The Cannon Fodder Turns His Sister Into A Soaring Phoenix-Chapter 106 - Brother Came Into Action Too

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The white light that struck the back of Yao Yuanhua's neck was not a shadow sword or a knife of light, but the Heavenly Thunder summoned by a magic weapon called "Thunder Summoning Bell" that Liang Zhu had spent several months' worth of pouring his own true essence into.

As the lightning exploded, the window where Yao Yuanhua was sitting was instantly blown up into a mess, with sawdust scattered everywhere. The tourists passing below also raised their heads in unison at this.

Due to the smoke and dust, although Liang Zhu, who was from the rooftop across the way, could not see Yao Yuanhua's current situation, he could guarantee that his Heavenly Thunder was neither blocked nor dodged.

In exchange for three months of his true energy, he received the most powerful blow among the spells he had learned.

This Heavenly Thunder, even Nascent Soul cultivators could have half of their front teeth knocked out.

Yao Yuanhua was in the early stage of the Core Formation, and after taking Pei Lianxue's blow, and now his thunder strike, even if he was strong enough to survive, he was definitely not a threat anymore.

That was what Liang Zhu thought for a moment.

He stopped on the roof for two breaths and stared back twice before preparing to leave.


It was because of these extra glances that he missed the opportunity to leave.

Just as Liang Zhu turned around, he suddenly felt a shiver down his spine. His pupils shrunk, and he immediately thought to inject spiritual power into the two fire talismans hidden in his sleeves.

He quickly turned around and crossed his hands in front of his chest.


With a loud bang, hundreds of tiles were blasted away by a gust of wind.

A bloody fist hit Liang Zhu's crossed arms hard.

Liang Zhu gritted his teeth and put all his strength into the blockage while staring wide-eyed at the person who swung his fist at him.

That person was no other than Yao Yuanhua.

But the way he looked now...the skin on his entire face was like wrinkled cloth, almost devoid of human appearance.


Liang Zhu felt something was wrong. The price he paid for blocking his punch was that both his arms were now broken and unable to move.

If the two fire talismans in his sleeves did not explode before this man's second punch came, then he might receive this blow in the face with full force.

As a Dharma cultivator, how could he take the fist of a Physical cultivator straight in the face?

Liang Zhu could only pray that the two fire talismans would explode quickly and the airwaves would blow him and the other man apart. However, it seemed that Yao Yuanhua's fists were faster.

Seeing that Liang Zhu was unable to block him, a hint of a smile surfaced on Yao Yuanhua's wrinkled and ghastly face as he laughed out loud. "Haha--!"


As he swung his right fist, Liang Zhu could even see the strange dark purple aura wrapped around his arm and thought that this time he was probably in for a disaster.

---Damn it, I shouldn't have followed that kid here. I should have just asked him to help me find a good place for Ating...

Liang Zhu accepted his fate and simply relaxed his whole body, waiting for the axe to fall.

However, just when Yao Yuanhua's right fist was less than five inches away from his face...

A white light flashed.


A sword hit his right fist.

This iron and flesh collision actually caused sparks to fly.

Ye Anping arrived at Liang Zhu's side and raised his sword with his right hand to help him slow down the punch. At the same time, he grabbed Liang Zhu's collar with his left hand and pulled him out of Yao Yuanhua's punching way.


Yao Yuanhua's fist knocked away Ye Anping's sword and almost skimmed off Liang Zhu's face. He turned to look at Ye Anping. When he saw his clothes, he paused, realizing both men in front of him were Black Star Sect cultivators.

"Black Star Sect?"

Ye Anping threw him a smile, then shouted to Liang Zhu. "The talismans!"

Liang Zhu came to his senses and immediately activated the two fire talismans in his sleeves.

In an instant, a huge fireball appeared between them and Yao Yuanhua.

The huge impact and heat wave blew the two sides in opposite directions.

Being prepared, Ye Anping quickly hid behind Liang Zhu. With his eyebrows singed by the fire talismans, he seized this opportunity to escape with his Big Brother.

At the same time, Yao Yuanhua was lifted from the roof by the air wave of the fire talismans, hit the eaves of another building, rolled twice, and finally landed in the middle of the street in front of the Drunken Dragon Inn.


Yao Yuanhua gritted his teeth and took a deep breath. It took him a while to manage to get up from the ground.

As he glanced around, he suddenly heard a few puzzled voices from the people:

"A demonic cultivator?!"

"Why is there a demonic cultivator in the Dragon House?!"

"And he's even in the Core Formation stage?!"


When he heard these words, Yao Yuanhua realized that his cover had been penetrated, and the evil energies inside him could not be hidden anymore. Anyone who saw him could immediately tell that he was a demonic cultivator.

That was a big deal.

Li Feng's dealings with the Demonic Sect had been a secret to anyone so far, but if a demonic cultivator like him suddenly appeared in the Dragon House a few days before the Dragons' Convention, then it would definitely be a huge problem, both for them and for Li Feng.

