The Exiled Life of the Noble Girl-Chapter 47: No Money Left

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Chapter 47

Li Mingwei was extremely tired and did not have much of an appetite. She drank a few sips of water and then rested. Dong Lei was the same. The two slept in Wang Chunhua's room where she had not yet married.

When she woke up, it was already dusk. Pushing open the door weakly, the colorful clouds on the horizon immediately caught her attention. She stood there blankly for a long time without realizing that several children were sitting on the steps in front of her.

"Big brother, what is auntie looking at?" Little Gang had a blade of grass in his mouth and shook his head, "I don't know, the sky?"

"What's there to look at in the sky?" It's always the same every day.

After a while, Little Gang's patience also ran out. He couldn't help but say, "Auntie, aren't you hungry?"

"Ah?" Li Mingwei looked around for the voice and only then realized that there was a group of children sitting on the ground in front of her from tallest to shortest. She was stunned, "Have you guys been here the whole time?"

"Yes!" Little Gang stood up, "My mom told me to keep an eye on you and call her when you wake up so she can heat up food for you to eat."

"Your mom is...?"

"My mom is the one who helped carry you back."

That was Wang Dashi's son. Li Mingwei remembered he was called, "Little Gang?"

Little Gang scratched his head shyly, "Yes, Auntie has heard of me before."

Li Mingwei smiled, "I've heard your Aunt mention you several times."

Aunt? Little Gang's smile disappeared instantly. I hope Aunt didn't say anything bad about him. Aunt and Mother were in cahoots. At lunch just now, Mother had ratted him out to Aunt, saying that he was naughty and asked Aunt to help discipline him.

"I'll go get my mom." Little Gang slipped away as fast as he could.

In the winter, the several adults in the Wang family gathered together to chat. Wang Chunhua briefly introduced Li Mingwei's background, then sang her praises.

Wang's Father knocked on his tobacco pipe to shake off some ash. He said dubiously, "Is this girl really that capable?"

"Of course! Would I lie to you?" Seeing her father's face, Wang Chunhua said with some pride, "At least she can tutor Dong Lei. You and Dashi are illiterate and can't help Dong Lei at all."

The grandson is also a grandson. If Dong Lei could become a successful scholar, the Wang family would also gain some fame by association.

She looked towards her son and daughters-in-law, "Just listen to what Chunhua says. When you're outside, just say she knows a capable girl."

"Yes, Mother."

Seeing that they had all agreed, Wang's Mother doted on her granddaughter in her arms and said meaningfully, "Girls from outside are different. Our family doesn't even have one boy who has studied."

Wang's Father puffed on his tobacco pipe without speaking. Who doesn't want successful descendants? The family simply doesn't have the means.

Xinghua Village only has fifty to sixty households. It's in a mountain valley. What kind of teacher is willing to come to this kind of place to teach? The nearest schoolhouse is in Qingshi Town. Round trip is a full day. How can you study properly?

An awkward silence descended. Little Gang ran in, "Mom, auntie is awake."

"Where is Lei?"

"I don't know. Haven't seen him come out."

"Alright, go accompany your auntie. I'll go heat up food for her."

Mrs. Wang went to the kitchen. Wang Chunhua also followed, wanting to check on her children.

Since her daughter and son-in-law were back today, there was definitely no lack of food at home. Mrs. Wang used the leftover chicken broth from lunch to cook chicken noodle soup for Li Mingwei, and added some stir-fried shredded pork.

"Eat some noodles first to fill your stomach. We'll eat dinner soon."

"Thank you, sister-in-law."

Just as Li Mingwei took a bite of noodles, wanting to praise Mrs. Wang's cooking skills, she noticed the children sitting around her staring longingly at her food, drool practically dripping out.

She asked hesitantly, "Haven't you guys eaten?"

"With the way you look like you're starving, shoo! Don't bother your auntie while she's eating." Mrs. Wang chased them away and explained to Li Mingwei, "They've eaten. They've eaten. They're probably hungry again. You go ahead and eat, we'll be eating again soon."


After Mrs. Wang led the children away, she didn't return until they were out of Li Mingwei's line of sight before instructing them, "Don't go bother Auntie now. She's shy. Wait until she's finished eating before going back."

A little girl tugged at Mrs. Wang's sleeve, "Mom, is there more noodles? I want chicken noodle soup too."

The other children chimed in, "Auntie, we want it too. With shredded pork."

"As if!" Mrs. Wang tapped their little heads and scolded, "So many mouths to feed, if you all only want to eat the good stuff, our family would go bankrupt in half a year! All of you scram, or I'll tell Grandma on you!"

After chasing the children away, Mrs. Wang returned worriedly to the kitchen, whispering to Wang's Second Sister-in-law, "It's not like they've been eating less meat these two days. How are they still acting so starved?"

Wang's Second Sister-in-law frowned, "Didn't we already tell them to behave themselves in front of Eldest Sister-in-Law?"

"Those half-grown children listen obediently at first, then immediately forget about it." Mrs. Wang sighed, "I hope Big Sister didn't notice anything off. Father and Mother warned us over and over again not to let her find out."

"I know." Wang's Second Sister-in-law nodded, "If Big Sister finds out, she'll definitely give our family more money again. Brother-in-law isn't one to gossip, but Xiao Lei will have to pay his school fees again soon. We have to know when to stop."

Li Mingwei was on her way to get more salt for her noodles when she overheard their conversation from around the corner. She silently took her bowl outside to find the children. After giving them her shredded pork, she probed, "Is it delicious?"


"If you want your mothers to buy meat for you every day so you can eat it every day, just be extra good and obedient for her."

The children all shook their heads, "Mother won't buy us meat every day."

Li Mingwei crouched down to their level and pretended to act childish, "Why not? My mother buys me meat every day. Don't your mothers love you as much?"

"That's not it. Our mothers love us very much too. It's just that you need money to buy meat, and Mother doesn't have money."

"Why doesn't she have money?"

They didn't know the reason. In any case, if Mother says there's no money then there's no money. After half a day of fruitless questioning, Li Mingwei gave up on getting an explanation from them since they were still small. She turned her attention to Little Gang instead. He was already ten. He must know the reason.

After looking for him unsuccessfully for a while, she could only return her empty bowl to the kitchen first. Wang's Second Sister-in-law washed it for her as soon as she saw it. Li Mingwei thanked her and asked Mrs. Wang, "Sister-in-law, where is Little Gang?"

Little Gang's head popped out from under the stove. He still had two firewood in his hands, "Auntie, I'm here. What do you need me for?"

"It's not that I'm looking for you, your Aunt wants you."

"Oh." He tossed aside the firewood. "Mom, I'm going to see Auntie!"

Mrs. Wang waved her hand, "Go on, go on. Listen to your Auntie."

Little Gang followed Li Mingwei to Wang Chunhua's room. Wang Chunhua was still sitting by the bed, hesitating over whether to wake up her son. She turned around, "Little Gang? Do you need something?"

Little Gang pointed at himself, "Wasn't it Auntie looking for me?"

"It wasn't me." Wang Chunhua was still confused.

Li Mingwei quickly closed the door. She tattled, "I just overheard your big sister-in-law and second sister-in-law say that the family has run out of money."

Little Gang's expression changed instantly. He turned to run but had no way to escape.