Star Eater-Chapter 14 -

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Chapter 14: Chapter 14

Priestess Elincia's Point of View

Temple atop Helmsforth

Sitting on a balcony and overlooking the city below, I watched the people go about their lives. Rung by rung, section by section, race after race. All so eager to go about their lives. Never knowing what truly lurks in this world and treat threats as nothing more than fairytales and legends.

As I sat there, with my wings spread out, they felt something on the wind. Unsure of what it was, and its fleeting presence, I ignored it. However, it soon returned much stronger, and this time, my body felt it too. A dark power seemed to emanate from the bottom of the mountain. My eyes widened as I stood and looked over the balcony. As if I could find where it was coming, I looked down the mountain in its entirety in the dark. Using magic to enhance my eyes didn't seem to help as it felt like it was coming from directly below and covered a large area.

"Do you think its Ayda performing another experiment?" I heard from behind me.

My sister stepped next to me and looked down the mountain as well. "You can't believe that?" I asked back in disbelief.

Arceana held her scepter and shook her head. "I don't. Something is at the base of the mountain. Perhaps Rudnurth has returned." She stated in a calmly.

Always the calm and collected one. "Please don't joke about that." As I opened my mouth to speak, explosions could be heard from below as they echoed their way up. "Cea..." I called her by her nickname and turned to her.

My sister's eyes were narrowed more dangerously now as she summoned her magic. "Go. I will follow soon with a battalion of guards."

"I can handle it." Was my reply as I summoned my magic to my hands. "The one responsible will be dead soon."

"Whatever you do, don't kill it. I'd like to take whatever is behind this, alive." She stated and sent a flare out across the balcony. "Ayda and the others are likely moving towards it as we speak. Support them until we arrive. It's in the Hollow Forest." My sister looked me directly in the eye. "Be careful, sister. I doubt it's alone."

Needing no further prompting, I spread my wings and jumped from the balcony then quickly angled myself downward.

Arthur's Point of View

Hollow Forest

"Arthur?" The voice was familiar, and I closed my right eye in disbelief when I heard it. "What... What happened here?" Cassidy asked me. "Did you do this to these people?"

Turning to face the redhead, I was surprised to see she wasn't alone. Ayda was also with her along with Floyd and a few other people I didn't know. My eyes drifted to a Zugal flying overhead, just barely able to fit through the clearing in the trees that I had made. He was male, had wings that were a dark grey and his eyes were a teal color. His hair was black, which made an interesting color combination. The Zugal was shorter than Cassidy from what I could tell, but that also seemed to be a common trait among Zugal. Lastly, I noticed he was wearing armor, similar to Greigh and Ziah.

Next, there seemed to be a young boy present. Not much older than Austin if I had to guess. Although, he appeared to be from a race I had yet to encounter. Golden snake like eyes that seemed to glow in the dark as he looked at me in horror. Small spikes seemed to form his ears in a black point that matched his black hair. Made me wonder what race he was. Especially considering how he was wearing some rather nice clothing like Ayda. However, the scene before them seemed to shock all of them.

Gesturing around the destroyed area, I nodded. "Yeah. They attacked me, so I took care of them." Then I shrugged. "Maybe it was a little excessive, but they came to the farm, and I didn't want you, or your family, to get involved."

The Zugal shot towards me and brought his legs up to kick me. I grabbed him by both his ankles and held him in place. When I did, he pulled out two daggers strapped to his back and started to swipe at me. In an instant, I swung him over my head and planted him into the ground. He bounced off his back, and his wings made a sickening pop, which I cared little for. Thankfully, he was obviously unconscious as I held him up by his right leg.

"Kine!" Floyd shouted.

"What in the world made you think that was a good idea?" I asked the Zugal.

Cassidy stepped forward between her little group and me. "Arthur, let Kine go."

Shrugging, I let go of his legs and backed away from him. "He attacked me. What did you expect?"

"Ya didn't need ta dislocate his wings!" Cassidy shouted.

Ayda ignited her magic and sent out a flare into the sky with her magic. "The guards will be here soon, Arthur. I can't believe I almost let you borrow my books!" She said in horror, and all of us looked at her. "Of course, there are more pressing matters." Clearing her throat, the Elf turned her attention to me. "I suggest you come quietly."

