The Cold Prince Dotes On His Wild Wife-Chapter 360: Strange Misty Forest

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Chapter 360 – Strange Misty Forest

The Xiang Cai`er that he liked had a scarlet face, naturally it was because she was in pain, but wasn’t that because she didn’t have eyes? Shaking her head towards Xiang Zhiping, she thought of an important matter and asked him, “Senior Brother, has everything been prepared?”

Xiang Zhiping’s eyes darkened. He really didn’t want to see the woman he loved doing this sort of thing, but he loved her and didn’t want her to feel sad. He didn’t want to see the sadness on her face, even more so, he didn’t want her to slowly turn bad.

She promised him that as long as he could trick Mo Youyou into entering the Misty Forest, she wouldn’t do anything that went against the rules. Thus, Xiang Zhiping agreed.

Coming back to her senses, she nodded at Xiang Cai’er, saying, “En.” Seeing this, a happy smile surfaced on Xiang Cai’er’s face as she threw herself into Xiang Zhiping’s embrace, “Thank you, Senior Brother. I knew that you would treat me the best. A strange smile rose from the corner of his lips as he hugged Xiang Zhiping’s waist tightly. She knew what Xiang Zhiping wanted, so she made use of Xiang Zhiping’s love for her and had him help her deal with Mo Youyou. If giving Xiang Zhiping a hug could be exchanged for Mo Youyou’s life, then she, Xiang Cai’er, would be willing to hug him for an entire day.

Xiang Zhiping had never been so close to Xiang Cai’er before. Feeling that warm and soft area, his body suddenly had a hint of a reaction, wanting to push her away. Unexpectedly, Xiang Cai’er caused him to tighten his grip, not having any intention of letting go. Xiang Zhiping endured the unbearable heat as he slowly reached out his hand to caress Xiang Cai’er’s waist.

This feeling was very strange. His body was trembling uncontrollably and his heart was beating incessantly.

She slowly struggled away from Xiang Zhiping, lifting her eyes to look at him. Xiang Zhiping felt his body being emptied, the warmth in his embrace suddenly disappeared, and he felt a sense of loss in his heart. He lowered his eyes to look at Xiang Cai’er, wanting to speak, but was overtaken by her, “Senior Brother, it’s getting late, let’s prepare to move, okay?”

Looking at Xiang Cai’er’s innocent eyes, Xiang Zhiping suddenly wanted to change his mind, but seeing the resolution in her eyes, he could only nod in agreement.

The two of them continued to search for Mo Youyou and Fourteen’s figures in the forest, while Fourteen and Mo Youyou similarly searched for other people. Finally, he saw the figures of fourteen and Mo Youyou near a small stream. However, the two of them were not together at the moment. Fourteen was around a hundred meters away from Mo Youyou.

Xiang Cai’er and Xiang Zhiping looked at each other, only to see Xiang Cai’er suddenly shouting out, and she was purposely using a sound transmission, which Mo Youyou could not hear, but Fourteen could.

Fourteen heard a familiar scream, and suddenly turned his head to rush towards the source of the sound. Mo Youyou noticed Fourteen’s movements and shouted, “Fourteen, where are you going? “Wait for me!”

14 said to Mo Youyou: “Sister Mo, wait for me here, I’ll be there shortly.”

Mo Youyou focused her mind, and said “Oh”, then turned around and walked towards the little stream, squatting there to pick up the rocks. She completely ignored Fourteen.

Xiang Zhiping gave Xiang Cai’er a look, and upon seeing her, she ran in the opposite direction, further and further away from Xiang Zhiping. Xiang Cai’er suddenly stopped, taking out a dagger from her bosom, looking at her lower leg, she gritted her teeth and viciously stabbed it down. I am fourteen! ”

“Fourteen, I’m here.” A wave of pain assaulted her, causing cold sweat to trickle uncontrollably down Xiang Cai’er’s forehead. So painful!

As for Mo Youyou, who was waiting for fourteen years, there was still no sign of him. Just as she was about to leave the stream to search for fourteen years, she suddenly saw a figure flash past her eyes. Mo Youyou rubbed his eyes, no, could it be that she was seeing things? Just as she was thinking, that figure appeared again, but this time, it wasn’t in front of her. Instead, it was in the forest not too far away from her. Mo Youyou stood up and patted the dizziness off her skirt and anxiously ran after the figure.

Every time he was about to give chase, the figure would suddenly disappear, but it would quickly appear before his eyes. Mo Youyou was extremely curious, she felt that the figure was familiar, like a person from the Nether Villa, but because of the speed, she could not see it clearly.

Unknowingly, he followed the silhouette to a stone wall. The stone wall was engraved with a strange totem, and it was wrapped by vines, revealing only four words. “Misty Forest.”

Mo Youyou muttered those four words in her mouth, remembered what Xiang Haonan had said, that the Misty Forest was filled with ferocious beasts. If they entered the rear mountains, they definitely could not go to the Misty Forest, otherwise they would die, and have no life.

She looked at it for a bit, and was about to turn and leave. Xiang Zhiping originally thought that Mo Youyou was an idiot, he would naturally go in to take a look when he saw the strange place, he never thought that she wouldn’t be fooled! Helpless, her eyes glanced at the entrance of the Misty Forest, took a deep breath, and then leapt into the forest. Mo Youyou originally wanted to turn around and leave, but just as she turned around, she saw a familiar figure running inside, “It’s Great Senior Brother! Why did he enter the Misty Forest? ”

Just as he was in a trance, he heard Xiang Zhiping scream. Mo Youyou rushed into the Misty Forest without thinking, “Great Senior Brother! Where are you? What’s the matter with you? Great Senior Brother! ”

An anxious voice sounded in the Misty Forest. Mo Youyou yelled out this Zhiping’s name as she looked around, trying to find Xiang Zhiping. Xiang Zhiping, on the other hand, did not enter the Misty Forest. Instead, he appeared at its entrance. He stood tall in the direction of the entrance, his dark eyes staring at the small figure that had already entered. Hearing her urgent voice calling his name, his voice grew distant as Xiang Zhiping turned to leave.

Suddenly, a familiar voice called out, “Ah!”

It’s Mo Youyou! He suddenly stopped in her tracks. Just now, that girl went in because she was worried about him. Was she doing this to repay the kindness with enmity? But if that wasn’t the case, what would Cai’Er do? How could her plan succeed?

He stood there in a daze, hesitating. After a long while, he finally came back to his senses. With a flash in his eyes, he quickly ran into the Misty Forest. I hope nothing happens to her! Don’t let anything happen to him!

Mo Youyou walked along a small path and headed inside. It was filled with dense fog, it was very wet, but it was not as terrifying as they said it was. She wasn’t sure if it was her imagination, but the scenery here was very familiar, but she couldn’t remember where she had seen it before.

Suddenly, a strange call came out. Mo Youyou turned her head back abruptly, and the little monkey on the tree was blinking at him.