The Redwood Saga-Chapter 56 - 43: The Summit, Part 1
The Golden Throne, Olympia City - Olympius Mons
A heavy silence hung over the massive throne room of mankind's Imperator as the soon to be dead man's voice speaking on the Holovid filled the holy, and primarily golden decorated room. Massive crimson and gold banners of the twin headed eagle, a symbol that had appeared during and survived the Dark Times, decorated either side of the Golden Throne. Being far more than simply a seat for the Imperator, the throne was massive, and much like the one in Unova's Palace of Ideals, it rose to the center of the throne room like a mountain with a roof above it, though in terms of size, the Golden Throne was much, much larger than the one in Unova. It was covered in strange runes that were not Common, and various cabling and other technology led into the throne, enabling it to serve as the seat from which the Imperator of Mankind ruled His supercontinent spanning Imperium. The throne's occupant, the Imperator Himself had chiseled, classically good looks, a chin that could break mountains, and a jawline so symmetrical it embodied strength, and authority. His skin was pale in tone but tanned. What little of it could be seen from under His massive, golden, hand-crafted ceramite power armor that covered his massive fourteen-foot-tall frame.
"So, you see, Imperator, the Selenar Geniocracy of Apollonia has voted to decline your offer. I know you declared there would be a 'price' for our 'defiance', but the Gene Lords of Luna are still more than agreeable about trading with your Imperium. In fact, it's the best deal they've ever offer-"
The Imperator waved a massive, golden, power-armored and three-clawed hand reminiscent of a bird's talons, and the screen cut out. The claw opened and closed, humming with ominous plasma energy that crackled as golden lightning around the sleeping weapon. For months He had dealt honorably with the long-forgotten denizens of Luna, all five billion of them, hiding in massive cities beneath Luna's crust, where they'd been sequestered since humanity's first orbital colonies had been dropped from orbit onto the Earth, causing the human race to all but die off in the resulting cataclysm. Their people had stayed alive, using the technology of their age, and then later, technology they studied and copied via signals from their operators on the Earth. He had put up with their weird, primitive culture of Eugenics-controlled and amorally logical reproductive practices via cloning because of what He could gain from the Selenar, if He could but convince them to join Him intact. A siege of their lunar cities would, potentially, ruin what the Imperator sought from them.
The conquest of Varangia had disheartened His more…'moral' Legions of Thunder Warriors. There were some, brought up from what used to be Africa, poor souls of all walks of life rejected and imprisoned by society who were shoved into gladiatorial games for the amusement of Olympia's nobility. All Thunder Warriors were birthed from that crucible of battling, very high rates of death, and often ridiculous genetic enhancements. Others, like those of Germania and other parts of Europa who willingly sent in their best to compete in the games, still retained their noble bearing and sense of humanity. The gene cult of Apollonia would've given Him the knowledge He needed to perfect His Thunder Warriors. The Selenar might have helped Him, too. If not for the meddling dragon Pokémon that thought himself a ruler, making a counteroffer, or so his agents of the Vanus clade reported.
"Horus. My son." The fourteen-foot-tall golden armored panoply of the finest power armor the Imperator Himself had ever forged shifted towards his son, who stood like a statue on the extended platform that surrounded the peak of the mountainous throne's height. The Imperator was massive in size, though He could and had psychically altered how others saw Him. He was easily one of if not the most powerful psychic on the planet, and tiny concepts like morality or mental privacy did not restrain Him. His raven black hair framed his noble features, which showed no emotion as He spoke to the first of His sons, the Prime Archons. "The time has come. Inform the Iterators and the Obsidian Keep. Prepare the Legions. We shall take Luna by force. You and your 'wolves' will be the unyielding tip of the spear. I want the Gene Cult intact, Horus."
Horus looked much like his gene-sire, though his armor was slightly less bulky, and toned silver with gold trim. The almost comically small head surrounded by the hood-like shell of ceramite encasing it was also bald, unlike his father. The All-Seeing Eye of the Gyptians who had recovered him as a child adorned his armor's waist plate, and knee plates, and the Imperator's fist, gripping a lightning bolt, covered his chest. A massive alpha Midnight Lycanroc, killed by hand, had its pelt adorning the backpack powering the absurdly bulky power armor, with its head hanging over his right shoulder. Horus saluted his Imperator. "Intact. It will be done, Father. At long last. I will bring the last remnants of Old Earth to heel personally. You won't need my brothers."
The Imperator cared little for idle boasting, but He recognized that Horus had something to prove. "If you are so confident, what few space-capable assault craft we have are yours. Do not fail me, Horus."
As his twelve-foot-tall son stomped out of the throne room already geared for war and only lacking his signature massive power maul that he naturally only needed one hand to wield, the Imperator sighed, and gestured at His holoscreen that hung before His seat on the throne, now blank. "Give me Ozai."
Within moments, during which the Imperator waited patiently for a connection, the face of the primitive Korian firebender filled the screen. As always, he was sitting in his flame-encased throne, and as always, the shadows around him seemed too dark and imposing for a seat surrounded by light-giving flame. "My…Imperator." Ozai said with such a false tone, the Imperator didn't need his psychic power to sense the contempt below. He expected such, especially from his regional governors. Their greed was endless.
Often did they dream above their station, but humankind only needed one leader, and the Imperator was that leader. "Phoenix King Ozai. I've heard you've been having some trouble with the water savages. Word that they took out your daughter and her forces is spreading quickly. Were the Thunderhawks not sufficient?" His kind but intense eyes glanced away from Ozai as He saw the status of their flight group. "Almost every one of them was destroyed, by an unknown Bender, and a Lugia. The same Lugia that ruined your Admiral's fleet, if I am not mistaken. In all that chaos, it seems the Guardian's Avatar has eluded you yet again. You will receive no more of our weaponry, and we will be withdrawing a significant portion of our military forces. I have my own battles to fight. Your family has had three centuries at this point. Get your territory in line, Ozai. Completely. Or I will find somebody else who can handle the job. You have until my current campaign ends."
As the line cut out, Ozai swore. Vaatu murmured in his head. "We cannot face that one head on…not yet. There must be more, of what I need. You know what must be done." Ozai slowly nodded, seemingly to himself, and the pair of Fire Nation royal guards flanking his fiery throne took no notice. Vaatu was a being of Shadow, an entity that thrived on the darker emotions of humans and Pokémon alike, be they spirits or otherwise. Alive or dead, their hatred and suffering empowered him, but in this era of modernity and coexistence, his influence had waned.
Forcing Korians to needlessly suffer had not been something Ozai wanted to do. He wanted to break their hope, and then work them to their full use, but the Avatar had stubbornly remained intact, even after the beating he'd given the last one. He strode through his palace then, heading to the Medicum wing, where lobotomized servitors acted as perfectly precise doctors, and specialized in using the Imperium's medical technology. On the table in the wing's backmost room, was his daughter.
Her body had been perforated by some Snow Savage's attack, one who had figured out the ancient, and supposedly forbidden, art of the Water Nation. The ability to bend a person's blood. Her entire middle, lower right side, and left leg had been lost, and the organs within had barely lasted long enough for replacements to be grown and implanted. Her reproductive organs were also ruined, but he'd ordered those repaired enough not to bleed. The nerve endings were quite dead, due to blood loss, and while he could've repaired them with the Imperium's technology, now that particular distraction was out of the way, Aluza would have some use to her family.
He'd oft dreamed of what she would've been like if she'd not inherited his temperament and his libido, and now, he would find out. She likely wouldn't last with only her hands to bend from. Not against an Avatar, but she could lead and inspire fear. The Imperium's enhancements were durable and looked quite intimidating. It would take an effort to bring her down, especially once the cybernetic implants drugged her up and unleashed her on the enemy. The scarred half of her face had also been replaced, and while her left eye still looked human, the eyeball itself had been replaced and upgraded with the kind of technology the nobility of Olympus City enjoyed. The pupilless red ocular device hummed to life as it was connected to the rest of her augmentations.
One of the servitors beeped, as they finished their work. The replacement parts were silver, a mesh of cabling and metal that vaguely resembled a human shape but were more than proven in combat. More than a few of his soldiers, the older ones, had such cybernetic replacements. Some even shot fire, but the earthbenders they typically fought against did not restrain themselves from crushing limbs, and then retreating back underground to hide.
As the drugs woke Aluza up, Ozai frowned, and the entire back room exploded in blue flame, that turned orange as it burned on its own, away from the source of its initial heat. Ozai lowered a hand, and the fire, which had become tinged a dark purple red upon entering his control, lowered, and flared out. The servitors had already left, but the rest of the Imperium equipment was cinders, now. It no longer mattered. They would have to rely on their own technology now, and knowing the lesser Nations as he did, they would see this opportunity to band together and attack.
"Welcome home, Princess Aluza. You've looked better." The banished Princess blinked, processing his words, as she panted heavily, and then looked down at what was essentially her entire lower half. Her 'bits' still felt human, but there was something off. She assumed her reproductive capability was forfeit, now. She was acutely aware of where the enraged water rat had hit her.
"I was dead. Why salvage…this?"
Ozai looked her over, and then handed her clothing that would mostly hide her injuries, and her augmentations. "Because you only have one use left to your Family, and we need your edge. Your ruthlessness. The Imperium is withdrawing its military assistance for the time being. We are to get our region under control, full control, on our own. Presumably…we have until this current distraction ends. In that time, we are going to break the Earth Kingdom, but first, we need to prepare. Upgrade. Learn. Go to my Throne Room. Tell my Generals to recall their forces."
Aluza frowned. "You're retreating?"
Ozai shook his head. "I am preparing. The other Nations will strike at us eventually. Many will see the Imperium's preoccupation as an opportunity. I am acting before they throw our spread-out forces into disarray. We will be gone before their dim brains even notice, and when we return…we will do so with Fire." Ozai watched as his daughter's frown shifted into the grin he was looking for. Finally, his stern expression turned into a pleased smile every bit as sinister as hers. "I have a task for you..."
Ba Sing Se - Koria Region
"Now, a new era will begin for Humans and Pokémon alike…the Shadow will rise, on this planet, and so many others…"
Kora raised her fists, exhausted from the fight with Ozai already. Her age was showing, and the young Fire Lord was burning with the desire to win, while in the prime of his youth. By slaying her, he would cement his status over his older brother, and any who questioned his rule or preferred Iroh would be ultimately silenced by the gravitas of the act. Few individuals in Koria's history could claim to have killed an Avatar of their Guardian. It would put his martial prowess in the same category as the first Fire Lord
Now, the ascendant Fire Lord had successfully fused with Vaatu. Within her tired body, Kora heard Raava speak to her. "This Battle is not over yet, my Avatar…we must win!"
And with all four elements at her disposal, Kora very nearly did. Their battle saw them shunted out of the Spirit World, and while Kora was a match for Ozai thanks to four elements at her masterful command, when the young firebender was being fueled by Vaatu in a fresh fusion of flesh and Spirit. Kora had caught him in the act of freeing the Shadow entity, but not before they had done as Wan had, and used the massive surge of ghost flavored Infinity Energy to merge their essences into a single being. A new Guardian of Koria. Like the rest of the males in his family line, Ozai was a potent specimen of humanity, and quite adept at killing with the flames at his command. His fire-fueled flight and black and red flames seemed to sap her strength, as well as severely damage her skin and nerves with each hit he scored.
