I haven’t figured it out yet. Opening a clinic is not an easy matter, and although I have studied medicine for many years, my medical skills are not proficient.”

“But since Little Sister Ning has mentioned Mr. Wei’s pharmacy, we can go and discuss it, see if they need a resident doctor in the pharmacy. It’s not a bad idea to gain experience there first,” Zhuang Wencheng responded.

“Hmm.” Zhuang Qingning nodded, “Then I will go to town first and ask Mr. Wei if he is interested.”

Zhuang Qingning often sourced herbs for mosquito repellent packages from Mr. Wei’s pharmacy. He was quite polite to Zhuang Qingning since he had made a substantial profit, and he might give her a straight answer if she asked.

“Thank you, Little Sister Ning,” said Zhuang Wencheng with a bow.

“Brother Wencheng, you just told me not to be too polite earlier, and now you are the one being polite?” Zhuang Qingning chuckled, “These things are minor tasks. Let’s not be too polite to each other in the future.”

“Yes, Little Sister Ning is right.” Zhuang Wencheng was smiling from ear to ear, “Oh, by the way, my mother mentioned that we will be stewing meat at noon. I’ll bring a bowl over to your house. It’ll save you from cooking.”


Zhuang Qingning hesitated for a moment.

The relationship between her and Zhuang Wencheng was so familiar that they didn’t need to be overly polite about small matters.

However, since Zhuang Wencheng wanted to fetch something from his home, Mrs. Wang would inevitably find out..