The Book of Abbadon-Chapter 99: The End of All Things
Chapter 99: The End of All Things
As Izael weeps for Nahzgor, you hear a familiar voice speak to him from behind with a loving tone.
" It's okay, brother. It's just like Our Father told us... We were not all meant to last. "
Aatu says as he gently puts his hand on Izael's shoulder, using his power over Time to restore his brother's physical form to perfect condition. Izael asks his older brother a question as he continues to struggle with his emotions.
" But why... why must we be the ones that remain? Why must it be us to endure this torment of watching our siblings fall one by one? "
" It was the way Our Father intended. Reylesh and Nahzgor both fulfilled their purposes to the letter. There was nothing more for them here. "
Aatu replies as he finishes healing Izael, who then turns around and looks at Aatu in the eyes while Aatu continues to speak to him.
" The moment we were born, Our Father told us to fulfill our purpose. You and I still remain because our purpose is yet to be fulfilled... There is one final thing we must do. "
Izael wipes the tears from his eyes before coming to a realization. You can tell from his facial expression that he now has a new sense of clarity as he makes a remark, obviously referencing something that only the both of them know.
" It was always going to be Faerah... "
Aatu silently nods his head before putting his hand on Izael's arm and looking towards where you're watching them from. Aatu then closes his eyes as he uses his power to merge your perception of them with the current flow of time in the present.
In an instant, the last vision that The Holy Omniverse Transcript was presenting to you fades away and the book closes itself. As time resumes its normal state, you immediately notice Izael and Aatu floating in front of you just as they were in your vision and you see that Izael still has a grief stricken expression from losing his brother. Aatu, however, seemingly remains unbothered by the recent turn of events as he opens his eyes and looks at you with a soft smile.
" Huh? What are you guys doing here? "
You ask them in a confused manner before diverting your attention away from them and towards the light in the distance that's getting brighter as it continues to rapidly approach.
" We never expected you to face The None alone, Abbadon. In this fight against all odds that dictates the fate of Our Father's creation, we are here to help in whatever way we can... "
Aatu says with conviction as he focuses his attention on the approaching object as well. Izael then speaks to Aatu in an honorable tone as he begins to regain his composure and concentrate on the matter at hand.
" I may not have been able to fight for you back on that moon in the immortal realm where you first perished, brother, but I'm grateful now for this opportunity to stand beside you against Our Father's equal. There is no higher honor than to face the end of creation itself alongside the sibling who's always mentored me and helped guide me along the path of Godhood. "
" The honor is all mine, Izael. Together we rose, and if we must, then together we will fall. "
Aatu says as the three of you all float in space side-by-side, watching the distant light approach you at an unbelievable speed. Then, almost immediately, the light emanating from the approaching object fades with a loud boom as it instantly stops right in front of you, going from 600 million light-years per second to completely still in the blink of an eye. Aatu stabilizes the fabric of space that was being violently disrupted as a result of the sudden stoppage, and as you look at the face of the cosmic figure that's floating before you, you feel a deep sorrow as you remember the memories of who Tom used to be.
" Ah... Abbadon... I suppose your presence here isn't because you had a change of heart now, was it? No... that would be too easy... "
Uphedis says as he gleams at you with a surprised expression.
" And the Gods are here too... What's left of them, at least. You three don't honestly believe you have a chance in challenging me, now, do you? "
Uphedis's gaze then drops down to The Holy Omniverse Transcript that's in your hand as he continues talking.
" I must admit that this opposition is the greatest that I've ever seen, brother. Seeing you with the coward's book in-hand beside a God with a fraction of my Father's power would truly be an intimidating sight for any unbeing other than myself... and if you really do intend on challenging me here, I would be more than willing to show you how helpless you truly are... For I am the antithesis of all, and it is an impossibility for beings such as yourselves to defeat nothing... However, I must thank you. With Abbadon here before me, the eternal conflict will soon come to an end at my hand... and there won't be anything you can do to stop me. "
Frustrations build within you as you think about how Uphedis is wearing Tom's face, saying these things to you, and you bark back at him with a fearless conviction as you stare him deep in his glowing red eyes.
