The Mad Tycoon of Rome-Chapter 23: Reasons to Die, Reasons to Live

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Chapter 23: Reasons to Die, Reasons to Live


Crixus and Spartacus slowly raised their hands to their sword hilts, as if they had made a promise.

Marcus sent a signal to the soldiers behind him who were aiming their bows, telling them not to shoot no matter what happened.

A strange emotion flickered in Crixus’s eyes.

He had decided to accept death calmly, but he still couldn’t shake off the remnants of his feelings.

It was nothing else but his comradeship for his closest friend.

“It’s a shame for a gladiator to lose twice to the same opponent. But I don’t feel like I’m going to lose to you now. This is the last road. I have to take back the best seat in Capua that I entrusted to you.”

“Sorry, but I can’t grant you that wish.”

The eyes of the two strongest gladiators glowed with fiery sparks.

A situation that could explode at any moment.

Without any hesitation, they both drew their favorite spathas from their sheaths like flashes of light.


Their swords clashed in mid-air.

Spartacus felt a weird sensation in his hand.

He was clearly stronger than Crixus, but Crixus didn’t budge.

He had moved his wrist flexibly at the same time as the collision, dissipating the impact.

He was a completely different person from the Crixus that Spartacus knew, whatever training he had done in the meantime.


Not only was he flexible, but Crixus’s sword also stabbed at an unbelievable speed.

The tip of the sword barely grazed the chainmail that covered his shoulder and passed by.


He couldn’t afford to be surprised.

A roar of determination burst out of Spartacus’s mouth.

He unleashed a sword strike that was impossible to defend against, aiming to cut off his weapon.

Crash, clang!

It was faster and stronger than before.

Crixus’s sword, which couldn’t completely deflect it, flew backwards.


Both of them were shocked for different reasons.

‘How did I not break his sword?’

‘I thought I could deflect it enough?’

Spartacus was also stunned by being caught up with, but Crixus’s surprise was a bit bigger.

He had honed his sword in the bloody and flesh-splattering battlefield for the past two years, but he only managed to catch up with him, not surpass him.


Another collision occurred, and the two of them began to exchange swords in earnest.

In an instant, they matched each other’s movements, creating a chilling wind and a flurry of murderous sword lights.

They traded swords like that for almost three minutes.

As if they had agreed, they both backed away, with a faint admiration in their eyes.

Crixus let out a light sigh and bit his tongue.

“It seems you weren’t just playing around in Rome. I thought I could overpower you enough…but it won’t end unless one of us dies.”

“Yeah. You’re right. If we fight to the end, there’s no telling who will win.”

“But we have to go all the way, right? You came here because you were determined to do that. To be honest, if I die, I’d rather die by your hand than by those Roman bastards.”

“Is that true?”

Spartacus asked with a sad look in his eyes.

If Crixus didn’t want to fight, he wouldn’t point his sword at him either.

He couldn’t.

Spartacus’s determination was based on the assumption that Crixus would accept the challenge.

As if he had read his mind, Crixus nodded his head with a hearty laugh.

“Of course. But it’s still too quiet here to settle the score. Let’s make the most splendid stage for that day of the final battle. If I fight with you, we can have a legendary duel.”

He had decided to leave his will behind with his death, not change the era with his life.

The last stage should be as glorious as possible.

Of course, that didn’t mean he was going to lose.

If he lost to the same opponent twice, he would be too bitter to close his eyes.

Crixus was determined to face his end with dignity as the strongest gladiator who had defeated Spartacus.

If his friend was resolved to do that, there was no need to hesitate any longer.

Spartacus turned his gaze to Marcus behind him, as if asking for his permission.

It was a matter that didn’t need permission.

Marcus gave him an immediate answer.

“Do as you wish.”

“Thank you.”

Crixus saw Spartacus bow his head politely and a curiosity rose in his eyes.

He took a step closer with an interested expression.

“Are you the nobleman that Spartacus mentioned? You’re young to be on the battlefield. I don’t know if you’re brave or reckless.”

“It’s all calculated. But you’re different from what I heard, too. I thought you’d be more beast-like, but you’re surprising calm.”

“People change according to their positions. A leader of soldiers can’t always be a beast. By the way, it seems that Spartacus follows you very faithfully. Do you really have the ability to deserve that?”

“Crixus, don’t be rude…”

Spartacus tried to intervene in the conversation, but Marcus waved his hand to reassure him.

He answered with a relaxed smile.

“Your friend knows that best. That’s why he follows me. But if I have to say one thing related to this war, it’s those heavily armed cavalrymen who were like nightmares to you. If I tell you that I created them, would you understand a bit?”

“Those monstrous cavalrymen…”

Crixus bit his lip slightly as he recalled the might of the medium-armored cavalrymen who had mercilessly trampled on the rebels in the battle. He narrowed his eyes and said.

“So… you created a new type of legion that Rome didn’t hide, but never had. I have one question for you. If you become a powerful figure in Rome, can you change it as Spartacus wished? Will that day ever come?”

“It will change. I can’t promise to free all the slaves, and I won’t do that either, but it will be much better than now. It’s not just for you guys. I’ll make the lives of everyone who lives in Rome better.”

“Then it would be like a dream…”

“It’s possible. I’m sincerely sorry that you can’t see it.”

Crixus’s face was stained with shock.

Marcus was not bluffing.

He was just calmly telling him the reality that would happen.

His voice was indifferent, but also calm, and it had a frightening persuasiveness.

He instinctively understood.

Why Spartacus trusted this boy and headed to Rome.

Creating a monstrous cavalry that he had never seen before was just a fragment of this boy’s ability.

Crixus had no choice but to admit it.

