The Martial God who Regressed Back to Level 2-Chapter 78

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The defense map, ‘Lone Bridge’.

This map, which appears in games from Gold to Diamond League, was notorious for its extreme difficulty.

Especially for newly-promoted Gold players, the objective was less about stopping the enemies and more about mere survival.

The goal was to outlive other players even by just a few minutes, to stay within the top 50 percent.

‘It’s been a while since I’ve seen this map.’

Seong Jihan felt a rush of nostalgia.

In his previous life, ‘Lone Bridge’ was among the maps he played most frequently.

Thus, he was more familiar with the strategies for this game than anyone else.

‘The objective of this game is simple.’

The goal was to defend the bridge, preventing enemies from crossing.

As Seong Jihan looked around, he saw that the 50 players summoned to this map were all clustered at the starting point of the bridge.

All of them looked at Seong Jihan in confusion.

“…Why is he here?”

“When did Seong Jihan move up to Gold?”

“I haven’t heard anything about that.”

“Is it a bug?”

It was the first time a Silver player had participated in a Gold game, so their ignorance was understandable.

But since they also interacted with viewers through BattleTube, they soon understood the situation via the audience.

“Um… they’re saying it’s because there weren’t any matching opponents, so he got matched with a higher league?”

“Wow, that’s unbelievable! All our guild party members are level 60s… So, BattleNet evaluates Seong Jihan at that level?”

“Seriously, there’s a big difference between Gold and Silver…”

Some Gold players frowned, seemingly unhappy.

Gold and Silver might be just one tier apart, but this distinction determined whether one was a professional player or not.

‘No matter how strong Seong Jihan is, how can a Silver participate in a Gold game?’

‘I hope he doesn’t become a liability.’

Due to Seong Jihan’s immense popularity, especially with the live broadcast on BattleTube, players couldn’t voice their concerns outright.

Nevertheless, many harbored feelings of discomfort.

“So, where is Seong Jihan assigned?”

“It’s random, but since he’s Silver, shouldn’t he be in the back?”

“No, that would be unfair. He should be treated as an equal Gold player and placed fairly, right?”

As players debated about Seong Jihan’s placement, a loud voice rang out, “Enough of this noise!”

The gigantic bridge vibrated, and from the other side, a thunderous roar echoed.

The earth-shattering cry caused the players to clutch their ears and wince.

“Oh, we haven’t even started yet. Let’s chat a bit.”

“He’s really short-tempered.”


In the middle of the massive cloud bridge spanning between two cliffs, a figure approached.

No, it wasn’t just a person—it was more apt to call him a giant.

Even several people combined wouldn’t match his size.

The approaching giant, clad in blood-stained armor, emanated a terrifying aura.

“While the gatekeeper fights alone in the front, you soldiers are gossiping at the back!”

The Imperial Gatekeeper, the Giant Bijang, quickly approached the players and leaned in close, showing his face that was fitting for his over 4-meter tall body.

– Eeek!

– He’s seriously ugly every time I see him.

– Feels like he’ll appear in my dreams lol.

– Please don’t shove that double chin in our faces;;;

Among humanoid NPCs, he had the worst visuals.

His face was crinkled with wrinkles.

Random sprouts of hair jutted from his face, with dark warts scattered around.

His nose, mouth, and chin were weirdly twisted.

He had a few strands of hair on his balding head that made one wonder why he didn’t just shave it all off.

“You weaklings! You’re not fit to fight alongside me!”

After glancing at the players, Bijang stomped on the cloud bridge with his foot.

The force sent all players flying towards the nearby cliff edge.

– They always get kicked away.

– Kya!~~ ㅇㅇ Our Gatekeeper is on another level, not even treating Gold Leaguers as people~~

– Are you able to fight together on the bridge starting from the Diamond League?

– Maybe possible if they’re level 150?

The defense map, “Lone Bridge.”

Contrary to the map’s name, only players of a certain caliber could stand on the bridge.

By ‘certain caliber,’ it refers to players who have reached the level where they passed the Titan’s formidable test.

Such a level was unthinkable for those in the Gold tier.

As a result, Gold players had to fend off flying monsters with soldiers positioned on the edge of the cliffs.

“Please, a good spot! Please, a good spot!”

“Ah… entering the sacred grounds just to be assigned to a bad place?”

“Just get within the top 50%!”

Players flying, praying for the best spot allocation.

Among them, no one resisted or endured the Gatekeeper’s leg sweep.

Being Gold, it was a natural course of events.

But then,

“You… what are you doing?”

Only one remained.

While everyone else soared, he stood still, defending his spot with a relaxed smile.

– ?? What are you doing?

– Ah, Jihan! You shouldn’t stay there.

– If you stay on the bridge, you’ll definitely come last ㅠㅠㅠㅠ.”

Viewers poured chats towards Jihan, who resisted the Gatekeeper’s sweep and stayed on the bridge.

