The Achievement Junkie-Chapter 625 Discussing Strategies for Glacier Keep
Chapter 625 Discussing Strategies for Glacier Keep
"It's that deep?!" shouted Jin.
Rikko stammered, "Rikko no swim! How Rikko go so deep?!"
Each of the gods added their stupified reply as Lunara waited to continue her explanation. Eventually, Lunara added, "Also, Kylon should be able to find it better than me. She found me, which led to her discovering my old home, Glacier Reef. But she didn't stay or visit, according to my knowledge."
"Then both sides have a way to find the keep within the week…" mumbled Jack, putting his mind to work. "What do you know about Glacier Keep?"
"Glacier Keep is a sacred ground for the Glacier Hydras. It's a place sealed in ice a bit deeper than the city. No hydra has ever been able to enter but every hydra has visited Glacier Keep at least once for a rite of passage," explained Lunara. "Well… not every hydra…"
"But you'll still be able to find it?" Jack asked with a slight smile, understanding what she meant.
Nodding, Lunara replied, "I can definitely find it, so don't worry about that. What I want to know is how we'll get everyone down below for the dungeon run."
"I'm so excited!" Hadurt rubbed his hands together with enthusiasm.
"Actually… I don't think you'll be joining us."
"JACK! Come on!"
"Let me explain." Taking a deep breath and pausing to gather attention, Jack stated, "Daruun said that only groups of four can enter, stating that any larger groups would regret sending larger parties. Why would that be?
"With that question in mind, I would prefer to have our most powerful people in a single group rather than separate them among several groups."
"But then we'll be dead for sure!" argued Lorwynn, taken aback by the proposal.
"And that's why I think sending one group would be best," Jack clarified, leaving many flabbergasted.
"Jack, you can't--"
"Do you think Halmut won't create more gods?" questioned Jack, getting everyone to think for a moment. "If more gods are created, what else would that mean?"
"That more high-level gods will be created as well…" Moranti answered, sharing the thoughts of everyone.
"Then, due to Halmut's greed, don't you think he'll want to create as many balanced teams as possible? Then he'll best guarantee their success in claiming the treasures of the keep. Also… Daruun hinted at a special chamber before he left," added Jack. "Don't you think there's a chance that Halmut knows something about Glacier Keep, given his past relationship with Skaryn and Daruun? I think he knows far more than he's letting on."
"But even then… what about everyone that doesn't go?!"
"Calm down, Jin." Lunara sighed, "I understand what you mean, but Jack's idea makes sense."
Moranti nodded, adding his thoughts, "If we split up into multiple groups, we would still be outnumbered. And if we're encouraged to travel in small parties, then there may be a chance of separation within Glacier Keep. Should our groups get separated, the odds of running into an opposing team would be more so than finding an ally party. And our lack of high-level gods will be exploited in such a scenario, especially if we're split up to create lopsided teams."
Jack was glad to see that Moranti was so insightful. But Jack also believed that Moranti only said so much because Moranti was certain to join the single party due to his strength.
"Then how would you separate us?" Eedaj asked Jack.
Jack scratched his head for a moment, finally answering, "We'll have a single team of four. Sadly, Sterfen is busy and I don't want to disturb his current objective. But him not joining us will be a plus."
"How so?" asked Hadurt.
"Halmut scared of Sterfen?" Rikko spoke loudly, asking the question to the table at large as well as himself. "If Halmut scared of Sterfen, Halmut hide in chateau. If Halmut hide, Halmut no go to Glacier Keep!"
"Exactly!" Jack gave Rikko a light gold clap before expanding on the idea, "Excluding Sterfen, I think we all agree that Moranti and I should be two of the four entering Glacier Keep. Are there any objections?"
Dragas spoke up, glancing at her lover, "What if they attack us here?"
"I doubt they will. If Halmut makes a move, then you can bet that Sterfen will do the same. And in the worst-case scenario, both Moranti and I can teleport back to help. And do you believe Halmut's greed wouldn't make him send everyone into the keep?"
"Alright…" Dragas bit her lip and nudged Moranti beside her. "But what if one of you dies or gets injured? I should join you as the--"
"Sorry, Dragas, but no."
Turning to face Moratni directly, Dragas blurted out, "And why not?!"
"Because what we need isn't support, it's all-out firepower," reasoned Moranti. "With us sending one group, we'll be susceptible to ambushes of greater numbers. In those scenarios, though your support would greatly help us, you would also become the party's weakness."
"I agree. That's why I want Lunara joining us."
"ME?!" Lunara was stunned, as were others. "But I'm only lv. 94! I'll find the place, but then you can teleport to my location and--"
"Mom, calm down." Jack paused, not wanting Lunara to talk herself out of the situation. "You're more powerful than nearly anyone at your level. That was obvious when you fought Naparn to a draw, even with Dragas's help. So long as you gain some more levels, then you'd be a nearly unstoppable force."
"But… how can I--"
"Don't we have plenty of demigod candidates at the moment?" added Moranti, playing off of Jack's thoughts. "We could have you level up in time to enter the keep as a high-level god."
"Not just a high-level god, as the highest leveled gods."
Jack's statement stole everyone's attention, immediately forcing their heads to turn back to the hero-turned-god.
"The other reason only one team is going is simple. I want everyone that's not going to help those that are to level up. That includes you, Moranti."