The Invincible Full-Moon System-Chapter 987 Intercepted by Dark Elves

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Chapter 987 Intercepted by Dark Elves

Coming out of the corner shadows of the forest itself was a group of individuals that Adhara instantly recognized as Dark Elves, their ashen skin and pointy ears were enough of features to make her sure of what they were.

However, Adhara noticed that these Dark Elves were massive in stature.

Not to the point of even nearing Ugrok's size, yet clearly unnatural for the size of their kind.

Moreover, their outfits were identical to each other with small differences. It seems to be some kind of traditional sleeveless black robe, finely made judging from the very detailed pattern, coupled with a crimson silk belt on their waist.

Adhara looked at them and couldn't recognize their faces.

Having gone to the Dark Elf Kingdom multiple times already, she at the very least would somewhat recognize the faces of the important nobles there. But these Dark Elves were completely foreign to her.

It was not that they were unimportant either.

All of them emit a considerable presence, averaging at the eighth-rank realm minimum.

"Do you know who I am?" Adhara asked, sweeping her eyes at them before she fixed on the one leading the group, a male Dark Elf with sharp features. He has an air of elegance around him, traditional tattoos across his arms, and red eyes. "If you know who I am then step aside, I have somewhere to be"

Instead of moving to the side, the leader of this group crossed his arms in front of Adhara.

Clearly, he doesn't have any intention of moving aside.

While he was looking at Adhara with a calm gaze, the others around him started speaking using an unknown language. But it was obvious that the group of 11 Dark Elves were sizing Adhara up and down, commenting something about her.

Upon seeing the Dark Elves surrounding her, Adhara frowned, this shouldn't be happening.

'Could they be among the newly awakened Dark Elves...? Back when I visited, I interacted with only a few of them, hosted by King Jorik. These, however, seem to be the other Dark Elves from the ancient era' Adhara contemplated, already sensing trouble.

Soon, one of them approached the leader and whispered something.

Then, the leader's eyes suddenly sparkled.

Looking at Adhara with a peculiar glance, he lowered his arms and executed a slight bow, one hand placed over his stomach. His long, flawless white hair tumbled down, partially veiling his face. "Forgive the abrupt interruption, Lady Adhara. I was hoping to have just a moment of your precious time"

Adhara looked at this Dark Elf with squinted eyes, still on alert.

'He's a ninth-rank realm, as strong as King Jorik. He must be someone very influential in the Dark Elf Kingdom. It would be bad to offend him with the situation we are dealing with right now' She pondered and nodded.

Despite her purpose of coming out here, it was not that urgent and could wait.

Raising her gaze, she replied, "It's okay, it's not a problem at all"

Gaining her affirmation, the Dark Elf straightens his back gracefully again before he puts on a light smile, one that can leave a good impression on anyone. "Let's start with an introduction. I am Dosanu Khuurtid, the trusted counsellor of the head of the Khuurtid Noble Family. You can simply call me Dokhur"

"So, Dokhur, what do you want to say to me?" Adhara asked, trying to see through Dokhur.

However, she found that she couldn't read him at all.

Even Dokhur's emotional aura remained unwavering, fixed in grey color, and stayed like that.

While she couldn't read through his emotional aura, Adhara could tell from this that his smile was a fake one. He must have an ulterior motive behind this meeting, but she couldn't simply fathom what he sought from her.

But knowing who she was, Dokhur must be cautious with his demands.

"Since you seem to be in a rush, forgive my bluntness, I will go straight to the point" Dokhur started, his eyes as calm as water. "I heard when the alliance between us was made, there was a tribute given by Lord Rex as a sign of respect. He's a magnanimous leader indeed, to take into account such things"

"I reckon that as a great leader he is, he also envisioned when we awakened" He added.

Upon hearing this, Adhara frowned.

Adhara vaguely recalled that Rex had presented something to King Jorik during Naela's betrothal to Kyran. It was indeed for the alliance between them, but she could tell what Dokhur meant by what he said.

Obviously, now that the others were Awakened, there was a need for another tribute.

"It was done out of goodwill, so I don't think there's a need for a second one, even taking into account your awakening. I hope you can understand that" Adhara replied, she was not going to let Dokhur coerce her into doing what he wanted.

Just as she said that the other Dark Elves have a change in expression.

Seems like they understand what Adhara is saying, and they clearly didn't like it one bit.

Looking at this, Ugrok clasped his club, already growling lightly at them.

Noticing the changes in the others, Dokhur raised his hand, signaling to the others to stop whatever they were doing. "Please, this is a civil conversation, don't make such an unsightly reaction, especially in front of Lady Adhara" he warned.

Quite surprisingly, the other Dark Elves listened to him and returned to normal.

One act is all it takes to know that Dokhur is very respectable.

After doing that, Dokhur lowered his hand and redirected his focus to Adhara again. A light smile played across his lips as he nodded, "I understand your perspective. However, I must remind you, Lady Adhara, that the power dynamics are in disarray due to our sealing, and King Jorik's rise in power might arouse envy and offend some parties"

"It's tense right now but will break out soon enough" He added, conveying his perspective.