" Don't you dare call me your brother because I'm not!! You're nothing like Tom!! You're a liar!! We're going to stop you here once and for all and set Tom free!! "
Uphedis responds in an amused tone.
" Those are bold words coming from a mortal who's incapable of harnessing his full power. Your heart and your mind betray you if you honestly believe them. Instead, you should be grateful that I even care to reason with you... I offer peace, Abbadon. Eternal peace. A state of existence in which no others may suffer as you have, yet you still fight for the coward that robbed you of your progeny. Open your eyes and see that just like all things, I am the antithesis of suffering! It has been my sole pursuit since the creation of The Holy Omniverse to reclaim this stolen reality back into the nothingness it once was! "
" Your words are meaningless because all of this death and suffering have been a result of you!! You claim that The One stole existence from you but the only reason why it was yours in the first place was because you betrayed Tom and the rest of the Black Traps!! Tom was a real brother to me, and for you to stand there wearing his flesh like a costume calling me your brother is an insult to who he was and the bond that we once shared!! "
A powerful green aura begins to emanate around you as your heart aches before you open The Holy Omniverse Transcript telekinetically while it floats in space in front of you, then Aatu and Izael both take on a defensive posture with white and blue divine auras around them respectively. You then see a sinister and looming black and red aura begin to emerge from Uphedis as his physical form dissolves and distorts the fabric of existence around him as he speaks to you.
" Is that what he told you? How interesting... Nevertheless, the outcome of this fight is unquestionable, Abbadon. I am giving you one last chance to submit to me in order to prevent the coming suffering of you and all of those who remain... "
Without hesitation, you clench your fists and answer Uphedis with a heartfelt determination that's unbridled and resolute.
" Never. "
Uphedis smirks, looking at your green aura of raw power with an entertained glare.
" Very well... I will do what I must. "
Using The Holy Omniverse Transcript, you materialize Rosium shackles around Uphedis's wrists and ankles in an attempt to immobilize him as Aatu and Izael go in for an attack. Izael materializes a holy blue twinblade as his angel wings explode out of his back before barreling into Uphedis with a thrust to impale him with one of the blades and Aatu teleports behind Uphedis with a glowing white hand that slices through the fabric of space, chopping at Uphedis's neck in an effort to decapitate him. Uphedis doesn't stress at all as he breaks free from the Rosium shackles and leans forward, evading Aatu's attack and catching Izael's twinblade by the blade with his bare hand. Corruption then begins to quickly work its way up Izael's twinblade from Uphedis's hand until the corruption reaches Izael's hand and begins consuming his arm. Izael shouts in pain as he lets go of his twinblade, stopping the corruption from reaching his chest and screaming in agony as his entire arm becomes a void. Aatu immediately sees this, using his power over space to sever Izael's corrupted arm before the rest of his body can be consumed and duplicating himself one hundred times, surrounding Uphedis and attempting to jump him with a hundred clones. Izael fights through the pain and regains his composure before materializing a new blue arm to replace the one that he lost, and Uphedis remains calm and unfazed as all of Aatu's clones attack him from all sides while each clone's strike goes completely through him like he's made of a dark fog. Uphedis then effortlessly identifies which Aatu is the original one and begins suffocating him telekinetically while making a bloody mess of the other ninety-nine by turning them inside out.
Still in disbelief that Uphedis broke through your Rosium bonds and the fight has already progressed so fast, you use The Holy Omniverse Transcript to teleport Aatu outside of Uphedis's telekinetic grasp while Izael engages Uphedis from behind at lightning speed. Uphedis, however, without even turning around, holds one hand outwards behind him and catches Izael by his face. Uphedis then begins closing his hand around Izael's skull slowly as Izael kicks his feet helplessly, and Aatu takes on a deadly expression as he materializes a bullet sized object with infinite mass in front of him.
Aatu shouts as he shoots the object directly towards Uphedis at an infinite velocity. However, Uphedis clocks this incredible attack and simply holds out his other hand, absorbing the object into his palm which erases it from existence. Uphedis speaks to Aatu like he's a child as he continues to torment Izael.
