The Cannon Fodder Turns His Sister Into A Soaring Phoenix-Chapter 18: Too Much Yang Energy

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The next day at noon, Ye Anping was still sleeping when Xiaodie hurriedly hauled him out of bed. He was powdered, combed, and dressed in new clothes, and in no time, he was turned into a noble young man. As the saying goes, the man relies on his clothes, and the horse relies on its saddle.

On ordinary days, in the ***Hundred Lotus*** Sect, he usually wore a linen sweater while his hair was only tied into a ponytail. He also didn't like to wear accessories. If it weren't for the fact that all the disciples recognized his face, they would have basically regarded him as a young man from a poor family.

But now, with the outfit that Xiaodie had dressed him in, he finally looked like a young master of the Immortal Families---with black cloud patterns on his sleeves and a virtuous, pure, and bright demeanor. Going outside would certainly make him a coveted target for human traffickers.

On the side, Xiaodie covered her mouth and, with a soft smile, quipped, "Young master, you look so good now. Even the servants can't help but want to pounce on you."

Ye Anping looked at himself in the mirror and sighed quietly. "Has the Elder of the ***Black Star*** arrived yet?"

"Yes, Elder Wang is playing chess with the Patriarch. The Patriarch has specifically asked me to instruct you to dress a little more formally and attend the noon tea ceremony."

"Yes, yes, I know."

Ye Anping understood his father's intention---he most likely wanted him to show his capabilities in front of the ***Black Star*** Sect Elder and see if there was a chance that he would take him back and teach him.

Although his old man's idea might be good, it was a shame that the ***Hundred Lotus*** Sect, firstly, did not have a specific cultivation method passed down, and secondly, did not produce any famous cultivators.

The title of the Young Master of the ***Hundred Lotus*** Sect was equivalent to the 'Kindergarten Class Award' in a job application resume, which was insignificant.

After tidying up his clothes, Xiaodie hung gold and jade tassels on his belt and led him to the *Heavenly Pavilion*. Ye Anping did not want to embarrass his father, so after entering, he followed Xiaodie's advice and saluted Ye Ao and an old man with white hair on his temples in a very formal way. Then, he took the initiative to serve them tea.

Mixing tea and pouring water for an hour, he yawned more than a dozen times before the two finally finished the game.

"Elder Wang, your chess skills are really good, I am willing to admit defeat."

"Hehe..." Elder Wang smiled and stroked his beard, saying, "My Matriarch often summons me to accompany her in chess games, and I even won several times. If I were defeated by you, Chief Ye, then my Matriarch would lose face."

"Ahaha, so that's how it is."

Tired of listening to them singing praises to each other, Ye Anping glanced at the chessboard, feeling a little embarrassed for the two old men.

When he was in high school in his previous life, he participated in the *Youth Chess Competition *and won first place.

In his opinion, the chess skills of these two people were similar to that of kindergarten children fighting. He even felt that these two old men who had lived for hundreds of years might not be as good as his high school classmates from his previous life.

And this old man said he also defeated the Matriarch of the ***Black Star***? Did that old woman who lived for thousands of years also play chess so badly? It shouldn't be.

After the two chatted about their business for a while, Elder Wang looked at Ye Anping and asked, "Chief Ye, you sent me a five-hundred-year-old spiritual herb. I guess you didn't just want me to come and play a game of chess, right?"

"Ahaha..." Ye Ao laughed apologetically, then grabbed Ye Anping's shoulder and said, "Elder Wang, this is my son who is turning fifteen this year. May I ask you to give him some advice?"

"It's easy to give advice, but..." Elder Wang stroked his beard again. "If you are thinking of letting him enter the inner circle of the ***Black Star***, then please forgive me, there is nothing I can do about it. Chief Ye, you should know that the ***Black Star*** Sect's strict requirements for inner disciples are not something that an insignificant deputy Elder like me can influence."

"Yes, yes, I understand." Ye Ao cupped his hands and asked, "How about the outer circle?"

"It's no problem getting into the outer circle, but you should know the saying that a chicken's head is better than a phoenix's tail." Elder Wang glanced at Ye Anping again. "Rather than letting Mr. Ye go to the ***Black Star*** Sect as an outer disciple, it's better that he stays in the ***Hundred Lotus*** Sect as a young master."

"In that case, I would like to ask you to give my son a few pointers."

"Fine." Elder Wang shook his sleeves, beckoned Ye Anping to come to him, then lightly touched his pulse on both wrists with his sword finger and swept over his body with his spiritual sense.


"How is he?"

"Dual water and wood spiritual roots, with the third level of *Qi Refining* at the age of fifteen. It is truly excellent, but..."

Frowning, Elder Wang pinched Ye Anping's shoulders and thighs again, examining him deeper with his spiritual sense. He couldn't help but glance at Ye Ao, sighing in his heart. It seemed that Ye Ao was really cruel to his son.

He could sense that Ye Anping's bones had been broken a while ago, and his internal organs contained poisonous and cold energy. It was no wonder that despite his dual spiritual roots, he had reached the third level of *Qi Refining* at only fifteen.

This kid's cultivation method was extremely painstaking. He had been fed countless poisonous insects to become invulnerable to all poisons, and his bones had also become extraordinarily strong under the constant forging.

He estimated that if Ye Anping's meridians and organs were shattered, he could live another three or four days without treatment.

This harsh method was indeed the best way to cultivate, but in reality, not many people could persist. Most cultivators who tried this type of ascetic method either went insane along the way or died outright.

