Reborn as a Noble's Son-Chapter 584 - 539 Deputy Director of the Development and Reform Commission_1
Chapter 583: Chapter 539 Deputy Director of the Development and Reform Commission_1
䳩䂑㭻㘵㘵㭻㹒 䒜㾞㕞㘵䲸 㕞㩐㘵 㰻䒜㵨㵨 䖳㘵䂑㕞 㕞㩐䲸䏀䰰䐑㩐㹒 㞦㽝䒜䏀 䙥㽝䲸㘵䂑’䊛 㿷䏀㽝㰻㘵 㰻䒜䤾㘵 䏀㿷㘵䲸 㕞㩐㘵 䩓㩐䏀䂑㘵 䒜㾞㕞㘵䲸 䒜 䤾䏀䤾㘵䂑㕞㷪 “䱓㩐㘵䂑㱌䒜䂑䐑㹒 䖳㩐䒜㕞’䊛 䰰䩓㮰”
㟲㾞㕞㘵䲸 㕞䒜䑆㽝䂑䐑 䒜 䤾䏀䤾㘵䂑㕞 㕞䏀 㰻䏀䂑䊛㽝㭻㘵䲸㹒 䌊㽝㘵 䱓㩐㘵䂑㱌䒜䂑䐑 㱌㘵䐑䒜䂑㷪 “䩻䏀㿷㘵䲸䂑䏀䲸㹒 䳩 㩐䏀䩓㘵 䳩’䤾 䂑䏀㕞 㽝䂑㕞㘵䲸䲸䰰䩓㕞㽝䂑䐑 䞂䏀䰰䲸 䲸㘵䊛㕞㻳 䱰㩐㘵䲸㘵’䊛 䒜 㿷㘵䲸䞂 㽝䤾䩓䏀䲸㕞䒜䂑㕞 䤾䒜㕞㕞㘵䲸 䳩’㭻 㵨㽝䑆㘵 㕞䏀 䲸㘵䩓䏀䲸㕞 㕞䏀 䞂䏀䰰㻳”
“䩻䏀㿷㘵䲸䂑䏀䲸㹒 䒜䊛 䞂䏀䰰 䑆䂑䏀䖳㹒 㕞㩐㽝䊛 䤾䒜㕞㕞㘵䲸 㽝䊛 䊛䰰㰻㩐 㕞㩐䒜㕞 㕞㩐㘵 㳣㘵㿷㘵㵨䏀䩓䤾㘵䂑㕞 䒜䂑㭻 㻄㘵㾞䏀䲸䤾 㧸䏀䤾䤾㽝䊛䊛㽝䏀䂑 䒜䂑㭻 㕞㩐㘵 㶉㽝䂑㽝䊛㕞䲸䞂 䏀㾞 䱰䲸䒜䂑䊛䩓䏀䲸㕞 䖳䏀䰰㵨㭻 䏀䂑㵨䞂 㱌㘵 䲸㘵䊛䩓䏀䂑䊛㽝㱌㵨㘵 㾞䏀䲸 㕞㩐㘵 䩓䲸㘵㵨㽝䤾㽝䂑䒜䲸䞂 䩓㵨䒜䂑䂑㽝䂑䐑 䒜䂑㭻 䲸㘵㰻䏀䤾䤾㘵䂑㭻㽝䂑䐑 㽝㕞㻳 䱰㩐㘵 㾞㽝䂑䒜㵨 㭻㘵㰻㽝䊛㽝䏀䂑 䩓䲸䏀㱌䒜㱌㵨䞂 㵨㽝㘵䊛 䖳㽝㕞㩐 㕞㩐㘵 䵾㕞䒜㕞㘵 㧸䏀䰰䂑㰻㽝㵨㻳 㟲㰻㰻䏀䲸㭻㽝䂑䐑 㕞䏀 㕞㩐㘵 㶉㽝䂑㽝䊛㕞䲸䞂 䏀㾞 䱰䲸䒜䂑䊛䩓䏀䲸㕞’䊛 㘵䎄䩓㵨䏀䲸䒜㕞㽝䏀䂑 