Take My Breath Away-Chapter 1339 - Reputations Ruined

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Erica crawled into bed as if nothing happened. She put her phone aside, closed her eyes, and curled up in Matthew's arms. She was asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Looking at the quiet woman, Matthew kissed her hair. Her silence worried him. She was usually venting her anger rather loudly.

She had done something that could destroy the lives of two women, possibly all the Su family, but she was calm as could be.

This made Matthew feel really sorry for her. His wife seemed to have changed overnight.

At the first rays of dawn, Erica yawned and stretched. She was still very quiet, less talkative than usual.

After a while, the man whispered in her ear in a voice thick with lust, "Honey, how about we play a game called 'find the sausage'?"

Erica didn't refuse. She wrapped her arms around the man's neck and said, "I'm in a good mood.

This could be your lucky day!" When he heard that, he was thrilled.

Around noon, Erica sat at the table and looked at her phone.

News of the Su family's indiscretions had gone viral on the Internet.

A reporter had broken the story, along with a damning photo. Rumor had it that both sisters were dating the same guy—a big shot in the financial world. There was no way they were going to print the prominent person's name, so they focused on the Su sisters instead.

The three of them stayed in a hotel room all night and were photographed by reporters when they left. As soon as the VIP left the hotel room, the two sisters helped each other leave the room. Of course, the man's face was pixelated.

The reporters in the corridor immediately surrounded the two of them, and they kept firing off questions and snapping pics.

The Su sisters were ambushed by the paparazzi. They couldn't have anticipated how many reporters there were. And their cameras captured their disheveled appearance.

There were a lot of curses on the Internet, especially leveled at the second daughter of the Su family, Phoebe. She was not a good woman, stealing art to pass off as her own, and she even violated Matthew's likeness rights. Everyone knew that. But apparently she and her sister had slept with the same guy, on the same night. Never mind that the man was married.

The comment areas were like a shark tank. The netizens were out for blood. They unleashed epithets like whore, slut, and bitch.

And this, of course, affected their public standing. So much that people hurled insults if they saw them across the street. The Su family's reputation was ruined. Both the Su Group and Camille's company were in trouble.

The stock prices of the two companies plummeted, and the companies were a mess. Most of the senior executives submitted their resignations one after the other, and bank loans were suspended. Private equity firms were circling like vultures, making lowball offers to buy the companies out.

The Su sisters went to the hospital in secret. They took back roads home, hoping to avoid the paparazzi. They were about to find out that a more dangerous enemy awaited them. The car was nearing the Su family villa, when three black cars approached and surrounded them.

There was no escape. Each time the driver tried to leave, a car would move to block him. The Su sisters were trapped.

Seeing the pregnant woman leaving the car in front of them, the two women in the back seat both shivered in fear.

Erica wore a loose knee-length dress this evening. She looked different from how she used to be. Her attitude was colder and darker. Her belly was too swollen to be covered up.

She walked over to a bench and three bodyguards flanked her for protection. Seeing that she wanted to sit down, one of the bodyguards came over and helped her. The woman slowly sat down with his help.

As of this moment, she exuded an elegant, noble temperament, even arrogant. A very different Erica indeed.

Right in front of her was the back door of the car where the Su sisters sat. Erica ordered the bodyguard who helped her, "Let's not be rude to our guests. Go invite them out!"

"Yes, Mrs. Huo!"

There were seven bodyguards out tonight. The man winked at the other bodyguards, and three of them immediately surrounded the car of the Su family and began to knock on the car window.

It was already eight o'clock at night. It was quiet here and no cars could be seen or heard, no one out for a walk, no one exercising their dogs. No sound could be heard except for an occasional night creature. Even if there were a few passers-by, they would be re-directed by the bodyguards. No one was coming to help.

The driver was also frightened. Looking out the window at Erica, Camille ordered the driver calmly, "Call the police!" Her eyes were narrow and dangerous like a viper's.

"Okay, Miss Su!"

The driver of the Su family called the police with trembling hands. He wasn't about to open the car door after hanging up the phone.

One of the bodyguards returned to his car, took out an emergency hammer and began pounding on the window.

Seeing that the glass was about to break, the Su family's driver immediately opened the door so he wouldn't get hit by shattered glass.

One bodyguard reacted quickly. As soon as the driver opened the door, the bodyguard pulled him out of the way, and lunged for the auto-unlock button. The other two bodyguards opened the two doors at the rear of the car at the same time and pulled the screaming women from the vehicle.

After taking them to Erica, one of the bodyguards kicked Phoebe in the back of her knee and she knelt down in front of Erica.

The pain from her knees dazed her for a time.

With one hand supporting her chin, Erica looked at the Su sisters who had different expressions on their faces, and said in a lively, brisk tone, "Camille, Phoebe. So how was your night? Pretty exciting, huh? You're just headed home from the hospital, right?"

There were old rumors that Carlson loved BDSM. If they'd suffered injuries at his hands, that would explain the hospital visit.

Thinking of what happened last night, Camille wished she could tear Erica to pieces and eat her alive. She gritted her teeth and swore, "Don't be so cocky! You'll pay for what happened last night. How would you like to have trouble walking?"

Hearing this, Erica pretended that she was scared. "Really? Please don't do that to me, Miss Su. I'm scared to death. I'm pregnant. Have mercy on my babies, at least!" she said in an exaggerated tone.

Her attitude made Camille want to slap her ten times. But as soon as she took a step forward, the bodyguard rudely pulled her back to where she was, keeping her away from Erica.

"Bitch!" said Camille. Phoebe staggered to her feet and started cursing Erica. "Camille, take that back. She's not a bitch—she's a fucking cunt!"

"Wow! What a foul mouth you have!" Erica's expression didn't change, but her tone became cold. "Slap her!"

"Yes, Mrs. Huo!" One of the bodyguards held Phoebe's hands, and another came over and gave her a heavy slap.

"Ahhh!" Phoebe screamed in pain, her face red and swollen. Blood pooled on her lips.

Pak! Another slap made Phoebe cry and beg for mercy, "I... I'll stop! Please! Erica, don't do this!" She was stunned and her head was buzzing. She kept begging for mercy. "I won't say anything bad about you again!"

Camille hated Phoebe being so cowardly. She glared at the woman who had the upper hand and cursed, "Erica Li, you are nothing but an idiot!"

Erica looked at her and said nothing.

Camille was pretty sure Matthew had known everything they had done. Otherwise, Neville wouldn't have sent Watkins out of the country, and she and Phoebe wouldn't have been sent to Carlson as "gifts."

Matthew was so rich and powerful, he could kill a man in broad daylight and the authorities wouldn't touch him. Erica, being his wife, was also shielded from repercussions. That was why she was able to subject Camille and her sister to Carlson's less-than-tender mercies.

Camille understood well that even if the Su family tried their best to sue Erica, that would fail too. If Matthew wanted to protect her, Erica would be safe and sound for the rest of her life.

Therefore, she could only enjoy fantasies of revenge on this stupid woman. "You know what? Watkins and Kaitlyn have been working for us. Ha-ha!"