Of course, Ye Ao had no idea that Ye Anping had been practicing so hard by himself.

Regarding his son's education, he had always adhered to the method of giving free rein, and as long as his demands were not too excessive, he would basically give him what he wanted.

Ye Ao stretched his neck and asked, "Elder Wang, how is it?"

"Impressive. Among the dual spiritual root cultivators I've seen, I don't think there is anyone to match."

"Then..." Ye Ao was somewhat surprised, "Then, do you have any suggestions?"

Ye Ao is such a ruthless person making his only son take the road of self-mortification... Elder Wang silently criticized, then smiled awkwardly. "Chief Ye, just teach him according to your own method. I have nothing to say about your way of education."

Ye Ao froze. In his impression, what Ye Anping did every day was bully other people, especially Pei Lianxue. Was tormenting little girls also a cultivation method? But since Elder Wang said that, he had no choice but to nod and smile in response.

"Ahaha... so that's it."

After a short pause, Elder Wang asked, "What kind of techniques did you teach him?"

"Er..." Ye Ao hesitated and glanced at Ye Anping, motioning for him to speak.

Ye Anping sighed, cupped his hands, and said, "My father asked me to learn the ***Yang River*** Sect's *Mind Introductory Method* along with the secret technique of the *Nine Elements of the Heart*. The sword technique is the *Interrogation Sword* of the ***Shadow Moon Sword*** Sect."

"Really?" Elder Wang was a little surprised, "Chief Ye, you must have spent a lot of money on this combination of techniques. The people from the ***Shadow Moon Sword*** Sect don't sell their secrets cheap."

"Ah...haha..." Ye Ao raised his eyebrows and hinted to Ye Anping with his eyes. What ***Yang River*** Sect? What *Nine Elements of the Heart*? *Interrogation Sword* technique? Where did you learn all that?

Ye Anping gave him a blank look. I learned it by myself.

Elder Wang pondered for a moment, revising all the techniques mentioned by Ye Anping one by one, and suddenly sighed, asking, "Then, Chief Ye, you should also know the disadvantages of practicing these several techniques together, right?"

"Ah..." Ye Ao hesitated and asked, "This... could you elaborate, please?"

"Let's not talk about that *Interrogation Sword* skill, let's talk about the ***Yang River*** Sect's technique and the *Nine Elements of the Heart*, both of which are extreme yang techniques," Elder Wang said seriously. "If you practice these two techniques combined, you will inevitably have excess yang energy. If that yang energy accumulates in the internal organs and is not regulated, problems will inevitably arise in the future.

Ye Ao didn't understand and asked, "Why is that?"

"The age of fifteen is also the age at which you start looking for your mate." Elder Wang patted Ye Anping on the shoulder. "He needs an appropriate amount of intercourse to regulate his body and mind and expel excess yang energy from his body."

"???" "???"

Question marks popped up above the heads of both father and son.

Ye Ao had no idea, and even Ye Anping himself didn't know that such a problem would occur; after all, he trained according to the method in the game.

There were no established sects in the "***Heavenly Sword Fantasy***" game, but skill combinations were built to distinguish varied professions. Different skill combinations had different effects, whether it was the summoning style or the sword control style...

Elder Wang sighed again and said, "However, if you find a partner, considering your cultivation method, the partner may suffer."

"Suffer?" Ye Ao was puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"Excessive sexual activity can affect both the man's body through kidney deficiency, and the woman's. This lad's training method plus these two skills combined, unless he can find a partner who is one or two stages above him, the partner will run away every day to hide in her mother's house."

Ye Ao's jaw dropped.

A partner one or two stages higher? Did he mean his son should find a woman in the *Core Formation* stage to be his partner?

This... how to find her?

He's just a *Core Formation* cultivator himself.

And if Ye Anping reached the *Foundation Building* stage, shouldn't he be looking for a *Nascent Soul* cultivator to be his partner?

Which of the *Core Formation* or *Nascent Soul* stage women would be willing to be the partner of a *Qi Refining* or *Foundation Building* stage cultivator?

"So... what should we do?"

Elder Wang also understood that finding a partner one or two stages above him was unlikely, so after stroking his beard, he said, "You can take a few concubines to share the burden."

"So... it's like that." Ye Ao looked at Ye Anping, nodded awkwardly, and then gave him a hard pat. "Did you understand? Hurry and thank Elder Wang."

"Oh..." Ye Anping cupped his hands and hastily stepped forward to fill his teacup. "Many... Many thanks, Elder Wang, for your advice."

Ye Ao had mixed feelings as he was already worried about Ye Anping's marriage. That girl, Pei, was bullied by this kid every day, and most likely, she was already unwilling to marry him, but now that he had to accept several concubines, wouldn't she be even more reluctant?

He was not a despot relying on his cultivation strength to capture ordinary women for his son.

Well... Let's think about this matter later.

With a sigh, Ye Ao said, "Elder Wang, there is actually another person that my son would like to introduce to you."


"Well, it's a girl my son rescued from a demonic cultivator a few days ago, and she has a letter of recommendation from Taixu Master. It seems that she was planning to go to the ***Black Star*** Sect."

"Great Master Taixu?" Elder Wang's eyes widened, and he asked, "Where is that girl?"

"She is recuperating in the back room, please come with me." Ye Ao stood up and looked at Ye Anping. "Anping, follow us."
