The Villain's Face Slapping Counterattack-Chapter 109

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Chapter 109

When Zhou Xu returned to the dormitory that night, Shuang Yue and the other two had already got into their beds, and the dormitory was very quiet.

The current situation in the dormitory is that Shuangyue is isolated by the other three, and the three of them don’t actually get along with each other, but Shuangyue’s temperament of taking advantage of small things is really unlikable, so naturally, no one cares about him.

Except for Zhou Xu and Shuangyue, the other two have a very good relationship. They also have the same hobby, skating, so they do almost everything together.

Zhou Xu likes to be alone, and Shuangyue likes to go to the dormitory next door now.

It was almost time to turn off the lights, so all three of them were in the dormitory at the moment.

After entering the room, no one greeted Zhou Xu. According to the past situation, Zhou Xu didn’t pay much attention to them, and was used to being independent.

But this time, after Zhou Xu entered the room, he knocked lightly on the bedroom door a few times so that the three of them could look at him.

After a few knocks on the door, the three of them indeed looked at Zhou Xu.

Zhou Xu smiled slightly and said: “Hi, everyone, let’s chat.”

The three were puzzled, but Zhou Xu continued: “Wang Xinping, Qi Mingtao, do you know who is Xingsu Chongqi and who is Bolang Zhongtui?

“Both Xin Ping and Qi Mingtao shook their heads and said, “I don’t know, why, are you playing games?”

Zhou Xu smiled and said, “No, it’s the CV.”

“Oh, GV, it’s the voice actor, I know that. “Qi Mingtao said.

“It’s not GV, it’s CV. GV is a male-female sex film.”

“Sorry, I don’t mix in that circle, so I don’t understand.”

“It’s okay,  we don’t mix in the skating circle, and we don’t understand your circle.”

Wang Xin Ping and Qi Mingtao smiled awkwardly together, Zhou Xu also kept smiling lightly, seemed to be in a good mood, but Shuang Yue looked a little unhappy.

Just as Zhou Xu was about to speak again, Shuang Yue stood up suddenly and said, “Sorry, you guys keep talking, I’m going out, and I won’t be staying in the dormitory tonight.” After speaking, Shuang Yue was about to leave, and Zhou Xu had been standing at the door. Just as Shuangyue was about to leave, Zhou Xu stretched out his foot and tripped Shuangyue to the ground.

Shuang Yue really didn’t expect Zhou Xu to dare to do this in front of his two roommates, so he stood up and said bitterly, “Zhou Xu, what do you mean?”

Zhou Xu raised his hands and replied, “Sorry, but I have to admit that I did it on purpose.”

“Pfft.” Qi Mingtao, who was lying on the bed, burst out laughing.

Shuang Yue was out of breath, pointed at Zhou Xu, and shouted: “What do you mean?”

Zhou Xu closed the door of the dormitory, and then locked it. ‘’ Not letting you go out’’

Shuang Yue looked at Zhou Xu, then at the other two people in the dormitory, and had no choice but to go back to his bed and sit down again.

Zhou Xu went on to say: “Since all four people are in the dormitory, I will continue to talk. I connected the Internet in our dormitory, and the four of us shared it. Although you didn’t give me money, I didn’t care much about it. , anyway, I want to use it. But on the 7th, someone posted a post on the Internet. The content of the post was to slander me, and I finally found out that the IP address of the poster was our dormitory. Wang Xinping and Qi Mingtao don’t understand the CV circle I am not stupid enough to smear myself like that, so now there is only one suspect.”

Zhou Xu looked at Shuang Yue with a gentle smile, “Shuang Yue, what do you say?”

Subconsciously, he sat back a little, Shuang Yue glared at Zhou Xu, but his voice was strong from outside, “Zhou Xu, there is no evidence, so don’t slander people casually.”

Zhou Xu replied: “Evidence? Doesn’t the IP address found out count?”

“…It’s also possible that someone from the dormitory next door came and used my computer to send it. How can you be so sure it’s me? And it might be Wang Xinping’s friend who came and sent it from our dormitory computer. Anyway, his friend often comes, so why do you suspect me? There is also Qi Mingtao, his senior brother has also been here several times, why do you insist that I did it?”

“Because at 9:30 in the morning on the 7th, you were the only one in the dormitory, and I watched the camera recording in our corridor. Shuangyue, do you want any other evidence?”

Shuangyue was afraid to speak at this time, he sat on his bed, just looked at Zhou Xu, while the other two in the dormitory began to speak.

“Shuangyue, just now you wanted to pour dirty water on me and Qi Mingtao?”

“I really didn’t expect you to do this. Alas, what did Zhou Xu do something for you to slender him on the Internet?”

“That’s right. What about my friends, my friends don’t know how to use my computer, let alone yours, and none of my friends are interested in dubbing.” “That’s right, so is my senior brother.”

‘’ ……’’

Zhou Xu just listened. He himself has a mediocre relationship with these two people, and the character of these two people is not much better, but at least, these two people are quite normal and will not do anything out of the ordinary. Even at this moment, Zhou Xu knew that it was human nature.

Since ancient times, there are many people who fall into a well, and few people who give charcoal in the snow, but these two people will not take the initiative to do things that endanger others, and that is enough.

