Summoned and Unwanted-Chapter 628

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628 The fight resumes

Sofy saw Iris moving her trembling body over to Vincent. The cold caused by the side effect of Overload had taken a toll on her body. Iris appeared to be on the verge of fainting, yet she moved her body as if she had a goal to achieve.

Sofy wiped her tears with both hands. She used those tears as the tips of her new water whips. The whips spun in the air before targeting Vincent and wrapping around his body.

Vincent was temporarily immobilized by an attack he strangely didn’t react to. He exhaled a puff of warm green steam and glared at Sofy.

After Vincent felt he and Sofy shared a bond via the retainer bond, he flexed his muscled and broke the water whips. He didn’t move to attack Sofy. Instead, he puffed another cloud of smoke.

Vincent felt a nudge on his left side. He turned his head to his left and saw Iris biting his shoulder and drawing blood.

After hearing a couple of steps and a nudge on his right side, Vincent turned his head to his right. There he saw Mimi drinking his blood from his shoulder.

Vlad became furious to see his daughter drink Vincent’s blood. He clenched his rapier with his trembling hand firmly.

‘Why do you have to be like this? I spent fifty years with you. Why do you have to betray me? My own flesh and blood? Did I fail as a father? I need to free you from that monster this instant before you reach a point of no return.’ Vlad thought.

*Rumble* Before Vlad took a step forward, the ground rumbled before multiple poisonous vines shot from the ground. Zero wanted to immobilize Vlad again. However, it was futile.


“Once overcome, always overcome.” Vlad said before the vines passed through Vlad’s body without drawing blood. The illusion’s body faded, and Vlad appeared in front of Vincent.

“Why aren’t you attacking me, you monster?” Vlad questioned while pulling his arm back to stab Vincent.

*Thud, thud, bam, bam, bam, bam* Plow approached and launched an assault against Vlad with eight of her tails. Two on her back and six on her rear.

Plow raised her ears and turned her head. “Leave Vincent Vincent alone.” *Pho!* She told Vlad.

“Thank you, Plow. But that is enough.” Said Iris while wiping her shining green lips. Her body recovered, and she didn’t feel cold anymore.

Mimi stopped drinking Vincent’s blood as well. She licked her shining green lips and glared murderously at her father.

Mimi’s face was contorted by the anger she felt. The mutated blood was amplifying her power even further while also increasing her anger as a side effect.

Similarly, Iris was frowning in anger, but because she wasn’t a vampire or a being that used blood as nutrients, her emotions barely got affected.

“Accept my new life or die!” Said Mimi while charging at her father with increased speed.

Vlad became surprised Vincent’s blood could increase the blood-boosting buff even further. This was the first time Vlad witnessed a being with blood that could increase in the nutrition content.

Mimi attacked Vlad, but it was parried. *Sigh* After Vlad sighed, he went to hit Mimi with the back of his rapier’s hilt, but Mimi blocked his attack.

Mimi thought she had become strong enough to challenge her father’s might, but it was a short-lived thought. Her ankle was kicked with great force, and Mimi fell to the ground.

“I haven’t thought so much about what to decide as much as today because of your choice to be with this monster.” Said Vlad before he swiftly kicked Mimi in the stomach and sent her rolling a few meters distance.

Overload Vincent was strangely passive. The moment his eyes saw Mimi fall, he frowned and revealed his teeth like a wild beast. The moment Mimi was kicked, the trigger to make him vicious activated.

A powerful wave of bloodlust emitted from Vincent’s body before he became a blur. In his stead, a dim ball of light appeared. The pair of eyes looked a the only person who could see her now.

*Clag!* Vincent appeared in front of Vlad, and his slash was parried. Vlad countered with a stab, yet his attack missed.

Vincent slashed his curved claw-like fingers, yet they were parried again. This time, however, the rapier stabbed Vincent’s abdomen.

Vlad frowned at the view of Vincent, not expressing the slightest sign of discomfort. Vlad backstepped and evaded a cross-slash attack. There was a distance between the two now.

The rapier became brighter with a red hue. It was covered with Energy Flow. Vlad swung his rapier as if it was an ordinary sword and green blood spattered everywhere with the barrage of attacks Vlad landed.