Ozai's black and crimson flames formed a shape like a phoenix, as they chased after Kora. She was exhausted by the battle over Koria's center, where they'd appeared after leaving the Spirit World. She'd never seen the Great Divide, and few people traveled it because of the rumors that a powerful, cantankerous Pokémon inhabited the canyon. Suddenly, she felt her foot burning as the shadow-fire 'beak' of Ozai's attack caught it, and the fresh pain stunned her, long enough for Vaatu's fire to engulf the rest of her limbs. Then, over the vast canyon, Vaatu slowly pulled Raava free of the latest incarnation of Wan and entrapped her in a cage of fire. "Isn't this a familiar sight, Raava, you helpless before me…but this time, you can't hide in your Human…this time, you will end. Forever. Then…the Era of Shadow shall begin again, and Koria's Guardianship shall fall to Me!"
Ozai moved his arms and struck the disembodied light spirit with his foul flames. Kora doubled over, and within her mind, she felt her connection to Aang vanish in a flash of heat. Ozai struck again, and Roku vanished. Another strike saw Kyoshi and Kuruk both, gone, shunted away from Raava into barely coherent energy traces along with their power and strength, and yet through it all Raava still desperately tried to maintain the connection, at the cost of not defending herself, so that the shock of their separation wouldn't kill Kora outright. If she died while they separated, the era of the Avatar would end permanently.
Each blow had affected Kora too, as she writhed in the fire's grip, her aged limbs burning in the black and red flame. Her masterful waterbending was the only thing keeping from being yet another burned corpse at Ozai's feet. Ozai and Vaatu glanced at Kora, and then grinned at what was left of Raava. Ozai's arms moved impossibly slow then, to Kora's perspective. She could almost see the energy in this killer's shredded body, how it moved, how it turned fiery under Ozai's command, and then, separated into positive and negative particles within his own bodily energy network, a trick firebenders could use, to produce something terrifyingly powerful. Black and red lightning struck Raava, and she fainted, shrinking down to miniscule size, Vaatu claimed his prize, and shoved her into the chest of his own Avatar.
The world shuddered, and Ozai doubled over, a manic grin on his face. A cloak of Shadow and fire engulfed him, and Vaatu's power radiated off of his shoulder armor, and his head. As the consequence of Vaatu's actions was registered by reality, Ozai's shadowy form pulsed with red, and Vaatu appeared atop this new cloak of flame and darkness, empowering his meat suit even further.
"I…am…Ascendent! The Shadow shall reign…forever!" Ozai shouted, as Vaatu's surge of power in victory raised him towards the sky. The energy of the planet's Harmonic Convergence shifted to Shadow as he bathed in it. With minimal effort, he bamfed himself the few hundred miles to Minjujuui City, the stronghold of Kora's rebels, which even now was being brutally burnt out by his ferocious firebenders. Ozai's appearance as a flame wreathed Champion of Shadow spurred on his soldiers, and the citizens despaired, as they knew his return meant their Avatar had lost. Even worse, with the 'death' of Raava, Vaatu became the dominant Legendary Pokémon in Koria, and this showed in Ozai. The Fire Lord was an unstoppable tornado of fire and carnage, and the man was actually laughing in the midst of his murder spree.
For her part, Kora had simply been dropped into the vast canyon they'd fought above, left to fall to her death by something as mundane as gravity. "There!" "There she is!" "Kora!" Two male voices, and one female echoed from below her as she hurtled through the air, and Kora lost consciousness. When next she came to, Raava was gone, and the world was tilted towards an Era of Shadow. Looking around, she saw Mako, Bolin, Asami, and Tenzin all looking worried, as they huddled in a narrow canyon within the center of the Spirit World. She looked above them, and saw a new, third hole in reality, further connecting Koria to the Spirit World by its mere existence. Kora's thoughts were slow, but she assumed that new Spirit Portal had been made when Vaatu ate Raava, and won. She tried to call on the other Avatars, but there was nothing. No Avatar State, no Light, just her very tired self, alone in the darkness. In a monotone voice, Kora recapped what happened for them, finishing with the revelation for Tenzin in particular, that her connection to Aang and the others was gone. If things stayed as they were, she would be the last Avatar of Raava.
Tenzin sat beside her, looking slightly less ancient than he did in the present day. "The other Avatars may not be able to help you anymore, but this isn't over yet, Kora. Koria needs its Avatar. Now, more than ever. Raava is not gone, and even without her presence, you remain our Avatar."
Kora just flopped her burnt arms. "I'm useless, Tenzin…and I'm not the Avatar anymore. Raava isn't with me. I can't fix this as I am…I'm too old…Ozai is too strong…and without the Avatar State…I'm no match for him." She forwned. She hadn't been much of a match with her power. Somehow, Ozai and Vaatu had been more in sync than she was with Raava.
The wise airbender put a hand on her shoulder. "There may yet be a way…come." As she stood, and they made to walk, the vertigo associated with approaching the Tree of Souls returned. "The ancients of our region used to travel the world from this spot, but always returned, in time, to meditate here, under this tree, and connect with the natural cosmic energy of the universe. You can do the same. Raava may be gone…but your spirit, the only spirit in history capable of bending four elements at once, has the power to stop Ozai…or at the very least, ensure that a new Avatar will rise to stop him."
"Sure." Kora said, still sounding defeated. "That might as well happen…" She sat cross-legged in the tree and waited. Slowly, though she was impatient, her emotionally exhausted state actually helped her spiritual connection, something she'd never had much mastery over, compared to Avatar Aang. "You've got this, Kora." "Beat that Ash Maker down!" "I believe in you, Kora." The encouragement of her friends, her team, and Asami most of all, spurred her on. She opened herself to the universe, and what happened next was hard to process into a memory.
There were incomplete flashes. A titanic battle between an astrally projected Kora limited to waterbending, and a Vaatu-empowered Ozai limited to firebending. Eventually, their clash came to a head, and through the overwhelming power of water, and type advantage, Kora was able to stun Ozai into unconsciousness, turning off his bending ability, and leaving Vaatu to rage-possess his body. Kora didn't let him act, though. His Hyper Beams had done enough damage to her. Instead, she reached a spirit hand inside Vaatu, and ripped Raava from his chest. In that moment she'd almost doubted she'd find her Light, but sure enough, Tenzin proved correct. The Light would not, could not, go out. The Balance was absolute. The sky turned less supernaturally dark, and more blackened by the ash of war and flame, and Kora's projection vanished, bringing her and Raava back to the Tree of Souls.
Kora leapt from the tree and rushed to the Light aligned part of the spiritual nexus. As she'd seen Wan do, she fused with Raava again, and again felt her power, though it was severely depleted. She would be the only Avatar to ever truly understand the difference between the power she'd had when whole, after millennia and over six hundred lifetimes, and the complete lack of those lifetime's experience and power.
"You are as strong as Wan, when he first began this journey." Raava said to her, weakly. Kora felt her energy fading towards sleep, and her own energy was spent. The stress of connecting to the universe and then projecting herself had been too much on her body. "This Battle…is not yet over…" Raava continued. "There will be another Avatar…the cycle will continue…rest now, Kora. Rest with me…"
Seeing their friend collapse by the portal to the physical world, Mako, Bolin, Asami, and Tenzin had rushed over to Kora. The Avatar looked up at her team and her airbending teacher. They were older than when she'd first met them. She could recall that day vividly, though. And all the days since, fighting firebenders, inspiring Korians, building a region-wide rebellion under the nose of the most technologically advanced people on the planet. She reached out to her boys, and hugged them close, while looking meaningfully at Asami. "Thank you…for being my friends. Don't give up hope…I will be back…and my next life…is going to crush Ozai…with rocks."
Bolin, realizing the life was leaving his friend, was a blubbering mess, but he still laughed at her joke, despite his turmoil. He tried to compose his snotty face. "Of course he will! He'll be an Earthbender! We'll crush the Fire Nation into ashy goo, just you watch, Kora."
Kora just smiled at him. "I will..." She said, weakly.
"How do you know she'll be a guy?" Asami said, narrowing her eyes. Naturally, she still wanted a chance to be with Kora. She did not yet understand just how different each incarnation was.
Mako chimed in then. "Avatar Kyoshi was female. The Avatar's gender always swaps. Yangchen was followed by Aang. Korruk was followed by Kora. That means our next Earth Avatar…will be a guy."
"Mako…" Asami said, softly, as she was the first of Kora's friends to notice. He kept on going with his knowledge, and needlessly hammering home the point that it was documented record that the Avatar's sex changed with each life, until he noticed what Bolin eventually had as well. Tenzin had remained quiet and watched as yet another Avatar passed into death. Few humans could claim to have seen such a thing twice, and he wasn't anywhere near done living yet. He intended the third Avatar to outlive him, though.
He closed Kora's eyes, and took in the soft smile she'd had, the last sight of her long life, that of her friends, having one of their many squabbles. Naga popped free of her ball, and howled, and as the sound traveled, Jimen's perception did too. Up into the still-connected energy bridge of Harmonic Convergence, and then off, towards the Earth Kingdom.
Avatar Jimen sat up in a cold sweat, the faint ring of a crying infant in his ears, and his newly conditioned muscles screamed in protest. "I can't believe we smoked Leaf in that tree…" He said, now understanding the significance. Unknown to him, or anyone living, the ancient Korians had also partaken of the herb beneath the spiraling trunk of the Tree of Souls. The custom had slowly fallen out of practice though, as reaching the Spirit World became more and more difficult over time, until eventually, a human coming through that space between spirit and physicality was a very rare occurrence.
Jimen readied for the day, met up with Alex, and then set about their tasks for the day ahead of them, aiding the Earth Nation rebels who were currently housing and feeding them.
The call to assemble had been answered swiftly, by most of his vacationing team. Alex would've given them a whole year after their ordeal, but the situation in Koria was coming to a head. Some took longer than others to arrive through the PC the rebels of the Impenetrable City had rigged outside of the Imperium's network. While Alex waited for all but Shruikan, who was flying to Koria on his own power, to return their balls and be transferred, he familiarized himself with the rebel cell that Avatar Jimen had seemingly bonded with most.
They were essentially what was left of the Earth Nation's army, combined with a group of civilians who had apparently been planning to completely overthrow the Earth Nation's king for some time. The resulting organization was a bit of a clusterMuk, but the goal was a free and fair society by the Earth Nation, for the Earth Nation, where the People would rule, and the Rich would not. It was a nice dream.
Since Alex had been a bit distracted in the Water Nation, with meeting Jimen and the imminent invasion, he had been unable to battle Leader Pokku, and because of how truly massive Ba Sing Se was, the city had a Gym Leader for each ring. The leader for the lower ring, full of hard-working poor people and criminals alike, was unofficially led by a man called Jet.
While Jimen searched subtly for the fragments of the past Avatars, claiming he and the others would know when they saw them, Alex was actually led around the underground base by Jet himself. He was a young adult man, standard Korian skin tone, with a full head of spiky brown hair, and a thin beard and mustache. He was very much acting and treated like a leader of the rebellion, but the Earth Generals thought otherwise. It was obvious who the common people preferred.
"And this…" Jet continued, in his charismatic tone, as they entered a new space, "Is our very own Gym...of sorts. We're right under the University's library. Sometimes students come down to watch Battles. Fair warning though, the League won't recognize my Badge as legitimate."
Alex just chuckled and switched on his Battle Recorder. "Don't worry about the League. In fact, I can make a case for you, if you Battle hard enough. They'll have to acknowledge a Champion's endorsement."
Jet arched a brow. "Truly? You'd do that for a man you just met?"
Alex smirked at the man. "Jet, from what I've seen in the short time I've known you, you're more than qualified to be this ring's Gym Leader. But we have tests for a reason. Treat this like an examination of your Battle prowess, and don't worry about the outcome."