Wang Xinping and Qi Mingtao kept talking about Shuangyue, Zhou Xu finally clapped his hands to stop them, and the two obediently fell silent.

Zhou Xu walked up to Shuang Yue and said, “Apologize!”

Shuang Yue raised his head and looked at Zhou Xu, and Zhou Xu repeated word for word: “Apologize!” No one spoke and only breathed lightly. There was only the sound of clock thicking in the room.

In this silence, Zhou Xu heard Shuangyue’s aggressive voice, and he yelled hysterically: “What can I do?  My parents need money to make a living. I promised Su Chengqi last time, and he still holds evidence of perjury, and he asked me to deal with you, do I have the right to choose? I can’t help it, otherwise I might go to jail. If I really go to jail, how sad will my parents be? Tell me, what can I do? ?”

Shuang Yue stood up and yelled at Zhou Xu, but Zhou Xu kicked him to the ground.

Looking at Shuangyue curled up, Zhou Xu said: “There is nothing to do! They will solve the matter of money your parents themselves. If you want money, don’t use your parents as a shield. There is also evidence of perjury. Since you did , you should be responsible for your own actions, and slandering me on the Internet in order not to make your parents sad? I can give you full marks for your logic, and full marks for illogical logic.” Zhou Xu’s kick actually wasn’t heavy, he didn’t try hard, but Shuangyue just couldn’t get up, so Zhou Xu stepped forward this time and gave Shuangyue another hard kick.

Shuang Yue cried out in pain, curled up and hid in a corner.

Zhou Xu walked up to him coldly, kicked Shuangyue again, and he continued, “Apologize!”

Shuangyue hugged his head and shouted, ‘’Don’t kick, don’t kick, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I was wrong.’’

Zhou Xu took a step back, and said in a cold voice, “Stand up.”

Shuang Yue held his head, revealed his face a little bit, and asked, “Don’t hit me anymore, okay?”

Zhou Xu said, “Go online. Apologize to me, the language should be well organized, and your identity must also be exposed.”

“My identity must also be exposed? No, if I am exposed, then how can I be a CV in the future?”

“Isn’t this the price of what you did? What? You want to bargain with me? Okay, then let’s do the math.”

Shang Yue froze, and after trembling with fright, he quickly added: “OK, okay, I won’t be a CV at most in the future.”

On the same day, an apology letter appeared on the Internet. The tone of the apology was very sincere, and the apologist even exposed his true identity.

After that day, Zhou Xu’s name began to appear in the CV circle. Although everyone’s impression of him was not good at first, and he was often attacked, especially by the fans of Xingsu Chongqi’s, it finally opened up a market for Zhou Xu.

In fact, this kind of thing on the Internet is very simple for Zhou Xu. If you care about it, you will become the target of the attack and you will be covered with bruises. .

Zhou Xu is the latter, and in fact he is indifferent to praise.

Shuang Yue has been more honest since then, and Zhou Xu and Xie Yibo’s first collaboration “Evildoing Young Master” released the first issue half a month later.

On the day ” Evildoing Young Master ” was released, it was uploaded on Weibo, because the entire first issue was already very sexy and explosive. The key is that Zhou Xu is obviously a newcomer, and he can manage such a sexy character. A lot of nasal sounds are added, so it sounds even more provocative.

Under the Weibo published in the first issue, there are about three kinds of replies the most, one reply is “the ears are pregnant”, another reply is “listening hard”, and the last one is “Such a Xiaoxu, I can listen up to three hundred times.”

In this world, the first episode of a better free radio drama usually only has hundreds of thousands of hits, but ” Evildoing Young Master ” has already reached 900,000 hits on the first day.

Three days later, ” Evildoing Young Master ” had a total of 3 million hits.

On the fourth day, a broadcast platform signed a contract with their crew, and the signing fee was very generous.

The entire production crew and the Xiaoxiao community did not expect that ” Evildoing Young Master ” would be so successful, so after discussing it, they decided to invite the entire Xiaoxiao community to have a big meal.

But what was unexpected was that Shuang Yue actually followed, and he was still behind the vice president.

The vice president hasn’t appeared very often, and even many people in the Xiaoxiao club don’t know her, so they did not expect her to appear this time.

After asking casually, he found out that the vice president is Su Chengqi’s old lover, whose surname is Bai, and her name is Bai Lin. Since Shuang Yue has never appeared in a drama before, he originally entered a drama with the help of Su Chengqi. The CV name is Shuangsu Shuangfei, after the Zhou Xu incident last time, he exploded his CV name, and he also quit that crew.

This time, when Bai Lin introduced him, she said: “This is Shuang Yue, the name of the CV is Shuangsu Shuangfei, please take care of him in the future.”

Those who knew a little bit about the previous incident all secretly winked, but Shuangyue smiled and said: ” Hello, I am a newcomer, but I will work hard in the future, and I have already signed a contract with the animation “Lips” crew, and I am already an official voice actor.” Xie Yibo squeezed Zhou Xu’s palm, but Zhou Xu only looked at it calmly and said, “Don’t worry, he doesn’t dare to touch me, because he has other things in my hands.”