The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World-Chapter 30 - : Chapter 30: Warning from the Spirits

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Chapter 30: Chapter 30: Warning from the Spirits

Translator: 549690339

Gazing at Black Mountain, which allowed him an insight into another version of the real world, Feng Qing’an felt somewhat uncertain about his own deductions. After all, according to the classification, this creature was a demon. By right, it should be restrained by the aura of righteousness. Yet, strangely enough, it was unaffected.

Aside from the aura of righteousness, Feng Qing’an couldn’t think of what else these streaks of light might be.

“Black Mountain, go check out the yard!”

Feng Qing’an deciced to temporarily set aside this baffling matter. He issued the command to the wolfhound, through the consciousness he bound to it by the Soul contract. His physical body still sat on the bed, lips unmoving.


A sudden voice in its head startled Black Mountain, but the wolfhound soon recognized the voice as a familiar one and started to get excited.

“Go to the yard!”

Feng Qing’an looked at the increasingly excited wolfhound and sighed helplessly.

Being a mortal, he realized there were many things he couldn’t see, which was inevitable. Now, he could reassess his surroundings through Black Mountain’s eyes, be it his room or not. He wouldn’t just limit himself to his own room.

The excited Black Mountain obediently shot into the yard. With the help of Black Mountain’s vision, Feng Qing’an could see the yard clearly. It was mostly like what he usually saw, except for the brilliant streams of light.

“The light is also in the courtyard? Black Mountain, go outside and check it out!”

The sight of the light in his yard, which was unaffected like the light in his room, roused Feng Qing’an’s curiosity. He urged Black Mountain to jump over the courtyard wall and explore outside. Black Mountain, which had been restless in the courtyard, promptly let out an enthusiastic grunt. It then vaulted over the wall and went outside.

“It’s gone!”

Under the dark night sky, through the eyes of Black Mountain, Feng Qing’an could only see the outline of the village houses based on the differences in terrain. The village was dark without a single lamp lit. The dim light of the star and moon made the night appear even darker.

However, when Black Mountain turned its head back on the instruction of Feng Qing’an, he saw his home enveloped in a resplendent stream of light. It seemed radiant like day in the night.

“Brother! ”

At this moment, Feng Qing’an was stunned. He did not believe this dazzling golden light was just a decoration. This is a light that only demons could see; ordinary folks would never get the chance.


At this moment, Black Mountain let out a pleading whimper. Its eyes remained fixed on the wilderness engulfed in endless darkness outside the village, filled with longing.


Feng Qing’an, of course, understood Black Mountain’s intentions. It wanted to go hunting in the wilderness to satisfy its hunger. His heart softened, and he was about to agree to let it go out and have fun that night.

However, before he could convey his approval, the previously relaxed Black Mountain suddenly lowered its body. Its muscles tensed up, and with its fearsome canines exposed, it let loose a menacing growl. It seemed ready for a battle.

What had put Black Mountain on high alert was a formidable general standing on the road in the village. This figure, clad in golden armour, wielding a mace, and standing nearly three meters tall, looked down on the buildings on both sides of the road as if they were children’s playthings.

“Ghost God ! ”

Feng Qing’an, who was sitting in his room, held his breath. Initially, he was merely speculating, but at that moment, he had truly seen the God worshipped by the common folk.

This God general seemed to have stepped right off the altar. His attire, the mace in his hand, there was no difference from what he saw at the temple. However, minus the stiffness of the statues, he seemed more regal and solemn, instilling awe.

“Demon dog, I have been waiting for you for many days. Tonight, I finally caught you venturing out!”

The moment the mighty God spoke, Feng Qing’an, who heard it through Black Mountain, came back to his senses.

The uneasiness outweighed the shock in his heart. The sudden appearance of the God seemed more like the apprehension of a demon. If Black Mountain were to be captured, what would he do in the future?

“No need to bare your fangs at me. I’m not here to take you away. I’m just here to tell you that I will be watching your every move. If you dare harm the people here, I will bring you to justice, whatever it takes!”

Hearing the God’s words, Feng Qing’an found that things were not as bad as he had imagined. This deity had come merely to warn Black Mountain. Unexpectedly, this ghost god seemed quite responsible, deserving of the common folk’s worship.


Being able to understand human language and intentions, Black Mountain understood the meaning of the words clearly. It immediately abandoned its aggressive posture, sat down and let out a bark, an expression of disdain on its furry face.

Harm humans?

Did it look like a dog that would do such a thing?

It hadn’t even harmed a single chicken, duck, goose, or pig in the village; it abided by the rules even more than its owner.

“You demonic dog, don’t assume I can’t hurt you just because you are protected by the aura of righteousness. Ultimately, you will have to go out to hunt and feed on blood. If you annoy me, I’ll teach you a lesson, even if it means waiting ten more days!”

Seeing a domestic dog that had acquired intelligence daring to show such audacity, the hot-tempered Military Judge couldn’t bear the insult.

Black Mountain immediately behaved upon hearing these words, adjusting its expression. After all, it could not win against this towering figure in front of it. Earlier, it thought it had to fight even if it couldn’t win, thus it did not want to show any signs of weakness. But now, things were different.

“The City God said you are a spirit blessed by the aura of righteousness. You are good-natured and are a guardian dog of the home. I hope you can live up to the City God’s praise and not cause any trouble!”

Seeing the spiritual presence of Black Mountain, even the Military Judge had to give it credit in his heart. However, he maintained a stern face to uphold his godly authority. After giving a piece of his mind, he turned around and left.

“Has he left?”

Watching the figure of God disappearing, Feng Qing’an was alert and immediately exclaimed, “Appraise!”

[Type: Worshiped Spirit] [Attributes: God, Ghost]

[Potential Level: Commander-Medium] [Combat Power Level: Commander•Medium]


Upon seeing the newly appeared level, no sooner had Feng Qing’an pondered over it than the phantom of the god vanished into the darkness


What he had seen and heard that night was quite surprising. The commonplace things he took for granted held hidden wonders, and the seemingly lofty gods were surprisingly close to mortal folks.

Although his first indirect encounter with a god didn’t go well – after all, this god figure came specifically to warn his pet wolfhound – Feng Qing’an’s impression of the god was quite positive because of the god’s sense of responsibility.

On another note, this god general had confirmed Feng Qing’an’s earlier guess.

“The Aura of Righteousness! The light emitted from these books is indeed the Aura of Righteousness. I was right. The fact that Black Mountain, as a demon, is not affected must be due to some special reason.”

But Feng Qing’an noticed one detail. The stern and warlike god general was standing too far away, much farther than what he had assumed..