" Come on, now, Eldest God... You should know that mere infinities are trivial against None. "
You attempt to teleport Izael using the book, but Uphedis perceives your attempt to save Izael and begins corrupting him with the hand that's holding him. As the corruption works its way through the rest of Izael's body from his head, you immediately realize that Izael can no longer be saved with The Holy Omniverse Transcript because he's been removed from existence entirely; and as Izael's torturous screams fill the atmosphere, Uphedis grins at you malevolently while he taunts you.
" Did you really expect to save these Gods the same way twice, Abbadon? "
Amidst Izael's screams, Uphedis goes on the offensive, disappearing and reappearing in front of Aatu in an instant. As Uphedis goes to plunge his hand through Aatu's chest, Aatu barely manages to retreat, warping his physical form away from Uphedis and appearing right next to you. Uphedis then immediately turns his head in Aatu's direction, almost like he predicted that Aatu would move there and immediately redirects his attack to Aatu's new position. You instinctively reach down to catch Uphedis's strike but Aatu has other plans, warping the space between you and the attack by creating an infinite distance between Uphedis and yourselves. Uphedis, despite being an infinite distance away, instantly distorts the fabric of existence behind you and Aatu before the tendrils of distorted reality reach out and slit Aatu's throat from behind. Aatu grabs his neck in a panic, bleeding out all over his white suit and attempting to reverse Time on his physical form to recover; but Uphedis doesn't stop his assault, emerging from the distorted reality and punching you square in the face to stun you before grabbing Aatu by the bottom of his chin from behind and tearing his head completely off. Aatu's physical form then immediately becomes corrupted by Uphedis and you're dazed with blurry vision as you try to use The Holy Omniverse Transcript to slow down what's happening.
Uphedis clocks this as well, moving as if he's unaffected by the book before closing the The Holy Omniverse Transcript with one hand as he chokes you with the other one. Getting in your face, he speaks to you condescendingly.
" You cannot defy me, Abbadon!! I am beyond strength!! "
Uphedis then tosses The Holy Omniverse Transcript away from you and uses Aatu's power to open a portal to The Null right underneath you as he continues to choke you, attempting to push you down into it.
" It's over, Abbadon. You never stood a chance. Your vessel belongs to me. "
" NOOO!! "
You scream before your green wings of raw power emerge from your back, exploding and sending shockwaves throughout the universe you're currently in. The raw power radiating from your wings is so intense that you can barely keep your physical form intact as you fight back.
The portal behind you then closes as you grab Uphedis's wrist that's choking you and headbutt him with all your strength, knocking him backwards and causing him to let go of you. Uphedis roars in frustration as corrupted red wings of distorted reality that look like Izael's explode out of his back and he comes back at you, throwing a flurry of strikes at you at an immeasurable speed. You clock these strikes, barely dodging them before throwing your own when you get an opening as you both make an absolute mess of the universe you're currently in. Your strikes go straight through him and his strikes continue to barely miss you, and despite neither of you landing any hits, each strike is so powerful that the universe cannot handle them, resulting in both of you tearing the fabric of space in this universe to shreds.
As the two of you go back and forth, you notice that Uphedis has a slight smirk and he's not even straining, almost as if he's holding back and savoring this moment before his inevitable victory. This disheartens you, seeing that he's not even struggling like you are, and you begin to run through every possible way you might be able to beat him in your mind.
You can't use Rosium against him because both him and his vessel are not creations of The Holy Omniverse. You can't use your power as a Black Trap to siphon the Light from his physical form because Tom was a Black Trap as well, having an existence composed of only Darkness. Uphedis was the one who cursed you with that power in the first place, so even if it was an option, there's no guarantee it would work. You just watched Uphedis effortlessly kill Aatu as well, who was the most powerful God of this universe with a fraction of your power, so it's safe to say that there's nobody else who is capable of coming to save you. It's just you and him in this fight, and based on how things are already going, it looks like The One was right all along...
You're not making it out of this fight alive.
