Reincarnated With A Glitched System: Why Is My MP Not Running Out?-Chapter 549 Adorably Dangerous

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When I woke up, I found myself resting over my bed. The lights of my room were still on and I could still hear people outside celebrating. Ah, I guess I passed out and then they brought me here. ƒ𝔯ℯe𝘄𝐞𝐛𝒏𝐨ѵ𝘦𝒍. com


Aquarina suddenly greeted me as she entered the room.


"What happened to you back then?"

"Sorry… I just kind of… passed out. Too many fuzzy feelings and nervousness and all…"

"No, no, I am sorry. I shouldn't had overdone it… I just got carried away and maybe overextended you…"

"W-Well, it's fine, I still liked it."

"Y-You're sure?"

"Yeah, yeah~ Anyways, might as well just sleep now. I don't really feel like joining everyone else for now. I've never been someone that likes crowds anyways…"

"Hehh~ Even when you're the Princess of this entire Country? Aside from your mother you're the highest authority here in a way! You've gotta get used to crowds of people."

"Ugh, I know… I am actually kind of used, doesn't mean I don't dislike them."

"Well, how about I sleep at your side? I am kind of worried about your health now, people doesn't normally pass out like that!"

"Huh? You got all cocky after you apologized for provoking it…"

I narrowed my eyes, as we ended laughing it off.

We ended cuddling in bed together, something we haven't done in a long while now that we lived in separate houses.

Hugging Aquarina's body while sleeping felt so nice… I really missed this.

She was so warm and big, there was tons of places to hug and cuddle.

And… huh?

Her chest actually is growing quite decently too…

I began inspecting her chest with my hands, touching there carefully, it was indeed growing healthily.

"Uwaah… S-Sylphy where are you touching?" Aquarina suddenly reacted with a little moan.

"Ah, sorry… It just that you're growing them too." I said with a smile.

"Well, of course… My mom's got big ones. So of course I'm getting big ones too." Said Aquarina while pouting.

"I see~" I smiled rather playfully, as I touched Aquarina's nipples.

"Uwaah! W-Wait!" She quickly got more embarrassed.

"Eheheh… I was just playing." I quickly let it go, as I closed my eyes.

I could still tell she was blushing all over.

"Geez, you're going to pay for this!"

Aquarina quickly attacked back, beginning to tickle my stomach.

"Uwaah! Hahaha! S-Stop! I am sensitive there!"

"Fufu… Mooch."

Aquarina quickly kissed my belly.

"Uwah! W-What are you-"

And then she gently licked my belly button.


It felt like an electrifying feeling reached all my body, it made me freak out too much, I ended letting out a very loud moan out of the blue.

She began squeezing my belly and kissing it a bit more as she ignored my complains.

"Heheh, Sylphy's belly is so cute… I always wanted to do this~!"

Aquarina continued playing.

"S-Shtop! Uwah…"

"No~ This is my revenge!"

She licked my belly once more and kissed it a few more times.

It felt like I was being attacked by constant fuzzy feelings all over my body.

"Hahh… P-Please stop, I can't take it anymore… Hahahh…"

"Okay, I'll stop…"

Aquarina quickly stopped, letting go of me.

"But I'll aim for these big ones instead~! An eye for an eye!"

Aquarina quickly grabbed my breasts, gently squeezing them.

"T-That's not fair! Fweaahh…"

"They're so damn big! Why did you hide these treasures from me for so long?"

Aquarina complained while grabbing them.

"Because it is embarrassing… t-they get in the way…"

"You shouldn't be embarrassed of your body… You're so beautiful!"

"S-Stop saying embarrassing things like that!"


Aquarina kissed my lips, as I felt her tongue reaching the interior of my mouth and licking my own tongue.


Our tongues touched each other, it was something I never experienced before.

It made my heartbeat so fast; I thought I was about to die.


When she finally let go of me, Aquarina licked the tip of my lips with a charming smile.

"O-Okay stop for now… You're overdoing it…" I pouted.

"Well you were the one that touched my nipples, sneaky…" She said while narrowing her eyes.

"But did you had to retaliate so hard?" I sighed.

"Well it's not like you were not enjoying it… Right~?" Aquarina giggled.

"Geez… Just stop for now, I am not ready for these kind of things…" I said while feeling a bit tired of everything.

"A-Ah… Okay, sorry…" She quickly apologized. Aquarina quickly changed back to her previous self.

It felt like when she got horny she changed completely into a different girl!

It felt exciting yeah, but at the same time, I wanted things to go slowly… Not so rushed like that.

I have to admit it felt exciting and nice, and deep down I want more of that, but I also have to obey my common sense.

"Sorry, sorry… I'll calm down now…" Aquarina began apologizing as I gave her my back. "Please don't get mad at me…"

"Hmph! Just sleep for now…" I sighed, closing my eyes, and deciding to sleep.

"Okay…" Aquarina cuddled behind me and then we slept peacefully.

I wasn't going to get mad at her to be honest, but sometimes we have to set some boundaries. I admit I stepped too far myself, which triggered her doing it too, but she went too far from my own farness.

I guess we're both at fault there, blaming it all to her is wrong. So I will just apologize to her tomorrow morning as well, so we don't remain like this.

I am beginning to know how relationships are a bit more now… There's not always happy moments, sometimes we end up disagreeing or fighting a bit.

I guess it is part of it, and also part of the beauty of it, accepting each other's flaws. Not everything is a fairy tale after all, things can't be perfect.

But I still love her, a lot… More than anything to be honest.

She's… she's my treasure.

I quickly moved to her side of the bed and kissed her forehead, hugging her tightly.

"I love you…" I whispered to her, but she was sound asleep right now, so she didn't hear me.

"Meat… bring meat…"

Ah, she talks while sleeping, doesn't she?

That's new…
