The Invincible Full-Moon System-Chapter 953 Royal Guards’ Banter

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Chapter 953 Royal Guards' Banter

Elder Nolacula recognized that Calidora didn't want to be bound to her parents.

At least, that's what her action depicted.

It was even more so due to the strain between her and Solomon had intensified, driven by his lingering bitterness over Calidora's persistent refusal to heed his counsel, and the added challenge of Nezera consistently siding with her, pampering her.

Such a situation only served to further escalate the tension between them. 𝗯𝗲𝐝𝐧𝗼𝐯𝗲𝐥.𝗻𝗲𝐭

But the eerie smile on Calidora's face which she quickly concealed again grew doubts.

Elder Nolacula was quite confident that he could read Calidora's inner desire, but the act she showed earlier made him doubt his own assumption. If she's capable of putting on an act and making the people believe she is a soft-hearted princess, then what's stopping her from also doing something along the way to him?

He now believed that there was more than meets the eye.

However, he couldn't pinpoint exactly what Calidora wanted, she concealed it flawlessly.

For a brief second, his mind went back to the past.

Calidora reminded him of a Vampire he respected, 'It's like facing Elizabeth, unpredictable'

"I've neglected my Eyes of Terror, now the thirst is back again, so I need to address it again. But I wouldn't stay there for too long, it's not like the castle is going to be my permanent residence" Calidora announced clearly. She then glanced at Solomon who was evidently furious about this, "I already consulted this with Mother, and she doesn't mind. Now, I only need your permission"

Upon hearing this, Solomon gritted his teeth, a light bony sound could be heard.

Not gaining the respect he deserved made him furious.

Instead of asking him for permission who was her father, Calidora asked Elder Nolacula's permission, and that is enough to make any man angry. "Hmm... I also see no problem in this, so I'll grant you what you want"

"But Elder..." Solomon tried to intervene.

However, his voice was cut short with a raise of Elder Nolacula's hand, "It's been decided"

Solomon could only remain silent in return, veins bulging in his neck.

"I'm sincerely grateful, Elder. I have no doubt that under your guidance, our Kingdom will thrive in this era. I won't impose on you any longer. Farewell" Calidora gracefully bowed and took her leave, not forgetting to cast a triumphant smile in Solomon's direction.

On the appearance, it seemed to be like a family quarrel.

However, the truth was not as it appears to be, Calidora aimed at her father for a reason.

During her time in the Elven Kingdom before meeting with Rex, she uncovered a couple of spies dispatched by Solomon to monitor her activities. Fortunately, these spies hailed from humble backgrounds within the Elven Kingdom, and their efforts yielded no significant information of value.

Calidora tried ignoring it at first until last night.

A couple of Vampires were keeping tabs on her move inside her bed chamber.

It was unclear the reason why Solomon was doing this, sending people to watch her, but one guess is that he suspected that Calidora was hiding something and thus decided to do this. She had nothing to hide except for secretly going to Rex and helping him.

For the rebellion group, it would be bad for Solomon to know, but frankly, she doesn't care.

But what she does care about is the fact that she was being tailed.

Given her future aspirations and strategic plans, she couldn't tolerate being under watch.

Solomon had the potential to get in the way of her goals, and that was a risk she wasn't willing to take, especially with how much effort she had been putting in. Consequently, she chose to eliminate him from the equation, at least temporarily.

Now, Solomon has pressure from Elder Nolacula.

If he's not careful or being too blatant, Calidora could just report him to Elder Nolacula.

Descending the staircase with a triumphant smile, her heels echoed against the cold stone as she headed back to her bed chamber. 'Everything is proceeding just as I intended, seems like getting rid of Father is not as hard as I thought. Now, Father wouldn't be able to keep me under his surveillance, at least for a while.'

Had he known what Calidora was about to do, he would definitely be against it.

Not even her Mother would back her up.

Thus, she would make absolutely sure that none of them knew until it was finished.

"When would he come to me...? I thought he would be here by now" Calidora slowed down her steps and stopped, gazing at the glazed window beside her. "Did something happen? If nothing happened, then there's no reason for him to be this long. Maybe the Executor did something, ah... I missed him already"

Just then, her eyes were fixed on the night, broken sky, and onto the adjacent moon.

Calidora's eyes then turned purple, her Eyes of Terror activated.

Sighing to herself, she continued her journey, navigating the empty hallway in silence. As she approached a junction, her bed chamber to the left, she overheard a couple of Royal Guards engaging in light banter to while away the time.

Not minding them, she wanted to quickly reach her bed-chamber, until she abruptly stopped.

Her attention was piqued by the Royal Guards' banter.

"You know, the Hare Moon is almost upon us"

"Ah, yes. It's that time of the year again. During that, it'll be a good day for the Werewolves"

"Absolutely. But you know, it doesn't only have to be the Werewolves to have some fun. We could also have fun, we could also be with our wives. The moonlight, the night's embrace, it's all quite... intimate, don't you think?"

"Hmm, you're right. While the Werewolves are howling, we'll be... well, you know."