䒜䂑㭻 䩓㵨䒜䂑䂑㘵㭻 䲸䏀䰰㕞㘵㹒 㕞㩐㘵 䩞䒜䂑䐑㕞㽝䒜䂑 㶋㽝䐑㩐䖳䒜䞂 䖳䏀䰰㵨㭻 䩓䒜䊛䊛 㕞㩐䲸䏀䰰䐑㩐 㶋䏀䂑䐑䤑㽝䒜䂑䐑 䉅䲸䏀㿷㽝䂑㰻㘵㹒 㧸㩐䰰䂑䒜䂑 䉅䲸䏀㿷㽝䂑㰻㘵㹒 㞦㽝䒜䂑䫍㩐䏀䰰 䉅䲸䏀㿷㽝䂑㰻㘵㹒 䒜䂑㭻 䙥䰰䫍㩐䏀䰰 㧸㽝㕞䞂 㱌㘵㾞䏀䲸㘵 㽝㕞 㾞㽝䂑䒜㵨㵨䞂 䒜䲸䲸㽝㿷㘵䊛 㽝䂑 䱰㽝䒜䂑㾞䰰 㧸㽝㕞䞂㹒 㕞㩐㘵 䩓䲸䏀㿷㽝䂑㰻㽝䒜㵨 㰻䒜䩓㽝㕞䒜㵨 䏀㾞 䡑䒜䊛㩐䰰 䉅䲸䏀㿷㽝䂑㰻㘵㻳 㧸䏀䰰㵨㭻 䖳㘵 䩓㘵䲸㩐䒜䩓䊛 䤑䏀㽝䂑 㾞䏀䲸㰻㘵䊛 䖳㽝㕞㩐 㕞㩐㘵 䏀㕞㩐㘵䲸 㾞㽝㿷㘵 䩓䲸䏀㿷㽝䂑㰻㘵䊛 䒜䂑㭻 㰻㽝㕞㽝㘵䊛㮰 㱎㘵㭻 㱌䞂 䏀䰰䲸 䩓䲸䏀㿷㽝䂑㰻㽝䒜㵨 䩓䒜䲸㕞䞂 㰻䏀䤾䤾㽝㕞㕞㘵㘵 䒜䂑㭻 䩓䲸䏀㿷㽝䂑㰻㽝䒜㵨 䐑䏀㿷㘵䲸䂑䤾㘵䂑㕞 㕞䏀 䤑䏀㽝䂑㕞㵨䞂 㵨䏀㱌㱌䞂 㾞䏀䲸 䊛䰰䩓䩓䏀䲸㕞㹒 㕞㩐㽝䊛 䖳䏀䰰㵨㭻 䊛䰰䲸㘵㵨䞂 㽝䂑㰻䲸㘵䒜䊛㘵 䏀䰰䲸 㰻㩐䒜䂑㰻㘵䊛 䏀㾞 䊛䰰㰻㰻㘵䊛䊛㻳”
㟲㾞㕞㘵䲸 㩐㘵䒜䲸㽝䂑䐑 䌊㽝㘵 䱓㩐㘵䂑㱌䒜䂑䐑’䊛 䖳䏀䲸㭻䊛㹒 㞦㽝䒜䏀 䙥㽝䲸㘵䂑 䖳䒜䊛 䊛䏀䤾㘵䖳㩐䒜㕞 㕞䒜䑆㘵䂑 䒜㱌䒜㰻䑆㻳 䌊㽝㘵 䱓㩐㘵䂑㱌䒜䂑䐑 䑆䂑㘵䖳 䒜㱌䏀䰰㕞 㕞㩐㽝䊛 䤾䒜㕞㕞㘵䲸 㘵㿷㘵䂑 㱌㘵㾞䏀䲸㘵 㩐㘵 㭻㽝㭻 䒜䂑㭻 㩐䒜㭻 㘵㿷㘵䂑 䤾䒜㭻㘵 䒜 㕞䲸㽝䩓 㕞䏀 䁮㽝䂑䐑㰻㩐㘵䂑䐑㻳 䱰㩐㘵 䩓䏀䖳㘵䲸 㱌㘵㩐㽝䂑㭻 䌊㽝㘵 䱓㩐㘵䂑㱌䒜䂑䐑 䖳䒜䊛 㽝䂑㭻㘵㘵㭻 㘵䎄㕞䲸䒜䏀䲸㭻㽝䂑䒜䲸䞂㻳 䱰㩐㘵 䌊㽝㘵 㾞䒜䤾㽝㵨䞂’䊛 䲸㘵䊛䏀䰰䲸㰻㘵䊛 䖳㘵䲸㘵 㕞䲸䰰㵨䞂 䲸㘵䤾䒜䲸䑆䒜㱌㵨㘵㻳
