Road to Mastery: A LitRPG Apocalypse-Chapter 92: Too Good?

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Chapter 92: Too Good?

Jack and Dorman walked side-by-side. Brock walked between them, too.

They entered the participant district and reached Jacks house. Jack swiped his identification token to let them in, and the door slid open soundlessly.

Isnt it odd to see such high-tech next to swords and sandals? Jack asked, walking in.

It is. But the magic is odder.

I guess.

Both were ready to kick each others asses. They loved battle, and they couldnt wait.


Master Shol waited by the kitchen, staring out the window. The moment Jack saw him, he raised a brow. Something was different. Was hesmiling?

I suppose you are here to spar, Master Shol said.

Yes, Master.


Dorman nodded deeply at the immortal. Greetings, venerable immortal, he said.

You may rise, Master Shol replied off-handedly. Jack raised a brow at the exchange. You are called Dorman, right? Could you wait outside for a moment? I must discuss something with my disciple.

Of course, Dorman replied immediately, the very image of respect. He walked backward, not turning the other way until the door slid closed in front of him.

What was that? Jack asked, turning to his master.

Manners, kid. You should try it sometime.

Master Shol was clearly more relaxed now that they were alone. A small smile played on his lips. I have great news for you, Jack.

Jacks heart skipped a beat, but he tried to appear composed. Oh?

Your previous request to seek shelter under the Exploding Sun was too excessive. Where I come from, such disrespect could get you severely punished. He paused to let his words sink in. However, a master-disciple relationship is sacred. As I have authority over you, I also have a duty to protect you.

Jack raised a brow.

I do not have the power to extend the Exploding Suns protection to your faction, his master continued. As Ive said, I am only a Deacon of the faction, one amongst many. However, my master does have that power.

Jacks eyes shone. Your master, Master?

Master Shol nodded. My master is Elder Huali of the Exploding Sun faction, a high C-Grade immortal. She possesses great authority in the faction, including the right to accept subordinate factions. I spoke to her and negotiated on your behalf. He took a breath. Under certain conditions, she is willing to take the Bare Fist Brotherhood under her wing.

Jack took a moment to digest this. Hope rose in his chest, but he didnt dare believe it. This was too sudden.

Does that mean we will be protected? he asked in disbelief.

Master Shols smile was all the answer he needed. Congratulations, my boy, he said. You have a way out.

Jacks emotions burst through the floodgate. He felt relief, joy, exhilaration. His people werent doomed. The professor, the brorillas and gymonkeys, the people of Valville He could save them all!

However, he didnt let himself get swept by those emotions. He had been cornered at the edge of a cliff before, and now, Master Shol could solve all his problems just like that?

This was a bit too easy.

Wait, Jack said. Did you say you negotiated on my behalf?

Master Shol nodded. My master is a risk-averse person. She requested a few things in return for shielding your faction. There is nothing to worry about, though, he added quickly, noticing Jacks frown. What she asked will benefit you, as well.

Okay. So, what is it?

The first thing is that you must become her disciple and enter the Exploding Sun. Many would kill their family for such a fortune. A B-Grade faction can offer incredible benefits to its members, and a high C-Grade master is the fortune of seven lifetimes. Since your faction will be protected, I went ahead and agreed on your behalf. Is that fine with you?

But you are already my master, he replied reflexively.

Cultivators can have multiple masters throughout their life, Master Shol explained, shrugging. No shame in that, as long as those masters arent enemies with each other.


Jack considered it for a moment. Joining a high-grade faction hadnt been in his immediate plans, but it sounded way easier than wandering the hostile galaxy by himself. Plus, his faction would be safe, so he had nothing to worry about. He could pursue the Dao at his leisure.

That sounds great, he replied honestly. And I can enter another faction without disbanding mine, right?

You couldnt disband yours even if you wanted to. The System lets you join up to two factions at the same time, as long as youre the leader of one of them.

I see. Okay, thats good. You mentioned that she asked for other things too, right?

Master Shol nodded.

The second is that your faction will only be our subordinate in name. The Animal Kingdom wont touch you lightly, but you also wont receive any other benefits from the Exploding Sun until you prove yourself worthy of our favor. Additionally, the scions are considered part of your planet now, and the Exploding Sun wont interfere in your planets matters. You are expected to pull your weight.

