The Cry of the Phoenix Which Reached the Ninth Heaven-Volume 2 Chapter 47

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Chapter 47: You'll Regret Sooner or Later

"Yao Suluan! If we ever hear things regarding that day from you again, we swear that we'll throw you into a pill furnace and refine you alive for seven thousand seven hundred and forty-nine days!" shouted Ye Hongyi furiously before storming out of the palace.

After Ye Hongyi left, Ming Yu immediately ran back in and carefully helped Yao Suluan up from the ground over to the chaise lounge.

"Your Highness, this servant will call an imperial physician over right away!" said Ming Yu worriedly when she saw that Yao Suluan was still coughing blood.

"Aren't you going to come out now?" Yao Suluan pushed Ming Yu aside and looked towards the willow forest outside the window.

"Your Highness?" Ming Yu looked towards Yao Suluan in confusion, then followed her gaze over and saw that someone was walking out of the forest.

Yao Mowan was dressed in a water green garment and walking slowly into Pure Flowers Palace, her expression calm. This wasn't what Yao Suluan was expecting.

"Ming Yu, keep a lookout outside. Don't let anyone come in." Yao Suluan ignored the pain coming from her stomach and gave this order coldly. Once Ming Yu left, she wiped away the blood at the corner of her lips, then looked towards Yao Mowan with a cold smile.

"The truth is much harder to accept than any conjecture, right? How is it? Did your heart hurt when you heard Ye Hongyi admit with his own mouth that he had killed Yao Moxin? You never expected it, right? Yao Moxin had actually been killed by the man she loved most! It wasn't just Yao Moxin, even the nephew that you had never seen before had died so tragically!"

"Not even the most vicious tiger eats its own cubs. You say that this consort is a beast, then what is Ye Hongyi? This consort's child had died in this consort's womb, but Zhong er had already been born! Ye Hongyi had been able to bring himself to treat even such an innocent young life so ruthlessly!" Yao Suluan's dark eyes were aglow with unbridled schadenfreude. She was waiting for Yao Mowan to reveal an expression of pain. If she could see Yao Mowan in agony, suffering this kick would've been worth it.

"So Eldest Sister had died in your hands. Yao Suluan ah, you now bear the responsibility for one more life. Even if Mowan wishes to be generous and allow you to die a little more comfortably, that's no longer possible. As for Zhong er… It's also good that he's dead. With such a heartless father and an aunt like you, there was no way his days would be pleasant!" Yao Mowan's abnormally calm tone stunned Yao Suluan.

"Yao Mowan, you're just lying to yourself! Ye Hongyi had already admitted everything earlier. How much longer are you going to run away from the truth? The person that's currently sleeping by your side every night is the enemy that had killed your older sister!" shouted Yao Suluan, trying to stir up Yao Mowan's anger.

"Mowan had heard everything clearly. Eldest Sister had killed herself with the dagger that Second Older Sister handed over, the Mowan's enemy that had killed Eldest Sister is you, Yao Suluan, not His Majesty! As for Zhong er, he's His Majesty's child, so His Majesty naturally has the right to decide whether he lives or not. Yao Suluan, the reason you provoked His Majesty into admitting everything is clearly so that you could ruin our relationship. You had even suffered such a huge injury trying to do so. Was it worth it?" Yao Mowan leisurely took a seat at the table and looked towards Yao Suluan with a scornful smile.

"Yao Mowan, no matter how much you try to act unperturbed, this consort knows that inwardly, your heart is convulsing with pain!" Yao Suluan looked towards Yao Mowan, her face contorted due to the pain coming from her body.

Yao Mowan just smiled lightly. Yao Suluan's guess was right on the mark this time. Her heart was convulsing in pain. She had only come to Pure Flowers Palace to find out how Yao Suluan had been able to hang up Nurse Sun and the others without a trace in front of Changle Palace, however she ended up encountering such an entertaining scene.