Jet gave him a quizzical look. "The outcome is what matters, Alex. Victory, is what matters. I'd think a Victory League Champion would know that." He gestured to the stands then, and the manned spotlights shifted to roll over them at Jet's gesture. He shouted as he addressed both the foreign Champion and the crowd. "These fine people came to see their favorite Trainer win!" He took his spot on the opposing side of the field then. "I'd hate to disappoint them."
The crowd roared in answer to Jet's words. It was clear that they wanted nothing more than to see the tall, pale skinned, hooded, bearded westerner lose. "Unfortunately…" Alex said, as his Voice reached every one of them, causing a murmur as he quoted one of his icons, "The crowd can be cruel, Jet. It wants nothing more than to see one of us lose. If they think it will be me…disappointment is all they'll get! Canis, come forth!" His Lucario howled onto the field, and his aura burned to life around him in a deep blue. Since their sojourn in the Spirit World, he'd been eager to keep battling, and since Jimen said Jet preferred dark and poison types, Canis was up first as he could counter both and was immune to poison.
Jet's first choice was a scraggly looking Umbreon, whose coat had clearly never seen a comb. He almost looked as unkempt as his Trainer. "Shadow Ball!" Came the command, one easily countered by Alex, who called for a Dark Pulse. The more condensed sphere smashed the Shadow Ball apart before exploding on the field, and Alex followed up his momentum. "Aura Sphere! Close range." A melee attack with the sphere wasn't its usual use, but they'd been working on both, because apparently Ash's Lucario had mastered using the move at both distances too. Now that Blaze was with them again, Canis was following his lead, and emulating the techniques of those they wished to surpass.
"Double Team!" Jet ordered, and the scraggly Umbreon complied. Canis answered by closing his eyes, and the crowd began chanting; "Um-bre-on! Um-bre-on!" He tuned them out, instead focusing on maintaining his sphere, and sensing the aura of his opponent. Most psychic types couldn't do this with dark types, but Lucario were pretty much the exception to that rule. Aura was everywhere, and they could sense the 'absence' of it in dark types quite easily.
As the momentum built, Jet let it, and chose the moment Canis readied his attack to attempt a counter. "When you're ready, Quick Attack!" The multiple Umbreon began glowing white and running faster. They all pretended to leap, but Canis quite literally saw through their nonsense. As the Umbreon leapt, Canis moved just as quickly, and struck upwards under one of them.
He heard a forced exhalation of air, and the Umbreon clones vanished, letting the crowd watch as Canis's Aura Sphere smashed into the real Umbreon, sending it spinning across the field. All with his eyes closed. The Umbreon landed hard before Jet as the crowd murmured angrily, and then the ref examined and rose to call the faint. Before he could though, the Umbreon stood back up. Only Alex and Canis heard his words though. "I'm not...done yet!" His fur flared into spikes, and a Toxic attack came for Canis, who sidestepped it, eyes still closed, and fell back into his Dragon Stance.
"Oh come on!" Someone in the crowd shouted, as they got angrier. "How can a Pokémon attack without its eyes!?" Came another. "Gotta be cheating!" A third shouted, and that, was what the crowd latched on to. "No more cheats! No more cheats!" The three instigators, who now that Alex looked, seemed dressed similarly to Jet, joined in and egged on the chanting. He was starting to understand why Jet had been denied a real Gym Leader certification.
Alex sighed as the crowd continued, and the Umbreon steadied his feet. Then, Jet addressed the crowd as he subtly applied a potion to a battle that he'd told Alex wouldn't have items usable for the duration. "People! Please! Our Challenger is not cheating!"
But his words, which were softer than when he'd addressed them earlier, seemed to fall on deaf ears. The crowd continued to chant, and Jet just smirked, and shrugged at Alex whose expression suggested he was not amused by Jet's antics. "Enough!" The Word reverberated through the space, and Alex's eyes narrowed. "No more playing nice, Canis." He raised his enclosed fist then, within which was his steel Plate shard. "Mega Evolve!" Steely gray lines of aura met his partner's, and the Lucario's eyes widened, and sharpened as he felt the power surge, almost uncontrollably. He ascended to his Mega Form harmlessly, and the symbol of Infinity Energy briefly hovered over his Mega Form as he finished powering up. "Now Close Combat!"
The crowd booed, but Canis was already in motion. He punched the Umbreon from seemingly every angle, and this time, the faint was complete. Giving not one single Muk about the crowd's opinion, Canis was back to his starting position in an instant, and Jet recalled his partner. He Howled in victory, and his aura surged with enough force to blow back the crowd's hair, harmlessly. "Quite strong." Jet said, drawing another ball from his pocket. "But I do wonder how your Lucario isn't poisoned after punching Umbreon so much. Everyone knows they shoot poison when that low on health."
"Yea!" Came a shout from one of the rebels embedded in the crowd. Another followed with, "Seems awfully suspicious!" The crowd began chanting again, repeatedly shouting "Sus!" as Jet threw his ball, and a Drapion, an alpha by the size of him, appeared then. This too broke Jet's rule of using Pokémon at the B Team's level, a rule every Gym Leader observed, in an effort to help young Trainers grow, and face a fair challenge. Unless they requested otherwise.
Suddenly finding himself out of patience, Alex wanted to hurry along the rest of this match. Terra could've crushed the Drapion in an instant, but his shell was a bit iconic at this point, and he had no doubt there were Fire Nation plants in this crowd, likely intel gatherers. He recalled Canis, and called out his own Drapion then, and Jet's eyes widened, as he realized this one had to be part of Alex's regular team, not his Korian one, as it was just as large as his own Drapion. He opened his sly mouth to comment on it, but Alex spoke first. "Ictus. Earthquake."
Jet's eyes widened at the realization of yet another potential OHKO, and to his credit, he tried to counter. "Quick, use Dig!" Unfortunately, the ground being dug into shattered, and his Drapion instead found himself surrounded by an element he was weak to. Ictus made no move to free the buried rival scorpion ogre, as the Earthquake ceased. Jet, to his credit, what little was left, seemed at least concerned for his partner. "Hey…where's my Drapion? Drapion! Dig out of there!"
The crowd, naturally, disliked this, and the more annoying, and younger, of Jet's plants booed loudly, and the rest of the crowd soon followed. Finally, Alex sighed, after about forty-five seconds of this. "Ictus. Bring him to the surface." Ictus thumped the ground with a single claw, and with an explosion of dirt, the fainted Drapion was vomited onto the field again. "Now flatten the field, if you would. We want to be able to use it again." Ictus's other claw hit the ground, and the hole, and shattered topsoil, repaired itself seemingly with no blemishes, or outline paint.
Jet, finally realizing his strategy of losing and shaming Alex into forfeiting his win wasn't going to work, reached his arms up and behind his back then, and the crowd cheered, as they knew he was about to get serious. "I'm sure you know how we Battle in Koria by now, Challenger. Most of us who aren't Benders just have normal Battles…but I've never let that stop me." He drew a pair of Doublade then, wincing as they wrapped around his wrists, and began trading his life force, for their power.
Jet charged at Ictus then, and Alex sighed, walking up next to his partner as he joined him on the field. "Block the slashes with Throat Chop. Leave the Human to me. Don't let the swords recover." Ictus rumbled his acknowledgement and dropped into a low crouch. He skittered forward then in a serpentine pattern, and as Jet lifted both swords into an overhead spin strike, Ictus caught them in his claws, easily, ripped them from Jet's arms, and then dragged them over to the other side of the field in his dark typed grip, at which point the two Pokémon faced off. Jet had enough time to look surprised at being disarmed, until an earthy protrusion rose rapidly from the ground, and hammered his chin. Again, to his credit, he didn't immediately faint, but Alex trapped his fallen frame's limbs in earthy bindings quite easily. He felt earthbending interference from the crowd, but their control was weaker than his own hold on Jet.
While Alex had Jet easily subdued, the same could not be said for his Doublade. Battling on its own, the psychically linked dual swords parried Ictus's Throat Chops with Sacred Sword, and then countered with it as well. With the roundless speed of their traded moves, Ictus soon found himself with less health than his opponent. They separated then, circling each other warily, and Alex watched, propping Jet's head up with an uncomfortable earth pillow, so he could also watch. Ictus went for a Crunch, which while more powerful, ended up leading him into Crunching onto the blade blocking with Fury Cutter, while the Doublade countered immediately with Sacred Sword from its floating counterpart in a seamless display of dual swordsmanship.
Ictus growled an acknowledgement of the ghost's strength, before finally fainting, and Alex gained a new appreciation for how strong Doublade could be on its own. It was still weak after blocking so many strikes though and would only need a light hit to fall. Alex recalled Ictus, and the Doublade floated angrily towards him, freeing Jet with a pair of slashes. The hilt wraps returned to his arms then, and Jet wiped away some blood from the small wound his chin had sustained from Alex's earthy strike. "Not bad. You had me for a minute, there. How will you handle us now, I wonder?" He flourished the blades, and then charged.
Alex thought for a moment, and then smirked, leaping away from the linked pair of man and 'mon, as he drew a whitish-gold ball from his pocket. Red and blue circles covered the top and bottom of it, and he gave it a gentle toss, as he called out his youngest partner. "With him." He said, as the tiny fairy typed egg baby Pokémon came out before the somewhat ominous frame of Jet wielding a pair of ghost swords, who paused his advance at the sight of the tiny chirping egg baby. "This is his first Battle, but I know Astrum will do well." The Togepi briiped confidently and tapped the chest part of his shell as he stared down Jet without fear, like Canis did.
While initially not fond of the idea of being hurt in battle, seeing how cool Canis and his other 'big brothers' were had cemented the baby Pokémon's desire to battle. He trusted his Trainer to guide him through this first easy knockout, and his tiny eyes were on fire with the desire to win and prove himself. Jet frowned at Alex. "I'm not liable for the trauma the baby suffers. You brought him into this Battle, and I intend to win!"
Again, Jet charged, coming in low and fast for a hard strike on the Togepi. The Doublade hardened with Iron Head as Jet struck, and Alex gave the order. "Jump back, and use Protect!" Astrum did so, and Jet slashed uselessly at the brief but impenetrable shield, as Alex caught his tiny partner. He gave the little one a bearded chin rub on his cheek, a feeling he seemed to like as it tickled, and then Alex raised him over his head, bracing for the pain that would follow. For his partners though, he would gladly take an attack or two if it meant seeing them rise to be all they could be. "Now, Dazzling Gleam!"
Astrum had a vague understanding about his Trainer's seeming weakness to fairy energy, but he also understood that sometimes, battling together, meant hitting your allies. Astrum raised his tiny hands and his soft golden body glowed with intense pink light as the gleaming fairy attack blinded the audience, the battlers, and the ref. When the light faded, Alex's large pale hands were smoking, but he was smiling. Astrum's attack had enough surprising power behind it to knock down both Jet and his Doublade, linked as they were. Jet lifted the swords, but his ref called their faint before he could attack with them anyway. "The match is over! The Challenger from Unova has won!"
Jet glared at his ref, and then sighed, setting his fainted Doublade down, and recalling them. "I guess he has." He muttered, before turning to the crowd. "It's been a while since my last loss! Let's hear it for our Challenger, and that Shining Baby Boom!" That got a laugh from the stands, and chants of 'Baby Boom!' started. Astrum just waved, absurdly happy from his perch on his Trainer's hooded and hatted head. Jet came over then and handed Alex what looked like a homemade Gym Badge. "This is the Cause Badge. With this, you're one of us, now, whether the League recognizes me or not." He scratched the back of his head then, and Alex didn't need psychic powers to sense his guilt. "What do you think my chances of certification are?" He asked, somewhat quietly.