Okay, Jack agreed quickly. Just saving them from the Animal Kingdom was a blessing. He and his allies could handle the scionsbut if they couldnt, that was just their fault for being weak. Even Rufus could be taken down by superior numbers.

Then, there are a few constraints. Master Shol suddenly frowned. This is the difficult part, actually. As I said, my master is a risk-averse person, as well as one of extremely high status. My personal recommendation isnt enough for her to take a disciple. For this to be worth her while, she requests that you win the Integration Tournament.

Jack blinked. What?

Trust me, this is the lowest requirement she has ever offered. In the Exploding Sun, her prospective disciples must complete harder tasks to earn her tutelage.

So if I dont beat Rufus Emberheart, none of this matters?

Unfortunately, yesbut you cant ask for more, Jack. This is already an incredible concession on her part. If you want the Exploding Sun to have your back, you need to show at least that much potential. This isnt charity.

Jack frowned deeply. He was aware that his strength was probably inferior to Rufuss. In the tournaments final battle, the odds would be stacked against him, and thats only if he managed to develop the fighting style Dao Skill. Otherwise, his chances of victory would be very, very slim.

You could have started with that, Jack said, scratching his head. You got my hopes up.

My disciple should have the presence of mind to handle it. This is training, too.

Jack sighed. Tell me honestly, Master. Do you think I can beat him?

It is possible, Master Shol replied easily. It wont be easy, but if you can develop a fighting style today, your strengths should be close. Anything can happen in battle.

I see. So, as long as I beat Rufus Emberheart tomorrow, the Exploding Sun will protect my faction from the Animal Kingdom, and a C-Grade immortal will take me in as a disciple. And this is something you negotiated for me. He threw a side glance at his master. Pardon me, Master, but this sounds a bit too good to be true. Is there a catch?

And then, for the first time ever, Jack saw his master smile. Not the small rising of his lips that usually happened, or the faint smirk that was occasionally drawn on his face. This was the wide, ear-to-ear smile of a happy person.

The galaxy is full of greedy, unreliable thieves who will try to cheat you at the first opportunitybut there are also good people, Jack. I try my best to be one of them. There is no catch. I am simply taking care of my disciple as my master took care of me.

Jack was caught off-guard. He never expected such a radiant smile from his stern master. Could his words be true? Could he just bea good person?

What were the chances? Master Shol had appeared out of nowhere, insisted on choosing Jack, and even helped him not be disqualified from the tournament. Now, he was dropping a massive pie from the sky. This man was an enigma. He sounded too good to be true.

Could Jack have been that lucky!? freewebn(o)vel

His reason told him that the chances were low. This looked like a scam whose punchline had yet to be delivered.

On the other hand, Jacks instinct told him that Master Shol was not that kind of person. His heart told him to have trustwhich was exactly how skilled conmen made their victims feel.

However, Jack had to admit that his master had done nothing wrong so far. He had offered training and knowledge abundantly, even when they were at odds. He was a strict man, but he had proven at every opportunity that his heart was in the right place.

Jack still suspected that something was offagain, this seemed too good to be truebut he decided to trust his master, at least for now. It wasnt like he had a choice. And when the other shoe dropped, when and if Master Shol actually requested things from Jack, he could reconsider.

And if, by any turn of luck, this was real He had hope!

Okay! he replied, letting himself be filled with excitement. That was the path of the fist: all-in. So I just need to train hard and beat Rufus.


Brock joined in their joy, jumping around and hollering. He pumped a fist in the air. Jack laughed.

Then, there is no time to lose, he said. Should I get Dorman?

Of course! Lets get started. We have a lot of work to do.

Jack smiled as he rushed for the door. He finally had a real solution to his problems, one that didnt involve heavy casualties. It was a difficult solution, yes; he had to triumph time and time again, but this was nothing new. Just like when he was Level 1 and asked to kill two Level 49 Elite wolves, Jack just had to bulldoze his way forward like a fist.

It was do or die; but as long as the problem was punchable and in his weight class, Jack just had to succeed.


The sparring room had been cleaned. Sparman had moved all gym instruments back to their original positions and now simply waited at a corner with a medical kit at hand. Master Shol stood beside him, ready to give out pointers, while Brock peered from behind the ajar door.

Jack and Dorman were clashing in the middle of the room. Dorman was wreathed in lightning, moving at speeds that befuddled the eye, while Jack waved his fists with enough strength to break brick walls.