Uphedis gets tired of this dance between the both of you and finally chooses to land a kick on your leg, and you immediately feel your femur snap in half from the incredible force that it just received. The pain is excruciating and you yelp in agony as you're staggered, then Uphedis uses this moment of vulnerability to punch you in the side of the head, dazing you and giving you a concussion. Uphedis then goes for a killing blow, thrusting his hand towards your chest, but you desperately wrap your wings around the front of you which repels his hand upon contact. You then immediately take off flying at an immeasurable speed throughout the universe you're currently in and Uphedis chases you before beginning to intercept you from all different directions as he distorts the fabric of reality. Barely evading Uphedis, you try to think about what to do next.
My leg...
My head...
I can't think...
This power...
I can barely keep myself intact...
It hurts so much...
Why can't I use my full power...
It can't...
It can't end like this...
This content is taken from freёnovelkiss.com.
A familiar little girl's voice then echoes within your mind as you desperately continue to evade Uphedis, who's now getting closer and closer to catching you.
" It's okay, Star Faller... I'll be waiting for you with Mama and Papa after your fight is over. When you come back to see us, you can teach me to be super strong so I can help people just like you do. "
I'm sorry...
I'm not gonna make it...
Another familiar voice echoes within your mind.
" You were always the special one. Winning this fight is something that only you can do and you gotta see it through to the end. "
He always believed in me...
But he was wrong...
This is something I can't do...
I'm sorry for letting you down...
A third and final voice echoes within your head.
" There are no decisions more important than your decisions tonight. Your choices will dictate whether my Father's creation lives or dies... and I have faith in you that you'll choose the best outcome. "
It was always meant to end like this...
I never stood a chance from the beginning...
You then realize that Uphedis has been leading the chase this entire time by steering you in the direction of the great origin that's in the center of your current universe. The spacetime around you distorts intensely around this bright amalgamation of stardust and burning celestial mass, which happens to be the exact location where this universe began, and Uphedis finally catches you, tackling you directly into it.
" ENOUGH!! "
Uphedis yells as he corrupts this great origin, which slowly begins to brew and darken before distorted tendrils reach outwards through spacetime and begin reducing the rest of the universe into nothingness. As you plunge backwards into this corruption which swallows you whole, it penetrates your skin and seeps into your being. Your wings immediately disappear and you struggle, drowning in this nothingness as it engulfs you and begins to consume your heart and mind.
This can't be it...
I have to fight... for Mimi... for everyone...
You think to yourself before you begin to feel Uphedis trap your soul within your body and slowly begin to take control.
" NO!! STOP!! AAAGHH!! "
You scream in pain as you writhe around helplessly inside this nothingness, feeling as if your entire existence is being broken down and scorched at the atomic level.
" At last, Abbadon... You will soon realize that together, we are the end of all things... Together, we are None. "
Suddenly your vision goes white and you're back in The Light again, immediately falling to your knees and gasping for air.
" Where- where am I? "
You say as you look around, confused about this infinite whiteness around you.
" Was it all a dream? "
" No. "
You hear The One speak behind you before you turn to the side, looking at him, still in his form that you once saw when he presented himself to you for the first time.
" You're in a realm of the subconscious mind that I have created for you. I've been here this whole time, accompanying you on your journey from within and experiencing everything just as you've experienced it yourself... "
" So you've been inside my head this whole time... what...? "
You ask as you look at The One in awe and bewilderment, and immediately as you ask him this, the whiteness of the realm around you shudders before slowly becoming corrupted by dark tendrils of inexistence in all directions.
" As you sought after the truth of who you really are and where you align yourself here on this journey, so did I. It was my intention to observe, just as I said I would, and to ultimately give you a choice before the inevitable end... "
Your subconscious slowly falls deeper and deeper into the corruption as The One continues to speak to you, and you feel weak as your mind begins to falter.
" Verzo spoke the truth. The None and I have both sought after your power. The reason for my creation of the Gods in this universe was to keep you on the path that I intended for you... and although your journey here in this universe can be seen as a means to coerce you into giving me your power, I ask you to open your mind to the reality of these current circumstances...
You are alive only because I chose to save you and preserve you in The Light after your attempt to defy me. Had you lost your life in that moment, there would be no solution to the eternal conflict and this struggle between The None and I would go on for an eternity. If I hadn't put you here in this universe to experience this journey and instead would've simply let you go, then it would've been only a matter of time until The None found you and possessed you by means of force.