"Or you could come not so quietly." Floyd said.

Cassidy held up her hands toward her friends and me. "Enough!" Turning to me, she spoke in a low tone. "Ya need ta come with us, Arthur. This can't be ignored. Ah'm willing to testify that Kine attacked you first, but don't make this situation worse than it already is." 𝒇𝒓𝙚𝙚𝒘𝙚𝙗𝙣𝒐𝓿𝙚𝙡.𝙘𝒐𝓶

Gesturing to the bodies, I replied. "And yet, from what I've seen, each one of you has already judged me guilty. Why in the world would I go with a group that doubts me the moment they laid eyes on me? To tell my side of the story?" I scoffed. "Please, I've been through this song and dance before."

The redhead sighed, and her arms dropped. After a moment, she stepped forward, with her guard up, and began attacking. Dodging the sudden attacks, I looked across the clearing to see Floyd and Ayda also moving in. Frowning at this, my hand twitched at the thought of grabbing Defiance from my back, but it would've been unjust to kill them for a misunderstanding. That being said, this was starting to piss me off.

Magic spells were being shot out, which varied anything from a fireball, magic arrow, or magically using the plants around the area to try and restrict me. One of the spells was perfect as Floyd and Cassidy pressured me as it hurtled towards my chest. Bringing up my hand, I grabbed it and felt a stinging sensation shoot throughout it. Grimacing, I squeezed the spell, and it shattered in my grasps, which made the group look at me in shock.

"Don't get distracted." I warned Floyd, who turned away from me and to Ayda.

Grabbing his leg, I kicked his knee in. Floyd rolled on the ground screaming in pain. Deciding it would be best to put him to sleep, I went to kick his head. Not as hard as I could, but enough where it would knock him out. However, when I went to hit him, Cassidy stepped on the other side of him and blocked the attack.

"Arthur! Stop!" She cried out as she winced from the blow.

Ignoring her and trying to grab her by the collar of her shirt was a mistake. She ducked and brought her fist up. Bring my arms back to block the blow, I felt my body lift off the ground and away from Cassidy, Floyd, and Ayda. Landing only a few feet away, I felt a tingling in my arms and looked back to Cassidy, who took a defensive stance in front of her friend.

"I didn't start this." Was my reply as I took a stance of my own.

A pop sounded off from behind me, and I quickly turned, only to find a spell directly in front of my chest. Gritting my teeth, I reached out for Ayda to stop her, but she launched it before I could. What I assumed was a fireball engulfed my body and propelled me through the surrounded trees. Splinters shot out as trees toppled as my body slammed through them.

Rolling to a stop, I slowly got to my feet and glared back down the path I had been hit down. Fire didn't seem to affect me too much. I wasn't burned anywhere, and I felt fine. As such, I charged back down the path, which alarmed Ayda and Cassidy, who were trying to help Floyd.

The two women popped up as Floyd watched on hopelessly. However, my sudden appearance made it difficult for them to react in time. Grabbing Cassidy by her throat, I quickly turned her and grabbed her by her left arm. Now with my right hand around her throat and pinning her next against me, I pushed her left arm up with my left hand.

This caused her to cry out in pain. "Let her go!" Ayda called out.

"So, you can attack me again? I let Kine go, and all of you attacked after I said I wouldn't surrender." Quirking a brow at her in the dark, I continued. "Do you really think I would just go 'Oh! Okay!' and let her go?" The unamused look on my face made her glare at me.

"I'll make you a new deal, Arthur." Ayda began and pointed at me. "You like deals, right?"

"If people keep their word." Was my short reply.

Ayda slightly moved her pointing from me, to Cassidy. "Let her go and ignore everyone else to fight me one on one." She lowered her hand. "If you win, we'll let you go, but I need Cassidy able to ready to help people. She won't interfere." The Elf negotiated. "You've known her and her family for a few days. You know she'll keep her word."

Eyeing the raging redhead in my grasp, I nodded in admittance. "True. Then again, this is also the girl that started swinging when she misunderstood the manticore situation." My glare seemed to unnerve Ayda. "Kind of like this situation."

"We asked you to come with us." Ayda responded evenly, and I was surprised at how calm she was.