Despite her unwillingness, she couldn't deny that it was logical.

Just like the Vampire Kingdom for instance, King Solomon was reigning over fifteen years to make sure that the Vampires were coordinated. But as soon as Elder Nolacula woke up from his slumber, he immediately got stepped down.

Since their power was vastly apart, it was natural that he would get dethroned.

However, it's different in this situation.

King Jorik, with the help of the gift from Rex, was able to soar in terms of power, and when the Elders awakened, they were surprised to find him so strong to the point of being able to retain his position as King.

Naturally, this will create internal conflicts within the kingdom which will be very bad.

"If that happened, I can only imagine that you also will be influenced. After all, these are uncertain times, am I right?" Dokhur continued, maintaining eye contact with Adhara. It seemed he was hinting at something through his words.

Adhara is sharp enough to pick it up, which makes her frown deepen.

'The way he said it... Did he know that Rex is not in the city? Is that why this is happening?'

Skepticism arose as she found the oddity in Dokhur's tone of deliverance.

Despite the lack of clear indication, Adhara sensed an implicit threat carefully veiled in the depth of ambiguity. It was a threat so intricately woven that confronting him directly would be futile as he could effortlessly craft a plausible excuse.

Now, Adhara has a change of view of Dokhur.

It was obvious that he was an expert in a war of words, a troublesome sly person.

"Then what are you suggesting?" Adhara asked.

Upon hearing this, Dokhur clasped his hands behind his back, poising as an elder before he proceeded to elucidate, "King Jorik will face constant challenges from the other nobles if he retains the throne, each potentially escalating into a deadly conflict. To forestall such things, what better solution than appointing a temporary replacement until the dust is settled"

"Let me guess, that replacement would be you?" Adhara intervened sharply.

Pausing for a second, Dokhur smiled.

"Of course, not. I don't have that much of a reputation to cease the conflict. But the head family, however, is a different story. Appointing him as a temporary replacement is saving yourself from future problems" He replied, and the words came out of him smoothly.

Adhara could only sigh lightly at this.

Every time Rex went away, problems seemed to be mounting on her shoulders.

Her primary goal was to undergo training with the Elementals, aspiring to acquire the ability to restrain Rex whenever he went berserk. But now, trouble appeared to have a knack for timing, choosing the worst moments to encroach upon her.

"Okay, I understand. But we need to wait for Lord Rex about this" Adhara replied.

She said that, but in truth, she wanted time.

Making a decision now without thinking it through would be bad, she needs time to think.

Deciding that she would think it over, Adhara gestured to Ugrok to continue their journey again, passing Dokhur who was still standing on his spot. Reaching a couple of steps past Dokhur, Adhara halted as Dokhur's voice penetrated her ears again.

"Perhaps, I'm not being clear. But it's urgent and would need resolution right now" He said.

Not even looking back, he said that to stop Adhara.

Upon hearing this, Adhara clenched her jaw, a strong desire to distance herself from Dokhur coursing through her. There was an unsettling aura about him as if lingering too long in his presence might subject her to some form of hypnotic influence, forcing her to comply with his every whim.

Adhara pivoted around with a darkened expression, "I said that this matter needs to wait"

"Something like this needs to consult with Lord Rex' She added.

Dokhur turned around, his expression registering a hint of surprise. "But he's not here, is he?" He inquired, one eyebrow raised. "I came here with the information that you are the Female Alpha of the Silverstar Pack. Surely, as the Female Alpha, even without Lord Rex's presence, you can still make decisions, can't you?"

Just like that, Adhara was put in a spot.

Now, if she didn't make a decision, then her reputation as the Female Alpha would diminish.'

Dokhur puts her in a spot where she has to make a decision.

'I don't even know the head of the Khuurtid noble family. If I accepted his suggestion, then I would be putting all of my trust in Dokhur's words. But if I don't do anything, then there might be a conflict in the Dark Elf Kingdom'

'Just what should I do...? Should I visit the Khuurtid noble family first?'

'But if I do that, my presence there would already increase their reputation to gain power'

Adhara has many scenarios inside her head, swirling around.

Because of Dokhur, she couldn't leave right now and save this problem for another day.

On the other hand, while Adhara was obviously contemplating the situation, Dokhur's eyes squinted before he eventually said, "Of course, the Khuurtid family will try their best to postpone the conflict to give you time. Please, don't mind my words. I hope you can contact me when you've come to your decision"

Upon saying that, Dokhur bowed gracefully again before leaving.

He brought the other Dark Elves alongside him, leaving Adhara rooted on her spot.

Meanwhile, when they reached a considerable distance, one of the Dark Elves approached Dokhur and asked, "Are you certain that bringing our family to her attention is the right way? Our encounter earlier has undoubtedly placed us under their radar"

"Yes, it is. With such a mighty ally, it will be a waste to not use them" Dokhur replied.

Glancing over his shoulder towards the direction where Adhara was, a sly smile played on his lips as he continued, "Now is the right time to move, we can enhance our family's power, and even take control of the throne. We can use the Silverstar Pack. No time is better than now, especially with Lord Rex being absent..."

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