He swallowed, looking at the cultivators on the street who were mostly in the middle or early stages of the Foundation Building, and he was in a bit of a dilemma.

Suddenly, more than a dozen Dragon House guards in the Foundation Building stage arrived at the site on their flying swords and surrounded him.

Seeing those official guards, Yao Yuanhua felt that the situation was not good.

His injuries had not yet recovered, and he was bleeding all over, so it was impossible to fight head-on with these guards.

Yao Yuanhua prepared to use his own blood and true essence to escape into the forested mountains, then repair his "cover" in reclusion with his breathing technique.

When the Dragon House guards saw that he was a demonic cultivator, they looked surprised, but no one froze, and each of them took off an iron chain from their waists.


The chains suddenly shot toward Yao Yuanhua like green snakes.

Before he could use his escape skills, he was tied up into a cocoon by the iron chains and brought to his knees, unable to move.

He gritted his teeth and tried to break free.


However, it was no use. Every time he broke free of a chain, the guards would immediately replace it with a new one, as if the chains in their hands were endless.

Probably feeling that this man would not surrender, the leading guard hesitated shortly before giving an order. "This man's cultivation level is too high, we may not be able to capture him alive!! Everyone, start firing!!"

"Yes, sir!"

The guards flying on their swords shouted in unison, and at the same time, they sent their spiritual energy into the iron chains they held.

At once, a spiritual light burst out over the Dragon House, turning night into day.

Entangled in the chains, Yao Yuanhua was instantly set ablaze by the flames, and after a while, he was no longer moving.


At some point, two flying swords came from the direction of the Dragon House's inner mansion.

Feng Yu Die and Xiao Yunluo had just been resting in the courtyard arranged for them, and as a host, Li Longling had also brought them a lot of local pastries specialty to share together, only to suddenly hear such a big commotion from the outside.

Li Longling asked the maid to inform Li Feng, but the maid said that he was meditating in solitude, so she had to go there herself.

And because she was blind and unable to wield a sword, she was now sitting in Feng Yu Die's arms, being carried by her.

The guard who was supervising Yao Yuanhua's body saw that it was their young lady who came and quickly stepped forward to salute. "Young Miss!"

Li Longling jumped out of Feng Yu Die's arms, listened to the surroundings, followed the scent to Yao Yuanhua, and slowly reached for his storage bag.

Seeing this, Feng Yu Die hurriedly grabbed her hand, stopping her, "Sister Li, let me do it. This storage bag doesn't look very clean."

"But..." Li Longling was a little hesitant, "If there is really something inside..."

"Don't worry." Feng Yu Die patted her chest and grinned. "I have special bag-touching skills."

Xiao Yunluo looked at her strangely and said, "If you are afraid there is a trap in the storage bag, just use your spiritual sense to scan it."

"What if there is something that interferes with the spiritual sense?"

"Then, what are you going to do?"

Feng Yu Die smiled, then pretended to wave her hand while glancing at Xiao Tian floating next to her head.

Seeing her look, Xiao Tian rolled her eyes helplessly. After all, she was indeed the best at doing this and wasn't afraid of poisons or restrictions.

Xiao Tian flew directly to Yao Yuanhua's storage bag, squeezed her head through the mouth of the bag, and looked around.

When she got her head out, the first thing she did was take a deep breath of air.

"Hiss, Yu Die, this is a demonic cultivator from the Demonic Sect. There's nothing wrong with the storage bag, you can look for yourself."

"Demonic Sect?" Feng Yu Die widened her eyes.

Hearing her voice, Li Longling, Xiao Yunluo, and all the guards beside them were shocked.

Feng Yu Die hastily emptied Yao Yuanhua's storage bag, dumping all the spirit stones, pills, books, and herbs onto the ground, and related the content to her.

With a gesture, Li Longling summoned Yao Yuanhua's identity card in front of her, sensed it with her spiritual sense, frowned, and shouted: "Someone, come!"

Two guards stepped forward and cupped their hands. "Yes, Miss, what are your orders?"

Li Longling spoke harshly, through her gritted teeth as if she were really angry.

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"Seal off the three cities in the southeast and west of the Dragon House, summon all the guards to search around for other demonic cultivators, then find all the guards who have guarded the gate in the past month and ask them to come over and identify them one by one. I want to know when and how this demonic cultivator sneaked into the Dragon House. The Dragons' Convention will be held in half a month, and you actually let a demonic cultivator in the Core Formation stage sneak in here without anyone noticing?!"

The guards beside her hung their heads in shame and did not dare to say a word. freewёbnoν

At this time, another guard brought over two maids from the Drunken Dragon Inn.

"Young Miss!"

"Speak!" Li Longling turned her head to face that way.

"These two workers from the Drunken Dragon Inn said they have something to tell you."

The two women brought over by the guards were the one who had greeted Pei Lianxue downstairs, and the one who had been harassed by Yao Yuanhua, and they came to testify about what had happened.

The two walked up to Li Longling, cupped their hands, and then told her what had just happened from beginning to end...