Alex's smile faded to a grim line. "You healed your Umbreon. You all but convinced your fans I was somehow cheating, even though any Trainer worth their Balls knows Steel Types can't be poisoned. I have a feeling this isn't the first time you've used these tactics, either. It's underhanded, Jet."
Jet shrugged. "Whatever it takes to win, Redwood. That's what I'll do. The Fire Nation must be stopped."
Alex's brows furrowed, and his eyes narrowed. "And what about when the Fire Nation is stopped? What excuse to Cheat will you use then? Keep this up, and you'll never be a Gym Leader, Jet. A Gym Battle is not about winning or losing." When he saw Jet about to shrug off his point, Alex preempted his cocky response by waving a hand, and calling out the partners who Jet had battled with, with three focused psychic presses. "Yes, you lost, but do those Pokémon look like they didn't enjoy every Second of that match?" They seemed tired, as fainted and then barely conscious Pokémon often did, but they were, all of them, also smiling softly. "You and your team mostly Battled with honor, together. That's what's important, Jet. That's what a Gym Leader needs to be able to promote and bring out in their Challengers. The bonds between Trainer and Pokémon."
Alex glanced up at his golden egg boi then, and smirked, offering a fist bump to him, despite the fact his fist was over half the size of the baby Pokémon's body. He felt a tiny, pointed fist bump, and grinned again. "I did most of that work this time, but in future matches, you should try to encourage that bond. Anyone can strive for victory at any cost. It's the truly great Trainers who are able to take their bonds to a Champion's level."
As Alex tried enlightening the rebel, Astrum was frowning. He'd sensed the pain in his Trainer's hand, and when it opened after their fist bump, he winced. The skin was seriously seared, but Alex gave away no signs of pain. "Our bonds…" Jet said, looking at each of his partners, and then nodding. "I…I think I understand. More or less." He nodded at Alex. "We'll work on it. Next time, you won't roll over us so easily!"
Alex chuckled. "That's more like it." Before they could continue, the top of Alex's head began shining with an impossibly white light, and Alex blinked, as he sensed the fairy power of his baby Pokémon partner suddenly grow exponentially. He just stared as his golden Togetic floated down to him, and the sight had the crowd, who was mid departure, pausing to watch as well. The newly evolved tiny fairy type took Alex's hands then, and seemed to hum, singing, as water droplets formed around his large limbs.
The water glowed with golden Light, and Alex watched the seared skin of his palms and fingers heal completely. He recognized Life Dew, but he'd thought Astrum had forgotten that move. It seemed that, like so many other Pokémon of late, his newly evolved partner had somehow gained the capacity to recall moves once known at a moment's notice, and in spite of his very brief span of days out of his egg. He landed back on his Trainer's head then and snuggled not unlike a bird into the Snow Liepard lining. Alex just left him there.
When he next found Jimen, it was up above, in the area of Ba Sing Se's University campus that, because of the nature of the city, was melded with an entire district that had families and shops within it. It was where students and travelers of all kinds met, a kind of crossroads in the very heart of the walled metropolis. He recalled his snoozing fairy chick then, as he knew people would see gold and attempt thievery. Evidently, Jimen had found the trace of a past life somewhere among the students, but hadn't yet been able to get in.
Alex, who spoke the language of Ba Sing Se primarily via currency and poorly paid campus guards, got them into the main quad of the campus, and from there, all they had to do was wait. Eventually, Jimen sensed someone, and stopped them. Having the imposing height of Redwood behind him also added a measure of weight to Jimen's efforts. They were clearly not students, and yet they'd been let in, as the guest tokens about their necks signaled.
In all, at the university at least, Jimen found two of his past selves, or at least fragments of them, and the pair had, upon seeing Jimen's eyes shine with Raava's Light, freely allowed him to attempt to remove that essence, and rejoin it to his own. In the end, Alex helped, as Jimen's initial efforts failed, but ultimately, they were unable to retrieve the fractured spirits. "They're…too ingrained…" Alex said, as he joined Jimen's attempts to mentally draw his past lives from the relatively young, around sixteen years of age, students. "What the Sage sensed here…must have been multitudes of fragments, given the size of the population." They were all slightly sweating, once they finished, and the younger looking of the pair voiced his desire to not do that again. Alex had nodded, dropping the issue and turning to Jimen. "It seems some of your past selves were shattered quite hard…if we found others with pieces of the same Avatar, then maybe we could try communally guiding them back, but…this is going to take a very long time, Jimen."
The Avatar nodded. "I know. But I'll do it anyway, until all are one, again." He turned to the students then, and got their names, which were both Lii. "Well, Liis, until I find the rest of…whichever Avatar is inside of you, do me a favor…don't die. I'll be in touch." He patted each of their shoulders with a firm grip, and Alex noticed he'd been gaining muscle, apparently. His arms were more toned than bulky, but their wiry strength was easily recognizable. The pair nodded, and then walked off, back to their routine, with the knowledge that a past Avatar, maybe the same, maybe a different one entirely, resided within them.
As Alex and Jimen stood in the busy square, a scream echoed through the area, and a large, fast shadow flew over the students, and citizens of the city. Alex recognized Shruikan, despite his new lack of size. He was still plenty large enough to intimidate his opponents, and to his Trainer's eye, he actually seemed more deadly, not unlike the vibes a Garchomp gave off. Alex mentally guided him up again, into a convenient cloud as the city's bystanders panicked. Once Alex found a secluded alley, he did a brief mental sweep for watchers. "Jimen...we have a tail. Would you mind distracting them?"
Jimen closed his eyes, seemingly listening for their pursuer, and nodded. "On it." There was the sound of earthbending, and then Alex fired the recall of Shruikan's ball. Few people saw the red beam shoot skyward, and none who did knew what it was. The Impenetrable City was far less open to foreign technology like Pokéballs, and its citizens tended to either know almost nothing of the outside world, or were surprisingly knowledgeable about it, thanks to the university.
Alex glanced at Shruikan's ball as he noticed what exactly the dragon was holding, and Shruikan rumbled in his head. "That was to be a surprise...a gift from the World Serpent."
"Hold onto it for me, brother. You can make use of it too." Alex said, as he sensed their earthbender tail finally break through Jimen's control. The man surged back up through the rocky street, looking quite irritated, and sweaty. His palms were encased in rocks, and his ensemble was almost entirely black, including a somewhat ominous cone shaped Kasa hat topped with a green tuft of what looked like fur.
"Avatar Jimen." The man said, as Jimen swiftly raised a rock-knife up against his throat. The hat turned towards Alex too. "Dragon Emperor. Earth King Kuei wishes to speak with both of you."
Alex recognized a 'secret policeman' when he saw one. His Scales served a similar function back home, albeit with almost none of the sneakiness. While there were more stealth-inclined Scales, he knew, or at least assumed, that Tao didn't have them watching the general populace too harshly. He'd seen several figures dressed like this man around the city, and now he could safely assume their purpose. It also explained the odd behavior he'd seen from the citizens around them.
Jimen glanced at Alex, and Alex said, "Is the Earth King going to treat us diplomatically, or is this a trap to try to score favor with the Fire Nation?"
The man glanced at Jimen, and then addressed Alex. "I do not know what he has told you, but the Earth King is no friend of the Fire Nation. He expressed a wish to speak with you and the Avatar as fellow people of importance, now you've arrived in the city."
Jimen gave Alex a slow nod, and Alex said, "Very well. We will speak with the Earth King, as contemporaries. I imagine you have a discreet method of getting to the Palace. Lead on, agent."
The grim-faced and beardless man made no effort to introduce himself, but instead earthbent a tunnel into the undercity tunnels, closing it behind them. In a city composed mostly of earthbenders and sitting on deep layers of earth and stone, Alex imagined there were many secret and intersecting paths used by all types of inhabitants. The scenery was lacking, but they made good time through the massive city to the palatial grounds. The Earth Palace was as large and ostentatious as Alex expected, though he was amazed at how much space was seemingly wasted with multiple gardens, with how shoved together the outer districts were.
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The agent led them up an unnecessarily large stairway, to an equally unnecessarily large door. A pair of Excadrill were stylistically carved into the presumably stone door, and the space between their extended claws opened as the agent led them into the room. Jimen briefly glanced behind him, to double take, as he saw Alex suddenly garbed in his dragonbone armor, albeit without his Skiddo horned helmet.
Jimen, for his part, had pulled a worn, sandy, light green shawl from his bag, not uncommon clothing for the lower castes of the Earth Nation. The agent gestured at the Avatar, and the 'weakest form' of earth slid off of him in a pile of sand that showed just how much there had been in the garment.
The Earth King looked up from staring at the floor, to take in the new arrivals as they entered. The agent had given them a crash course on decorum, namely so they didn't look the Earth King in the eyes. Naturally, Alex ignored that primitive display of subservience not to be rude, but because among equals it placed one of them above the rest. If the Earth King was annoyed, he didn't show it, and Alex did give him the deepest bow his awkwardly tall frame could manage after meeting his gaze evenly.
Jimen also bowed low, fist to palm, as was tradition for the Avatar. The same simple greeting to the many Kings, Queens and lords Raava's Avatar had to meet throughout their lifetimes. The Earth King himself was as unapologetically shredded as every other earthbending master Alex had seen, and his bulging musculature was obvious even under the light green, tan, and dark green raiment adorning his royal personage. "So. The reincarnated Avatar again graces the Earth Nation's capital. I've wanted to meet you for some time, Avatar Jimen. Many eras have passed since we had Avatar Kyoshi to represent us." Jimen told the Earth King how honored he was, and the king turned to Alex then. "I know not how, but supplies from your Dragon Empire have been appearing all over my city, from what the Dai Li told me. How has this come to pass?"
Alex glanced at Jimen, and then said, "I provided aid to the rebels in Minjujuui City. As I'm sure you heard, the Fire Nation raided that base. Since then I assume that they've been given to whoever needs them."
This content is taken from freёnovelkiss.com.
The Earth King gave a stoic nod. "They have. Honestly... I was hoping this act of charity would repeat. My Nation is struggling, and these supplies popping up around the Earth Kingdom have reportedly helped much. I am curious as to how you got so much through our regional border though."
Alex gestured to his head. "Psychic powers. I was able to coordinate a large Teleport from the Empire. We don't have infinite supplies...but with a little diplomacy, maybe an ad campaign, I could convince those of the Empire who have excess to donate, and then I could bring it in the same way. If you need more, of course."
The Earth King looked Redwood over for a long moment, then nodded slowly. "We are not too desperate now… you and I can discuss what we need and what you can offer. Your initial kindness will not be forgotten."
Unable to stay quiet anymore, Jimen finally spoke up. "Earth King...I have to ask…"
The king only held up a hand though, which was enough to silence Jimen. "About the Fire Nation. About why my grandfather capitulated to those butchers, and why my father and I have continued that legacy of cowardice. Right?"
The guards to either side of the stylized Excadrill throne shifted uncomfortably, and Jimen kind of lost steam, as his brows furrowed. "Umm...well, yea... I was always taught that the Earth Kings of old would've never bowed to the Fire Nation."
The Earth King inhaled deeply, and then let out a heavy sigh. "The Nations of old would've never bowed to the Imperator. We stood together against their encroachment for years, in conjunction with all of Eous. Everything changed when the Fire Nation betrayed us all. They began slaughtering the Air Nomads and claiming Earth Kingdom land as their own. My grandfather had to make a choice. Send a kingdom he could barely keep functioning into a war against technology we've never understood, or capitulate to Imperium rule, and work to overthrow them the slow way."