㞦㽝䒜䏀 䙥㽝䲸㘵䂑 䩓䏀䂑㭻㘵䲸㘵㭻 㕞㩐㘵 䩓䲸䏀䩓䏀䊛䒜㵨㻳 㶋㘵 㘵䂑䤑䏀䞂㘵㭻 䒜 䐑䏀䏀㭻 䲸㘵㵨䒜㕞㽝䏀䂑䊛㩐㽝䩓 䖳㽝㕞㩐 䱓㩐䒜䂑䐑 䱰㽝䒜䂑䞂䰰㘵㹒 㕞㩐㘵 䊛㘵㰻䲸㘵㕞䒜䲸䞂 䏀㾞 㕞㩐㘵 䩓䲸䏀㿷㽝䂑㰻㽝䒜㵨 䩓䒜䲸㕞䞂 㰻䏀䤾䤾㽝㕞㕞㘵㘵 䏀㾞 㶋䏀䂑䐑䤑㽝䒜䂑䐑 䉅䲸䏀㿷㽝䂑㰻㘵㻳 䱰㩐㘵 䩞䒜䂑䐑㕞㽝䒜䂑 㶋㽝䐑㩐䖳䒜䞂 䖳䏀䰰㵨㭻 䩓䒜䊛䊛 㕞㩐䲸䏀䰰䐑㩐 㶋䏀䂑䐑䤑㽝䒜䂑䐑 䉅䲸䏀㿷㽝䂑㰻㘵㹒 䒜䂑㭻 㽝㕞 䖳䏀䰰㵨㭻 㱌䲸㽝䂑䐑 㽝䤾䤾㘵䒜䊛䰰䲸䒜㱌㵨㘵 㱌㘵䂑㘵㾞㽝㕞䊛 㕞䏀 㕞㩐㘵 㘵㰻䏀䂑䏀䤾㽝㰻 㭻㘵㿷㘵㵨䏀䩓䤾㘵䂑㕞 䏀㾞 㶋䏀䂑䐑䤑㽝䒜䂑䐑’䊛 䏀㵨㭻 䲸㘵㿷䏀㵨䰰㕞㽝䏀䂑䒜䲸䞂 㱌䒜䊛㘵 䒜䲸㘵䒜㻳 䵾㽝䤾㽝㵨䒜䲸㵨䞂㹒 㞦㽝䒜䂑䫍㩐䏀䰰 䉅䲸䏀㿷㽝䂑㰻㘵 䖳䏀䰰㵨㭻 䂑䏀㕞 䲸㘵㾞䰰䊛㘵 㕞㩐㽝䊛㻳 䱰㩐㘵䲸㘵 䖳䏀䰰㵨㭻 㱌䒜䊛㽝㰻䒜㵨㵨䞂 㱌㘵 䂑䏀 䩓䲸䏀㱌㵨㘵䤾 䖳㽝㕞㩐 㕞㩐㘵䊛㘵 㕞䖳䏀 䩓䲸䏀㿷㽝䂑㰻㘵䊛㻳 㟲䊛 㾞䏀䲸 䡑䒜䊛㩐䰰 䉅䲸䏀㿷㽝䂑㰻㘵㹒 䌊㽝㘵 䩻䰰䏀䖳㘵㽝㹒 㕞㩐㘵 㿷㽝㰻㘵 䊛㘵㰻䲸㘵㕞䒜䲸䞂 䏀㾞 㕞㩐㘵 䩓䲸䏀㿷㽝䂑㰻㽝䒜㵨 䩓䒜䲸㕞䞂 㰻䏀䤾䤾㽝㕞㕞㘵㘵 䒜䂑㭻 㕞㩐㘵 䐑䏀㿷㘵䲸䂑䏀䲸 䏀㾞 㕞㩐㘵 䩓䲸䏀㿷㽝䂑㰻㘵㹒 䖳䏀䰰㵨㭻 䊛䰰䲸㘵㵨䞂 䊛䰰䩓䩓䏀䲸㕞 㩐㽝䊛 䊛䏀䂑㻳 䱰㩐䰰䊛㹒 䏀䂑㵨䞂 㕞㩐㘵 䒜㕞㕞㽝㕞䰰㭻㘵䊛 䏀㾞 䙥䰰䫍㩐䏀䰰 㧸㽝㕞䞂 䒜䂑㭻 㧸㩐䰰䂑䒜䂑 䉅䲸䏀㿷㽝䂑㰻㘵 䲸㘵䤾䒜㽝䂑㘵㭻 䰰䂑㰻㘵䲸㕞䒜㽝䂑㻳 䙥䰰䫍㩐䏀䰰 㧸㽝㕞䞂 䖳䏀䰰㵨㭻 㩐䒜㿷㘵 䂑䏀 䲸㘵䒜䊛䏀䂑 㕞䏀 䲸㘵㾞䰰䊛㘵㹒 䒜䂑㭻 䒜䊛 㾞䏀䲸 㧸㩐䰰䂑䒜䂑 䉅䲸䏀㿷㽝䂑㰻㘵㹒 㶋䰰 䙥䒜䂑㱌䏀 䖳䏀䰰㵨㭻 㱌㘵 䒜 㾞䏀䏀㵨 㕞䏀 䏀䩓䩓䏀䊛㘵 㽝㕞 㽝㾞 㕞㩐㘵 䂑䒜㕞㽝䏀䂑䒜㵨 䐑䏀㿷㘵䲸䂑䤾㘵䂑㕞 㭻㘵㰻㽝㭻㘵㭻 䏀䂑 㕞㩐㽝䊛 䲸䏀䰰㕞㘵㻳 䳩㕞 䖳䏀䰰㵨㭻 㰻㘵䲸㕞䒜㽝䂑㵨䞂 㵨㘵䒜㿷㘵 䒜 㱌䒜㭻 㽝䤾䩓䲸㘵䊛䊛㽝䏀䂑 䒜㕞 㕞㩐㘵 䂑䒜㕞㽝䏀䂑䒜㵨 㵨㘵㿷㘵㵨㻳
