The Extreme Alchemist of the Mighty Cauldron-Chapter 236 - : Ginseng Reappears

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Chapter 236: Chapter 236: Ginseng Reappears

Translator: 549690339

Qing Jianzi heard Fang Lin’s mumble and was speechless, yearning to give Fang Lin a fierce kick from behind.

What the heck is the time now? Can’t you see the danger we are in, and you’re still thinking about eating snake soup?

Qing Jianzi initially thought Fang Lin was joking. But upon seeing Fang Lin’s expression, he was left dumbfounded.

He saw Fang Lin staring at these snakes with gleaming eyes, licking his lips, showing a face of pure craving.

Unable to hold back, Qing Jianzi finally spoke up, “Fang Lin, you’re not seriously thinking about eating these things, are you?”

Fang Lin turned around and looked at Qing Jianzi with a puzzled expression, “Why wouldn’t I eat them? Snake soup is a great tonic and extremely delicious.”

Qing Jianzi’s face twitched, saying, “We’re not even sure yet whether we’re going to eat them, or they’re going to eat us, right?”

Fang Lin laughed, “Don’t worry, I naturally have a way to handle these snakes.”

At the same time, the snakes around them gradually started to close in, their sibilant hisses causing people’s scalp to prickle.

But Fang Lin was undisturbed. He touched his Nine Palace Bag and pulled out a small flask.

“What’s that?” Qing Jianzi curiously asked.

Fang Lin chuckled, and without saying a word, opened the flask and threw its contents at the snakes.

The snakes, not being stupid and all being Two-Times Transformation Realm Demon Beasts, dodged as soon as they saw something being thrown towards them.


The flask shattered and a pale yellow smoke quickly spread out.

As the snake swarm came in contact with the pale yellow smoke, they saw the snakes writhing in agony, evidently in great discomfort.

Qing Jianzi sniffed and suddenly realized, “It’s sulfur!”

Fang Lin laughed, “This is my specially made Sulfur Powder, the nemesis of snakes. Even a small amount is enough to poison a large python, let alone these small snakes.”

And sure enough, as the smoke clouded the snakes, they writhed a few times and then stopped moving altogether.

The remaining snakes, apparently smelling the sulfur, fled in terror.

To snakes, sulfur is their natural enemy. Even though they had become demon beasts, their resistance to sulfur had greatly increased. But the Sulfur Powder Fang Lin had refined himself was much stronger than ordinary sulfur, and these Two-Times Transformation Realm snakes naturally couldn’t resist it.

Qing Jianzi was dumbstruck, looking at the snakes that were aggressive just now, and now either dead or fleeing.

“Fang Lin, Fang Lin, I just realized how powerful a Pill Refiner is!” Qing Jianzi sighed in admiration, speaking sincerely.

Fang Lin smiled smugly, “Of course.”

As he was saying this, Fang Lin started collecting the dead snakes into the Nine Palace Bag one by one .

“You really plan on eating them?” Qing Jianzi asked incredulously, he initially thought Fang Lin was just kidding.

Fang Lin nodded, while bustling about, he replied, “Although these snakes are of low realm, there are a lot of them. If we stew a pot of snake soup, it can not only replenish our depleted strength, but it can also strengthen our bodies and also has some special effects.”

Qing Jianzi puzzled, “I know that snake soup can strengthen the body, but what are the special effects? Does it enhance the realm if consumed?”

Fang Lin grinned slyly and replied, “Well, it won’t enhance the realm, but snakes are inherently lustful. If a man eats a few snake gallbladders, it will greatly enhance his sex skills.”

Upon hearing these words, Qing Jianzi’s expression was simply astonished.

“How do you even know that?” Qing Jianzi was left with no choice but to ask.

Fang Lin coughed awkwardly, speaking somewhat shyly, “I read it in old books. Don’t ordinary people also catch snakes to get the gallbladder to replenish their vitality?”

Although Fang Lin said this, Qing Jianzi looked at Fang Lin somewhat strangely, after all, Fang Lin seemed to be just seventeen or eighteen years old, with his talk of sexual enhancement and sex skills, it was indeed very weird.

Fang Lin didn’t care about Qing Jianzi’s gaze, and happy as can be, incorporated all the smoked dead snakes into the Nine Palace Bag. He didn’t have time to stew the snake soup now, so he could only keep it for later.

After sorting out the snakes, the two continued to move forward, with Fang Lin leading the way with a flame and Qing Jianzi following behind, all guardedly.

The two encountered snake swarms along the way, but Fang Lin had anticipated this and rubbed the Sulfur Powder on his body. The snakes ran away as soon as they smelled the scent on Fang Lin.

Although the smell of Sulfur Powder was somewhat strong and unpleasant, it had no effect on them.

On this steep cliff, Fang Lin and Qing Jianzi also found several medicinal herbs with impressive age.

Of course, Fang Lin would not miss them. He and Qing Jianzi jointly harvested a lot, and even found a nine hundred years old Celestial Star Grass.

However, the two also noticeably found that these herbs had signs of recent harvesting, but not much of it was taken, suggesting someone was in a hurry and just picked some along the way.

The two speculated that it was Yang Pojun and his party who had gone by and picked some along the way.

If Yang Pojun and the others were still alive, they felt a little more settled, and weren’t as anxious as before.

The height of the cliff was somewhat beyond their expectations, and they walked along the cliff for more than two hours, but they still couldn’t see the bottom.

During this time, Qing Jianzi threw the Everbright Stone down twice more, but still couldn’t hear it hit the ground, indicating that there was still a long distance to the bottom.

The further down they went, the colder it got. There was a faint sense of cold air rising from below.

“Huh? Did something just run by?” Fang Lin rubbed his eyes, speaking doubtfully.

Qing Jianzi paused, looked around, but didn’t see anything.

Fang Lin frowned. He had indeed seen something, he didn’t know what, run by the side of the cliff. Because it was moving so fast, and Fang Lin didn’t get a clear look, he wasn’t sure what it was.

“Did I see things?” Fang Lin muttered, and not taking it to heart, continued to slowly move downward. 𝗳re𝗲𝚠e𝐛n𝗼v𝗲l.c𝐨𝐦

But soon, Fang Lin saw it again. Indeed, something was running by not far away. This time he saw very clearly that it was a ginseng with legs!

“Fang Lin, that was the Thousand-year Ginseng that just ran by.” Qing Jianzi also saw it and quickly said.

Fang Lin ground his teeth and shouted, “Chase it!”

The two immediately sped up and ran in the direction the Thousand-year Ginseng ran.

Fang Lin had a ferocious smile on his face, “This damned Thousand-year Ginseng, you escaped last time. This time you’re delivering yourself to my doorstep, so don’t blame me.”