Jimen frowned. "Then why has the Rebellion struggled just to form in your territory? Your Dai Li have rounded up hundreds of us!"
The Earth King met Jimen's gaze evenly. "There is something you should both see. Come." The two earthbenders beside the king shifted into action. With a unified series of hard steps and arm raising, the king's throne began levitating. They seemed strained, but like they knew where they were going, and two more guards came out of earthbended hideaways in the throne room to help them ferry their monarch.
The trek to wherever they were going in the massive palatial complex was long and slow going. Alex could sense they were going down underground, but the specifics of where they were in the city were lost on him. When they finally did arrive, they found a genuinely massive room, built like a hangar, within which were several long rows of people, every one of them earthbenders, training hard in their Nation's art, and garbed in various shades of green training clothes.
The Earth King pontificated from atop his throne, which was set upon a raised stage beside the room's entrance. "As you can see…some of your rebel friends have agreed to join our hidden Liberation Army. With this, we will boost the forces of the Rebellion, and anyone else, who decides to lend aid to the cause of freeing Koria. Between these valiant Earthbenders and the Water Tribes, we should be able to strike back at the Fire Nation." The Earth King finished speaking as his throne bearers set him down.
A few of the trainees looked their way at the sound, and Alex realized they were all wearing blindfolds. "This is impressive, Earth King Kuei...but I don't know if it will be enough to counter the Fire Nation."
The Earth King flashed a confident smirk at Alex. "There is one more event in our favor, that will make our victory assured, Dragon Emperor." As he spoke, the king's words had drawn the attention of his press-ganged soldiers. Several had approached him but he made no move to stop them, as he started monologuing. "The Day of Black Sun will see the Fire Nation reliant solely on their borrowed technology, and my spies in the Regiis Caldera report that the Imperator has withdrawn military aid to Ozai, for some fortuitous reason. That means no Thunderhawks, no Thunder Warriors, and no black armored psychic monstrosities to aid the Traitors!" There was a murmur among the troops now, who had removed their blindfolds upon recognizing their king's voice. Kuei had addressed them mostly with his last sentence, and now looked back at Alex. Judging by how a few of the fighters looked at him, they either liked his armor, or recognized it. "With charitable aid from the Dragon Emperor, we can crush the Firebenders before they even know we're coming."
The earthbending soldiers, each wearing dark green and black training uniforms marked with the Earth Kingdom's sigil, cheered a bit, at their king's words, but there was healthy skepticism in their motions. The people of Ba Sing Se didn't seem too keen on their ruler, and Alex empathized. There was a reason Jess was handling Fornia, and mid-western States that were still clinging to Arcean Church propaganda, despite the established fact that it was nonsense. Instead of accepting their new reality, many of the more rural and uneducated citizens, most of whom had been used as menial labor by the Church, had chosen to instead create their own reality, within which they were 'rebels' with a cause: violently opposing the Dragon Empire, wherever they could. So far, Jess had been rooting out their mini cults, confiscating their weapons, and shoving them in Riker's Island Prison with their 'brave Crusaders'.
One of the soldiers, an older looking woman in slightly more important looking and gold-trimmed garb, came up to Alex then. She actually was blind, and her eyes were gray and seemingly pupilless as she 'looked' off to one side but pointed directly at Alex. "You. With the giant, heavy feet. You should join us for an Earthbending lesson. It would do you good."
Alex was amused by the comparatively small old woman calling him out. Her hair was in a rounded shape, a style he vaguely recognized as being of the Earth Nation, and she seemed around Tenzin's age, but with earthbenders, he had learned that often their appearance belied their years. Earthbenders especially, tended to live a long time, even by modern standards. Earth King Kuei seemed completely done with her attitude, though. "Lady Beifong. Not even your esteemed family's reputation excuses this rudeness to a foreign visitor. An Emperor no less."
Before Alex could respond, the old woman made a face somewhere between surprise and disgust. "The new Dragon Emperor? Oh wow. That just means he needs my training even more."
Kuei glared at her, and the chamber shook slightly. "Toph…"
Alex held up a hand though, and stepped forward. "It's quite alright, Earth King. Toph...Beifong, was it? The daughter of the same Beifong who traveled with Avatar Aang? I'm pretty new to bending in general. Anything you can show me to improve my Earthbending would be greatly appreciated. I think Jimen would benefit from a lesson too."
Toph 'looked' Jimen's comparatively thinner frame over, and shook her head. "He needs to keep building his muscles. He already knows the basics. But you? I can tell you were educated, poorly, in an Omashu basement just from how you walk. Join the line, Stompy. And change into something you can move in."
Kuei was fuming quietly, but Alex was deeply amused by Toph's 'tude. Her students were also smirking, but for an entirely different reason. They knew better than anyone the hell the foreigner had signed up for. "I apologize for her insolence. The Avatar and I should converse alone, Earth Avatar to Earth King. My Dai Li will lead you back to us when your impromptu instruction is finished."
Alex and Jimen shared one of their many stoic nods, and then the Earth King was carried away again by his guards, and Alex heard something about Avatar Kyoshi. She was unfortunately not one of the displaced past lives that their sojourn into the spirit world had discovered.
"Alright Stompy. Show me what you've got!" Toph shouted, as she took a stance he didn't recognize. Her palms were facing upwards, her arms out before her, and Alex wondered how a blind girl was going to handle combat, earthbender or not.
Alex's attention snapped back to Toph, and he took the stance Boomi had shown him back in Omashu. The other soldiers were all watching after the hype around the tall and formerly armored foreigner, who'd spoken casually with both Kings and their teacher. He was in his own training clothes now, those he'd worn under Tao, in a different dimension, still as breathable and comfy as ever. Neither of them seemed to move, but mentally, Alex was trying to keep her from controlling all the ground and rock energy around them, and put up a decent effort, or so he thought.
In the end, she moved first, after realizing just how much of a novice he actually was, and that he could wait literally all day. One of her thin arms shifted with a hard jerking motion to her left, and three flat ended spikes of earth came for him. Alex spun, dodging them and sending them back through the air. Toph dodged two of the spikes, but the third hit, scratching her cheek. Alex watched her as she countered, and then realized how she was able to battle like this, without sight.
She hadn't been trying to control the nature energy like the Gym Leaders he'd fought, she needed it to help her see. As she raised a pillar of earth and began firing circular pieces of said pillar at him, Alex spun like Meelo had shown him. The Air Nomad had been correct; airbending movements were a very good counter to earthbender projectiles. Alex stomped the earth then, and the entire room shook. "Aaagh!" Toph went wobbly, grabbing her head, and Alex confirmed that quaking the ground while she tried using it to see through was quite disorienting.
She had asked for his best though, and he intended to bring it. As Toph was disoriented, Alex used the earth to propel himself into the air, and he knew any movement would probably be heard by her. Toph tried firing blindly to hit him, and Alex directed her projectiles up, making them land with him all across the field as he did. He knew it would be seconds before she countered, as he could tell she was definitely the better bender.
As Alex hit the ground, his approximation of an Earthquake rolled through the floor right at her. Toph raised her arms and a triangular wedge shield blocked the seemingly random rocks that struck at her. Alex was expecting the triangular rocks comprising Toph's shield that came flying at him. He smashed through them with his large fists, breaking them into chunks with his bending as he did.
From his left side, came an unexpected Toph, all but skating on a pair of earthy mounds that shifted her rapidly. By the time he saw her, she was already attacking, and instead of a counter, he shielded himself, drawing as many rocks as he could to his front and sides, like armor. Six earth spikes jutted at him this time, shattering the comparatively thinner cover, hard. He'd definitely have bruises, but his shield kept his ribs from breaking. He had a feeling they wouldn't be the first bones Toph had broken in this group.
He dropped to a knee as he realized the wind had been literally knocked out of him. Toph walked up to him then, only about a head taller than his kneeling frame. "Not bad, Stompy. I've seen much worse. Let me show you a more fluid set of stances. They will work better for you and your…spinning dodges."
And so, she did. Alex didn't know how many hours he and the others were down in that poorly lit cavernous space, but when he emerged somewhere behind the palatial complex, he had a better sense of the earth as a whole. Toph had been trained by her father's Excadrill, who while not blind, had understood the tiny female human who approached him needed his aid to be accepted into her society.
He'd essentially taught her to bend the earth and stone, when Korian society had all but given up on her, and the result was an earthbender who was a cut above the others, even the other instructors. By the end of her tutelage, Alex had learned how to use his earthbending to sense things around him that his eyes and psychic senses might have missed. Being able to tell what those things were would take time, as right now his earth sense registered them as indistinct blobs, but Toph claimed that practice would fix that.
The Dai Li agent who'd been waiting for him to finish was long gone, but a different one found him, as he donned his local clothing again out of sight. "Dragon Emperor. The Avatar and the Earth King await you. Come with me."
The walk was as uneventful as the first trip through the palace complex. They passed by several noble looking people, but while the hulking pale foreigner drew interest and rumors, he didn't so much as look at the nobles. Something the agent seemed grateful for. When they finally did arrive, it was in a well furnished sequestered sitting room, and the body language of Kuei and Jimen seemed far more relaxed.
Alex's mind brushed against Jimen's, a sensation he was used to by now, and Alex said, "What do you think? Will he be a good ally?"
Jimen nodded slowly, his expression blank, but something about the situation struck him as odd the more he sensed from Jimen, without prying, of course. Something he and the Earth King had talked about seemed to bother the Avatar, but he wasn't saying what, and Alex didn't have time to pry, as the Earth King spoke.
"Welcome back, Dragon Emperor. Jimen has been regaling me with your exploits, since you've met. He also mentioned that you could bend more than one element, but not all at once, like our Avatar. My Dai Li confirmed you can do this, so I'll forgo a demonstration. I'm more interested in how you learned to do this...and if other elemental typings could be learned…" Kuei said, as he gestured to a chair beside him, and across from Jimen.
As Alex sat on the rock-based chair that had apparently been upholstered at some point, his new earth sense revealed five other benders, presumably Dai Li, waiting in the walls around them. He paused then, pretending to ponder his answer as he recognized hostile intent from the minds of the Dai Li agents. He also felt as though his ability to use his psychic power was being dulled by something weak, compared to the power he could summon. It was hard to notice, but had he been as weak as, say, when he'd first learned in the swamp, his power would've been nullified.
"My skills aren't the kind of thing you can just...learn, King Kuei. But they do make me a very…unpleasant enemy." He said, and the Earth King's eyes widened. Alex let his aura burn to life through whatever was trying to jam him. The reverb echoed ominously through his voice as he stood and said, "What have you done to the Avatar?"
The Earth King opened his mouth, but as the illusion broke, Alex heard another voice, just under his. Whoever it was, they didn't seem to notice the facade was breaking. He was glad the Earth King was seemingly a puppet, after learning he'd done something to Jimen. It was likely a similar trick that had ensnared Kuei's mind. If he could break it, the real Earth King would likely be quite grateful. But first, he had to deal with the Dai Li.
The agents popped out of the wall as he stood and flared up his aura. Kuei's expression was blank, and he remained motionless as the Dai Li popped out of the walls and sent their signature rock fists flying at him. Or rather, they tried. The agents found themselves stuck in place by a shadow emanating from Alex. They'd been so distracted by his aura; none had noticed the Gengar waiting in his shadow.
"Keep them bound, Nox." Alex said as he focused on Jimen first. Their minds linked more forcefully this time, and Alex felt Jimen beneath whatever hypnosis-based conditioning had been done to him. It was his first experience with a brain that had been subjugated by suggestion, rather than a lifetime of lies and indoctrination. Thankfully, suggestion was easy enough to break with an emotional shock. Alex gave Jimen the sped-up version of his own history, which ended with him staring at his Pokéball in the smoldering ashes of his home, surrounded by dead firebenders, and thinking his partner within was gone.
