The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife-Chapter 79 - It was him who made the first move..._i

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Chapter 79: Chapter 79 It was him who made the first move…_i

Translator: 549690339

Hai Xiaotang made an innocent face again, “Whoever is sleazy, that’s who I’m talking about. I didn’t say it was you, so don’t take it personally.”

She was clearly talking about him!

Hmm, the sleazy old man…

Even if he really did something to her, he should have!

And what’s this about being an old man?

He’s only 25 this year!

Dongfang Yu, not angry but amused, replied, “Compared to some underage girl who’s sleazy, I think the latter is more shameless!”

“You…” Hai Xiaotang blushed in embarrassment.

Didn’t she shamelessly throw herself at him when she was young and naive?

When did she ever act sleazy?!

Hai Xiaotang took a bite of bread and scoffed, “At least I know how to love and hate. That’s better than a hypocrite who only does sneaky, sleazy things in secret. And one who preyed on a 19-year-old girl, just thinking about it is terrifying!”

“That 19-year-old girl wanted to marry the so-called sleazy old man in her mouth when she was just 12. She was in his bed at 18!”

“That’s because you seduced me first!” Hai Xiaotang retorted angrily.

Dongfang Yu was taken aback, “What did you just say?”

Hai Xiaotang glared, “It was you who started it!”

“You mean I touched you after I got drunk?” Dongfang Yu sarcastically questioned.

“Yes, you made the first move.”

“Hmm… how ridiculous, would I actively touch you?” Dongfang Yu seemed to have heard a ridiculous tale. He stood up and stared at her eerily, “You were of age then, weren’t you? I assume you had the ability to resist and judge. Moreover, why have I never heard your defense before?”

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“Now you want to clear your name, it’s too late. But considering your love for me, I wouldn’t refuse if you made a move now. Satisfying a wife’s needs is a husband’s duty anyway.” With that, he walked out briskly.

Hai Xiaotang could not eat anymore out of frustration.

It really was he who made the first move…

If he hadn’t suddenly kissed her, how could she… have started to harbor more desires.

But he probably doesn’t remember, so she never defended herself.

Because in the end, it was her who decided whether or not to sleep with him.

Hai Xiaotang followed Dongfang Yu to the airport without having breakfast.

All the way there, she kept her eyes closed, pretending to sleep. She just didn’t want to speak to him.

Dongfang Yu was busy, even working while in the car.

The vehicle had been steadily moving on the road, but then it suddenly swerved violently!

“All…” Hai Xiaotang’s head bumped hard against the car door, the pain making her eyes well up with tears.

Dongfang Yu’s face darkened instantly, “How are you driving!”

“I’m sorry, young master. There was a car speeding just now and almost crashed into us,” the driver explained frantically.

Indeed, there was a sedan driving wildly ahead.

Many other cars almost got hit, all swerving their routes in fright.

Another car was in hot pursuit behind it.

Just when Hai Xiaotang looked out the window, the chasing car sped past.

That car, with its window open, had a man leaning out, holding a gun, aiming at the front car’s tires…

Hai Xiaotang’s eyes widened in shock!

“Bang bang bang…” After a few gunshots, a bullet finally hit the front car’s tire!

The fleeing car suddenly lost control and crashed hard into the guardrail!

With the sudden gunfire, many cars were frightened and promptly halted.

Dongfang Yu’ s driver originally planned to find a safe place to park too.