"What? This consort guessed right? Yao Mowan ah, this consort sure would like to know if you'd still be able to calmly enjoy Ye Hongyi's embrace after knowing the truth!" Yao Suluan laughed madly, her eyes filling with tears. It was impossible to tell if she was crying tears of joy, or if those tears were the result of the pain coming from her body.

"Second Older Sister's words are wrong. After finding out the truth, Mowan should enjoy being in His Majesty's arms even more and accept his doting affection without worries. After all, His Majesty owes Mowan this, so it's natural for Mowan to receive all of this," said Yao Mowan with a light smile.

"You… How can you think this way?" Yao Suluan looked towards Yao Mowan disbelievingly. She couldn't understand this logic at all.

"Mowan has always thought this. Difficult childbirth? The empress has several dozen imperial physicians looking after her, how could they miss the fact that the fetus was unstable? If the empress really had died from difficult childbirth, all the imperial physicians in the imperial hospital should've been beheaded! However, none of the people in the imperial hospital were punished even when this news went out. Mowan had known from that moment that there was something being hidden about how the empress had died."

"Since this excuse actually got His Majesty's acknowledgement, it was enough to make Mowan certain that the empress's death was related somehow to His Majesty. Although things were a little different from what Mowan had guessed, it was much better than what Mowan had predicted." As Yao Mowan voiced her analysis coldly, her heart chilled. In this hell-like imperial palace, she had to hone her skill at silently enduring things. That was the only way she'd be able to gradually advance.

"Since you already guessed these things, then why…"

"Second Older Sister ah, stop being so dumb. Mowan's just a fool. It must've taken lifetimes of accumulated fortune to obtain imperial favor. Could it be that Mowan should reject His Majesty's favor just to get revenge for Eldest Sister? If it was you, Second Older Sister, would you do that?" The smile on Yao Mowan's face infuriated Yao Suluan so much that she coughed out another mouthful of blood.

"However, this trip wasn't made in vain. At the very least, Mowan now knows how Eldest Sister had died. Yao Suluan, there will come a day that you'll regret your actions. You should remember this well." Yao Mowan slowly got up and walked towards Yao Suluan. Her eyes were like dark whirlpools in the ocean, they seemed to forcefully rip away Yao Suluan's soul.

As Yao Mowan was leaving Pure Flowers Palace, she heard the sounds of things shattering come from behind her. Once she got back to Guan Osprey Palace, she called for Yin Xue.

"What have you found?"

"Replying Master, there was a hidden guard in Pure Flowers Palace. His martial arts are quite strong," reported Yin Xue.

"A hidden guard… No wonder she's been so unbridled. How's the hidden guard's martial arts compared to yours?" asked Yao Mowan.

"If Yin Xue wanted to take his life, it wouldn't take even ten strikes," replied Yin Xue. Yao Mowan looked towards Yin Xue with her brows lifted.

"Then why'd you say that he's strong?"

"He is strong. Ten Qing Longs wouldn't be a match for him." Yin Xue didn't seem to feel that her words were contradictory at all.

"Then he really is strong." Yao Mowan retrieved her gaze and once again silently thanked Yan Nansheng.

That night, Ye Junqing walked in to dinner with a look so gloomy it was like the entire world owed him money.

"Prince's attempt at going straight to the imperial hospital was a dumb move." Liu Sha had already reported Ye Junqing's activities today to her.

"This prince was just trying to find Yao Moxin's pulse records for when she was nine months pregnant, but they said that they didn't have it. Would you believe that?" Ye Junqing's brows were furrowed and his eyes were filled with questions.

"Even if they did have it, they wouldn't show it to Prince." Yao Mowan picked up the ladle in the goblet of ginseng porridge and ladled a bowl for Ye Junqing.

"Why? This prince just wanted to take a look!" Ye Junqing reflexively accepted the porridge even as he refuted angrily.


Credits: Translated by Chiyomira

[Chiyomira's Corner]



Lol, this is pretty late, but when I first finally got this site going, I was going to give a warning to Celestial fans not to use the $1 pledge to read ahead, because it ends on an awful cliffhanger. I… forgot.