The Retired Supporting Character Wants to Live Quietly-Chapter 63 – Field Trip to the Battlefield (9)

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[Translator – Peptobismol]

Chapter 63 – Field Trip to the Battlefield (9)

What the hell is that bastard doing?

Hindrasta crossed her arms, looking very displeased as she watched Dian.

Why is he bothering those poor old men and making them cry?

Hindrasta had been wandering around instead of following the tour guide’s group.

To a dragon like Hindrasta, visiting battlefields from the Four-Year War meant nothing.

So she was aimlessly observing when she saw the elderly men start crying at the sight of Dian.

That scum doesn’t even spare his own kind. Not even the elderly.

Well, of course, a bastard like him would pull those kinds of stunts while chasing me. No sane person would do that.

But why are those women crying too?

Hindrasta clicked her tongue as she watched Kirrin and Felimia shed tears.

Rustle, rustle, rustle.

About to leave in disgust, Hindrasta turned at the sound of writing.

Priestess Maya was watching Dian and quietly taking notes in her journal.

This bitch is always writing something. What is she jotting down this time?

“Don’t come any closer.”

When Hindrasta tried to sneak a peek, Maya shifted aside to block her view.

“Whatever, it’s probably nothing interesting.”

Hindrasta muttered, annoyed, as Maya continued her writing without reacting.

Losing interest, Hindrasta turned and bumped her face into Knightley’s chest.

“Ugh! What the—!”

Knightley, who was much taller than Hindrasta, didn’t seem to realize that Hindrasta had buried her face in her chest.

She was staring vacantly at Dian over Hindrasta’s head.

“Move. Don’t block the way.”

When Knightley didn’t budge, Hindrasta stubbornly pushed her face into Knightley’s chest.

Finally, Knightley noticed her and pushed her head aside.


But Knightley soon forgot about Hindrasta and continued to stare blankly at Dian.

What’s going on? Why are those veterans reacting to Professor Dian like that?

Does that mean they know each other? How?

Professor Dian said he lived in Brunswell for ten years.

That means he must have known them during the war, right?

Did Professor Dian participate in the battle to recapture Ivronic Castle?

Knightley suddenly recalled what Dian had said after they captured the troll.

He claimed to be friends with Sir Linus and that they had done many things together.

At the time, Knightley thought Dian was joking, trying to mess with her.

But now, seeing him with the veterans, she started to believe it might actually be true, though it seemed unbelievable.

But that’s impossible, right…?

How could someone so extraordinary be just a Head Professor at an academy?

Seeing Knightley’s confusion, Hindrasta grinned widely.

“You… You’re curious about what the Head Professor used to do, aren’t you?”

“Do you know something?”

Knightley asked, and Hindrasta’s grin grew wider.

“I know a few things. You might faint when you hear them.”

“Hmm, really? Let’s hear it then.”

“That guy was chasing me during the war.”

Knightley stared at Hindrasta.

“Why would the Head Professor chase you during the war?”

“Well, I’m actually a dragon—”


“Hey! I’m not done yet!”

Knightley sighed and walked away, making Hindrasta shout and run after her.

# # # # #

Meanwhile, several professors of the Combat Department, including Morton, were also observing the scene.

“He’s definitely a veteran from here. He wasn’t exaggerating.”

Lina commented, and Morton stroked his beard in thought.

There were many peculiarities about him being a simple veteran.

For someone who participated in the Ivronic Castle reclamation, Professor Dian was remarkably unscathed.

It seems likely that he was a special unit operative rather than a regular soldier.

But were there any notable special unit operations in Ivronic Castle?

Other than Sir Linus climbing the cliff to open the gate, nothing comes to mind.

One could argue that special units were deployed but failed, yet Dian survived unscathed.

It feels like a crucial link in the story was missing.

But Morton couldn’t quite put his finger on what that link was.

Or rather, he suspected but dared not voice it.

Could it be… the records have been falsified?

Was it actually Dian who did it instead of Sir Linus…?

Or did they perhaps do it together…?