Raava's Light filled the chamber as Jimen's mind broke through the brainwashing. Nox hissed but held his captives in place despite the Light. He sank back into Alex's shadow, as Jimen focused on the Earth King. "I will handle Kuei. Do not let the agents escape." The psychic reverb in his voice was not dissimilar from Alex's, but now instead of just Jimen's voice echoing with the power of Raava's spirit, the voices of the other Avatars, some Alex even recognized by their tone, could be heard in unison with the current Avatar.
Sensing a figure he and Nox had missed trying to flee, Alex reacted with the element he'd last used, simply because his network was still attuned to it. A balding Korian man with green eyes and three wisps of black facial hair came shooting out of the ground, and into a carpet that had been covering the floor.
Sharp rock blades tore through it, and the man, who was also dressed like the Dai Li, came at Alex with a potent, even desperate attempt to kill. The man hadn't expected things to go south so quickly. He'd assumed his methods of conditioning the Avatar had worked, as they had on the Earth King. Evidently powerful psychics could break such things.
The clash between him and Alex was the first genuine display of no holds barred earthbending that Alex engaged in. Thankfully, it wasn't nearly as intense as the bouts Toph had just put him through. The balding Dai Li agent was good, but his attempts to distract Alex and then hit him with bending simply didn't go through. Indeed, the foreigner held his own for almost a minute as the room shook from their battle.
Nox and Jimen continued their efforts despite the rocky clash from Alex and his adversary. Then, suddenly, it was over. Alex used the older man's own trick, and hammered the back of his skull with a chunk of rock from the wall that sent him unconscious, flopping onto the floor.
Behind Alex, Jimen had continued trying to break Kuei's indoctrination. His indoctrination went deeper though. Whatever had been done, had been going on for years, and Jimen lacked Alex's finesse and experience with minds. "It's not...working...the indoctrination...too strong."
Alex was tempted to intervene, but he decided Jimen needed the experience more. All he added was a hand on the man's shoulder. "Past experiences can often shock us and remind us of who we are. If I had to guess, the events around the King coming into power might break the indoctrination."
Jimen nodded, and Alex let him be, as he psychically tied up the bald Dai Li leader, and his friend. He only had one rope, but forty feet was enough for pretty much anything, and it came standard with most Trainer backpacks these days. When he was done, both he and Nox were keeping the skilled earthbenders levitating off the floor. Jimen still wasn't done though. Five minutes passed. Then ten.
Alex was content to let him keep going, that is, until he sensed other earthbenders heading towards them. "I don't want to rush you, Jimen, but we can't tie up the entire Dai Li order. More are coming."
Just then, Kuei snapped back to consciousness, and Jimen muttered, "Finally…"
Kuei looked around, as he panted heavily. "What...where…" About that time, the rest of the Dai Li showed up, bursting through the door and walls as they surrounded Alex, Jimen, and Kuei.
The agents shouted various commands to stand down and surrender the King, but Kuei held up a hand to silence them. "It is time you all knew the truth. The truth about the past two decades of-"
The balding Dai Li man spoke over the Earth King then. "King Kuei. The Imperator requests your presence at Lake Laogai."
Alex and Jimen stared as their hard work became glassy eyed, and then blank in expression and the eyes. "I... would be honored to accept his invitation…" Kuei answered robotically, before falling silent.
The balding man glared at Jimen and Alex then. "Release us! And perhaps I will...overlook...this insanity." He smirked far too confidently at Alex and Jimen, thinking them surrounded and beaten.
"What's insane…" Alex said, as his eyes lit up with an intense blue aura, "Is you, thinking you're going to get away with brainwashing the Earth King."
"It will be easier when everyone learns he was spirited away by a Psychic from a foreign land." The balding man sneered. "Even if you break him free again, his mind will be questionably influenced."
"You're right…" Alex said, as he redirected the power he'd gathered to teleport. "It's better for all that these events are forgotten…" His power flashed into the gathered minds of the Dai Li, and when the bright blue flash faded, the morally gray members of Ba Sing Se's secret police were dazed, confused, and unable to remember why they were all battle-ready in the Earth King's private room.
Alex, Jimen, and Kuei reappeared underground, in the secret headquarters of the rebellion based in Ba Sing Se, namely, a series of ever-changing earthbended tunnels that were maintained by the very citizens of the city above. Alex spoke, as they materialized in the room he'd been given. "I don't want to belittle your efforts Jimen...but I'll break his indoctrination this time." Kuei barely had time to look around the room he now found himself in before a massive palm was on his face.
The state of the Earth King's mind was chaotic to say the least, but Alex's actions had bought them some time. By the time the Dai Li remembered, the Earth King would hopefully have his affairs in order. It took about three minutes for Alex to find the suppressed memories, and free them of the hypnotic brainwashing the bald man employed.
When Alex finally lowered his hand, he gave Kuei a moment. "Your mind is yours again, King Kuei. Do you remember us?"
Kuei looked between him and Jimen. "Yes...the Avatar...and the foreign Emperor with a similar power. I apologize. Sometimes I could speak on my own power. Other times, like earlier... I barely realized my words were being manipulated...I'm a terrible Earth King...all my judgements throughout my rule are now in question. This will ruin the throne's authority...where are we, anyway?"
Jimen just stared at the weak-minded Earth King. "The rebel headquarters, under the lowest ring of Ba Sing Se."
Kuei's eyes went wide, and just then, the room's door burst open. "Nobody move!" A familiar voice came. Earthbenders and waterbenders swarmed in, and behind them came Jet, his Doublades ready to fight. He lowered them, as he saw Alex. "False alarm. Seems our newest ally also trips our Psyker detectors." His eyes moved past Alex then, as he noted a third person. Then, he saw who it was. "Why have you brought this self-important royal trash into our base?"
Kuei chucklesnorted in a derisive manner. "I am the Earth King, peasant. This is my city. You don't own the underground just because I don't devote resources to patrolling it."
"Kuei!" The name thundered through the small room, stalling Jet's anger, and that of the citizens with him as the Dragon Emperor whirled on the shocked noble. "Your elitist nonsense doesn't exist outside of your bubble. You are in the real Ba Sing Se now, and like every city, it belongs to the People who call it home. Not just you. You haven't even been the one ruling for most of your life. Your claim, and throne, is weak. Rotten. The people won't abide this incompetence forever. I've been here for only a few days, and I've seen that much. You have a choice, now that your will is your own, Earth King. Help the rebellion, or help your corrupt government, who's likely owned by the Fire Nation, the Imperium, or both, by this point." Alex looked at Jet, and head gestured for him to exit. This was, by their 'laws', his space after all. "We will await Your decision outside."
Alex let Jimen catch up Jet and the others on the situation, and once he had, they turned their angry eyes on Alex, though he wasn't the source of it. "I appreciate your words...Dragon Emperor." Jet started. "Your perspective is...odd, for a ruler, but you need to understand, now that King Kuei is here, we intend to hold him accountable for his laws. And no, we don't care that it was his Dai Li Chief controlling him from the shadows. You heard him. This rot has him already. He might even be a worse ruler, now that he's not being manipulated."
"We need to work together right now, Jet. Who rules your city can be settled later. Right now, that influence is useful." Alex then elaborated on why, namely, because he had benders like Toph Beifong on hand, benders they would need, for the plan that was coming together. "When he comes out, invite him to a summit. Give him a room, too. Gather your other allies. I can reach out to Akos. It's time we got our Muks together and took out Ozai. With most of Koria, myself, and Jimen, we can take him."
Jet looked like he was about to protest, but Jimen put a hand on his shoulder. "He's right, Jet. I will personally settle this. Once the Fire Nation has paid their debt to our region." The aspiring Gym Leader nodded and followed Jimen's lead. Eventually, a neutral-faced Kuei emerged from the room, and addressed the waiting group. "After some rumination on my- erm, our, situation I have concluded that what is best for the Kingdom and Koria itself, is working with her Avatar to better us all. I will honor my ancestor's wisdom and trust our Avatar to be a fair and neutral party in Korian politics."
Jimen had slowly been awakening another power, one that was his, and not inherited, one that grew each time Redwood's mind touched or affected his. He directed his thoughts at Kuei, and while Alex didn't sense the words, if looks could commit regicide, this one would have. "Your incompetence and weak will got my home and my family reduced to ash. If you think I will be impartial, you've made quite an assumption." Jimen stomped off then, without actually uttering anything, and bits of earth fell from the ceiling behind him as he went to bring the others together. The Earth King quietly retired to a room temporarily assigned to him, as he pondered how to navigate the Avatar's rage.
In the end, they had Professor Akamatsu, a leading Professor at the university, Gym Leader of the middle ring, and the man responsible for the secret underground 'Gym' below said university. With him was General Hao, the Supreme Commander of the Earth Nation's armies, and a man whose loyalty was forged in even his family line. For centuries they had served the Earth King's family with unimpeachable honor, though like everything else in Ba Sing Se, Alex expected that was a fraud too. Hao also served as Gym Leader to the upper ring of the city, but the local rumor was that he was considered the eighth Gym Leader of their region, and thus had never been beaten. With those two beaten, Alex had all of Koria's badges, with the exception of the Gym in the Regiis Caldera, the other contender for eighth Gym Leader of the region.
Once Jimen, Kuei, and the others had gathered, a pair of golden eyes manifested behind Alex. In the faint outline of their golden Light was some sort of immaterial object floating above the tall westerner's head, but it was hard to make out without obviously trying to stare at it and take in multiple facets of it. Jimen had heard him mention a Storm Crown during the explanation of how his Voice worked and manipulated reality, but seeing it firsthand put into contrast just how strong the Dragon Emperor was, and that Raava had not been exaggerating when she'd told him of the roadblock Alex Redwood would someday become, if he wished to be a powerful Trainer. Luckily for him, Jimen had no desire to be World Champion, but someday, in another life perhaps, he made a note to challenge the man properly.
It was, in short, an extremely boring meeting, involving talk of troop numbers, no small amount of political bargaining between Kuei and Alex, and a standard check-in with Akos, who claimed the Water Tribes, both of them, were more than ready for an assault by the proposed day. The Earth King secured the leftover supplies he'd wanted, and Tao offered more than Alex recalled they'd had. He didn't ask their source, though. Tao had essentially taken over running the metropoli of the States. Each one had first invested in building, maintaining, or repairing their production infrastructure through workshops, smiths, carpenters, and others who could build such things. After that, had come a focus on strengthening each city's ability to generate enough currency to support their people. A tricky task, but one Tao coordinated quite easily, the more connected the cities became. Roads and communication were also regularly being upgraded or maintained. Either he'd found unused Arcean caches of supplies, or he'd simply requisitioned some to be made upon learning of the Earth King's interest from his ever-present awareness that hung over his Tamer, as a result of their bond.
When the meeting ended, and most of the local Korians including Akos left, Alex sensed Tao reach out to Jimen, and himself in their minds. "Stay a while, and listen, if you would." The two men shared a look, and then nodded at the golden eyes. "Those gathered with you were not the only guests at this meeting. Alex, you will recall Iara and Nelinha of Rio, as well as former Indigo League Champion Red. Joining them is the heir apparent to Kalos, former Champion Calem, Japan's current Prime Minister, and Galar's own Pokémon League Chairman, Leon. They have all been here, on my side, listening patiently. Avatar Jimen, you are speaking to leaders and figures of authority across most of the planet not yet controlled by the Imperium of Man."
