She's My Sleeping Pill-Chapter 760

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760 [Bonus chapter] APOLOGIES COULD DO NOTHING f𝒓𝑒e𝙬𝒆𝚋𝘯૦𝘷𝐞𝑙.c𝑜𝐦

Back to the present, Stefan could not let go of his wife who suddenly became clingy to him. Truth be told, he likes her acting like this which he knew wouldn’t last forever because it only happens due to hormonal changes. Surely, after this pregnancy, she’d be back to her usual strong and dependent self.

Carrying her to the living room, when Kyle saw her puffy eyes, he was shaking his head accompanied by faint chuckles. There was no need to ask anything because he learned a lot from other people about pregnancy and he knew that women could be a handful at times because of the changes in their hormones. He really salutes the husbands who never gave up on their wives despite the challenges of their pregnancies.

“Do you want me to help you cook her lunch? It would be faster that way.” Kyle suggested. It was half an hour past eleven and Cayenne must have her lunch at twelve. He was running out of time already.

“Thanks, Kyle. I’d appreciate your help.”

Thus, the two of them worked together to cater to the needs of the woman they both cherished. It was another learning session for Kyle as well since he will be building his own family in the future. The only thing he was sure he wouldn’t get from Stefan was his clean-freak attitude.

Meanwhile, in Baguio City, a place where many people visit everywhere because of its breathtaking scenic views and while other tourists enjoy their vacation, Thomas was still in the hospital, holding Monet’s hand while praying for her recovery. It was Jillyanna who told him to keep talking to her even if she was in a coma because she has done it to Travis when he had an accident.

The doctor also approved of it since there were many cases of patients recovering from comas due to their loved one’s voices. Although most doctors believe in science more than God, it was ironic that they believe in miracles and oftentimes, this happens to people in a coma or vegetative state for more than a month or a year.

And it was already a miracle that the baby in her womb was fine after the heavy blood loss that she had which was risky to her life and the baby. Thomas couldn’t thank God enough for saving Monet and the child. The fact that her brain still functions, he held onto the belief that God won’t forsake her. He believed that God would help her get through this challenge.

“I’m sorry.” He muttered once again. He said these words for the nth time that he lost count of it but he would never get tired of saying them until she woke up and forgives him. “I remember that I once told you what I like about a woman and I said those because I never wanted to acknowledge my feelings for you. I felt it was wrong to develop affectionate feelings for my best friend and I was afraid that it would ruin our friendship. I mean, how many close friends do you know have grown apart after confessing their feelings to the other? I didn’t want us to become like them. I could not look into the bright side of it where other best friends became great partners for the rest of their lives. Monet, I regretted it so much. I regretted running away from you, for denying these emotions, for giving you a hard time, and for letting you endure so much on your own. Monet, please come back to me. Please live for me or if not, please live for our baby. Monet, I really want to be with you. I really want us to be together, not because of the baby binding us but because I couldn’t see my future without you. Monet...”


Seeing his lonely figure inside the ICU room, the nurse who watched from the outside could not keep herself from crying. She could not imagine the pain that this man was going through when he could only watch the person he loves suffer. It wasn’t just one person, there was also the unborn baby who still needed so much care, love, and proper nutrition from the mother.

It wasn’t uncommon for nurses and doctors to see pregnant women getting into a coma state and since they are still considered alive with all the tubes keeping them from dying, the baby would continue to develop inside their wombs but in some instances, babies die due to lack of nutrition and other things; while others survive and have disabilities.

Monet’s doctor told Thomas about these possibilities already and he didn’t care. What matters to them was their survival.

Monet’s work and appointments got canceled because of the accident and many people from the fashion industry expressed their concern and worry to her. And even though she was wealthy and Thomas could also pay for the medical expenses, the other fashion designers still helped them pay her medical bill.

Right now, they could only pray for her and the baby’s safety and recovery.

“If we didn’t tell Monet those words, if we told her the truth, this wouldn’t happen.” Mr. Lhuillier, Monet’s dad, muttered regretfully beside his wife who was praying inside the small chapel of the hospital. The both of them were guilty of saying those mean words to their daughter which led her to keep a secret from them.

In truth, they really like Thomas Aizenberg. They were just worried that their daughter was feeling some affection for him in the spur of the moment. They thought that it was just due to her lack of knowledge when it comes to relationships and they were afraid that the friendship between the two of them would fall apart if she tells Thomas her feelings. Yet now, no matter how much they regret it, it won’t help their daughter to come out of death’s door.

“Lord God, if you give my daughter the second chance to live, I won’t be selfish anymore. I will let her do whatever that can make her happy and let her love the person that she wants to spend the rest of her life with. I won’t meddle in her life anymore. If she makes a mistake, I will still gratefully welcome her to the family. So, please, I beg of you, please give my daughter back to us.”

-Calling for Dr. Mendez. Calling for Dr. Mendez. Patient in ICU bay 23 needs immediate attention. Calling for Dr. Mendez. Patient in ICU bay 23 needs immediate attention. Please come in haste.-

Before the announcement was over, Dr. Mendez was already running in the corridor, as fast as he could to get to ICU bay 23 which was Monet’s room. The nurses from his team were following closely behind him and they all looked worried.

In the ICU, Thomas was sobbing silently. During pregnancy, it was normal to have a low level of platelets due to hemodilution. However, in Monet’s case, her platelet was abnormally low compared to other pregnant women and she was having a hemorrhage. It was scary because she was already convulsing.

“Please. Please, I beg of you. Please save her and our child.”