This boy in front of him would change Rome in some way.

As he accepted that unbelievable fact, his tone naturally changed.

At the same time, the question he wanted to know the most, but also feared to know, came out of his mouth.

“I want to ask you one thing. Did this thing that I, no, me and my comrades did… did it hinder the change that you will make? Is what we are doing now… just a worthless thing… that will be judged like that?”

If he got a yes as an answer, it might affect the final battle.

He regretted asking such a needless question, but then Marcus shook his head with a gentle smile.

“It won’t be like that. You guys already rang the alarm bell that made Rome look back at its social structure once. You won’t be disparaged for fighting meaninglessly. No, I won’t let that happen. So don’t worry.”

Crixus looked up at the sky with his bloodshot eyes.

That was enough for him.

How could someone who faced death not be afraid?

There is no one in the world who can completely shake off fear.

But someone who was promised a value greater than that could endure even the horror of death.

“My comrades may have different things they want. But there is one thing they all have in common that they fear. That is to be forgotten by everyone. No one will remember our fight. Please don’t let that happen. Our will, and our final battle that we will face.”

Crixus lowered his gaze and looked straight into Marcus’s eyes.

Marcus looked around at the rebels who had set up camp on the distant hill.

There were countless wishes of those who wanted to live freely in the world.

“I promise you. Watch from the Heaven. How your names will be remembered.”

It was Marcus’s sincere answer.


“It doesn’t seem easy.”

Spartacus, who was watching Crixus leave, suddenly said that.

“You mean Crixus?”

“Yes. I thought he would have gotten stronger, but he exceeded my expectations.”

“Is he stronger than you?”

“Well… I don’t think I can judge easily without fighting him to the end. Whether he is stronger or weaker, the victory or defeat will be decided by a slight difference.”

Spartacus also didn’t slack off in training in Rome.

He was definitely much stronger than when he was in Capua.

Marcus knew that fact, so the current situation was honestly unexpected.

“But losing would be a bit troublesome… My plan is based on the assumption that you win. If you’re going to lose, it’s better not to fight at all.”

Spartacus clenched his resolve and took a deep breath.

“Don’t worry. Even if I have to give up an arm, or even my life, I will win.”

He felt that he needed his own determination to face his friend’s resolve head-on.

But Marcus frowned instead.

His voice, filled with faint anger, pierced Spartacus’s ears.

“You seem to have the wrong idea.”


Spartacus flinched and asked back. freewebn(o)

There was a hint of confusion in his tone.

It was because Marcus had never shown such a reaction before.

“You won’t lose even if you risk your life? Is your life only for hanging on something like this?”

“That, that is…”

“It’s fine to brace yourself to match your friend’s last resolve. But remember that risking your life for something is only allowed for someone who really faces the end, like Crixus.”

Spartacus couldn’t answer. freewe(b)

Of course, he wanted to win for sure.

But in a fight, the mental factor is as important as the skill.

Crixus would fight with a more firm resolve than ever.

Spartacus thought that he had to risk his life too, in order not to lose to Crixus.

He couldn’t think of any other motive that could ignite his fighting spirit more than that.

Even though he didn’t say it out loud, Marcus read Spartacus’s mind from his expression.

“Good, it’s perfect timing. I’ll tell you why you have to fight without getting hurt at all.”

“But in a real battle, there can always be variables…”

“That’s why you have to make a thorough resolve not to allow those variables. Unless you want to make your wife sad.”

“What, what do you mean…?”

Spartacus was stunned for a moment, as if he didn’t understand Marcus’s last words.

His emotions of doubt and confusion soon turned into passion, and it showed on his face.

Marcus nailed it with a calm voice.

“I got a report from Septimus before we left. He found someone who matched the condition you gave.”

“Did he find her? Really?”

“It’s not completely certain yet. That’s why I didn’t tell you in advance. If I checked and it wasn’t her, the disappointment would be huge. But if you need a resolve, I think this is the best time.”

Spartacus touched his forehead with his trembling hand and took several deep breaths.

He wanted to run there and confirm the truth right away.

No matter how much time had passed, or how she had changed, he was sure he would recognize her at a glance.

“Where is she… now?”

“Naples. You can stop by and check on your way back to Rome after this war. But you’re not thinking of going to see her on a stretcher, are you?”


“Come back in one piece. Be the hero of this war and go get your wife in style.”

Spartacus’s eyes, which had shown intense tremors, returned to normal.

The surge of emotions that had swept his chest like a huge wave gradually calmed down.

He lifted his head and looked toward the northwest, where Naples was.

There was a precious vow he had made with his wife in his hometown, a long time ago, a very long time ago.

“Thank you. Thanks to you, I have made up my mind for sure.”

“You’re finally back to your usual reliable self. I can trust you and leave it to you now.”

There was a satisfied tone in Marcus’s voice.

The aura that emanated from Spartacus’s whole body was completely different from before, even to Marcus, who was not an expert.

“I was wrong. Fighting is originally for continuing to live. The will to live is stronger than anything else.”

“Yes. You’re not meant to end as a mere gladiator anyway. Didn’t I tell you when we first met? You still have a lot of things to do.”

“Yes. And I have to meet her no matter what happens. So I promise you for sure. The final battle with Crixus that will happen soon. I will dedicate the glory of a perfect victory to you, Young Master.”

Spartacus engraved the reason why he could never lose in his heart.

A fierce fighting spirit rose in his eyes that didn’t even blink.

The end.

The end of the two gladiators who chose different paths was right in front of them.

The wind that heralded the start of the final battle blew in the quiet night air.

This chapt𝓮r is updat𝒆d by (f)reew𝒆b(n)

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