Solo Leveling- Ragnarok-Chapter 278

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Chapter 278

The market was turned into a complete mess because of Suho’s bakery.

The villains began to compete with each other in Suho’s auction and began to spend all the money they had without holding back.

“Hey, you absolutely have to buy this!”

“How long has it been since I smelled bread like this?”


A bakery in the middle of the apocalypse!

It was a truly shocking incident that would have made all the villains’ mouths water and their eyes roll back.

Honestly, who has ever wanted to eat devil’s meat?

You say it doesn’t taste good?

No, that’s just garbage!

It’s so disgusting that it’s not even worth evaluating the taste!

Honestly, I was confident that even if I opened the capsule and put it all in my mouth, I would lick it and enjoy it more than the meat of a horse.

There is a reason why the best-selling food item in the market is fruit.

It’s the exact same behavior as taking bitter medicine and then quickly opening a piece of candy and putting it in your mouth.

“50 coins!”

“60 coins!”

“It’s 80 coins!”

Auction prices began to soar at a frightening rate here and there.

“100 coins!”

“110 coins!”

“150 coins-!”

The market heats up endlessly as everyone checks each other.

Even now, a very violent and stimulating smell of bread was dominating the market.

The villains’ hungry desires were infinitely helpless in the face of that overwhelming power.

But the reason they did this wasn’t simply because of hunger.

Anyway, everyone gathered here is a bunch of worn-out merchants.

They have been on the market floor fighting countless villains so far, so their calculations are quick.

‘Let’s buy it first!’

‘No matter how much it costs, you have to buy it!’

‘It’ll end up being resold at a higher price anyway!’

It’s a very simple calculation.

No matter how much bread is in that container, bread is ultimately a consumer good.

It is a limited resource that will eventually be consumed.

They instinctively recognized the value of that rarity.

Anyway, the people gathered here now are not all of the citizens living in the city.

In fact, there were far more people outside the market.

So, no matter what the price, the one who buys one more is the winner.

They can buy it and eat it themselves, but if they take it to people who aren’t here right now, they can sell it for a much higher price.

And then.

‘It’s worth calling!’

Okay, now the table is set.

From now on, all Suho had to do was smile and watch them all shout out their praises.

‘They say if you don’t know the market price, you’re a fool… ‘

Suho already knew from the beginning how they were looking at him.

It was thanks to asking the captain of the guard who had become a shadow soldier last night about various things about the city.

Thanks to this, Suho already knew the exact market price before entering the market.

‘Who is the fool now?’

But what if you don’t know the market price?

‘I can decide the price anyway.’


Since ancient times, green has been the same color.

From some point on, Suho and Ber’s smiles began to look more and more similar.

No, maybe it’s been like that for a long time.

Anyway, it was Ber who raised Suho. 2

[Your Majesty, the plan has been a great success. Half of it has already been sold.]

Berga whispered, smiling devilishly next to Suho.

But Suho responded with the corners of his lips raised in an even more ominous manner.

“Already? There’s still halfway to go.”

Because there were so many breads filled in the container, the ra

te at which the auction price was rising was gradually slowing down.

As only merchants gathered here, prices began to become more reasonable.

But for times like this, Suho set aside the biggest and most delicious breads.

“Okay, from now on, I will raise the starting auction price to 1000 coins.”


There was a mix of joy and sorrow among the villains.

Those who succeeded in buying bread first by raising the price diligently were relieved, while those who were just watching to save money were shocked and trembled all over.

“Gah, that’s bullying!”

“Yeah! This is just too much!”

“1000 coins for just one loaf of bread!”

Those who had not yet bought a single loaf of bread protested fiercely with angry expressions on their faces.

Magic instinctively seethed from their clenched fists.

But I had to endure it.

Because within this free market, the use of force was against the rules.

Outside the market, it might have been different, but once some one started doing business inside, the union’s rule was to strictly ad here to market logic.

The moment someone breaks that rule, it becomes possible for the strongest of them to kill all the merchants and monopolize all the supplies for themselves.

If that happens, the city will eventually be destroyed in the long run.

And the last person left behind is left alone, so how will he survive in this apocalypse?

Ultimately, it was to prevent that that the ‘Free Market Union’ existed in this city.

“Hah! Where did this young bastard learn all these bad things!”

“You dare play with food?!”

Despite people’s protests, Suho just shrugged his shoulders with a shameless expression.

“If you’re not going to buy it, you can just leave it out.”

The barely polite tone of speech was terribly unlucky.

It would be better if that were all, but Suho decided to start blatantly bullying others without even a shred of courtesy.

Suho glanced at the merchants who had just vented their anger most intensely on him, then quickly changed his subject.

“Hmm. I changed my mind because of those guys. Let’s start with 1100 coins.”

… … ?!

“No. Since there are two of you, it’s 1200 coins.”

Oh, no!

Seriously… … Isn’t that too much!

But even Suho’s shameless bullying made the villains tremble.

But what can I do?

They say if you don’t like it, just leave.

They had to grit their teeth and suppress the surging magical power.

And at the same time, everyone in the market looked at the two people Suho was pointing at as if they were going to kill them.

The two people’s faces turned pale at the sight of those murderous gazes, and they hurriedly hid themselves in the crowd.

It seemed like I would have to go into hiding for a while.

Although the use of force is illegal inside the market, it is completely possible outside the market.

‘Two, let’s see!’

