The First Vampire-Chapter 421 - : 419 Position (Part 1)_1

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Chapter 421: 419 Position (Part 1)_1

The morning light bathed the horizon in a light rosy glow, with numerous white clouds gently floating amongst the crimson hues.

Countless gleams of dawn reflected off the tranquil Angry River, casting a faint halo around it, giving everything a serene and peaceful ambience.

However, this tranquility was just a fa?ade; underneath the river’s surface, countless undertows were surging.

Suddenly, an undertow burst through the tranquility of the surface, immediately causing a swathe of turbulent waves. Vortexes spread through the waves, eventually disappearing on the surface of the water.

Under the shimmering dawn light, a colossal fleet appeared on Angry River. Their sails swelled with wind, and the bow of the ships churned white waves under the impact of the undertow.

The banners that clanged defiantly in the wind bore the image of a white Pegasus ready to take flight. Obviously, this was the navy fleet of the St. Prowse Family from the Eastern Territory.

Despite the widely recognized weakness of the Eastern Territory’s army in the Glorious Empire, their navy fleet was never underestimated.

This massive fleet, consisting of fifteen heavy battleships, a hundred and eighty oar and sail warships, fifty light, fast-triangular sailboats, and three hundred logistics transport vessels, was undeniably the most formidable water force in the Glorious Empire.

With this near-invincible fleet and the impassable Angry River, the Eastern Territory had remained uninvaded for centuries.

Even the powerful North Territory, which had beaten the Troll Empire black and blue, found it difficult to cross the turbulent Angry River under the threat of this fleet.

At this moment, leading the fleet was the flagship “White Dew”.

This legendary heavy battleship, named after the St. Prowse family’s castle, was the pride of the Eastern Territory and a marvel in the era of wooden sailing warships.

The marine behemoth was eighty meters long, twenty meters wide, with a keel length of sixty-six meters. It had a full-load displacement of three thousand tons and three decks with protective walls built on each for more than a thousand bowmen to fire simultaneously. Eight huge paddles were fitted to both sides of the hull, and a formidable ramming prow was installed at the bow.

In the era of cold weapons, the “White Dew” was undoubtedly an invincible battleship that could never sink.

At this moment, almost all the senior military officers of the Pegasus Navy fleet had gathered in the captain’s quarters of the “White Dew”.

The eyes of the fleet’s highest commander, Count Howell, sweep imposingly over every face in the room. Then, clearing his throat, he loudly said:

“Gentlemen, I presume you are all aware of why we are heading north.”

“Yes, it’s to proceed to Silver Moon City, to redeem Marquis Vincent!”

“And the price of redemption…”

As he got to this point, the corner of Count Howell’s mouth twitched a few times. It seemed difficult for him to mask his humiliation and anger, but he quickly calmed down and continued, saying:

“The price of redemption, let’s have Count Evan explain it personally.”

Count Evan, who was standing behind Count Howell, stepped forward with a slight smile, greeted the fleet officers with a nod, unfolded a sheepskin parchment in his hands, and began to read:

“Gentlemen, according to the agreement reached between Duke St. Prowse and Count Angler, we of the Eastern Territory will use six heavy battleships, fifty oar and sail warships, as well as one hundred and twenty logistics transport ships, to redeem Marquis Vincent…”

Upon hearing this, even the disciplined navy officers could not help but whisper among themselves.

Clearly, such a price was somewhat difficult for everyone to accept at the moment.

They all turned their eyes to Count Howell, but the fleet’s highest commander remained silent, his head bowed low.

However, Count Howell’s tightly clenched fists revealed that his inner state was far from as calm as he appeared.

Count Evan’s gaze, calm yet firm, swept over the faces of all the officers slowly, until the room quieted down again, then he continued:

“According to the request of Duke St. Prowse, the following battleships will be handed over to the North Territory:

Brave Number, Victory Number, Fury Wave Number, Giant Wave Number, Wind Chime Number, White Dew Number, these six heavy battleships will…”

“Count Evan!” Upon hearing this, Count Howell couldn’t help but speak out.

He steps forward and stands before Count Evan. His heavy breathing almost hitting the young count’s face.

Count Evan, his face expressionless, looks at Count Howell – who appeared like an angered bull – and asks indifferently, “Count Howell, do you have any queries to make?”

“Count Evan, it’s not that I can’t bear to part with a few warships. In reality, everyone knows that more than anyone, I hope to see Marquis Vincent return safe and sound to the Eastern Territory. My daughter anxiously awaits her husband’s return every day, and my grandson cannot be without his father!

But what I want to know is, why are all the chosen warships from the Howell Family?”

“Howell Family’s warships?” Count Evan sneers coldly, unyielding as he questions, “Count Howell, when did the Pegasus Navy become the private army of the Howell Family?”

“The Pegasus Navy of course is not the private army of the Howell Family, however, you cannot deny the contribution my family has made to this fleet! The majority of the income from our family’s territory is used on the fleet’s maintenance. The best members of the Howell family, and our strongest subjects, are all serving in this fleet!

Count Evan, not to speak rebelliously, but without the Howell Family, this Pegasus Navy would at least have its combat power reduced by half!”

Count Howell has risked everything at this point. The actions of Count Evan have exceeded his tolerance limit. If they really hand over the six heavy warships, then the military power of the Howell family would be completely finished.

Count Evan snorts coldly, asserting, “Count Howell, I acknowledge the contribution of the Howell family to the Pegasus Navy. However, ask yourself, has the St. Prowse family ever let you sacrifice without reward?

Have you not forgotten that your ancestors were but lowly commoner merchants? Who was it that elevated your family’s nobility rank to a Count step by step? Who made you become one of the top families in the Eastern Territory? Even allowing your daughter to marry the heir to the Eastern Territory’s Duke?

The St. Prowse Family has never treated the Howell Family unfairly. Now that we need you, heh, Count Howell, have you started to forget your oaths, forgotten the grace of the St. Prowse Family?”

“The Howell Family has never forgotten its oaths! We will not betray the St. Prowse Family!” Count Howell states loudly with a resolute and powerful voice. Immediately, he changes the topic, saying in a deep voice, “But we absolutely will not be intentionally targeted!”

Count Evan unfolds the parchment in his hand, showing Count Howell the writings and St. Prowse Duke’s signature, saying,

“Look closely, Count Howell, this is the order from Duke St. Prowse. Are you preparing to disobey it?”

Count Howell glaringly looks at the parchment scroll, without speaking. However, this silence signifies a form of silent protest.

Just as Count Evan was about to speak again, he suddenly sees a high-ranking military officer step forward a few steps, standing behind Count Howell.

This appears to be a signal.

Then, one after another, officers from the Howell family take their place behind Count Howell.

They too, head lowered in silence, signify their silent protest towards Count Evan.

“The Howell family controls half of the Pegasus Navy”. These words are perfectly illustrated in this situation.

However, it is only half. The other half of the officers in the room, from the St. Prowse family lineage, upon seeing the situation, rally behind Count Evan.

The two groups confront each other in silence. Even some hotheaded officers have their right hands on the hilt of their swords.

The atmosphere within the cabin grows increasingly tense, gradually becoming suffocating.

The situation seems to teeter on a tightrope, threatening to break at any moment.

Count Evan, expressionless, watches Count Howell and the officers behind him. He remains calm and composed, seemingly oblivious to the impending internal unrest within the Pegasus Navy. He simply asks,

“Count Howell, are you planning to betray the St. Prowse Family?”

Count Howell takes a deep breath, as if trying to suppress his rage and impulsiveness, and says in a deep voice,

“Count Evan, I want to talk to you privately.”