Just the thought of spending the night with their wives brought delighted grins to the faces of the two Royal Guards, their minds lost in fantasies, determined to not lose out to the Werewolves in having a great time, and though they didn't experience the same effects as the Werewolves, they could still feel the intimacy the Hare Moon brings.

As the two were dwelling in their fantasy, Calidora approached them with hurried steps.

One of the Royal Guards realized this and quickly nudged the other.

In response, the two stood upright with weapons in hand, staying motionless like a statue.

Both feel their hearts thumping faster seeing that Calidora is heading towards them with a dark expression and hurried steps, it made them think that somehow, their banter earlier offended her.

Suddenly, Calidora grabbed one of the Royal Guards' collars and pulled him.

"P- Princess, h-have I done something wrong?" the Royal Guard asked, sweating profusely.

Calidora's eyes gleamed bright purple as she peered into the Royal Guard's eyes sharply, she answered the question with another question. "I overheard your conversation. Tell me, are you sure what you're saying is right?"

"I- I don't understand. What do you mean pr-"

"Is it right?! Is the next full moon, the Hare Moon?!"

Not even giving the chance to let the Royal Guard finish his sentence, Calioda intervened.

Her eyes are burning with fiery distress.

Eventually, the Royal Guard quickly nodded his head, "Y- Yes, princess. It's the Hare Moon"

Upon hearing this, Calidora's heart skipped a beat.

Accidentally, the Royal Guards' banter made her realize that the upcoming full moon was going to be troublesome. Following that, she lets go of his collar and pushes him away, stumbling to the wall behind him.

Seeing this, his comrade quickly helped him up and glanced at Calidora in disapproval.

However, his disapproval quickly vanished.

Calidora's expression contorted into a hideous one that sent a chill running down her spine, her body twitched weirdly on the brink of exploding in anger, and it looked like she was about to eat someone alive as the wrath on her face was palpable.

'I forgot about the Hare Moon! Rex would be with Evelyn if it's the Hare Moon'

Just the thought of that made her body burn.

Despite the dire to hit something or ransack the entire place to vent her anger was overwhelming, she decided to take a deep breath and compose herself. 'No, it's good that I know about this now. I could do something to prevent them from being together'

'But how? It's not like I can go there right now' She pondered with a deepening frown.

Since her spouse is a Werewolf, she made sure to know the effects of all Full Moons.

It was easy to get her hands on that information as her Mother basically knew everything about the Werewolves, and the effect of the Full Moon on the Werewolves is not some grand secret, so she learned about this way back.

However, she forgot to take this into consideration and thus became angry like this.

She was angry at herself for forgetting.

Calidora was evidently fretting about this matter, standing motionless in thought. But then, she came to a realization that she doesn't need to be worried, 'Wait, there's no need to worry. Rex is afraid of losing everything, so he wouldn't have the guts to do that. Yes... I should be fine, my plan should be fine. Just this once, be predictable, Rex. Don't their words sway you because you're destined and will always be mine!'


Meanwhile, back to the present.

Upon finishing assigning the others to maintain the city, Rex went out to meet Edward again.

It was time for him to leave as he had no choice.

Rex already bought some precautions beforehand, an item to evacuate him and Ryze back to the city if something did go wrong, and also double-checked that he still had 1 Invincible item that he could use in case of emergency.

He's going to meet with the Executor for the first time after their first fight.

Back then, the Executor wanted to kill him.

The Executor made it clear last time they met of his intention to find and eliminate Rex when the opportunity arose. Naturally, this deeply concerned Rex about this meeting, but he concealed the truth from the others to prevent unnecessary worry.

One way or another, he would meet with the Executor.

Although now is not a great time, it's also not the worst time as he could fend for himself.

More so because the System stated that his stats would gradually be increased starting from this night all the way to the day of the Hare Moon. Of course, the effect the Hare Moon brought would also be more intense starting this night.

Even then, this gave confidence that he would be able to defend himself properly.

With swelling stats, he would definitely be fine.

Aside from checking on Gistella, this would also determine whether the Executor would take the bait, and I can initiate the finalization of the plan. I have so many things to do, and so many things to prepare. I could only hope that this went well.

Nodding his head, Rex strode over to Edward who was already waiting.

"I should ask you to keep up with me because we don't have that much time" Edward said.

Upon hearing this, Rex looked at him in scorn.

Obviously, Edward is really underestimating if he really thought that he was faster.

"Do not squander words to joke if we don't have much time. We're enemies, not comrades, so spare me the facade of camaraderie, ignoring the huge tension between us. If not for the situation, you'll be dead by now" Rex retorted with a frigid demeanor, his countenance devoid of any trace of delight at Edward's presence.

Edward cackled when he heard this, "Not that I expect anything, but alright then"

Just like that, under the watchful gaze of the onlookers, the three vanished from their spots.

Despite lacking behind, Ryze was not that far off behind from the two.

All of them moved faster than the onookers' eyes.

Initially, the three of them could be seen at the edge of the Humming Damned Forest. But within a fraction of a second, their presence was gone with no sign of where they went, showing just how fast they were compared to the normal standards.

Read Watch Out! Danger Ahead