Shockwaves flew around the room, smashing into the walls, ceiling, and floor. Sparman was too durable to be affected, while Master Shol was only a spiritual projection, and their Dao wasnt deep enough to injure him.

Jack roared as he charged. He smashed out a rain of fists, each indomitable, demanding to hit Dorman. Some were physical, others were spectral phantoms made by Drill.

Dorman danced between the fists. Sparks flew everywhere as he dodged easily, his speed way beyond anything Jack could achieve. He slipped through the onslaught like a leaf and even struck out occasionally, but his daggers were too weak to leave meaningful injuries.

Jacks bare chest was covered in slowly regenerating scratches, as were his limbs. He had only managed to get one attack in, but the damage it inflicted had been equivalent to all of Dormans attacks put together. The one time he smashed a fist on Dormans abdomen, the smaller fighter had gone flying, crashing into the soft walls with a strong thud.

He had stood again and kept on fighting, but lacking a regeneration skill, the injury persisted. He was slower now.

They were both going all-out from the start, and they knew each others powers, so there were no secrets to uncover or aces in their sleeves. Their fight slowly transitioned into a battle of attrition. Would Jack succumb first, his regeneration and stamina unable to keep up with all the injuries, or would Dorman mess up even once more, which would let Jack strike a devastating blow?

Once again, Jack was reminded of his battle with the rock bear; except, this time, he was the rock bear.

Of course, Dorman also had his finishing blows, but Jack was confident he would see them coming and dodge in time. Then, it would be game over. Dorman would be out of energy.

Every clash sent sparks flying as Dorman used his daggers to redirect fists. He jumped back, reaching the far wall in an instant and pointing his dagger at Jack. A lightning bolt the size of his hand shot out. Jack roared and punched it head-on.

The lightning bolt dissipated, but part of it entered his body, making him convulse for a split-second. Like Dormans other attacks, it wasnt enough to overpower Jacks defenses, but it was enough to hurt him slightly.

He charged again.

Throughout the battle, Jack had been trying to use all his Skills. Fistfighting, Drill, Parkour, Pugilist Body At least some of those could be combined into the fighting style Dao Skill he sought.

However, as time passed, he realized with growing horror that nothing was happening. The skills flew out in sync, but he couldnt see how to combine them into something greater. They didnt grow deeper or more effective.

It was useless. He was running but staying in the same place.

Dorman had the skill to challenge Jack, but this whack-a-mole they were playing wasnt the kind of battle he needed.

Master Shol seemed to reach the same conclusion. Thats enough, he said, putting an end to their battle. Both fighters looked at him, panting and sweaty. Jack was bloodied, too, while Dorman sported a cracked rib.

This is going nowhere, Master Shol shook his head, echoing Jacks thoughts. We need someone with the strength to challenge Jacks limits and a head-on fighting style. Your speed works great, but it is not what we need now, Dorman.

This one understands. Dorman nodded deeply again, leading to another raised eyebrow from Jack. Since when was he so well-behaved? And why did he call himself this one?

Regardless, now wasnt the time to care about that. Tomorrows battle was approaching fastit was already noonand Jack had to win, no matter what. The future of himself and everyone he knew hinged on it.

Cant I use the Rainbow Dao Pill, Master? he asked. Or the Dao Fruit of the Fist? Ive had them for a while now.

Those are breakthrough treasures. Master Shol shook his head. Their effects now would be minuscule. There is no sense in wasting them.

Dorman shot him an odd look but said nothing.

What about dungeon resources? Jack said, an idea flashing through his eyes. Hed thought about it before, but it was never a priority. We could take the Sages starship and tour the dungeons of our alliance, getting a lot more stat points. That would help, right?

If that was possible, everyone would be a genius, Master Shol shot down the idea. The System wont let you. Dungeon resources give you fewer and fewer benefits the more of them you get. Even if youre lucky enough to find an F-Grade Dungeon with an E-Grade resource, the time expenditure just isnt worth it right now. A few attribute points wont save you; a Dao Skill will.

Jack gritted his teeth. He was running out of ideas. He had to somehow develop a fighting style, and for that, he needed the right opponentbut whom?

Suddenly, his eyes flashed.

I know the right person, he said, drawing the eyes of both Dorman and Master Shol. We need Li Xiang.

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