The New Gate-Chapter 4Book 3: (1)

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Book 3: Chapter 4 (1)

โ€œIt seems to have ended.โ€

It was a little silent, after that remarkably big explosion. The powerful shock wave that crossed the forest and mowed down the trees had stopped.

Not just Schnee, but everyone on top of the hill realized that it was the end of the duel.


Wolfgang and Kagerou, who both boasted of high stats too, fell silent. No, they couldnโ€™t say anything. They were cautious while all of their body hair was bristling.

The last blow. They were speechless at that too powerful pressure. Though they knew who fired it, still, the power surge couldnโ€™t be seen in an optimistic view. It made them realize defeat, without even fighting, and they couldnโ€™t help but feel the presence of a conqueror.

It hadnโ€™t been long since they met the person called Shin, but everyoneโ€™s breath was taken away as they couldnโ€™t imagine that violent presence had come from the figure of the ordinary Shin.

Therefore. In the midst of that silence, only Schnee remained calm.

โ€œYou canโ€™t be befuddled forever, you know.โ€


With that single phrase, everyone quickly came back their senses. It was the moment of their own kingโ€™s death. This was not the time to be senile.

โ€œSomeone is coming here.โ€

โ€œPerhaps, thatโ€™sโ€ฆ.โ€

Having steeled themselves in the confusing surroundings, Wolfgang and Cuore noticed a person approaching. When did that person get close? There was a figure at the bottom of the hill.

There was only one figure appearing. It walked toward the top of the hill while carrying something on its back. Needless to say, it was Shin and Girard. Shin was shouldering Girard, whose eyes were closed like he was sleeping.

Everyone went down the hill without waiting for Shin to arrive.

โ€œShin, your clothesโ€ฆโ€

โ€œAh, itโ€™s from Girard.โ€

Tiera, who saw the ripped coat, spoke with concern, but understood Shin was not seriously damaged from his gesture, and nodded as she was relieved.

โ€œI will take out the wagon. Please hold onto Girard.โ€


While fiddling with the Item Box, Girardโ€™s corpse was left to Rajim and Van. After taking out the wagon, Girard was laid behind the carrier, so he wouldnโ€™t be shaken.


Looking at the laid down body, Cuore leaked out a voice with moist eyes. Her shoulders were dropped feebly, the ears that always stretched upwards were now drooping along with her head. Wolfgang didnโ€™t show any of the attitude, but he looked somewhat a little disheartened.

Nothing could be done for the grief to held in, even if it was the personโ€™s own last wish.

โ€œRaise your heads. All of you guys.โ€

Shin called out to the two people. It was different from before. It was a voice carrying some dignity.


โ€œHe would be ashamed of your sympathy.โ€

Shin knew what he said was harsh. Gratitude was not expressed. Still, he believed he had to say it himself.

โ€œPrincess, Ulu too, donโ€™t be disheartened. Look at the kingโ€™s face.โ€

Van called out, and the two people looked up. Though it was a digression, Ulu seemed to be a nickname for Wolfgang, only spoken by his close friends.

โ€œHe has a satisfied look. No one will think he had a regret remaining when they see this.โ€

Rajim too, called out to cheer up the two people. What Rajim said was right, a faint smile had appeared on Girardโ€™s face. To Van and Rajim, who had shared a long time with him, Girardโ€™s final thoughts were understood, without them even having to wonder.

There was certainly a feeling of sadness. However, the feelings of relief were stronger. They knew Girard had hidden the truth about his life span. Therefore, the joy of him dying without any regrets was bigger.

He would rather die in a satisfying fight than survive shamelessly. Because that was the way of his life, for a man who lived as a warrior.

โ€œThatโ€™s right. If I was to weep, I would be laughed at.โ€

โ€œAh, you are right.โ€

From the words of the two people, that were the closest to Girard, Wolfgang and Cuore seemed to have regained themselves. The two people each faced Girardโ€™s death firmly, the resolve to step forward was able to be perceived.

โ—†โ—†โ—†โ—† fre ewebn ovel

It didnโ€™t take much time for the wagon to arrive at Girardโ€™s residence in Elden.

The corpse was enshrined by Van and Rajim, and various people in charge of office and executives were gathered under the instructions of Wolfgang. When Girardโ€™s death was announced, there were grieving people, there were people showing an expression of relief, and various other reactions.

There seemed to be people who also guessed at the things that happened in Larua Grand Woods, too. Apparently the sounds of their battle had echoed throughout Falnido. When connecting the dots, together with Girardโ€™s death, questions on who was the person who fought him surfaced.

โ€œThe founderโ€™s last moments, were very worthy of him.โ€

Wolfgang didnโ€™t report Shinโ€™s name. However, it was clearly declared that there was no better match for Girardโ€™s last fight.

Naturally, there were people who wondered who it was, but the majority of people guessed it was someone similar to a High Human follower. Schnee and Shibaid, both were well known to have interacted with Girard, as for the other members, there wasnโ€™t a doubt about their abilities, too.

For the people who still werenโ€™t convinced, when they met Girardโ€™s corpse and looked at his face, Wolfgangโ€™s speech was understood to be truthful. A lot of people from Falnido had the reaction of; this was the spirit of a true warrior.

Anyways, everyone was quickly convinced. Before the day was out, contact was made with each community that lived here in Elden, with the exception of the dog tribe, and they started the preparations for the funeral service in unison.

Girard was unmistakably the founding father, even if he had long since retired. It was a necessity for it to become a national grand funeral. Before the supposing one week, various people gathered in Falnido, reaching the point where the place was like a festival rather than a funeral. Envoys seemed to come from all of the countries with diplomatic relations, except the clan in Falnido.

Because Shin and his group didnโ€™t have to prepare for the funeral in particular, they spent every day going back and forth to the library. But they hadnโ€™t accomplished much. Still, being able to enter the restricted zone, more useful things were discovered here than from the books in the general area of Bayreuthโ€™s library.

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