The Exiled Life of the Noble Girl-Chapter 37: Hexagram

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Chapter 37

Li Mingwei sat back at the table angrily, and Wang Chunhua comfortingly patted her. Then she drew back her hand. Why should she comfort her when she had just rejected Liu Yizhu, the scholar admired by all the young ladies in town?

There was nothing to comfort.

"Sister!" Li Mingwei slapped the table, "I feel he brings me bad luck."

Since getting to know him, nothing good had happened. Today, their fortunes were told to be incompatible.

Wang Chunhua thought about it and realized it was true. Her sister had been a bit unlucky these past couple months. "Then let's go divine or ask for a talisman to change your luck?"

"Can we?"

Wang Chunhua looked towards Dong Shan. Dong Shan glanced outside at the snow and wind and hesitated a little. "Now we can only go to Yuqing Temple in the south."

"Yuqing Temple?"

"Yes, the main deity there is Master Yuqing. Here in the north we have a temple, and in the east there is the Guanyin Temple, but both roads are blocked. The only one close to us that we can get to is Yuqing Temple in the south."

Every year around this time, many nearby villagers could only go to Yuqing Temple. So it was the busiest time of year for Yuqing Temple, and they would sweep the mountain path stairs clean to attract customers. As long as you reached the foot of the mountain, you didn't need to worry about anything else.

"Alright, when should we go?"

"Let's wait a couple days. Yesterday's snowfall was heavy, I'm afraid there's a lot of snow piled up on the road. After it melts a little in the sun, we'll go."

"Okay, okay."

Li Mingwei decided not to go out again until they went to the temple.

Wang Chunhua wanted to bring Dong Lei to check on his studies, and leave Little Yan with Aunt Meng and Sister Yun next door. She would go along with Li Mingwei.

Once out of town, the snow on the road was uncleared. Relying on memory, Dong Shan went ahead to break a path, with Dong Lei on his back. They hadn't gone far when a line of footprints appeared, coming from another road.

Dong Shan relaxed, leading them to step in the prints ahead, "Looks like some people set out earlier than us."

Wang Chunhua pinched Dong Lei's little nose on his back, "That's because this lazy runt was hard to rouse."

"He works hard at his studies, it's normal to want more rest when he can get it."

Leaning on his father's broad shoulders, Dong Lei swung his little legs and grinned, "That's right, my studies tire me out."

"Oh please!"

Wang Chunhua poked his little head, then looked back at the silent Li Mingwei, "What's wrong sister, unhappy?"


She just felt a little envious seeing their happy family of three interact. She touched her belly. She would never have that blessing in this life.

Indeed Yuqing Temple was close. In just a quarter hour, the four arrived at the mountain base. A few young novice monks on the path were sweeping the steps from top to bottom. Seeing them approach, they immediately stopped and bowed in greeting.

"Patrons, good morning."

Dong Shan kindly replied, "Good morning to you too, monks. You're up early sweeping the path, it must be tiring work."

"It's our duty. Esteemed patrons, please ascend the mountain. The masters and senior brothers above are receiving guests."

"Thank you, monk."

The mountain where Yuqing Temple sat was not very high, and the path was clear of snow. Wang Chunhua had Dong Lei climb down from Dong Shan's back to walk up himself. When asking favors, sincerity was key.

Although Dong Lei had lazed a bit in bed, they had still set out fairly early. The spacious temple grounds held only a sparse ten-odd people, and they quickly moved to the front of the line.

Wang Chunhua had Dong Lei kneel, and handed him a moon block. She knelt beside him and murmured, "Go on, ask Master Yuqing if you can become a scholar."

Dong Lei repeated it silently in his heart. With a flick of his small hand, the moon block rolled to the ground.

Both blocks landed face up, laughing blocks. Wang Chunhua was a little disappointed, "Doesn't seem your time has arrived."

Dong Shan knelt beside them and respectfully kowtowed once, "He's only six. To become a scholar he would need to be over ten. Of course his time has not come."

Wang Chunhua realized he was right. She hurriedly pressed Dong Lei's head down for several kowtows, "Go on, pray to the deity to bless your academics."

After several thuds, Dong Lei's forehead was a little red. Wang Chunhua was satisfied and had him stand up, telling Dong Shan to take him outside first. She pulled Li Mingwei, who was waiting behind, down to kneel.

"Your turn."

Li Mingwei carefully held the moon block. Taking a deep breath, she made a wish in her heart - please let Liu Yizhu stay far from me.

Looking at the two moon blocks on the ground, Li Mingwei froze. Wang Chunhua frowned, "What did you ask for?"

Both were face up, crying blocks.

"Let me try again."

Still crying blocks.

"What did you request?"

Li Mingwei felt like breaking down. "This temple is a sham!"

Wang Chunhua covered her mouth, "Watch what you say! The gods respond when they will. Both the granted and the denied are normal."

She warily eyed the monks nearby and warned, "We're still on their grounds! Don't speak recklessly."

Li Mingwei's fighting spirit was provoked. She straightened her back, and recited inwardly - in the end, she and Liu Yizhu would be together.

With a flick of her small hand, she watched the moon blocks intently as her heart lifted slightly. The two blocks collided and tumbled on the ground for a few rolls before stopping.

One face up, one face down. One yin, one yang. Sacred blocks.

Wang Chunhua excitedly slapped her arm, "Success, success! Sacred blocks mean the deity granted your wish. You really are fortunate!"

Li Mingwei... 𝚏r𝗲ewe𝚋𝐧𝚘vel.𝚌𝚘m

Could she do without this fortune?

Why did it have to be Liu Yizhu? She looked deeply at Master Yuqing's idol. Li Mingwei kowtowed three times and rose to leave.

A white-haired elderly monk beckoned her over with one hand stroking his beard and one hand gesturing welcome.

"Please sit, patron."


Li Mingwei nodded at him and respectfully handed over the fortune slip. Only then did she sit across from him.

The old monk glanced at the fortune and smilingly asked, "What did you request, patron?"

"Marriage affinity."

"Excellent." The old monk nodded agreeably and recited the poem, "You and your sought one will depend on and cherish each other, envied by all."

It aligned with what she expected. Li Mingwei forced a smile and added some coins to the oil donation urn.

She rose and bowed, "Many thanks, monk."

The elderly monk kindly smiled and pocketed the fortune slip.

She accompanied Wang Chunhua in requesting several protective talismans before they regrouped with Dong Shan and son to return home.

Wang Chunhua dropped back with her and asked softly, "Who did you request marriage affinity with?"

Seeing Li Mingwei's rather helpless expression, Wang Chunhua felt she understood.

"Scholar Liu?"


"The sacred blocks too?"

"Yes. I requested twice for him to stay away, both times crying blocks. Then I said we would be together, and it turned to sacred blocks."

Wang Chunhua's mouth fell open. What karma between these two!