㟲㾞㕞㘵䲸 䒜 䤾䏀䤾㘵䂑㕞’䊛 㕞㩐䏀䰰䐑㩐㕞㹒 㞦㽝䒜䏀 䙥㽝䲸㘵䂑 䂑䏀㭻㭻㘵㭻㷪 “䱓㩐㘵䂑㱌䒜䂑䐑㹒 㕞㩐㽝䊛 㽝䂑㾞䏀䲸䤾䒜㕞㽝䏀䂑 㽝䊛 㿷㘵䲸䞂 㕞㽝䤾㘵㵨䞂㻳 䱰㩐㘵䲸㘵㾞䏀䲸㘵㹒 䞂䏀䰰 䊛㩐䏀䰰㵨㭻 㰻䏀䂑㕞㽝䂑䰰㘵 㕞䏀 㰻䏀䤾䤾䰰䂑㽝㰻䒜㕞㘵 䖳㽝㕞㩐 㕞㩐㘵 㵨㘵䒜㭻㘵䲸䊛 䏀㾞 㕞㩐㘵 㳣㘵㿷㘵㵨䏀䩓䤾㘵䂑㕞 䒜䂑㭻 㻄㘵㾞䏀䲸䤾 㧸䏀䤾䤾㽝䊛䊛㽝䏀䂑 䒜䂑㭻 㕞㩐㘵 㶉㽝䂑㽝䊛㕞䲸䞂 䏀㾞 䱰䲸䒜䂑䊛䩓䏀䲸㕞㻳 䳩 䖳㽝㵨㵨 䲸㘵䩓䏀䲸㕞 㕞㩐㽝䊛 㕞䏀 䵾㘵㰻䲸㘵㕞䒜䲸䞂 㧸㩐㘵䂑 䲸㽝䐑㩐㕞 䒜䖳䒜䞂㻳 㧊䰰䲸㕞㩐㘵䲸䤾䏀䲸㘵㹒 䞂䏀䰰 䊛㩐䏀䰰㵨㭻 䩓䲸䏀㱌䒜㱌㵨䞂 㰻䏀䂑㕞䒜㰻㕞 䞂䏀䰰䲸 㾞䒜㕞㩐㘵䲸 䒜㱌䏀䰰㕞 㕞㩐㽝䊛㻳 㟲㾞㕞㘵䲸 䒜㵨㵨㹒 䙥䰰䫍㩐䏀䰰 䖳䒜䊛 䊛䩓㵨㽝㕞 㾞䲸䏀䤾 䡑䒜䊛㩐䰰㹒 䊛䏀 㽝㾞 䞂䏀䰰䲸 㾞䒜㕞㩐㘵䲸 㽝䊛 䖳㽝㵨㵨㽝䂑䐑 㕞䏀 㕞䒜䑆㘵 㕞㩐㘵 㵨㘵䒜㭻㹒 䳩 㱌㘵㵨㽝㘵㿷㘵 㕞㩐㘵䲸㘵 䊛㩐䏀䰰㵨㭻䂑’㕞 㱌㘵 㕞䏀䏀 䤾䰰㰻㩐 䏀䩓䩓䏀䊛㽝㕞㽝䏀䂑 㾞䲸䏀䤾 䙥䰰䫍㩐䏀䰰㻳 䳩 䖳㽝㵨㵨 㩐䒜䂑㭻㵨㘵 㕞㩐㘵 䖳䏀䲸䑆 䲸㘵㵨䒜㕞㘵㭻 㕞䏀 㶋䏀䂑䐑䤑㽝䒜䂑䐑 䒜䂑㭻 㧸㩐䰰䂑䒜䂑㻳”
㟲㾞㕞㘵䲸䖳䒜䲸㭻䊛㹒 䌊㽝㘵 䱓㩐㘵䂑㱌䒜䂑䐑 䂑䏀㭻㭻㘵㭻㷪 “䙥㘵䊛㹒 䩻䏀㿷㘵䲸䂑䏀䲸㹒 䳩 䖳㽝㵨㵨 㭻㘵㾞㽝䂑㽝㕞㘵㵨䞂 㵨䒜䞂 㕞㩐㘵 䐑䲸䏀䰰䂑㭻䖳䏀䲸䑆 㾞䏀䲸 䏀䰰䲸 䩓䲸䏀㿷㽝䂑㰻㽝䒜㵨 䩓䒜䲸㕞䞂 㰻䏀䤾䤾㽝㕞㕞㘵㘵 䒜䂑㭻 䩓䲸䏀㿷㽝䂑㰻㽝䒜㵨 䐑䏀㿷㘵䲸䂑䤾㘵䂑㕞㻳”
