Rise of The Anti God-Chapter 85: Wailing Woodland

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As Damien got outside the room, he saw Lily hurrying towards him.

"Alchemist Azrael...How is it?" She anxiously asked.

Damien said plainly, "It is not beyond hope. I just need some time to prepare myself and I would also be giving you a list of Sky Grade herbs I need to concoct the necessary pill."

Lily's expression became radiant as she smiled, "Sure, thank you Alchemist Azrael. I can't put into enough words how thankful I am." Lily gave a slight bow to Damien as she finished her sentence.

As an imperial princess, her status is officially way above Damien but due to the gratitude she felt, she couldn't help but respect the only one who didn't say they were helpless to cure her Ancestor.

Damien was a bit taken aback by seeing Lily bowing to him. He cleared his throat and said in a plain tone, "Please no need for all that, Your Highness. I am already getting paid for my job and it's my honor to treat the revered Ancestor."

Lily smiled as she nodded. She turned to Oswin Rong who was standing behind her and said, "Court Master Oswin, can you see to it that Alchemist Azrael gets all the things he needs?"

Oswin Rong nodded, "Of course, Your Highness. I will personally see to it that I can procure the herbs he needs."


Damien was back in his villa thinking about his next moves. He was thinking whether he should go to collect those herbs in the Dark Forest after the end of Lily's training or before that. He even had no idea if he could make it back without any mishaps.

Luna was hovering before him and mocked, "You are such an idiot, you know that? Are you really doing this just because she's your friend or..." A skeptical smile emerged on her face.

Damien lifted his brows as he looked at her, "Really? It's not whatever you think it is. Besides, even if I ever felt anything remotely she also has to feel the same."

"Oh?" Luna smiled playfully, "What if I tell you she got the hots for you?"

"Bullshit. Don't try to put any ideas in me. Besides, how can an imp like you even understand what she feels?" Damien rolled his eyes thinking how someone who doesn't even care about feelings would understand a mortal's feelings.

But a certain seed of 'what if' sprouted inside him. He didn't feel like Luna was joking and even felt that Lily was probably having a liking towards him as well.

He had to admit he felt attracted to Lily and for some reason when he thought about her marrying someone else, it irked his heart.

He wondered if he was doing all this so that Lily doesn't have to marry anyone or because she was his friend. He felt that both were reason enough.

'Why am I even thinking about these things?' Damien shook off those thoughts as he decided to focus on things that matter now.

'Hmph, all he needs is a push.' An amused glint flashed through Luna's eyes.

Damien had asked Oswin Rong for a Low-Level Sky Grade herb as his payment and two High-Level Sky Grade herbs for concocting the pill required to heal the Ancestor.

The Low-Level Sky Grade herb he had asked for was one of the ingredients required to concoct the Rank 5 Star Soothing Pill which he planned to concoct later when he was confident enough.

But he knew those High-Level Sky Grade herbs for sure would cost a fortune and it would be hard for Oswin Rong to get the required amount of Spirit Stones without the empress getting suspicious.

But he knew as the Court Master of the Imperial Ethereal Court, he would surely be able to find some way. After all, the Imperial Ethereal Court was practically managed by the two Court Masters, Oswin, and Nestor Rong.

'Hmmm...I got an idea!'


It was late evening when Damien was in front of the Rong Adventurer's Guild building. It was a guild where adventuring practitioners took up suitable missions to earn fame or money. Even disciples from the Imperial Ethereal Court would try their luck in some missions to earn some points and fame.

From the outside, the building looked a bit rough and shabby which probably was because of poor maintenance since the foundation of the building seemed to be superb.

The building was made up of sandstone bricks and well-crafted wooden beams which made up most of the building's outer structure. One would find it hard to see through the closed windows, but the liveliness from within can be felt outside.

As he entered the building through the heavy metal door, he was welcomed by a wave of excitement and spirited noise of people.

Damien felt that most of the people here truly had adventurous spirits even going as far as to risk their lives.

But the buzzing atmosphere toned down gradually when people started to notice a strange figure enter the building.

"Hey, isn't that the famous Alchemist Azrael?"

"Why would he come here? Is he here to put up a mission? Probably a mission to collect some top-notch herbs!"

"Let's be ready in case it's something within our league. Wealthy alchemists pay the best after all and maybe we can form connections with him hehe."

Damien didn't look around much and simply headed straight towards the reception desk.

A woman in her thirties greeted with a polite smile as her eyes lit up seeing such a reputed figure, "Hello, sir. How may I help you?"

Damien said in an aloof tone, "I am looking for a group of adventurers who are willing to go into the deepest part of the Dark Forest in search of some herbs."

An awkward smile appeared on her face as she knew no one was crazy enough to dare to take up those kinds of missions. It was rumored that even Sky Ethereal Realm beasts were spotted in those places. She didn't know how to respond since she also didn't want to disappoint an illustrious alchemist either.

She said in a tactful tone, "Sir, I will put up a poster for the mission but I can't guarantee if anyone would be willing to take up that mission. Would that be alright for you sir?"

"Hmph, include in the poster that the reward I would be offering would be 400,000 Yellow Spirit Stones!" Damien said in a slightly loud tone on purpose and obviously, everyone's ears twitched as their attention was lured towards the cloaked figure.

Some stopped drinking and slowly got up from their tables slowly going closer towards Damien hoping to hear more about the enticing mission.

The woman wryly smiled seeing how the whole atmosphere changed and even some drunk practitioners circulated their ethereal energy in their body to become sober to not miss out on anything interesting.

400,000 Yellow Spirit Stones was enough to sustain a medium sized family for nearly a dozen years! Who wouldn't want to have so much wealth and simply enjoy their life for a few years without having to do any work?

She didn't say anymore and quickly put up a poster on the board which was displayed to everyone in the building.

Just as the poster was put up, loud gasps and whispers were heard,

"What the hell? He wants someone to go to the deepest part of the Dark Forest? The infamous Wailing Woodland?"

"Probably. Otherwise would Alchemist Azrael put up such a ridiculous amount of Yellow Spirit Stones as a reward? It is rumored sometimes only the screams and wails of people close to death can be heard in that part of the forest. Even though I am tempted to try, I don't want to wail like a dog before dying."

"Who would be crazy enough to face even the rumored Sky Ethereal Realm beasts? Even those expert Earth Ethereal Realm practitioners wouldn't dare to go there."

Most people had a disheartened expression after seeing how dangerous the mission was while a very few had a hesitant expression on their face thinking whether it was worth it to risk their life in order to drown themselves in luxury and pleasure for a few years.

However, a group of two men and a woman slowly made their way towards Damien. The man on the front leading the two behind him had a confident smile on his face as he walked up to Damien.

"Sir Alchemist, you can trust us with this mission." Damien turned around and saw a man around his thirties with a confident smile on his face.