The rise of the pervert primordial-Chapter 97 Aftermath

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All this time Aria stayed silent until she saw that Alice started gathering her attribute to replicate what Lilia did a moment ago, it took her a moment before she decided to ask what was on her mind.

"Do you know the process to cultivate the soul? now that I have awakened my ice attribute… my manual shows a new section for soul cultivating".

Lilia more or less expected that, although she could deduce that Aria's manual was a high level one, she could not see it's secrets since she didn't have the same constitution as her.

She put on a comforting smile.

"Don't worry, although I'm not a soul cultivator one of my old friends is one so I know the basics of it, for them on the mortal division there is only one process "mind insight", similar to the way your soul idol is created you need to meditate while remembering everything you have experienced, according to my friend the trick is focus on both your best and worst memories and once you came to a conclusion with them you will reach the "spirit opening" realm".

Aster hugged Aria, "what kind of masochist invented this way of cultivating he thought", although it sounded easier than body cultivation, having to revive and afront your worst moments was something really hard, especially for those who have suffered gone through a lot like Aria.

Aria smiled feeling Aster worry for her.

"I will be fine, all the things my family made me go through were what allowed me to meet you that day at the inn so I already know that I have a good ending for that episode of my life ?".

Lilia completely agreed with her.

"She is right darling, in fact I bet she will recover the years she lost only cultivating on the energy path thanks to that, reaching the spirit opening is not a matter of time but of character growth so if my supposition is correct Aria will be able to achieve it in approximately one year".

Aster sighed, "I wonder if Aylin might be able to help Aria on soul cultivation… she had that calm and relaxed aura around her after all", he thought before saying.

"Fine… just be careful".

After excused himself before leaving the training room while Lilia stayed to supervise Alice and Aria on their first session of body and soul cultivation, Aster returned to Lilia's room or more accurately "their" room since now they will be sleeping together every night.

The reason as to why he left the training room was that he needed to do two things, the top priority was to create Lilia's ring, originally, he wanted to give it to he before crossing the last line but just as the say goes: man proposes, God disposes and the devil decomposes… he didn't have the chance to work on the ring before he had sex with her.

"This is also a good chance to test out Rigel's flame", he thought.

Of course, he wasn't stupid enough to use the black star ore he got on the auction to test his flame so instead he took out one of the swords he bought on the Kraft family weapon shop, he held it with his left hand while summoning a tiny hand sized portion of Rigel's flame on his right hand.

Unfortunately, when the flame touched the sword, this suddenly cracked before breaking into little crystals.

This repeated a couple of times until Aster found the proper amount of flame to use on the sword without breaking it, he practically reduced the size of the flame to a quarter of what he originally was using, the biggest difference was that the instead of freezing the sword the metal became easier to manipulate as if it was some kind of fluid but without losing the shape of the sword.

The best comparison Aster could think of was a certain robot villain from the future which appeared on the second chapter of a movie series, it was weird, wherever the flame passed the metal of the sword adopted that unique state only to lose it after he separated the sword from it, after moving the flame around the sword, it became unrecognizable with some spirals and other weird curves on the edge.

He took out another sword and put it on the ground in front of him, while using the same intensity of flames but on a larger scale, this time the flame was big enough to cover the whole sword, he started moving his hands as if he was drawing on the air and the previously destroyed sword recovered its original shape which he recreated using another sword as the model.

"How convenient, I didn't need to het the metal or anything it just became easy to mold, it makes sense that Rigel is called the star of creation… I can't imagine how useful this flame will be for a blacksmith or an alchemist", now that he more or less understood how to use the flame he only needed to find the correct amount of intensity to process the black star iron.

But first he tried molding the metal of the sword to take the form of a ring, it was hard because he was controlling the metal by making movements with his hands, he found an especial difficulty on making the little details because the metal distorted way easily.

After failing a couple of times, he dispelled the flame, the metal was unrecognizable and it also looked worn out as if it had been eroded by the pass of the years.

"Damn… this flame is really hard to control", he threw the metal that was not suited to be used anymore but before he could take out another sword to keep on trying, but this time he tried a different thing, instead of just keeping the flame still he created little wisps of flam on the tip of his fingers.

This new method seemed to work better in fact Aster noticed that focusing the flame in small quantities made it easier for him to manipulate the metal, after a couple of minutes of concentration he was able to finish the model.

Feeling satisfied of the result he took out the piece of black star iron and started working to imitate the model, once the main body of the ring was finished, he took out a red gem called fire ruby and placed it in the middle part of the ring.

He noticed that if he wanted, he could have changed the form of the fem just like he did with metal but since he only already fused the gem on the metal, he didn't dare to change anything else.

In front of him it was the result of the best he could do right now with Rigel's flame, a ring made out of black metal decorated with a red gem.

Aster nodded.

"Pretty good if you ask men, I wonder what would that Kray guy expression would be if he knew I used the black star iron to create a ring hahaha".

The sooner the better was one of the best ways to act so based on that he immediately decoded to give Lilia the ring but when he was about to leave the room, he noticed his communication talisman glowing.

"Mm?", for a moment he thought that maybe something urgent happened since he saw Kail's mark on the talisman but then he remembered that it was time for Kail's report.

As expected, it was a message from Kail, apparently after the ruckus he created on Ghaleria the day of the auction the Rein family basically ran away from this planet because they were afraid of the possible retaliation that might come thanks to Kray's actions, so now the one in charge of everything regarding the Rein family was Kail.

The Rein family patriarch ordered all of them to remain low until the day of the secret realm exploration in Zartia comes in three years, even the Wolfstein were afraid of getting involved so Isaac washed his hands off the whole situation and isolated himself for "closed door" cultivation. 𝘧𝚛𝗲𝘦𝚠𝙚𝙗𝙣o𝙫𝗲𝚕.𝐜o𝓂

Speaking of the exploration, Kail gathered some rumors about it and apparently the Rein family invited some "guests" to come with them but he couldn't find any other information about them since only his father stablished contact, the other important notice was that Kray will be grounded for a long time to "reflect" on his actions so he won't be attending Arthur's birthday ceremony.

Aster was amused by the results of his actions.

"Originally my idea was to scare them away on uncle Arthur's birthday ceremony but it seems like they won't be going anyway hahaha".

According to Kail's report, out of all the big forces that planned to attend Arthur's birthday be it to court Aria or some other reason, only a few decided to come due to the recent horror the Rein family suffered.

On the other hand, both the Kraft and Asher family did not abandon the planet, Wieland Kraft publicly declared that he had some interactions with the "golden reaper" and there wasn't any bad blood between their families and him so there was nothing they should be afraid of.

Aster smiled remembering the good impression Wieland left in him.

"Those who owe nothing fear nothing, huh? That old man from the auction house surely is quite smart, by saying that the Kraft and the Asher will flourish for the following years while the Rein family needs to keep a low profile and Isaac just plays dumb".

"I can't wait for the ceremony of tomorrow".