Jimen blinked, wondering if the names would be on the test. "Uhh…nice to…meet you all? Is there a reason I'm still here?"
The eyes pulsed with power. "Yes. Raava's Avatar has often acted as the officially recognized voice of Koria. Or at least you used to, before madness and greed claimed the Fire Nation. My Tamer and I have asked you all to this meeting of minds to outline a new…plan, of sorts, for the inevitable conflict with the Imperium of Man. A system of rule that unites us but does not lend dominant authority solely to a single member of this alliance born mostly of fighting Fornia. Naturally, the Dragon Empire will head this effort at first, though that may change as history unfolds. I have spoken with some of you about the necessity of forming a proper union against the Imperium. Without one, we will fall to them. All of us. One by one. In an effort to stop this, I propose an agreement; an attack on one of us, is an attack on all of us. The Imperator will be reluctant to start a war with half the planet at once. Through this alliance, we will appoint Wardens of each area of the globe, in charge of defending the area they're assigned, and leading the military forces of said area. As discussed, Minister Suzuki, Red will be appointed the Warden of the East. To aid Koria, and whatever regions of Eous request our aid, should the northern lines of Eous's border ever fall to the Thunder Legions. Alex will guard the provinces of the Dragon Empire, and the northern parts of the Dark Continent from the various outposts the Imperium has around our shores. Nelinha will be the Warden of the South, to keep an eye upon Atlantica, who up until now has remained a neutral party, uninterested in world affairs. Her territory will be Rio, the southern half of the Dark Continent where most of its residents reside, and Atlantica itself, should we convince them to join us."
Iara's amused voice echoed across the psychic connection. "I'm sure they will love that. A guardian from their hated enemies. Do not expect favor from Atlanticans. They're too absorbed with themselves."
"All the same…" Came Nelinha's voice, "I would still try to protect them from the Imperium. They're getting more desperate for manpower and sailing further away from the African Horn to find labor slaves. More than a few of our friends with the seafaring folk have run afoul of Imperium slave ships of late."
"And that is why you are the Warden. You have the power, Nelinha. Use it well. Each Warden will have a company of our Scales to call upon in the event of an attack, and our efforts to elevate those psychic individuals across our combined regions will begin once this meeting ends, and if all parties are still agreed to the terms." Tao said, before continuing. "In the north of the supercontinent, Calem will be the shield against the largest border our combined territories will have with the Imperium. Scale companies are currently on standby, should you discover an invasion on your doorstep. Has there been word from Paldea?"
"None." Came Calem's Kalosian accented Common. "If they are worried about the Imperium, or if they have allied with them, yet remains to be seen. Italia has seen more incursions, some led by actual Thunder Warriors that seemed equipped for stealth, but Paldea is protected, both by the Mediterra range, and what is left of their now mountain-bound neighbors."
Alex could almost hear the man bow before he replied. He'd liked Calem's battling style as Champion, but he'd always be a sucker for a Charizard. In fact, Alex knew little of the former Champion's post-title life. "I am glad our newest…Emperor…is already so willing to defend the regional land he's been given. I will protect our Kalos, and Norstad as well."
At that, Tao chuckled. "Norstad has its own Wardens…those who watch Helheim's Gate, the one escape route for Varangians who flee from the Imperium. With Norstad's limited resources, the remnants of Varangia have begun setting up towns in the neutral territory agreed upon by Norstad's High King, and the Imperator in ages past. But yes, Calem, you should be first to assist them, if they come under siege."
Tao paused then, for a moment, and Alex sensed the end of his speech approaching. "This is not a matter of if the Imperium will strike at us, but when. Make no mistake, the Imperator desires world domination, and the methods he will use to achieve it will turn our world into a radioactive husk of what it is now. I am eternally thankful each of you has agreed to aid this endeavor, in an effort to broker lasting peace. Alone, the Imperator would ignore us. United, we present too large of an obstacle to simply attack and crush, like Varangia. He will not risk Eous joining with us, which brings me to you, Jimen. Your past selves who couldn't maintain their essence have scattered the world over. If you wish to be truly whole again, or as close to it as you can get, you will have to travel, and search for these reincarnated fragments across the planet. As you do, we would appreciate it if you could endeavor to unite Eous. The more unstable it becomes, the greater the Imperator's leverage. That is all, for now. Good luck with your assault on the Fire Nation."
The eyes faded, then and the two men were left to ponder the developments they'd been told of. Jimen broke the silence first as he met the intense gaze of the Dragon Emperor. "I am glad the rest of the world finally seems to understand how dangerous the Imperium is. Would that they'd realized sooner." With that, Jimen left. Alex couldn't even argue, as he was correct. The world's governments had ignored the violent expansion of the Imperium, and now half the planet was under their cerasteel fist. Their female populations suffered the worst. The men, they killed or tortured, and the children...just vanished. The only thing the Imperium had ever left in its wake was rubble and death, but they loved gaslighting the world into believing their lands were all just like Olympia. Their city-mountain was a gleaming, golden capstone on a mountain of slave labor, and brutality perpetuated by their totalitarian, autocratic, and fascistic laws and practices. Alex had, like his granduncle, believed that the 'Free Nations' as he termed them, should've been doing a lot more to help Eous maintain their border with the Imperium, but when Koria had fallen, the powers that be refused to interfere in 'internal region politics', despite the companies of Thunder Warriors openly accompanying the Fire Nation's military.
The next meeting was with the Earth Kingdom's forces, at which, Alex arrived just in time for the Dai Li's entrance, which caused everyone to look up and away from the circular map table that was the centerpiece, and really the only piece, within the chamber. They came out of the walls and from the ceiling, rock hands ready to strike at whoever they were here for. General Hao seemed unamused by their intrusion, but Professor Akamatsu gripped his books tighter. There was tension in the open-air columned war council chamber, and as the balding Dai Li man leading their order strode into the chamber, hands linked in his robes behind his back.
"Greetings, Professor. General Hao. Earth King. Avatar." He nodded to each of them, and pointedly ignored Alex. Instead of angering the foreigner, he summoned his armor, crossed his arms, and smirked at the man whose name he still hadn't heard or been told.
Seeing Alex's reaction, and the reactions of others in the room, General Hao strode confidently towards the man, whom he towered over at a height of six feet and three inches. He put his hands on his hips then, and it was clear he intended the man to address him, first. "Former Grand Secretariat Long Feng." Hao helpfully boomed, "You were informed of your dismissal, and forthcoming indictments of High Treason against the Royal Family an hour ago. My soldiers report you haven't packed, and you don't seem to have informed the Dai Li of their new leader. Well, really their old leader, but regardless. What are you doing here?"
"Our Earth King has been psychically influenced by a foreigner. You of all people should know we have contingencies for this, General. I am here to enact them." Long Feng said, glancing at Alex. His eyes narrowed as he saw the now once more armored man smirking.
"No." The word echoed through the chamber with the voices of past Avatars, and the current one. "You are here to be arrested, detained, and if I have any say in it, executed for High Treason."
Long Feng seemed unbothered. "It seems our beloved Avatar is also under the foreigner's psychic sway. Dai Li, detain them, until this mess is sorted out."
King Kuei spoke then, "Dai Li, ignore that order. You have some nerve, Long Feng. All this, especially after brainwashing your King!? I may agree with Avatar Jimen in this instance. As the grieved party in this crime, and your Sovereign, I will be the one who ultimately decides your fate. I could still be lenient. It isn't too late."
The Dai Li shared looks, and one of those on the ground said, "Earth King, your judgment may not be sound right now… Long Feng is who we take our orders from, in this situation."
Long Feng just smirked. Then, he looked at Kuei, and Alex sensed him about to use his code phrase. His eyes flared with aura, and a pair of rock hands clamped onto his shoulder guards, as they did. The flare had been brief, but he had made his psychic ear blockers with more than enough time.
Kuei just glared at the man, as he realized what Alex had done. The tiny, psychic ear protectors had faded as quickly as they'd been made. "And that is all the proof I need. The only one attempting brainwashing here is the former Grand Secretariat."
Jimen stood up then and brought his arms forward. Dai Li agents came tumbling down from the pillars and ceiling where they'd been hiding as stealthy backup. "Dai Li! Avatar Kyoshi was your creator, and by every measure, you have Failed her!" Jimen stomped the ground, and then shifted the stonework of the floor to gather them before him. Once he did, he spoke again. "I will remake you. From now on the Dai Li once again serve their Avatar! Never again will you be used as secret police. Not without an Avatar leading you. Do you understand!?"
The Dai Li agents shared looks but stayed quiet. Finally, one spoke up. "I will follow you, Avatar. You should be aware...there is a base hidden under Lake Laogai. Long Feng was keeping some sort of giant metal monster from the Imperium in there." Other agents spoke up then, also confirming their renewed allegiance to the Avatar. One by one, they knelt to Jimen, and Long Feng was seething.
Seeing this shift in power, General Hao suckerbended Long Feng with a sudden rocky protrusion to the gut. As he doubled over, the General produced metal cuffs, and bound the former official. "I can think of no one better than the new Dai Li to take you to your cell." The General boomed. Wordlessly, two Dai Li agents stood, and forcibly escorted their former leader to the prison.
As they locked him in what was essentially a metal box, one agent spoke low to Long Feng, as they slipped him an 'upper class' meal. It was just roasted Ducklett, but given he was in prison it was better than roast Rattata, which was what the other prisoners got. "The Dai Li will not all bend so easily to the Avatar, Long Feng. Sir." The disgraced official nodded slowly, smirked, and bit into his meal. In time, his brutal stealth corps would free him, indoctrinate the King again, and set him free. All he had to do, was wait.
With the Dai Li's bid for power seemingly stopped, the meeting continued, with General Hao presiding over the plan. "With the gathered Earthbenders from the Undercity and the Earth King's conscripts, we will take back our kingdom in a brutal forward charge, scattering the few Fire Army troops still left in our land. Once they're dead, we will rebuild the fortifications it has taken them three centuries to get past, as we mov towards the coast. They've been retreating hard, and word from our spies says the Imperium has all but completely militarily abandoned the Fire Nation. We will never have a better chance to strike back at them in our lifetimes, and if we allow them too long to regroup and prepare, they will continue to overpower us."
Akos and the Water Nation were apparently planning to make use of all the ships they could, and strike from both the north and south shores of the Fire Nation's largest island, atop which sat the summit of said island; Regiis Caldera. A city built within a volcano, which had never fallen to invading forces, Fire Nation or otherwise. The volcano was said to give them power, a source of heat with which to power their flames. Hao continued. "We will need to breach the Gates of Aluzon, as the Earth Nation will be charging right up the caldera. The Water Tribes will meet us there after stealthily landing on the northern and southern shores of the main island, and we should all arrive just as the eclipse of the sun begins. It may not stop all the Firebending, but it will reduce their average soldiers to basic Humans. We need to capture and rockbind as many of their hands as we can, before the sun returns."
Finally, Hao looked at Alex and Jimen. "The two of you will be taking a small squad ahead. You are to infiltrate the bunkers built into the caldera, and find the one the Phoenix King is hiding within, before the eclipse ends. Do you think you'll be able to do that?"
Alex shrugged. "He's the Phoenix King for a reason. He's likely the best Firebender in the region, or one of them. If the fire returns completely before the eclipse ends, that volcano may become active. I've spoken with General Meelo. He said he would personally have a herd of Sky Bouffalant on standby for a hasty retreat. Non-Earthbenders get priority. If the volcano does erupt, those who bend the earth will have a much better chance of surviving. Magma is mostly liquid rock, the skilled benders among you should be able to stymie it, if not stop it completely as you withdraw. And as for Ozai himself…" Alex looked at Jimen. "I mean no offense to your skills, Jimen, but you've only mastered earth and fire. I've seen enough Airbending to know you have a way to go, and you haven't even tried Firebending, apparently. I'll weaken Ozai first. If he has Pokémon with him, my job will be to damage him, make them faint, and ideally, force a final desperate showdown between the two of you, before the pure darkness entity inhabiting him manages to kill me. In fact…before we leave, you and I are going to go over the basics of Firebending. You need to be able to at least block his attacks."