It was I who gave you a second chance at life by preserving your physical form after you erased one of my multiverses. It was I who obscured your memories and gave you a second consciousness to experience a life outside of Abbadon in order to cure you of your madness. I want you to understand that I am so deeply sorry for what happened to Rosie... and if you would allow me, I would ask that you give me one final opportunity to make things right... Here is my offer... "
As the corruption continues to engulf your consciousness, you look down at the ground, falling to your hands now as you get weaker. You feel yourself slipping away and you struggle to hold on as Uphedis continues to take control... until a little girl's voice can be heard in front of you.
" Papa... "
You look up in disbelief with blurry vision, seeing Rosie standing in front of you just as she was the day you lost her. Your voice trembles as you speak to her.
" R- Rosie... "
" It's okay, Papa... You've been through so much... Mama and I have been waiting for you... "
Tears begin to run down your face as you sit back up on your knees and your daughter embraces you.
" Surrender your power to me in these final moments, Abbadon, and your first consciousness will return to your family... Do this for me, and the universe in which your second consciousness resides will also be saved as a result of this decision, allowing you to live out the rest of your days outside of this journey however you see fit. "
" Am I going to die...? What about Mimi...? "
You ask The One emotionally as you continue to hug your daughter before The One gives you his answer.
" Yes, you will die. By making this decision, you will be giving me your life as Abbadon... After you are gone, those who belong to this universe will remember you for your sacrifice. You will be remembered as the one who died so they could live... as the one who died for the greater good of my Omniverse. "
Tears continue to run down your face as your subconscious mind becomes almost completely corrupted, and Rosie lets you go before stepping back towards Ariel who's now standing next to her.
You take a deep breath, barely able to fight the corruption that's now almost fully consumed your mind as you come to terms with what you have to do.
" Okay... "
You say before looking up at The One and making your decision.
" I accept your offer. "
You say as you use the last of your strength to stand up amidst the entire subconscious realm being entirely consumed, looking at your wife and daughter with a loving gaze for the first time in one-hundred eons.
" Understood. "
The One says before a bright doorway appears behind your wife and daughter, and they both hold their hands outwards to you. You then look up above you one final time with tears running down your face at the corrupted state of this realm around you before muttering your last words.
" I'm- sorry... Mimi... I hope to- see you... again... one day... "
You then take your daughter's hand and follow Ariel and Rosie into the bright white doorway, selflessly paying the cost which was demanded of you by The One.
Back at the center of the great origin that's slowly corrupting and consuming the current universe, Uphedis realizes that there's something wrong before he's able to completely vacate Tom's vessel in exchange for Abbadon's.
" What...? "
Uphedis mutters in confusion from within the void before a bright white light begins luminating through the eyes and mouth of Abbadon's corpse. This light is transcendental, shining out all of the corruption around it before The Holy Omniverse Transcript materializes close by. Uphedis sees this Transcript manifest, looking at it with disbelief from Tom's vessel before reaching out to grab it. However, before he can get his hands on it, the book then violently opens and shoots three glowing white tendrils out of the pages that impale Abbadon's body through the chest and stomach area of his torso.
" What trickery is this?! "
Uphedis exclaims as The One slowly takes control of your vessel and fully harnesses the Absolute Power from within you.
It's only a matter of moments before The One has full control, and The Holy Omniverse Transcript immediately slams shut and withers away, having fulfilled its intended purpose. Uphedis then realizes exactly what's happened before staring at The One with an infuriated expression.
The One, now possessing a physical form for the first time in existence, looks at his hands peculiarly before a powerful green aura begins to emerge around him. His gaze then immediately snaps to Uphedis, and as he speaks, the power of his voice absolutely cures the entire universe of Uphedis's corruption, leaving the both of them floating in space across from one another.
" At last, the opportunity to meet the desecrator of my creation face to face... "
Uphedis furrows his brow as he responds.
" The coward? That's... impossible. "
" You do not dictate what is and isn't possible, Lord of Unbeings. That responsibility is mine alone. "
The One says assertively as locks eyes with Uphedis, who then asks a question.
