The Lustful Young Master is Sinister!-Chapter 246: Ling Fei’s mother

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Chapter 246: Ling Fei's mother

Chapter 246: Ling Fei’s mother

A cold feeling crept its way through Ling Fei’s spine, like a snake slithering on his back. He gripped his mother’s warm, but soft hand in his own as he sat next to her in their hut.

Her pale face and her labored breathing were all Ling Fei could truly see in the dimly lit room.

This wasn’t like when she had gotten a cold before.

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This wasn’t something that would go away after a few days. Her face was slowly growing more gaunt and pale. This was far, far worse.

With a lump in his throat and his chest burning in sorrow and guilt, Ling Fei clenched his mother’s cold, fragile hand in his own stronger one tightly.

The feeling of helplessness and failure was slowly seeping into him. If only he could have provided for her more. If only he were stronger. If only he could’ve stayed…

Frustration and self-loathing slowly crept their way in like the cold snake that slithered through his body. He could feel hot tears beginning to well up in his eyes, and desperately tried to fight them back.

He must be strong for her. He must be strong for the woman who had loved and protected him, now lying before him in a bed looking more and more like a corpse every day.

He had lost the supernatural green orb, he was helpless.

Even as a son of luck, he couldn’t do anything to save his mother.

As he continued gripping the cold, small hand in his own, he couldn’t help but think of how much of her life she had to give up because of him.

He couldn’t help but think of how many times she went without food to provide for him. And the only thanks he could ever give her was… this…?

As the tears slowly crept down his cheeks despite his attempts to hold them back, he brought the hand he was holding onto his face.

Rubbing his face on her cold slender fingers, he tried to hold in the sobs rising from his chest. It was all his fault. She was suffering so much because of him. Everything was falling apart.

That day, he shouldn’t have gone there that way, that mysterious man would have never taken the green orb from him.

( orb of earth/nature )

Ling Fei’s heart was pounding in his chest.

‘save your mother, save her’ words were echoing in his mind.

He slowly turned to look at the little hut behind him, his heart clenching up at the thought of his ailing mother lying on her bed.

To save his mother, he had to find Bai Lung.

Bai Lung is from the Blood Celestial sect, the sect where he used to be a disciple but because of the monster attack, the ties have been cut off.

As he walked, he felt a mixture of anger and anxiety growing inside him.

Anger at his situation, and at Bai Lung for being so cruel.

Anxiety at not knowing how to find Bai Lung, or how to save his mother.

His heart ached for her, and his mind was filled with worry for her. He quickened his pace, knowing he didn’t have any time to lose.

Ling Fei continued walking through the barren field, his heart heavy and his mind filled with worry.

Despite his efforts, he still had no idea how to even begin his search for Bai Lung.

Frustration and anxiety were rising within him.

“How am I supposed to find Bai Lung…?” he muttered to himself, his voice thick with emotions, he doesn’t know much about Bai Lung.

He just knows Bai Lung is an alchemist and has healing talent other than that, the rest are unknown.

Despite his determination to find Bai Lung, the barren landscape continued to offer him no clues.

Every step he took only added to his desperation and despair.

Ling Fei clenched his fists, his heart aching for his ill mother. The thought of her weak and fragile form lying in their hut, slowly wasting away, tormented him.

Soon, he arrived near the sect area…

He couldn’t afford to give up, but it felt as if he was walking in circles, with no end in sight.

Frustrations built up within him, and he muttered under his breath, “Dammit, where is he? What am I even doing here…? Damn you, Bai Lung!”

Ling Fei’s frustration had reached its peak. He kicked at the ground again, sending more dust into the air. The desolate landscape seemed to mock his effort to find Bai Lung.

With a clenched fist, he muttered under his breath, “Damn it, I need to find him… I need to save my mother…” he said.

However the next moment, his eyes shone.

A handsome man, with long black hair, and deep red eyes, donned in a fairy-like robe free from all impurities.

“Damn… This guy’s description matches with Bai Lung,” Ling Fei said as he observed from afar.

The next moment his prayers were heard as he could hear a female disciple calling the man Bai Lung.

“Damn it! That guy really is Bai Lung,” He uttered clenching his fist.

He clenched his fists, still watching as Bai Lung continued to walk through the sect grounds, seemingly unaware of his presence.

He thought to himself, “Ive finally found him, but how do I approach him? Does he even have a cure for my mother?”

Ling Fei’s heart was pounding in his chest, his mind racing with possible scenarios that could unfold. He knew he couldn’t afford to mess this up – his mother’s life was at stake.

He watched as the female disciple approached Bai Lung, and they exchanged a few words.

He tried to listen in, straining his ears to catch any hint of their conversation. But they were too far away, and he could only pick up the faint sound of their voices, without being able to make out the words.

Ling Fei’s heartbeat quickened as he realized he needed to act now. As he watched Bai Lung turn to walk away, he started formulating a plan.

He waited until the perfect moment, when there was no one else around, and then he made his move.

He quietly followed Bai Lung, making sure to stay out of his line of sight. He clenched his fists, adrenaline coursing through his body. He couldn’t believe he was doing this, but he had to think of his mother.

As a son of luck, he was flawless and encountered no problems.

Finally, the moment came. Ling Fei took a deep breath and pounced, using all of his strength to wrap his arm around Bai Lung’s neck and pin him to the ground.

Bai Lung struggled to break free, his eyes wide with shock and anger. “What are you doing?! Let go of me!” he yelled, thrashing in an attempt to escape.

If one of the elders were to see this, they would definitely realize Bai Lung was acting, but, Ling Fei has yet to witness the greatness of Mount. tai thus, he believed Bai Lung could be easily taken down.

The acting was flawless.


Ling Fei ignored his protests, using all of his strength to keep him pinned. He leaned in closely, his voice low and menacing. “I need your help, and you’re coming with me whether you like it or not,”

Bai Lung’s eyes widened even further at Ling Fei’s words, a mix of alarm and anger in his expression. “Help? What do you need my help for? And why are you kidnapping me?!”

The facial reaction, the nervousness everything was real.

Ling Fei hesitated for a moment, unsure of how much he should reveal. But he knew he had to take the risk. “My mother’s ill, and I’ve heard you have great healing abilities. I need you to save her,” he said, his voice trembling with desperation.

Hearing this a sinister smirk appeared on Bai Lung’s face but he quickly went back to acting.

Bai Lung’s expression softened slightly, but his eyes remained wary. “Why should I help you? And what makes you think I can cure your mother’s illness?”

“I don’t know if you can for sure, but I have to try. My mother means everything to me,” Ling Fei said, his voice cracking with emotion. “Please, I’ll do anything. Just help me save her,”

There was a moment of silence as Bai Lung looked at Ling Fei, clearly conflicted. After a few moments, he let out a sigh. “Fine. I’ll help you. But on one condition,”

Ling Fei’s heart skipped a beat as he heard Bai Lung’s words. He nodded eagerly. “Anything. Just name it.”

Bai Lung fixed his gaze on Ling Fei. “First, I need to examine your mother and assess her condition. Only then will I be able to determine if I can help… However, during the examination, no disturbance should occur, and pain might occur,”

Hearing this Ling Fei frowned, what kind of examination was this? But all he could do was nod his head.