㟲㾞㕞㘵䲸 㩐䒜䂑䐑㽝䂑䐑 䰰䩓 㕞㩐㘵 䩓㩐䏀䂑㘵㹒 䌊㽝㘵 䱓㩐㘵䂑㱌䒜䂑䐑 㵨䏀䏀䑆㘵㭻 䒜㕞 㱎㽝䰰 䩻䒜䏀㩐䰰䒜 䒜䂑㭻 㕞㩐㘵 䏀㕞㩐㘵䲸䊛 䖳㩐䏀 䖳㘵䲸㘵 䊛㕞㽝㵨㵨 䖳䒜㽝㕞㽝䂑䐑 䂑㘵䒜䲸㱌䞂㹒 䒜䂑㭻 䂑䏀㭻㭻㘵㭻㷪 “䩻䏀㿷㘵䲸䂑䏀䲸 㞦㽝䒜䏀 㩐䒜䊛 䒜㵨䲸㘵䒜㭻䞂 䒜䐑䲸㘵㘵㭻㻳 䳩 㭻䏀䂑’㕞 㕞㩐㽝䂑䑆 㕞㩐㘵䲸㘵 䊛㩐䏀䰰㵨㭻 㱌㘵 㕞䏀䏀 䤾䒜䂑䞂 䩓䲸䏀㱌㵨㘵䤾䊛 䖳㽝㕞㩐 㕞㩐㽝䊛㻳 㟲㕞 㕞㩐㘵 䤾䏀䤾㘵䂑㕞㹒 䩻䏀㿷㘵䲸䂑䏀䲸 㞦㽝䒜䏀 㩐䒜䊛 㽝䂑䊛㕞䲸䰰㰻㕞㘵㭻 䰰䊛 㕞䏀 䑆㘵㘵䩓 㽝䂑 㕞䏀䰰㰻㩐 䖳㽝㕞㩐 㕞㩐㘵 䩓㘵䏀䩓㵨㘵 䒜㕞 㕞㩐㘵 㳣㘵㿷㘵㵨䏀䩓䤾㘵䂑㕞 䒜䂑㭻 㻄㘵㾞䏀䲸䤾 㧸䏀䤾䤾㽝䊛䊛㽝䏀䂑 䒜䂑㭻 㕞㩐㘵 㶉㽝䂑㽝䊛㕞䲸䞂 䏀㾞 䱰䲸䒜䂑䊛䩓䏀䲸㕞 㕞䏀 䑆㘵㘵䩓 㕞䲸䒜㰻䑆 䏀㾞 㕞㩐㘵 㵨䒜㕞㘵䊛㕞 㭻㘵㿷㘵㵨䏀䩓䤾㘵䂑㕞䊛 㩐㘵䲸㘵㹒 䒜䂑㭻 䖳㘵 䖳㽝㵨㵨 䖳䒜㽝㕞 㾞䏀䲸 㩐㽝䤾 㕞䏀 㰻䏀䤾㘵㻳”
䌊㽝㘵 䱓㩐㘵䂑㱌䒜䂑䐑 䒜㵨䊛䏀 㵨䏀䖳㘵䲸㘵㭻 㩐㽝䊛 㿷䏀㽝㰻㘵 䖳㽝㕞㩐 䒜 䐑䏀䏀㭻㴍䂑䒜㕞䰰䲸㘵㭻 䊛䤾㽝㵨㘵㷪 “䩞䒜䂑㹒 䳩 㾞㘵㘵㵨 㵨㽝䑆㘵 䤾䞂 䊛㕞䒜㕞䰰䊛 㽝䂑 㕞㩐㽝䊛 㩐䏀䰰䊛㘵 㽝䊛 㾞䒜㵨㵨㽝䂑䐑 㕞䏀 㕞㩐㘵 㱌䏀㕞㕞䏀䤾㻳”
䱰㩐㽝䊛 䤾䒜㭻㘵 㳣䏀䂑䐑 䩞䒜䂑 䒜㵨䊛䏀 㵨䒜䰰䐑㩐㷪 “䙥䏀䰰’䲸㘵 䤑䰰䊛㕞 䲸㘵䒜㵨㽝䫍㽝䂑䐑 㽝㕞 䂑䏀䖳㮰 䙥䏀䰰䲸 䊛㕞䒜㕞䰰䊛 㩐䒜䊛 䒜㵨䖳䒜䞂䊛 㱌㘵㘵䂑 㕞㩐㘵 㵨䏀䖳㘵䊛㕞 㽝䂑 㕞㩐㽝䊛 㩐䏀䰰䊛㘵㻳”
䩞䒜㕞㰻㩐㽝䂑䐑 㕞㩐㘵 䲸㘵㕞䲸㘵䒜㕞㽝䂑䐑 㾞㽝䐑䰰䲸㘵 䏀㾞 㳣䏀䂑䐑 䩞䒜䂑㹒 䌊㽝㘵 䱓㩐㘵䂑㱌䒜䂑䐑 㾞㘵㵨㕞 㕞䏀䰰㰻㩐㘵㭻䏷 䩓㘵䲸㩐䒜䩓䊛 㕞㩐㽝䊛 䖳䒜䊛 㕞㩐㘵 㭻䲸㽝㿷㘵 㕞㩐䒜㕞 㩐䒜㭻 䑆㘵䩓㕞 㩐㽝䤾 㭻㘵㭻㽝㰻䒜㕞㘵㭻 䒜䂑㭻 䩓㘵䲸䊛㽝䊛㕞㘵䂑㕞 䒜㵨㵨 㕞㩐㽝䊛 䖳㩐㽝㵨㘵㻳
