Sweet Doting Husband: Sorry, my Wife is a little Crazy-Chapter 21 - May Be He Is Overwhelmed By My Charms!!

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Seeing the five girls walk away in a rage, the boys were unable to hold in their smiles and laughed for a long time. Looking at Sia as if she was their savior, Si Ming and Shen Yi praised

Shen Yi: "Sia, you are really something. You could even make Mena piss off, you really are a bully"

Si Ming: "Haha, did you see her face when she was called retarded? Haha....that was a sight to watch"

Yang Jie: "Yeah... I wish I could have recorded their expression just now"

Raising his eyebrows, Si Min teased "What, to show to your girlfriend's ha?"

"Yeah. She would love to see their ugly face" Yang Jie said with a gentle smile.

Shocked, Sia asked, " You have a girlfriend?"

Yang Jie: "Yeah I do"

Sia: "Woah....that's great. Then what about others?"

Yang Jie: "Si Ming had one a few months back but then he broke up with her. Shen Yi also broke up recently as for Lu Jin...hmm, I have no idea" he said will staring at Lu Jin and An Ran ambiguously.

"Oh, then what about Mu Jun? Doesn't he one?"

Looking at Mu Jun weirdly, Yang Jie sneered "Him? huh...I wonder if he can find a suitable in this lifetime. This guy doesn't know anything about love nor romance nor has he ever fell in love with any girl. He is as cold as an ice cube and its very hard to get together with him"

Shaking her head, Sia said innocently "I don't think so. He might be cold but it's just that he might have not found anyone whom he likes or he must be waiting for certain someone"

Hearing Sia's words, Mu Jun did not speak but just smiled lightly which of course the rest of the boys also noticed.

Nodding his head, Si Ming said "Well, what you said might be true but the thing is this guy is sometimes too cold. Other than the four of us, he never behaved warmly with anyone else. And that smile of his...even we ourself rarely get the chance to see that smile of his" than thinking of something, Si Ming raised his eyebrows and continued "But now after you appeared he smiles quite often"

" Maybe he is overwhelmed by my charms and he cannot help but smile?" Sia said shamelessly and then leaned on her arm and looked at Mu Jun and said with her eyebrows rosed "What do you say...Handsome?"

Not replying, Mu Jun chuckled to himself. Before Sia could be proud of herself, the four boys suddenly started to cough loudly

Si Ming: "Cough cough...what is this, I guess I just ate a fly"

Shen Yi: "Ahh...Why does this cafeteria stink? I smell something pungent"

Yang Jie: "Ahh...it's too stinky"

Lu Jin: ( Looking at Sia from the corner of his eyes, he said deliberately) "I guess we should ask the cleaner to clean the table a few more times today. It's smelling a lot today"

Glaring at the four boys, Sia said with an angry smile "Ahh...I suddenly feel my hands itch. Ah, I haven't given special attention to my three brothers well so why not take this rare chance to get to know each other well?" Sia proposed

Knowing too well what special attention she was talking about, the three guys regretted it.

Si Ming: "Ah... I guess something had struck my nose. It might be because of that I had smelled something foul. Maybe I should go and wash my nose"

Shen Yi: "I guess even I need to wash it. Come let's go together" f𝑟𝑒ewe𝚋𝚗૦𝐯e𝘭.c𝗼𝓂

Yang Jie: "Second bro, fourth bro, wait for me. I suddenly remembered that I had some work to do"

One by one three of them made a lame excuse and hurriedly ran away leaving the girls laughing to themself.

After dealing with the three boys, Sia slowly turned her eyes to look at the fourth guy with her eyes narrowed. Before Sia could say something, Lu Jin hurriedly stood up and said "Ah...I forgot to wash my pants. Maybe I should do them now" Talking to himself, Lu Jin also hurriedly left the table. Chuckling, Mu Jun excused himself and followed Lu Jin out leaving the four guys chuckling to themself.

Su Yan " Sia, you are really powerful. You could even scare those big guys hmm?"

Sia: "Hehe... I can even scare you....you want to try?"

Putting her hands on Sia's shoulder, Su Yan said "How can you scare me....after all, we are good brothers"

"Haha...Babe is right"

Sighing, An Ran shook her head and said "you two are insane"

Turning their heads, Sia and Su Yan looked at An Ran pitifully and whined in unison "Baby...how can you say that?"

Speechless, An Ran did not know what to say to both of them. Looking expressionless, Xiao Li said mercilessly "She is straight"

and then leaving the two girls shocked, Xiao Li stood up and walked out of the cafeteria with An Ran.

Watching Xiao Li's back, Su Yan asked in disbelief "Did she just say that we are bent?"

shaking her head Sia replied thoughtfully "No she did not....she just said that An Ran was straight"

"..." 'How does it make any difference?'

After having their lunch, the junior high schollers classes were left free for them to find or make a group and then discuss their parts and activities. So, as soon as the boy's group left the class, they were surrounded by a large group of girls who wanted to be in the same group as those boys hoping that they could get close at least in that way but all these girls were rejected mercilessly by the group of five. With no hope left, they could only join other groups.

Initially, they thought that Mu Jun and his friends will be the only ones in their group but then when they saw those four girls in the same group with their male gods, they were overwhelmed by jealousy. If it was only Su Yan and An Ran, they wouldn't have felt angry since the two girls were from the third tier family but then when they saw Xiao Li and Sia, the two scholarship students what more, one of them looked very ugly and this made many people dissatisfied. Gritting their teeth in jealousy, they could only swallow their anger for now and get into their business