The Academy’s Weapon Replicator-Chapter 246 (2) - The Academys Weapon Replicator

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"Huh? Every spell has a way to undo it. You just have to perform the magic in reverse. No matter how complex and tightly tangled a knot is, there's no such thing as a knot that can't be untied, right? Of course, 'Eternal Slumber' is a pretty complex knot, but it's still better than trying to enter the dream together, which is reckless."

...That Mei, she did that on purpose. Because it's difficult to undo the spell, and who knows how long it would take even if she tried.

Was that the hesitation she showed right before I entered? It seems she was debating whether to tell me that or not. It would be worse to try and fail to undo the spell than not trying at all.

'That's a bit surprising.'

Mei isn't human. The time I've spent with her is so short that we don't even have a close friendship.

So she probably doesn't understand why she even hesitated. Whether I make a dangerous choice or not is of no concern to Mei, who wasn't originally human.

But Mei tried to stop me. Because it was dangerous for me.

"How did you get caught up in the magic?"

"Hmm, that's the problem. I think realizing that Osprey had disappeared from reality was the trigger, but you seem to have realized that too."

That's right. If that's why Elodie got caught in the magic, then I should have been caught too.

But Elodie, with a refreshed expression, said, "Well, there's no point in worrying about it here. Let's just go!"


We walked side by side.

At first, I thought about opening the door, but I decided it was Elodie's role.

As Elodie opened the door, a pure white light poured in. I instinctively knew that passing through this door would wake us from the dream.

I felt a similar sense of elation to what I usually felt right before waking up from sleep.

"...Let's go, Frondier."

Elodie said, taking a step forward, and I followed suit.

Within the pure white light, with the slowly rising sense of elation, I heard Elodie's voice.


Elodie called me 'Fron'.

The same nickname she used to call me when we were young.

So many emotions were packed into that single word that I couldn't tell how much of each there was.

"Someday, to the real you, in reality..."

I couldn't respond to those words. There was no time.

"I want to be forgiven."

That voice faded away, absorbed by the pure white light, and...

I slowly closed my eyes.


I thought I would wake up like that, but...

[Before you go.]

I opened my eyes in darkness, a stark contrast to the pure white light.

[I wanted to meet you. Frondier de Roach.]

Before me stood a colossal man.

I was floating in the air, and this man, like a mountain, stood above me, looking down.

It was an understatement to simply call him big. My entire body, from head to toe, might only be the length of his palm. This giant of a man was observing me, positioned around his chest level.

[This incident was a bit unexpected.]

I didn't know who he was. But I had a slight inkling.

Me, who was about to wake up from Elodie's dream. This giant man I encountered in the process.

"...One of the Five?"

[Ahaha! As expected. I like how quick on the uptake you are, Frondier.]

This man was one of the Five Gods.

The Five Gods who loved Elodie: Indra, Agni, Rudra, Chandra, and Vishnu.

He must be one of them. fɾeewebnoveℓ.co๓

[You don't have to rack your brain trying to guess who I am, Frondier.]

The man said, then bowed deeply towards me.

Even this simple action from such a massive being exuded an overwhelming presence.

[I am Rudra. Among the Five, I'm the one who has talked to Elodie the most. Really.]

...Rudra. The God of Storms.

Elodie's signature spell, 'Storm Poetry', was heavily imbued with Rudra's power.

The fact that she used it so confidently was also due to her close relationship with Rudra.

"...I see. Rudra."

[It's refreshing to have a human not speak to me formally.]

"The Gods never spoke formally to anyone."

[Hahaha! Right, that's Frondier de Roach for you.]

It seemed my fame had spread even to the Gods of a completely different world. Beyond Greece and Northern Europe, now India.

At this point, I was starting to worry if all the Gods knew my name.

[But Frondier, as smart as you are, why did you do that?]

"...What do you mean?"

[I thought you wanted to save this continent. I don't know how you figured it out, but you realized that the future of this continent isn't so bright, right? Seeing you struggle so desperately to become stronger, that's the only way it looks.]

Rudra tilted his head.

I, on the other hand, was confused. That desire hadn't changed even now. I had to save the continent to survive.

But Rudra's words made it sound like I had abandoned that desire.

"I'm still going to save the continent. I'll drive out the monsters and save humanity."

[...Hmm. Then I understand even less.]

Rudra seemed to ponder for a moment before speaking.

[Then why did you erase Elodie's trauma?]


[Elodie became stronger because of it. You should know that best. Even with the help of Gods, our assistance is useless unless Elodie manifests magic and learns skills herself. Elodie's strength came from that trauma.]

I quietly observed Rudra's expression as he spoke.

...This guy didn't have any hostility towards Elodie. Nor did he have any towards me.

Rudra was genuinely racking his brain, trying to understand my intentions.

[Even if Elodie had the trauma, it wouldn't have actually killed or injured her. If she wanted to leave the dream, she would have had to defeat that monster with her own hands. Then, Elodie's trauma would eventually create the monster again, and she would become even stronger to overcome it.]

Rudra spoke as if seeking the optimal solution, as if trying to accurately read my intentions.

[To save the continent, Elodie's trauma was absolutely necessary. It was the strongest force driving her growth. By eliminating her trauma, you also weakened her motivation.]

Rudra looked at me as he said that.

[Until now, you've consistently made excellent judgments. I've been impressed countless times while observing you. To save humanity and to become stronger yourself, you acted recklessly yet boldly, and ultimately gained power. That's why I'm confused. You're so wise, yet this one thing is completely beyond my understanding.]

Rudra praised my past actions, stating that he had observed me and judged me to be 'wise', and then asked me:

Why did you save Elodie?