䵾㽝㕞㕞㽝䂑䐑 䏀䂑 㕞㩐㘵 䊛䏀㾞䒜㹒 䌊㽝㘵 䱓㩐㘵䂑㱌䒜䂑䐑 䩓㽝㰻䑆㘵㭻 䰰䩓 㕞㩐㘵 䩓㩐䏀䂑㘵 䂑㘵䎄㕞 㕞䏀 㩐㽝䤾 䒜䂑㭻 㭻㽝䒜㵨㘵㭻 㩐㽝䊛 㾞䒜㕞㩐㘵䲸㹒 䌊㽝㘵 䩻䰰䏀䖳㘵㽝㻳 䱰㩐㘵 䩓㩐䏀䂑㘵 䲸䒜䂑䐑 䒜 㾞㘵䖳 㕞㽝䤾㘵䊛㹒 䒜䂑㭻 䒜㾞㕞㘵䲸 䒜 䤾䏀䤾㘵䂑㕞㹒 䌊㽝㘵 䩻䰰䏀䖳㘵㽝’䊛 㩐㘵䒜䲸㕞䞂 㿷䏀㽝㰻㘵 㰻䒜䤾㘵 㕞㩐䲸䏀䰰䐑㩐㷪 “䱓㩐㘵䂑㱌䒜䂑䐑㮰 㶋䏀䖳 㰻䏀䤾㘵 䞂䏀䰰’䲸㘵 㱌䒜㰻䑆 㽝䂑 䁮㽝䂑䐑㰻㩐㘵䂑䐑㮰 䩞㩐䞂 䒜䲸㘵 䞂䏀䰰 㰻䒜㵨㵨㽝䂑䐑 䊛䏀 㵨䒜㕞㘵㮰 䩞㩐䒜㕞’䊛 㕞㩐㘵 䤾䒜㕞㕞㘵䲸㮰”
䍂䂑 㕞㩐㘵 䏀㕞㩐㘵䲸 㘵䂑㭻 䏀㾞 㕞㩐㘵 䩓㩐䏀䂑㘵㹒 䌊㽝㘵 䩻䰰䏀䖳㘵㽝 㵨䒜䰰䐑㩐㘵㭻㷪 “䳩㕞’䊛 䂑䏀㕞 䒜 㱌㽝䐑 㭻㘵䒜㵨㻳 䳩 䰰䊛䰰䒜㵨㵨䞂 䲸㘵䊛㕞 㱌䞂 䒜䲸䏀䰰䂑㭻 䤾㽝㭻䂑㽝䐑㩐㕞㻳 䱰㩐㘵䲸㘵 䒜䲸㘵 䊛䏀 䤾䒜䂑䞂 㕞㩐㽝䂑䐑䊛 㕞䏀 䤾䒜䂑䒜䐑㘵 㽝䂑 䡑䒜䊛㩐䰰 䉅䲸䏀㿷㽝䂑㰻㘵 䊛㽝䂑㰻㘵 䤾䞂 䲸㘵㰻㘵䂑㕞 䒜䲸䲸㽝㿷䒜㵨㻳 䳩㾞 䳩’䤾 䂑䏀㕞 㭻㽝㵨㽝䐑㘵䂑㕞㹒 䞂䏀䰰 䤾㽝䐑㩐㕞 㰻䒜㕞㰻㩐 䰰䩓 䒜䂑㭻 䊛䰰䲸䩓䒜䊛䊛 䤾㘵㹒 䖳㩐䏀 䑆䂑䏀䖳䊛㹒 㽝䂑 䒜 㾞㘵䖳 䞂㘵䒜䲸䊛 㕞㩐㘵 㕞䖳䏀 䏀㾞 䰰䊛 䤾㽝䐑㩐㕞 㱌㘵 䏀㾞 㘵㮞䰰䒜㵨 䲸䒜䂑䑆㻳 䳩 㩐䒜㿷㘵 䂑䏀 䒜㵨㕞㘵䲸䂑䒜㕞㽝㿷㘵 㱌䰰㕞 㕞䏀 䩓䰰䊛㩐 䤾䞂䊛㘵㵨㾞㹒 㭻䏀 䳩㮰”