‘No matter how much money I earn here, if I run into someone outside… …!’

Everyone in the market ground their teeth at Suho’s tyranny.

But what can I do?

The auction resumed without warning.

“… … 1200 coins!”

“1300 coins!”

The price of bread was skyrocketing, but the mindset was that it

would be okay to resell it for even a penny more.

It was during that time.


The noisy market suddenly became quiet at the sudden sharp metallic sound.


A moment when Suho is puzzled by the sudden atmosphere.

Before we knew it, everyone’s eyes in the market were focused on one place.

And at the end of those gazes… … .


In that moment, Ber’s eyes narrowed.

A girl was standing at the entrance to the market.

Age: roughly late teens.

A girl who looked to be a high school student was carrying a huge scythe on her shoulder that did not match her body type.

I think the sound I heard a moment ago was the tip of that large scythe hitting the ground.

“… … The harvester is Hasul!”

“Why is that crazy bitch here… … .”

In an instant, the atmosphere in the market froze.

The expressions of the people who had been full of enthusiasm just a moment ago were now filled with fear.

On the other hand, a strange light appeared in Suho’s eyes.

‘Harvester Hasul.’

He was one of the people of interest that I heard from the captain of the guard last night.

[People who specialize in harvesting the fruits of Alfheim are called ‘reapers’. The most famous of these harvesters is… . . ]

That girl was Hasul.

Her notoriety had spread throughout the city, so much so that even Suho, who had just arrived here, could easily hear about it.

There were more than a few villains who had been hitting on Hasul because she was young and pretty, only to have their heads blown off by that giant scythe.

Considering that this city was originally a place where only villains

gathered, it was meaningless to count the number of people who lost their lives to Hasul’s scythe.

But apart from her cruel hands, Suho could immediately see why she had become the most famous harvester.


Suho immediately recognized Ha Seul’s level.

It’s understandable why people get so nervous just by appearing.


As if she was used to this quiet atmosphere, Hasul slowly walked towards me.

Wherever Hasul passed, people hurriedly made way for her.

So in the end, Hasul stood in front of Suho.

The moment when Suho and Ha-seul’s eyes met in the air.

Sirka, who was next to Suho, muttered with sharp eyes. In a language that only Suho could understand.

“Is this person an executor?”

If it’s S-class, the ability is sufficient.

No one knows the identity of the bailiff, but conversely, it could be that he is hiding his identity and living among the people.




For a moment, Suho looked in the direction that Ha-seul’s fingertip was pointing with a puzzled expression.

“Strawberry cake.”

“… … .”

“How much?”

“… … .”


I don’t know about the bailiff, but I can definitely tell he’s a man of few words.

In the tense atmosphere, Harvester Hasul silently pointed to the strawberry cream cake displayed on the stand.

On his shoulder he still carries a giant scythe that has cut off the

heads of countless villains.

One curious thing was that there was no emotion in the eyes looking at the strawberry cake.

It looked like a doll with no emotions.

Suho stared at Ha-seul intently, and finally opened his mouth with a firm resolve.

“Hey. You said you broke it first?”

… … ?!

‘He’s crazy!’

People were greatly shocked by Suho’s shocking remarks.

‘Are you really a crazy person?’

‘Is the liver outside the stomach?’

‘Even if you’re a newbie who just came to the city, don’t you have any sense of common sense?’

‘If we’re this tense, at least try to gauge the mood!’

‘How dare you say something like that to Hasul… …!’

Of course, even the most infamous Hasul doesn’t harm people in discriminately in the market.

But what if we meet outside the market?

Even if they aren’t Haseul, all harvesters are basically fast movers.

Because it is impossible to climb up the tall pillars of Alfheim and

get the fruit while enduring the attacks of numerous spirits at a reasonable speed.

What this meant was that if you encountered Hasul outside the city, it would be difficult to escape.

But that rookie with no clue… … .


He continued to speak confidently, completely disregarding Hasu


“If you want to buy a cake, participate in the auction like everyone else here.”

“… … If you don’t like it?”

“If you don’t like it, then barter.”

“… … ?”

Whether Soo-ho’s answer was unexpected or not, Ha-seul’s expressionless face furrowed for the first time.

Suho felt strangely pleased by that slight change in expression.

On the other hand, the expressions of the market people watching the breathtaking conversation between Suho and Ha-seul were changing from moment to moment.

‘What? So you can barter too?’

‘I guess that’s the rule that was just made.’

‘What kind of business is this?’

But anyway, this is a free market.

It was also possible to freely auction off valuable items and barter

was also possible.

The only problem right now is that the ‘bread’ that Suho is selling is an overwhelmingly rare item that breaks the logic of the market. In the end, what Suho is doing now is an action that does not violate the logic of the free market in the least.

Hasul also knew that fact.

Eventually, Ha Seul glanced at the strawberry cake, then looked straight into Su Ho’s eyes and asked.

“What do you want?”


… … ?!

The market was once again in an uproar at Suho’s bold request.

I don’t know how many times I’ve been surprised today.

Even though bread is a rare commodity here, I’m willing to trade it for the expensive fruit of Alfheim!

A madman has appeared who is trying to blatantly trick the infamous harvester Hasul without any fear.

That guy couldn’t have been anything but crazy.

“One fruit, one cake. Oh, and the strawberry cake is special because it has two fruits.”

… … Yeah. That crazy guy definitely had two lives. 3

Or even if you die, you will be resurrected.