"After your friend attacked and I dislocated his wings." Then I tilted my head as I stared at her. "Why would I have to go anywhere with you? The only one who is apparently a Town Guard is Kine, and he attacked without warning or just cause."

Frustrated, Ayda closed her eyes and nodded in defeat. "You're right. Kine overreacted. However, you must also admit that this scene isn't a pretty one and is rather disturbing." Opening her eyes, she gestured around the area. "We're in the Hollow Forest. Any manner of creature might be along soon. Especially with so much blood having been spilt."

Studying the Elf, I eventually responded. "What happens if I lose?"

"You come with us and answer all of our questions," Ayda answered immediately. "Cassidy will give you her word that she won't interfere in our bout if you agree to my terms."

"Someone's confident in their skills." Was my reply, but she didn't respond. "Fine. I agree." Tightening my grip around Cassidy's neck, I leaned in. "What about you, Cass? Do you agree?"

Ayda glared at me when Cassidy started choking. "Yesh." Cassidy croaked out.

Letting her go, she fell to the ground and took a deep breath of air. Backing away because I was still wary, I watched to see what the two would do. Floyd was trying to lay still but was also watching things as they unfolded. Ayda checked on Cassidy, who held her hand up to show she was fine. Standing, the redhead moved to Floyd and looked him over.

"You okay, Floyd?" She asked.

"Leg could be better." He replied. "Gotta say, after giving you a free meal, this is not how I expected our next meeting to go." Floyd said to me.

I shrugged. "Tell me about it. Wasn't my fault, though."

Floyd laughed at that. "Yeah. Maybe you're right."

Ayda turned to me and nodded. "Thank you for leaving them out of this."

"Just make sure you don't regret it." I warned her.

In response, several large fireballs appeared throughout the area, and I saw the Elf become wrapped in magic. As if she'd become magic itself. My eyes widened as I darted between the rain of fire and dodged the explosions they caused upon colliding with the ground or greenery in the area. Moving in and out between trees, I dodged all of them. However, I did study the Elf as I ran around. Her body had lost its Elven features and become more arcane in nature.

It appeared there was more to Ayda than I initially thought. She proved me right when a large fireball appeared above the area and floated in the sky. The sheer size was intimidating. Her spell was about the size of a moderate house, which was alarming, and I made sure to keep an eye on it, so I didn't get hit. Although this proved what I thought all along. Ayda was as strong as those Ghouls from earlier, or at least, around the same level. This just made me more suspicious.

Ayda, who was watching me with glowing eyes, launched the massive spell at me. I thought she was insane. This was going to hurt her and her friends. However, when my eyes darted to them to see if they were going to survive, I saw Cassidy paying it no mind. A barrier of some kind covered them, and I groaned as I jumped out of the way.

Using the explosion to my advantage, I circled around from behind and waited. Ayda was the one keeping that barrier up if her magic was anything to go by. As the dust and debris settled, Ayda let down her guard and lowered the shield protecting them. Her magic seemed faded from her hands and her body as she returned to normal. Seizing my moment, I darted forward and kicked her legs out from under her.

"Wha-" She yelled out in alarm.

Landing on her back, I put my foot on her throat and she looked up to see me glaring down at her. "You done, or would you like to continue and possibly regret your life choices like most adults?" I asked the beaten Elf.

However, Ayda wasn't the one who replied. "She won't be the one regretting anything." A voice called out from above. "Your brazen actions have brought about this scenario." Looking above, I saw someone new. "Who would dare attack my people so blatantly? What is your name?"

"Priestess!" The others in the clearing shouted in relief.

Taking in the details I could, I immediately took notice of a white aura surrounding her hands, and large white wings flapping on her back. A white dress adorned her body, and a silver crown was resting upon her blonde-haired head. Blue eyes seemed to pierce my very soul as she waited for my response.

"You've gotta be shitting me." I said in disbelief as I looked up at one of the Priestesses.

Her look turned even more sour as she replied. "I assure you that I am not 'shitting you.'"



We officially got over 500 Power Stones! Thank you so much for the love! This is the extra chapter I promised! They will always come out on Sunday if we hit our goal! We did great and everyone got super excited! If we hit 700 Power Stones this week, I'll release another extra chapter!

☞ We are moving to, Please visit for more chapters! ☜