Vlad stopped after ten seconds. He opened his eyes wide at the green steam escaping from the quickly closing wounds. 𝐟𝘳𝑒𝗲𝘸e𝒃𝘯𝒐𝐯e𝚕.c𝒐𝒎

Vlad became shocked to discover Overload Vincent was contending against him in his current weakened condition. Vlad’s soul was injured, and his hands were unable to stop, slightly trembling.

After fighting against the figure of light, Wolfie, and Freerie, Vlad now understood that Vincent in front of him was the most annoying and dangerous enemy to fight against.

Ester and Lupa soon joined the fight. Sofy tried to assist them with the little mana she had left while Mimi stood up and charged forward for another round.

A couple of meters away from them was Lucas observing the fight between Vlad and Vincent and the three joining the fight.

Vlad moved his gaze swiftly and saw that Zero had shrunk about half the size before growing larger with the help of the Seed Guardians.

Vlad looked at the fight again and perceived Vincent had now grown powerful enough to give Vlad a run for his money stat-wise. However, skill-wise was to be determined, and experience-wise, it was none existent. The current Vincent was a package of anger that moved on instinct.

Lucas wanted to help stop the fight, as he was asked before, but couldn’t at the moment.

Lucas was acting like a barrier by countering the intents full of malice constantly clashing against each other. Behind him was Anna, and near her were the residents of the mansion.

Lucas wanted to move everyone to a safer place if possible, but most of them had no strength left in their legs to move. Additionally, the children cried and needed to be carried as well.

*Sigh* “Why did Ester and Lupa have to leave and join their fight? They can’t compete with Vlad in their current power level.” Lucas questioned with a puzzled frown.

“They want to help Vincent defeat Mimi’s father. ” Sakura responded after she also felt the urge to assist Vincent in defeating his opponent before Overload ended and got killed for real the next time.

“Vincent doesn’t need help in his current state. I can feel his stats are better than mine right now.” Lucas expressed before witnessing Vlad slashing Vincent’s chest, and the deep wound recovered after the next two attacks.

“Time limit Duke Lucas Hawkins. Vincent’s skill will not last for a long time, and he will become paralyzed afterward. Additionally, Vincent will faint, and he will become helpless. That is why I request to have the fight stopped and Vincent rescued. The next time can be his last. I don’t want to be a widow of a husband loved this time.”

Lucas turned his head and looked at Lilith. She was the one who explained in detail about Vincent’s weakness. Her face was full of worry and anxiety, yet she was trying to overcome her emotions and hope to receive help.

“Vincent acted strange before he acted violent like the last time. ” Iris informed while carrying a small little blue fox and approaching them. f𝓇𝘦𝒆𝘄𝑒𝗯𝑛𝗼ѵ𝙚l.𝒄𝘰𝓶

*Pho* “Vincent Vincent smelled different two times. ” Plow said after she noticed a strange difference in Vincent’s personality.

Jun Ye Rim approached them next. “It is not like I have a choice to explain, but this is what happened inside the Soul Domain.”

“Soul Domain?” Lucas asked after hearing Jun Ye Rim, even if her words expressed an unwillingness to speak, say Kazumi’s words.

“Kazumi recovered some of her mana with the help of a mysterious figure she is calling the past self-blaming ego of Vincent. She is now resting in my Soul Domain and talking to me.”

“Many things happened, and the mysterious figure caused Wolfie and Freerie to become strong and attack Mimi’s father. The injuries he suffered are unable to heal quickly because the soul recovers differently than a flesh and bone body would.”

Jun Ye Rim looked at Ann and continued, “We would like for her highness to save Vincent. Currently, he is in a constant state of anger, yet he does not attack those he has a bond with. Additionally, he is also showing less aggression because of the newly born ego.”

“Thus, everyone can use Ester, Lupa, Iris, Lilith, Sakura, Plow, Sofy, Mimi, and Shana as their shield against Vincent’s aggressive instincts. He will not harm them, as proven multiple times before.”

Jun Ye Rim explained. She looked at Vincent and froze from shock the moment she saw Vlad kicking Lupa away and Vincent’s arm getting chopped a moment later after getting distracted.

“His arm!” Jun Ye Rim exclaimed while her body trembled.

The residents of the mansion and the guest present all turned their gaze on Vincent with one arm missing. The stump on his arm had green steam rising in the air, and multiple small liquid tentacles emerged from his wound.