If Sir Linus led the special unit including Dian up the cliff, then it makes sense.

After all, Sir Linus had experience serving in the special forces.

But why didn’t Professor Dian get any recognition in history?

Obviously, the Imperial Palace wanted all the spotlight on Sir Linus.

There was no place for someone like Dian, just a member of the special unit.

Did Professor Dian really climb the cliff with Sir Linus?

While Morton was deep in thought, the other professors reacted positively in their own ways.

Lina wiped her tears like the other female professors, and Waver and Orendi were visibly moved. They were the kind of people who saw the good in everything.

Brogg and Kazadar were nowhere to be seen, and Geneb stood silently in the shade of the castle, his thoughts unreadable.

Professor Anna, scratching her head, muttered about how the grass in the courtyard looked perfect for grazing, showing she cared only about mundane matters.

Other students also witnessed the reunion of Dian and the veterans, but none of them thought deeply about it.

They simply assumed that the smooth-talking Dian had said something to move the veterans, or that he had volunteered here in the past. None of these rumors had any basis in fact.

These young students had grown up hearing the legend of Sir Linus.

To them, he was the hero of the Ivronic Castle reclamation, and the idea of someone else playing a crucial role alongside him was unimaginable.

# # # # #

[Translator – Peptobismol]

After touring the murals of Sir Linus inside the castle, Professor Ismera led the students out.

The morning tour had ended, and it was time to head down for lunch before returning.

As she helped load students onto the elevator, Ismera suddenly felt a surge of anger.

Where on earth is the headmaster? She’s been missing the whole time!

Wait a minute. Even the Head Combat Professor isn’t here!

Those two have left everything to me and wandered off together?!

Fuming, Ismera left the other professors in charge and stomped back into the castle.

“Oh dear, the elf professor looks mad.”

Kazadar chuckled, stepping aside as Ismera stormed past, looking ready to bite someone’s head off.

Spotting Dian and Kirrin approaching from the distance, Ismera strode over and snapped at them.

“What are you doing right now?”

“Uh, what do you mean?”

Dian blinked in confusion, prompting Ismera to lose her temper entirely.

“As the Head Combat Professor, you should be fulfilling your duties during this field trip! How dare you leave everything to me and take a leisurely stroll!”

“A stroll?”

“This is the last straw! And you, headmaster!”


Kirrin, startled, responded in a rare display of formality.

“Yes, headmaster, you! I’m talking to you!”

Ismera was about to continue when the guide hurried over.

“Excuse me! Sir! Sir!”

The guide stepped in front of Dian, causing Ismera to step back in surprise.

“Finally, you’re here.”

Grabbing Dian’s hand, the guide spoke, leaving Ismera bewildered.

“The veterans have been waiting for you.”

“Oh, uh… there was no need to say that.”

Dian looked around uncomfortably.

“They stayed here, despite the painful memories, hoping you would come back one day.”

The guide continued, shaking Dian’s hand.

“At first, I thought they were talking about Sir Linus. But they insisted otherwise. Despite their inability to speak, they made it clear it was someone else. I didn’t believe it until this morning…”

Overcome with emotion, the guide paused.

“Thank you for coming. Now the veterans can finally find peace. And this…”

The guide handed Dian a heavy pouch.

“This is what the veterans have saved from their wages. It’s not much, but it’s their heartfelt gratitude.”

“Huh? Please don’t give me that!”

Dian frantically waved his hands, rejecting the pouch.

“I didn’t come here for this. Please tell them that just knowing they’re doing well is enough. Now, if you’ll excuse me!”

Grabbing Kirrin’s wrist, Dian hurried out of the castle.

What on earth just happened?

Ismera, bewildered, watched Dian disappear before turning to the guide to ask what had transpired.

“Excuse me, but what’s going on?”

But the guide, wiping tears, had already retreated into the castle.

“Professor Ismera! Hurry up! It’s the last elevator!”

As she was trying to follow behind the guide, she turned to see other professors calling for her.

Caught in a dilemma, Ismera eventually headed towards the elevator.

What was that all about…

[Translator – Peptobismol]