The Lustful Young Master is Sinister!-Chapter 229: Exploration -6

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Chapter 229: Exploration -6

Chapter 229: Exploration -6



As they walked, the sound of dripping water echoed through the corridor creating cinematic effect.

It was impossible to tell if it was just the natural trickling of water or if it was something else altogether.

All while,

Bai Lung’s senses were on high alert as they continued down the corridor. The drip-drip-drip of the water was just loud enough to be eerie, and he couldn’t shake the feeling that they were being watched…

Suddenly, he held up a hand, signaling for the group to stop, as if he was really in charge of group.


“What is it?” the holy disciple barked in a small voice making sure if won’t attract trouble.

As the group stopped abruptly, everyone looked around tensely, their senses were on high alert thinking once again it was some kind of void origin beast capable of hiding it’s presence fully.

They all guessed something was amiss, and they were ready to react accordingly.

The holy disciple’s eyes scanned the surroundings, his mind quickly analyzing the situation.

“What is it?” he whispered again, his voice betraying nothing of the calculated thinking taking place in his mind.


Bai Lung held up a hand, silencing him and others.

He closed his eyes for a moment, concentrating on his senses. He could feel a presence nearby, but it was illusive and difficult to pinpoint.

Thanks to his transcendent soul… He was special, and exploring the tomb was easy as he could sense many things that even immortal couldn’t.

The others tried to sense what he was sensing, but nothing…

The tension was thick in the air, and everyone was silently waiting for Bai Lung’s next words.

After a moment, Bai Lung opened his eyes and spoke softly, his voice remaimed very low.

“There’s another presence nearby,” he said, scanning the surroundings. “I can sense it, but it’s elusive and difficult to pinpoint.”

The others listened intently, their minds quickly processing the information.

They all knew that they were in a weird situation and that they needed to be careful moving forward.

The holy disciple frowned, his mind racing through the possible scenarios and plans after all, he is a immortal one, how can he let a junior shime bright as sun.

“Could it be a trap, or something more sinister?” he muttered, more to himself than to the group, acting like a self thought.

“It’s possible,” Bai Lung replied, his eyes never leaving the area.

“We need to be cautious and move slowly. We don’t know what we’re dealing with yet,”

As Bai Lung spoke, Qing Li and her best friend, Li Hua, exchanged concerned glances.

Like other, they also knew something was amiss but didn’t have the same level of ‘sense’ as Bai Lung.

‘ The junior is really impressive,’ Li Hua said to Qing Li, to which Qing Li just smiled.

‘ I Know,’ This was all her answer.

Li Hua put a ‘comforting’ hand on Qing Li’s arm, gritting her teeth.

Meanwhile, Qing Li kept her eyes peeled, trying to sense the presence that Bai Lung had mentioned.

“What should we do now?” Qing Li whispered to Li Hua, her voice trembling slightly at their current situation after all, all the propel were putting their on Bai Lung at the moment.

Li Hua looked just as nervous as her friend, but she took a deep breath and replied, “We should trust this junior and the holy disciple. They know what they’re doing,”

“But what if they’re making a mistake?” Qing Li worried, her mind racing with worst-case scenarios… As her guts was telling her they were walking in path with no return.

Li Hua squeezed her arm reassuringly. “We have to trust them,” she repeated, her voice firm. “Holy Disciple is our senior and this junior is also special… they have some experience,”

Li Hua and Qing Li has experience in others things but not much on Tomb exploration, especially void tomb because their sharp assassin sense was useless here.

They can’t see clearly to far nor they can hear smoothly.

Every sense were suppressed aside form sixth sense.

Even knowing the danger,

The group moved forward , their steps slow and careful.

Everyone was on high alert, ready to fight.

The corridor seemed to stretch on endlessly, the only sounds being the constant dripping of water and their own heartbeats.

This chapter is updated by freēwē

As they walked, a faint sound echoed through the corridor, barely perceptible at first. Everyone froze, listening intently to determine the source of the sound.

“Did you hear that?” one of the disciples whispered.

“Shhh,” The Holy Disciple hissed, raising a hand to signal silence. freё

They all listened, the tension in the air growing even thicker and pressure was huge.

The sound came again, slightly louder and more discernable this time. It was a soft, slithering noise.

Li Hua’s eyes widened,”What could that be?”

The others exchanged worried glances, their imaginations concocting all sorts of nightmarish scenarios.

It seems people were affected by some kind of energy, making them worried as scared…

However thanks to his soul, Bai Lung was we from this sensation, but he have already noted it down.

“Stay calm,” Bai Lung said, his voice steady but firm. “It could be anything. We don’t know until we find out… Anyway, we came here to fight and plunder,”

The holy disciple’s eyes narrowed, his mind working quickly. “It’s probably a spirit beast,” he said grimly. “We need to be ready to defend ourselves if it attack,”

The group of disciples, readying themselves for an attack. They all knew that a spirit beast could be dangerous, especially in a place like this… Affected by void.


The slithering sound grew louder as the creature drew closer. They could hear the faint sound of claws or scales scraping against the stone floor.

Suddenly, the source of the sound came into view.

A large, serpentine creature appeared at the end of the corridor, its scales glistening in the dim light.

Everyone’s breath caught in their throats as they stared at the imposing spirit beast.

“Holy… That’s… We can’t win,”