The Untouchable Son-In-Law: The Master Peregrine-Chapter 366 - Building a Toilet

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Chapter 366: Building a Toilet ʒš—æeš˜¦šš š—²šš‹nšš˜Ī½š™šš—¹.š‘oš™¢

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

For some reason, Josie Meyer felt that something was amiss. Then, she suddenly thought of something. ā€œThatā€™s not right. Why did you send a message to Timothy Taylor?ā€

Her friend chuckled. ā€œHeā€™s at the top of my chat list.ā€

ā€˜This is whatā€™s wrong. Since the most recent chats are usually at the top of the list, Michelle mustā€™ve contacted Timothy Taylor recently if she managed to message him so quickly.ā€™?Now, everything made sense to Josie Meyer.


New York.

Finn Taylor had intended on having a good rest before leaving the city, yet he received a message the moment he walked up the stairs.

It was a voice message from Michelle Yeller. There wasnā€™t much in it, but it was clear that the young girl was in danger.

He rushed down the stairs and said, ā€œAndre Cavill, Iā€™ll leave it to you to send her back to Chicago. The rest of you, pack your things. Weā€™ll set off for San Francisco in five minutes.ā€

Seeing their boss in such a frenzy, the men didnā€™t dare to question him and simply packed their belongings. They could discuss the matter along the way back.

Because they were well-trained, they didnā€™t even take three minutes to pack their bags and hop into the car.

Hunter Sullivan drove, Logan Yeats sat in the front passenger seat, and the rest sat behind them.

Hunter Sullivan asked, ā€œFinn, why are you in such a hurry? Did something happen in San Francisco?ā€

Finn Taylor handed his phone to Horned Serpent. ā€œShe mightā€™ve been kidnapped. Locate her whereabouts.ā€

The latter took the phone from his boss and immediately started tracing the otherā€™s location.

ā€œWhoā€™s she?ā€ Hunter Sullivan asked.

ā€œA neighbor.ā€

ā€œShe must be a woman for you to be so worried.ā€

ā€œShut up!ā€

Everyone chuckled because they knew that he was joking. They all knew that their boss would remain loyal to Yvette Larson till the day he died. All other women could dream on about taking her place.

It was complete nonsense that Finn Taylor was worried-sick about his female neighbor. He hadnā€™t even been that worried about the four guardians.

That was how he treated his friendsā€”he would never let them down.

As the car sped toward San Francisco, all that could be heard in the car was the sound of Horned Serpent typing furiously on his keyboard.

Everyone else merely watched on, hoping that the man in front of the laptop would locate the girl as quickly as possible.

However, one could only imagine how difficult it was to locate someone in such a vast city with only a single voice message.

They were about to arrive in San Francisco, yet they still had no news from him.

Alexander Scott wiped away the sweat from Zachary Kennedyā€™s forehead and nodded at the latter.

Finn Taylor piped up, ā€œThereā€™s no hurry. Take your time.ā€

Zachary Kennedy remained silent and continued typing, but it was obvious that he was no longer typing as furiously.

He had indeed been too nervous earlier. Now that he had calmed himself down, he made good progress.

Gradually, he started receiving faint signals from Michelle Yellerā€™s phone. What he had to do now was catch the signals.

His typing increased in speed yet again.

Just as they drove into San Francisco, Zachary Kennedy hit the spacebar. ā€œI found her.ā€

Hearing that, Finn Taylor immediately snatched the laptop away.

He couldnā€™t help but chuckle when he saw the girlā€™s location.?ā€˜Nile Streetā€”isnā€™t that where we used to live? I havenā€™t been there since we moved to Number One Pacific Heights. I never expected Michelle Yeller to be held captive there!ā€™

ā€œLetā€™s go to Nile Street at once,ā€ he commanded, and Hunter Sullivan headed straight for the location.


At the same time, Nile Street in San Francisco.

Kyle Kennedy was in the middle of a poker game with his men when Howard Dahl arrived.

The latter was a formidable figure in the neighborhood. In fact, he was probably the head of the underground scene in the area. Naturally, that included Kyle Kennedy.

ā€œKyle Kennedy, you look very relaxed. How many people have signed the document?ā€

Seeing the man arrive, Kyle Kennedy immediately shot up from his seat.

The former was referring to the relocation agreement.

Finn Taylor and Melanie Taylor had set the time limit for their bet to be one month. In order for Finn Taylor to admit to his defeat thoroughly, the latter had decided to demolish the entire neighborhood where Finn Taylor had lived for the past three years and build San Franciscoā€™s largest public toilet. freš‘’š˜øššŽšš‹ną«¦Ńµā„Æl.cš’š˜®

There were too many families living in the area, and Melanie Taylor naturally didnā€™t have the time to discuss the matter with every family.

That was why she had looked for Howard Dahl and offered the man 15 million dollars to get all the families living there to sign a relocation agreement within three days. Whatever was left of the 15 million dollars after that would be his. However, he could forget about getting a single cent of the money if he failed to achieve his task within three days.

Of course, Howard Dahl wasnā€™t a fool either. There was no way he would be able to visit each family personally, so he assigned ten families to each of his underlings, instructing them to complete the task within the day.

He didnā€™t care what they had to doā€”no matter how vicious they had to beā€”as long as the agreement was signed.

Howard Dahl was now doing his rounds to check on his men, yet he was greeted by the sight of Kyle Kennedy playing poker!

ā€œBoss, weā€™ve already settled three families. The other seven werenā€™t at home, and theyā€™re probably at work. Weā€™ll definitely make them sign it by tonight,ā€ Kyle Kennedy quickly explained.

Only then did the enraged Howard Dahl calm down slightly. ā€œIā€™ll check in on you again tomorrow. You better know that Iā€™ll break your legs if someone hasnā€™t signed the agreement by tomorrow.ā€

Kyle Kennedy only let out a sigh of relief when his boss left.

In reality, he hadnā€™t even managed to convince a single family to sign that document. It was relocation they were talking about. It wasnā€™t easy convincing someone when such a huge sum of money was involved.

It was true that seven families hadnā€™t been around, but even the three that had been around hadnā€™t agreed to sign the agreement.

Only fools would agree to the offer right away. After all, everyone was hoping that they would be able to make a tidy sum if they were to delay agreeing to the relocation.

No matter how impressive Kyle Kennedy was, he couldnā€™t afford to kick up a huge fuss.

If it were a trivial matter, they might have agreed to it right away. But now that he was dealing with such a huge matter, they might very well bring their entire family to stir up trouble for him.

ā€œBoss, what do we do now?ā€

ā€œWhat do we do? How am I supposed to know? Itā€™s not like I get to pocket that 15 million dollars. Since Howard Dahl is so impressive, why doesnā€™t he go chase those families for their signatures himself?ā€ It was obvious that Kyle Kennedy held a grudge against his boss for treating him as free labor.

Not long after Howard Dahl left, Kyle Kennedy received a call from Finn Taylor.

Because Finn Taylor had lived in the Nile Street neighborhood in the past, Howard Dahl knew the former.. In fact, he was also one of Finn Taylorā€™s subordinates.