" How? Abbadon was in my grasp and yet you somehow managed to harness his power before I did... "
" You forget that he was already mine for one-hundred eons. Unlike you, I gave him a choice. I won not because I was capable of exacting my will upon him, but because I was able to align myself with the true source of his power... his heart. "
Uphedis scoffs before firing back with a rebuttal.
" Oh please... you're no better than I am. You're a manipulator. A grand planner. You put him through a series of trials and tribulations to lead him exactly where you wanted him to be. You must take me for a fool if you think I believe that you left the fate of your creation in the hands of a Black Trap. There was never a choice... only you pulling the strings needed to get what you wanted out of him. I can see through your lies. "
" What you believe is inconsequential to me and my creation, but I assure you that there is no lie. Abbadon gave me his power because I showed him the beauty of my creation. He understood the weight of his sacrifice, yet he still chose to do so because he believed that my creation was worth dying for. If at the end of this all, Abbadon refused to surrender his vessel to me, then I would've respected his decision and allowed you to take control. Truthfully, because the power within his heart is Absolute, I don't even really believe I could've fully tapped into the power within his heart by means of force if I tried. Ultimately, it was his journey that gave him the strength and the understanding needed to make a decision that aligned with his heart and how he truly feels... and that's something that you cannot simply do by forcing him. "
Uphedis takes on an infuriated expression as he stares back at The One fearlessly.
" If you think I'm going to submit to you because you now have Abbadon's vessel, then you are mistaken. I understand the futility of my defiance, but I am not going down without a fight. "
The One seems appeased knowing that Uphedis intends on fighting back before speaking to him in a calm but wrathful demeanor.
" I expected as much... Come, then. I wish to repay you for your omnicidal campaign against me and my children over the course of our eternal conflict. "
Uphedis snarls as he immediately blitzes The One, but a reality-shattering explosion interrupts his attack as The One takes both of them outside of their current universe into The Omniverse itself, where they're surrounded by a seemingly infinite amount of multiverses. Uphedis looks around in confusion before The One holds out a glowing green hand, speaking to Uphedis.
" Roughly eighteen nonagintacentillion multiverses is what you have taken from me... Now, I have created eighteen nonagintacentillion more. You will die when I allow it so, but first, I command you to feel the weight of everything that I have lost. "
Then in an instant, all eighteen nonagintacentillion multiverses around Uphedis converge and collide into him with an explosive force that defies all limits of imagination. Uphedis screams in pain, confused how he's being forced to feel the impact of this attack as he tries to escape the blast by vacating Tom's vessel, but The One's Absolute Power controls what Uphedis is and isn't able to do absolutely, rendering him powerless and forced to remain in a physical form as long as The One deems it so.
Immediately after Uphedis endures the weight of this incredible explosion, The One teleports in front of him and grabs his head with one hand, putting his thumb on Uphedis's forehead as he speaks.
" Now you will feel the agony of every lost soul that you have taken in your selfish pursuit to take what is mine. "
In an instant, The One uses his Absolute Power to force Uphedis to endure the emotional trauma of every single being that he has transgressed against throughout his one-hundred billion year campaign. Uphedis screams as he feels the pain of every person who watched their loved ones cut out their eyes out of madness due to his influence, every god who died in the deepest despair while they were failing to stop the Valghul who came to consume their universe, along with every person who watched their loved ones get brutally murdered by his followers. The sounds of Uphedis's screams are tortuous and agonizing as he bears the weight of this infinite pain and hopelessness that he's inflicted upon others, and The One stares at him with apathy as he continues to speak.
" You are finished. With the power of Abbadon and The Absolute before him, I hereby command it impossible to defy my laws of existence. No longer shall you or your unbeings plague my Omniverse, and no longer shall my creation suffer the consequences of your campaign. Now perish. "
Uphedis continues to scream as The One completely wipes him from The Holy Omniverse, killing his physical form and erasing the concept of nothing and unbeings from ever unexisting entirely. And with The None finally defeated, there is peace amongst The Holy Omniverse and their inhabitants for the first time in forever.