With the meeting finished, Alex brought Jimen to Toph, who'd been promoted after the attempted coup, and the discovery that their old leader was in league with the Dai Li. Apparently, Toph had quite literally beaten his attempt to turn the other benders down. Not that any of them actually wanted to serve the same Dai Li who'd pressed them into service. Toph drilled them on earthbending, while Alex showed Jimen what he knew of firebending, once Toph was done with them. Tao's floating golden eyes of exposition also showed up, to share firebending wisdom this time, and chat with Toph, who'd stayed near them out of boredom, and the chance to converse with floating, golden eyes that apparently belonged to some Legendary Dragon Pokémon. That was the kind of weirdness she lived for.
Phoenix Resort - Su Oku River, Occupied Earth Nation Territory
It had taken Okuz far too long to find his uncle, and when he did, it was a sight he wanted to burn from his eyeballs. The old man was lounging in a bath robe that did little to hide his obese frame, and only a simple cloth covered the man's 'Royal Family jewels'. After Zhao's usurpation of his plans in Minjujuui City, and the double military failures that followed that mess, Iroh had quietly retreated to a nearby hot spring resort suspended atop a waterfall for some well deserved R&R.
Okuz relayed what he'd learned to his uncle then, in this state of undress. How he'd found Minami, among a bunch of Earth Nation rebels fleeing from Zhao. About what she and Izumi had apparently gone through at the Fire Academy, and what the Imperium had ultimately done with his daughter. Or rather, what Okuz assumed they'd done with her.
"Izumi is safe, Okuz." Iroh said, as he nonchalantly sipped some Jasmine tea the servers had gotten for him. Despite not having currency, his status as a Fire Nation royal, and Conqueror of Ba Sing Se, afforded the old, retired General whatever he desired. Once he'd taken a sip, he met his shocked, and skeptical nephew's eyes. "I saved her myself. Not long after you and your sister's search for the new Avatar began. She's been in the Fire Nation ever since, fomenting unrest and rebellion against the automated atrocities your father has committed upon his own people." He seemed nonchalant, but the old general had one eye slightly open, just in case his nephew did, in fact, take after his murderous brother.
Okuz's eyes narrowed, and his brows crashed together. "You didn't tell me!? You knew I was out of the loop! You knew the entire time! For over a year! Now my daughter is a rebel, Traitor to everything her Nation stands for! And so are you!"
Iroh snorted. "The Fire Nation gave up what it stood for long ago, Okuz. It is time you chose your side in this conflict, my nephew. Time you knew how I chose mine."
Okuz sighed, and rolled his eyes. "I've been listening to your 'conquest of the Impenetrable City' stories for over two decades, Uncle. I know how it goes. Despite grave losses, you took the Earth Nation's capital, and effectively ended the war. Mostly."
Iroh nodded sagely. "I did conquer the unconquered city. I stood atop a mountain of corpses, nephew, as I claimed my victory. Brave soldiers, all of them, like you. Like me. Like Ozai. And what did they die for, hmm!? Control of a government so corrupt, they willingly accepted our terms of rule, and their King didn't so much as negotiate for his people. Our Fire Nation propaganda, our small, isolationist bubble in this world calls my slaughter a victory, but it made me understand the worth of a life and turned me on to a different path. A better path. I can never bring those equally brave Earth Kingdom soldiers back. I will have their faces, and the faces of the young men who trusted me to see them to victory, haunting me for the rest of my days."
Iroh set his tea down then, and turned to face his nephew fully, as he sat on his knees. "You will live far longer than I, Okuz, and your decisions will affect your Nation and your people. You are a man, now. It's time to start asking yourself the big questions. Who are you? What do you want? Are you the latest scion in a line of murderous tyrants bowing and scraping to a foreign ruler? Are you the Rebel Prince who will lead our Nation out of this darkness? You must decide what you will protect, and why." Iroh glanced out at the ocean beyond the waterfall, which the hot spring resort was suspended above. "There is a Firebending technique I must show you. How to redirect lightning."
Okuz blanched, and he saved his thoughts for musing on later. "Only Royals can bend the cold-blooded fire. And even among us…only Father and Aluza have ever managed it. Before them, it was considered a myth. You can't redirect something so powerfully charged."
Iroh tied his robe closed, and Okuz thanked Arceus this lesson wasn't going to be in the nude. "Actually, you can. Come, and I will show you."
Within minutes, they were on one side of the river the resort inhabited, practicing the method of taking in energy, guiding it down into one's center, and then forcing it up and out in another direction, typically through the other arm. It took Okuz the better part of that night, and the next morning to master it to Iroh's satisfaction.
Around noon, a distant crack in the air, like thunder, drew Iroh's attention, just in time for him to see a massive Royal Fire Navy capital ship pulling into the harbor below the resort, despite how low the tides were. "Okuz! It seems your sister has come for you." Iroh said, as his nephew joined him.
Iroh didn't have to guess how his brother felt about his recent activities, namely, what he'd done to aid the 'rebels' against Imperium occupation, back home in their own Nation. He knew Ozai would have learned of his treachery by now, but he hadn't expected Aluza to be sent to fetch them, or that she'd find this rather secluded place.
The augmented Fire Princess stomped down the ramp of her ship, both of her feet now resembling Fire Nation style shoes made entirely of metal. When she looked up, she saw her relatives, already heading towards her. "Uncle. Brother. At last, I've tracked you down." It was still Aluza's voice, but there was a slightly metallic ring to it now.
Okuz embraced his sister, after taking in the shock of her new appearance. "Aluza...I'd heard what happened after I uh...left, chasing down Tenzin, but...I didn't realize...I'm sorry. I should've been there when you needed me." He treated her as he always had, and that made Aluza's otherwise perfect visage of forced kindness crack with a small, sad, smile. Iroh stroked his beard quietly as he took her, and her Royal Guard retinue, in. Each of them had their genetically viable Charizard mounts out beside them, which wasn't too uncommon of an occurrence during such pomp and ceremony, but to Iroh, the entire situation smelled like tea made with a too-ripe berry.
"Father regrets banishing us, Kuzkuz. He wants his family back beside him when the savages of the other Nations try to regain their hold on Koria. You are both to accompany me home. Immediately. Gather your things, and join me." Aluza moved towards her ship, then.
Okuz and Iroh only had a few minutes to even discuss her news, such was her hurry and newfound almost robotic swiftness. The climb up to the resort and back gave them just enough time for a conversation. "Uncle…she…can you believe what she said? Our banishment is over…we're regrouping, together, and striking back, together. It's…a lot to take in after three years without…royal life."
"And what has your time away showed you, Prince Okuz? Is Koria prospering under our iron rule? Are its people happy, and prosperous? You have seen the region your father has wrought. It isn't too late to choose sanity, over the madness that has claimed him, and our ancestors."
Okuz whirled on his uncle, his anger finally boiling over after the emotional rollercoaster of a day he'd had. "Madness? That 'madness' has seen the Fire Nation dominate every other element! Our people live and prosper and are happy, as they should be. In time…the rest will understand their place, Uncle. As you should. We can get Izumi, put an end to this rebel nonsense. Family needs to stay together. That's what you taught me out here." He pointed at the ship below. "That's my family. Not a bunch of Dirt People and Snow Savages who hate me because of who my father is. We finally get to go home, Uncle. Home. Food. Fresh Flamin' Fire Flakes. Banquets that could feed a kingdom. Do you not miss your Royal status?"
"No. I have had enough of Fire Nation politics for a lifetime. If something sounds too good to be true, nephew, then it usually is. My brother is not a forgiving man…and he hasn't forgotten your disrespect, or your sister's." Iroh said, as he packed his bags anyway. He didn't intend to send Okuz back to his sister alone. There was a look in her eye that he disliked, but even then, he couldn't bring himself to imagine the young woman he'd lived with for three years would betray them.
Okuz waved his hand. "He's clearly forgiven Aluza! And she disrespected him, and our family, far more than I did. This is happening, Uncle. Don't ruin this for us." They started back down to the harbor then, their belongings secured, as Iroh silently pondered. Finally, he spoke.
"On my word as your Uncle, Okuz…I won't let my brother tear us apart, too." Okuz wasn't even listening to his uncle though, and he strode right between the line of Charizard, and fully masked Royal Guards of the Fire Nation. Iroh strode on then, straight into the den of subtly snarling Charizard. He recognized their agitation as something they did before battle. Every single one of their eyes was narrowed and burning for a fight. A fight, he realized, they knew was coming. Atop the ship's plank, was a very pissed off looking Caeruleus.
Since literally clawing her and her Trainer away from the disaster in the north, she'd been downright wild, in her anger, her tail flame was now a consistent blue, even in her base form. Only Aluza could safely feed her now, and if left to herself, the fuming fire lizard was so angry, she didn't eat. She simply seethed and being with her Trainer seemed to both increase her rage, and soften it with the guilt of losing to a moon rock and an angry penguin, costing Aluza her beauty. Aluza knew her partner sought revenge, and she fueled that desire, knowing Cae would never leave her side to indulge in vengeance. Their time would come, and as before, she intended the water rats to never even see her coming. This time, the Imperium's personal stealth field generators built into her augmentations, which extended to her mount, would keep them hidden for multiple deadly lightning strikes, not just one.
The royal guards all turned as Iroh and Okuz approached the ramp to the ship. They were in perfect formation, and their Charizard were on their outsides, next to the edges of the somewhat narrow docking port. Iroh saw several preparing to fly, and he surmised their strategy. Aluza was at the top, and addressed her Captain. "Set our course for home, Captain. We leave once everyone is on board…"
"Yes Princess!" The man said. He was an older Korian man, of the Fire Nation by his orange-brown eyes, and the only man whose face wasn't completely hidden. "You heard the Princess, men! Raise the anchors. We're taking the Prince and the General home!" The soldiers marched up behind them, and once on the deck of the ship, Iroh realized just how akin they were to a fish in a barrel. The Charizard of the Royal Guard fanned out around the ship's deck, hovering above it. Naturally, every Fire Navy ship was thoroughly fireproofed.
Okuz looked around as the Charizard took position, and Druk popped out of his ball as he did, snarling loudly. His snarl was answered by roughly thirty two others, and one roar, from Caeruleus. Iroh was already staring Aluza and Caeruleus down. Cae was already in her Mega Form, perched atop the ship's control mast like a Corviknight ready to pounce on an unsuspecting Wooloo.
Okuz stared at his sister, his face a delicious mix of betrayal, hurt, and building rage. "Aluza! Sister! What are you doing!?"
From her own perch just outside the entrance to the control mast, Aluza gave her brother a manic grin. "Taking you home…in a bag, like Trash. Just like Father ordered…so he can burn you and our Traitorous Uncle away to Nothing, personally. He wants to be sure the traitorous branches of the Royal Line are permanently seared off!"
Aluza moved her arms then, in a pair of circular patterns, one he'd only seen their father use before, specifically, when he used the lightning that seared off half her face. As fate would have it, just enough of her energy network was still human, and could allow her to separate her inner energy into positive and negative. Too many uses would eventually fry her new implants, but she only needed one, for this.
"Use Rock Tomb!"