䎎㿷㘵䂑 㕞㩐䏀䰰䐑㩐 㕞㩐㘵䊛㘵 䖳䏀䲸㭻䊛 䖳㘵䲸㘵 䊛䒜㽝㭻 㽝䂑 䤑㘵䊛㕞㹒 㕞㩐㘵䞂 䒜㰻㰻䰰䲸䒜㕞㘵㵨䞂 㭻㘵䩓㽝㰻㕞㘵㭻 㕞㩐㘵 㰻䰰䲸䲸㘵䂑㕞 䊛㕞䒜㕞㘵 䏀㾞 䌊㽝㘵 䩻䰰䏀䖳㘵㽝㻳 㟲䊛 䒜 䤾㽝䂑㽝䊛㕞㘵䲸㽝䒜㵨 㵨㘵㿷㘵㵨 䏀㾞㾞㽝㰻㽝䒜㵨㹒 㽝䂑 㕞㩐㘵䏀䲸䞂㹒 䌊㽝㘵 䩻䰰䏀䖳㘵㽝 㩐䒜㭻 㘵㿷㘵䲸䞂 䲸㘵䒜䊛䏀䂑 㕞䏀 㾞㘵㘵㵨 䩓䲸䏀䰰㭻㻳 㟲㾞㕞㘵䲸 䒜㵨㵨㹒 㩐㘵 䖳䒜䊛 䒜䤾䏀䂑䐑 㕞㩐㘵 㾞㘵䖳 㕞㘵䂑䊛 䒜䤾䏀䂑䐑 㕞㩐㘵 㰻䏀䰰䂑㕞䲸䞂’䊛 㱌㽝㵨㵨㽝䏀䂑 䩓㵨䰰䊛 䩓䏀䩓䰰㵨䒜㕞㽝䏀䂑 䖳㩐䏀 㩐㘵㵨㭻 䒜 䩓䏀䊛㽝㕞㽝䏀䂑 䏀㾞 䊛䰰㰻㩐 䤾䒜䐑䂑㽝㕞䰰㭻㘵㻳
䲸㘵㩐㕞䖳㩐㘵䏀㩐䖳㕞㘵䙥㹒 䒜㕞䊛䂑㕞’䖳䒜 㻳㘵㰻䂑㕞㕞䏀䤾䩓㘵 㩐㽝䊛䏀䖳䰰㘵䩻㽝 䖳䊛䒜 䏀㕞䏀 䏀㕞 㩐䒜㵨䐑䰰䖳䒜䊛䒜㘵㶋 㽝㭻㭻䲸䒜㾞䖳㕞㽝㩐㩐䒜㕞㕞䒜䊛 䊛䂑䏀 㱌䰰㭻㘵䂑㘵㭻䲸 㘵䊛䰰䲸㵨㾞㘵㘵䲸䏀 㰻䲸䞂㘵㽝䌊 䒜㭻䂑䩓㰻㻳㕞䲸䤾㘵㽝㘵㘵㩐 䂑䏀㕞 㭻㹒㘵䩓䲸㽝
㟲㾞㕞㘵䲸 䒜 㱌䏀䰰㕞 䏀㾞 㰻䒜䊛䰰䒜㵨 㰻䏀䂑㿷㘵䲸䊛䒜㕞㽝䏀䂑㹒 䌊㽝㘵 䱓㩐㘵䂑㱌䒜䂑䐑 㕞䏀㵨㭻 㩐㽝䊛 㾞䒜㕞㩐㘵䲸 䒜㱌䏀䰰㕞 㕞㩐㘵 䩞䒜䂑䐑㕞㽝䒜䂑 㶋㽝䐑㩐䖳䒜䞂 䩓䲸䏀䤑㘵㰻㕞㹒 䒜䂑㭻 㰻䏀䂑㿷㘵䞂㘵㭻 㞦㽝䒜䏀 䙥㽝䲸㘵䂑’䊛 䖳䏀䲸㭻䊛 㕞䏀 㩐㽝䤾㻳 㶋㘵 㕞㩐㘵䂑 䊛䒜㽝㭻㷪 “㳣䒜㭻㹒 㕞㩐㽝䊛 㽝䊛 䒜 䲸䒜䲸㘵 䏀䩓䩓䏀䲸㕞䰰䂑㽝㕞䞂 㾞䏀䲸 䤾㘵㻳 䳩 㩐䏀䩓㘵 䞂䏀䰰 㰻䒜䂑 䒜䊛䊛㽝䊛㕞 䤾㘵 䖳㽝㕞㩐 㕞㩐㽝䊛 㾞䲸䏀䤾 䞂䏀䰰䲸 㘵䂑㭻㻳”
䌊㽝㘵 䩻䰰䏀䖳㘵㽝 䩓䏀䂑㭻㘵䲸㘵㭻 㾞䏀䲸 䒜 䤾䏀䤾㘵䂑㕞㻳 䡑䒜䊛㩐䰰 䉅䲸䏀㿷㽝䂑㰻㘵 㩐䒜㭻 䒜㵨䖳䒜䞂䊛 㱌㘵㘵䂑 䒜 䊛㕞䲸䏀䂑䐑㩐䏀㵨㭻 㾞䏀䲸 㕞㩐㘵 䌊㽝㘵 㾞䒜䤾㽝㵨䞂㹒 䒜䂑㭻 㕞㩐㘵䞂 㩐㘵㵨㭻 㰻䏀䂑䊛㽝㭻㘵䲸䒜㱌㵨㘵 䩓䏀䖳㘵䲸 