Most reactions were of disbelief, wondering why he made that choice.

– HAHA! He’s really done for this time.

– Will we finally be able to see his status window?

– I thought hitting 1 million subscribers would come first! He’s finally losing the top spot!

– Even for Jihan, this seems unplanned.

– Who would’ve imagined a Silver playing in a Gold map?

Viewers believed Jihan resisted the sweep because he didn’t understand the map.

But in reality,

Jihan, who knew the map better than anyone, had a reason to stay on the bridge.

[Epic Quest]

[Earn the recognition of the Imperial Gatekeeper and prevent his death.]

[Reward: 50,000 achievement points / Thundercloud Spear.]

He received an epic quest with an incredible reward.

‘The achievement points are good, but the Thundercloud Spear as a reward…’

The Thundercloud Spear was the Gatekeeper’s exclusive weapon, used to sweep away hordes of enemies like fallen leaves.

A weapon of at least SS-grade.

And they’re offering this?

‘Eclipse is a good weapon, but it’s not compatible with the lighting. The Thundercloud Spear will be a perfect match. I must get it no matter what.’

To do so, he first needs to stay on this bridge.

With a relaxed face, Jihan spoke to the challenging Gatekeeper,

“Gatekeeper, don’t you need someone to assist you?”

“Ha! You think you can?”

The Gatekeeper smirked incredulously.

However, soon, a sly smile appeared on his lips.

“Well then, try handling this!”


Suddenly, the spear tied to the Gatekeeper’s back flew towards Jihan.

Given its enormous size, akin to a utility pole, it seemed Jihan would be crushed.

– Is he dead already?

– No, Jihan ㅠㅠㅠ

– You need at least level 150 to pass the Gatekeeper’s test HAHA! This is a total fail HAHA!

– Let’s check the status~~~

Even the mighty Jihan, viewers believed, couldn’t pass this brutish test.


“Is this enough?”


Jihan effortlessly caught the spear.


It wasn’t even a close call.

As if exchanging items, he just lifted it up with one hand.

– What is this?

– Wasn’t that spear something you could barely lift only with a strength of 100?

– What the heck is this buff!!!! Let’s really check the status windowㅜㅜ

Those more knowledgeable about BattleNet than ordinary viewers got even more excited by the display of strength casually shown by Seong Jihan.

Because the Thundercloud Spear was so heavy, only those warriors who completely maxed out on strength stats could pass that test.

– If you’re watching without subscribing, please subscribe!!!

– Now it’s only a million left…


Even Bijang seemed surprised by Seong Jihan’s unexpected strength, eyes widening.

“Heh…! You’re strong. But do you think the Thundercloud Spear will recognize you so easily?”

His expression still showed displeasure.

[Bijang does not like the player.]

[The Thundercloud Spear, following its master’s will, will further test the player.]


A tremendous electric current surged from the huge spear.

The intense electricity encapsulated in the Thundercloud Spear tried to engulf Seong Jihan.

– Eh? Why another test?

– Maybe because he passed too easily?

– If he passed easily, they should just move on. Why torment him again?

Even with Bijang’s unpredictable additional test,

‘Here we go again.’

In his past life, having experienced Bijang’s whims frequently, Seong Jihan absorbed the electricity with ease using his Heavenly Thunder Arts.

As the electricity that tried to incinerate Seong Jihan was completely neutralized, the surge from the spear soon subsided.

[Player Seong Jihan has passed the test.]

Despite the passing message, Bijang still couldn’t hide his displeasure.

“Heh…! You seem to have some skill. But you look just like a woman, so fragile!”

– A woman?

– Seong Jihan??

– He’s handsome, but not the pretty boy type…

– Right, more of a rugged, handsome man. Calling him fragile is a bit… lololol

– Bijang always picks fights with good-looking players. Lololol

– In other words, he’s just jealous?


Bijang, the Imperial Gatekeeper.

Among humanoid NPCs in BattleNet, just going by appearance, he was probably within the top 5 ugliest.

He’d always start arguments unnecessarily whenever a good-looking player came around.

‘That’s why his nickname later became the Handsome Detector.’

During the tutorial period, this characteristic of Bijang wasn’t widely known.

But as time passed, players not picked on by Bijang actually felt left out.

“Heh! You! Take the spear and follow me!”

Spitting on the ground, Bijang turned and walked away.

Seong Jihan frowned at the sight of the obviously irritated man.

‘In my past life, it didn’t matter if Bijang disliked me… but this time I need his approval, and that’s a problem.’

Before, whenever Bijang would pick a fight, rather than feeling bad, it made him feel proud.

But this time, it was different.

He needed Bijang’s approval to complete the epic quest.

‘For now… shall I proceed with the game?’

Seong Jihan took the Thundercloud Spear, which had now conveniently shrunk to fit his hand, and followed Bijang.