The Wandering of an Unstuck Stepbro: Multiverse Travel-Chapter 172: The test

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Chapter 172: The test

(A/N Fun fact, currency in Soul Society is called Kan, and a 4th Division Nurse Outfit is sold for 5980 Kan. It's meant for cosplay, by the way;)

(Ryoto's pov)

The line was long, and so was our wait. Most of the people around us were either from the 1st district or were some kind of noble. You could see that in their attitude. I can see that a lot of them didn't have a lot of trouble in life... afterlife... whatever.

The point is that it's very strange. Is everyone like this before their training begins, or the strength of ordinary Shinigami is just low? I know that the Captains are the main strength of Seireitei, but I... I don't know. I think I expected more, but I shouldn't judge before we start learning. I don't even know if they'll be recruited.

After an hour of waiting and observing, I noticed that these nobles that I thought were there just for fame or money were not allowed inside. There were a few who needed 'assistance' with leaving. It was entertaining.

They are not even from the Five Great Noble Houses, and they acted high and mighty, so seeing a Shinigami throwing them away and not caring was therapeutic.

I couldn't see what the test was as it was inside Seireitei behind the big gate that had a small door in it. Kinda funny. The only thing we could do was wait.


Another 3 hours had passed, and it was our turn soon to take the test. Rin was rightfully nervous as she didn't know what to expect and was probably scared to be separated from me. I would, of course, never attend here without her, and I have assured her of that, but it only made her sadder.

Only after that, did I realize my mistake. Rin feels that she is just a burden to me and that without her I would have had it much easier, so to correct my error, I pulled her into a hug.

Ryoto: "Listen, Rin, I believe that you'll pass this test. You are, after all, the one who taught and still teaches me swordsmanship."

Rin always felt safer when I held her close to me. She hugged me back.

Rin: "Stop joking. I know that you're already almost as good as I am. If you stopped training this stupid move of yours, you would be already better."

Ryoto: "But that would mean betraying my idol!"

I joked around, but I'm still not planning on abandoning this technique. I'm going to learn it someday.

After our hug, it was our turn for the test. We are going to be taking it at the same time in different locations. Not far away but we couldn't see each other.

When we went through the gate, we were separated into different tents. Inside there were 3 Shinigami. One who was a girl was constantly writing on paper, while the one in the middle had a goofy smile on his face. The third was just observing, but he seemed angry for some reason.

The one in the middle welcomed me.

Shinigami 1: "Hello, is it your first time applying?"

I nodded, and he smiled.

Shinigami 1: "Then let me explain how it works. In front of you is a crystal that allows us to measure your Reiryoku level. Depending know how much Reiryoku you possess, it changes colors, and there are six colors in total. To pass this test, you only need to touch the crystal ball, and if the color changes, you are welcome in the academy.

Of course, if you aren't satisfied with the results, you can take an alternative test that would force you to defeat one of us in combat to pass it, but since only seated Shinigami and higher oversee the recruiting, it's seldom anyone passes that way. Any questions?"

Ryoto: "How accurate is this thing? Is there a chance that it can misfunction?"

Hearing my question, he cheerfully clapped his hands.

Shinigami 1: "Great questions! Yes, it isn't a perfect method, but we don't have anything better to measure the potential of our potential comrades. That's also why we have the second test. Its accuracy, on the other hand, is quite good. If it works, we know it works well."

Ryoto: "...So you're telling me that if this crystal decided to not work and even though I could have potential, I could fail because the second test is almost impossible to pass, so I would be forced to take the test next time which is in 6 months from now and hope that the crystal here works fine this time. Did I get it right?"

Shinigami 1: "Yes!"

He smiled at me.


Is he mocking me? It feels like a scam. Is it the way to get as much money as possible from the people here?

Shinigami 1: "But don't worry. This kind of situation happens rarely."

Ryoto: "How do you know?"

Shinigami 1: "Any more questions?"

He just ignored me.

I feel incredibly annoyed.

Ryoto: "Tell me, does this crystal have a limit to the level of Reiryoku it can measure?"

Shinigami 1: "It does actually. Anything around Captain level and the crystal ball would break."

Ryoto: "And what would happen if it broke?"

Shinigami 1: "Then, of course, you would automatically pass since anyone with that much Reiryoku-"

He didn't finish his sentence as I punched and broke the crystal ball.

Ryoto: "It looks like the ball broke. Where is my passing certificate?"

The man who was just standing and observing before spoke for the first time, and he was angry.

Shinigami 2: "Are you mocking us!? We all went through this, and you think that you'll be a funny man and make a joke of the test!?"

Wow, this guy exploded. I even saw him ready to draw the sword but was stopped by, I assume, the leader.

Shinigami 1: "Let's calm down, everyone. Bakudo #1 Sai!"

He pointed his index and middle finger at the aggressive Shinigami, or Shinigami 2 as I call him.

The Bakudo caused his target's arms to lock behind his back.

I looked at the girl who was writing the whole time.

Ryoto: "Are you dealing with them often?"

Shinigami 3: "More than I should, but thankfully I'm not in the same division as these idiots, but since the idiot that got too hot-headed is in the 11th Division, he constantly gets hurt and comes to the 4th Division headquarters."

Shinigami 1: "Haha, you can't blame him for exploding like that. He didn't pass the test for 5 years straight, so when someone makes a joke about it, he got angry."

I don't even want to ask. I just looked at the angry Shinigami that tried to free himself.

Yup, I don't care.

Ryoto: "So what now."

???: "Let me answer that for you."

Behind me, there was suddenly a presence that I could feel until now, and it made a shiver run down my spine.



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