The law of Fiction: Harem in the fiction world-Chapter 13 Ch 11: Outside Is A Danger As Well [Pt2]

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Having a wet pussy rub against his cock felt so food that Yohan unconsciously buckled his hips back into the girl.

But that was not all. His hands gripped that slim waist and moved Rem as he wanted to. Her thighs were going to be bruised as a result tomorrow but Yohan did not seem to care.

The girl also seemed to find the new and harsher rhythm more to her liking because her hips were not stopping as well.

Her clothes pussy hole was getting caught up on Yohan's hard cock and it was almost sinking into that heat.

That panting chest was making Rem's boobs touch Yohan's chest and the overall sensation was making his mind melt.

"Ughhh, feels good." f𝘳𝚎𝑒𝚠𝑒𝚋𝘯o𝘃eƖ.co𝓂

Not to mention, Rem's moans were fueling Yohan's desire even more. His hips were moving faster and faster by the second. They were rubbing against that wet and tight heat all on their own.

The friction was more than enough for Yohan's over-sensitive cock to explode all over the girl's thigh and she reached for that come with trembling fingers.

Her soaked finger disappeared inside her hot mouth and Yohan felt his spent cock stir again. But his energy level was too low to continue with this. He wanted to rest for now.

He had not realized how taxing having sex was. Even if he could not go the full way, Yohan still lacked a lot of stamina.

"D-Do you need any other help from me?"

Rem asked with a shy look. Maybe she expected more from him or maybe she was disappointed but Yohan could not say that he cared about her feelings for now.

She was barking up the wrong tree here. But still, it would not be bad to show some care for this shy girl.

"You did plenty for me already. Now go and rest your body. Ah, and if you need to do something for me then stop suppressing your desire. I can see a passionate soul inside you that is waiting to be unleashed."

Yohan was not sure where his words were coming from. He had never encouraged anyone to be like that but he wanted Rem to be able to express her desire more.

The shining stars in Rem's eyes made Yohan uncomfortable and he walked away from her with hurried footsteps.

The further he stayed away from her, the better for now.

Rem was more of a one-time hookup and Yohan was not going to think more about it.

He walked out of the valley but not before he was sure that Rem would be able to take care of herself. She was coming out of the daze that had fallen over her and was beginning to wake up now.

It was likely a dream to Rem but it was nice to see that she was not afraid to wake up in an alley of sorts. Yohan could feel secure in leaving her behind now.



+100 exp gained. 𝗳𝔯𝙚e𝒘e𝚋𝘯𝚘ν𝙚l.𝑐o𝙢

1250/2500 for the next level.


Yohan felt fresh even if his body protested against any moment. He did not want to move but he knew he could not stay in the alley.

There was a weird sensation of detachment in his heart. The city sounded too calm for his liking and it made his head hurt.

Yohan was not paying attention so that was how he ended up bumping into a kid barely six years old.

"Hey, watch it….."

Yohan would have cursed the kid out had he not seen the bruises on the kid's face. The poor kid looked like he had fought a lot of people and lost as a result.

The bandages on his face and his arms did not seem to be natural but it was nice to see that the kid had someone to take care of him.

"Are you alright?"

"D-Don't touch me. I am alright. I should go now."

The kid hurried away and Yohan knew he had no right to chase after the kid. But he still ran after the kid anyway.

Something in him was telling him that if he lost the kid now then he would regret it.

There had been a desire inside the kid that was attractive but it was considerably purer than Yohan's. The itch inside him wanted to taint the kid and strip him of his purity.

But another part of Yohan just wanted to help the kid out.

"Awww fuck. I cannot believe I am feeling sympathetic over a kid's situation. But I cannot leave the kid be." ing from the alley behind the kid.

"We need to get out of here. I don't think it's safe here anymore."

It was never safe in that alley but Yohan's senses were getting sharper. His system was beeping in the background and Yohan could feel his powers rising.

His desire to live and to get out alive was fulling his needs. But the thing on the other side seemed to not care.

It was a dog-like creature that came out of the alley, its deformed eyes looking at Yohan. It looked dead and very badly mutilated.

The golden-haired kid tried to take a step toward the dog when Yohan stopped him.

"What do you think you are doing? Don't go near the dog or you will die."

Yohan scolded the kid while being terrified himself. He did not want to kid to get hurt but more than that, he did not want to kid to make any stupid decision.

As the adult here, Yohan had to take a firm stance but he was terrified of making a wrong choice.

"You can see that as well? No one else could. They even called me a liar when I said that…"

"Hey kid, we can talk about this later. We should kind of get out of here if we want to live. I can see that the dog is not very happy with us."

Yohan picked up the kid and ran the fastest he could. The kid was just going to keep holding him back if he let him run alone.

At this time, Yohan did not question why he was saving the kid or why he was so invested in getting the kid to live.

Had he done that, he would have realized how abnormal his behavior was and why it did not suit him.

He would have also realized that this dazzling kid could not be a normal person. A normal kid would have run away from this situation. But this kid looked unafraid about what to do.

"Let me go. I need to take care of this before someone gets killed. The demon will end up killing someone if I don't deal with it. Hey, let me go."

The kid continued to kick and scream to be let go of but Yohan kept his hold tight.

There was no need for the kid to face this world alone under Yohan's watch. He would make sure the kid got out of this alive.

After all, a protagonist always managed to get help in time. It didn't matter if it came from a hero or a villain. They always managed to somehow survive in the end.


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