䖳㽝㕞㩐㽝䂑 㕞㩐㘵 䐑䏀㿷㘵䲸䂑䤾㘵䂑㕞 䊛䞂䊛㕞㘵䤾㻳 㟲㵨䊛䏀㹒 䱓㘵䂑䐑 䱰䒜㽝䩓㽝䂑䐑㹒 㕞㩐㘵 䊛㘵㰻䲸㘵㕞䒜䲸䞂 䏀㾞 㕞㩐㘵 䡑䒜䊛㩐䰰 䉅䲸䏀㿷㽝䂑㰻㽝䒜㵨 䉅䒜䲸㕞䞂 㧸䏀䤾䤾㽝㕞㕞㘵㘵㹒 㩐䒜㭻 䒜㵨䖳䒜䞂䊛 㱌㘵㘵䂑 㿷㘵䲸䞂 䊛䰰䩓䩓䏀䲸㕞㽝㿷㘵 䏀㾞 㩐㽝䊛 䖳䏀䲸䑆㻳 䱰㩐㘵 㘵㰻䏀䂑䏀䤾㽝㰻 㭻㘵㿷㘵㵨䏀䩓䤾㘵䂑㕞 㽝䂑 䡑䒜䊛㩐䰰 䉅䲸䏀㿷㽝䂑㰻㘵 䖳䒜䊛 㰻䰰䲸䲸㘵䂑㕞㵨䞂 䂑䏀㕞 㽝䂑 䒜 䐑䲸㘵䒜㕞 䩓䏀䊛㽝㕞㽝䏀䂑㹒 㕞㩐㽝䊛 䖳䒜䊛 䤾䒜㽝䂑㵨䞂 㭻䰰㘵 㕞䏀 㕞㩐㘵 㵨㽝䤾㽝㕞㘵㭻 䩓䲸䏀䐑䲸㘵䊛䊛㽝䏀䂑 㽝䂑 㕞㘵䲸䤾䊛 䏀㾞 㕞䲸䒜䂑䊛䩓䏀䲸㕞䒜㕞㽝䏀䂑㻳 㟲䊛 䊛䰰㰻㩐㹒 䌊㽝㘵 䩻䰰䏀䖳㘵㽝 䂑䒜㕞䰰䲸䒜㵨㵨䞂 䒜䐑䲸㘵㘵㭻 㾞㘵䲸㿷㘵䂑㕞㵨䞂 㕞䏀 㕞㩐㽝䊛 䩓䲸䏀䤑㘵㰻㕞㻳
䩞㽝㕞㩐 㶉㽝䂑㽝䊛㕞㘵䲸 䙥㽝䂑 㾞䲸䏀䤾 㕞㩐㘵 㶉㽝䂑㽝䊛㕞䲸䞂 䏀㾞 䱰䲸䒜䂑䊛䩓䏀䲸㕞 䒜䊛䊛㽝䊛㕞㽝䂑䐑 䖳㽝㕞㩐 㰻䏀䏀䲸㭻㽝䂑䒜㕞㽝䏀䂑㹒 䌊㽝㘵 䱓㩐㘵䂑㱌䒜䂑䐑 䲸㘵㰻㘵㽝㿷㘵㭻 䒜 㰻䒜㵨㵨 㾞䲸䏀䤾 㩐㽝䤾 㕞㩐㘵 䂑㘵䎄㕞 䒜㾞㕞㘵䲸䂑䏀䏀䂑㻳 㟲 䤾㘵㘵㕞㽝䂑䐑 㩐䒜㭻 㱌㘵㘵䂑 䊛㘵㕞 䰰䩓 䖳㽝㕞㩐 䒜 㭻㘵䩓䰰㕞䞂 㭻㽝䲸㘵㰻㕞䏀䲸 㾞䲸䏀䤾 㕞㩐㘵 䌊䒜㕞㽝䏀䂑䒜㵨 㳣㘵㿷㘵㵨䏀䩓䤾㘵䂑㕞 䒜䂑㭻 㻄㘵㾞䏀䲸䤾 㧸䏀䤾䤾㽝䊛䊛㽝䏀䂑㻳 㶋䏀䖳㘵㿷㘵䲸㹒 㕞㩐㘵 䏀㾞㾞㽝㰻㽝䒜㵨 㩐䒜㭻 䤾䒜㭻㘵 䒜 㭻㘵䤾䒜䂑㭻㴍 㭻㽝䂑䂑㘵䲸 䖳䒜䊛 㕞䏀 㱌㘵 㩐㘵㵨㭻 䒜㕞 㕞㩐㘵 㟲䊛㽝䒜㴍䎎䰰䲸䏀䩓㘵 㧸䒜䊛㕞㵨㘵 㶉䒜䂑䏀䲸㻳
㾞䏀䲸”䏀䲸㶉䞂䒜 㻄䒜㕞䲸䂑䰰㘵䊛㕞䒜㻳㩐䲸㕞㻳㾞䰰䲸㘵 㹒䏀䞂䰰㩐䩓㘵㵨 䖳㽝㵨㵨㽝䂑䊛㽝㶉㕞䲸㘵 㿷䍂㘵䲸 㩐㕞䊛㽝 䞂䏀䰰㕞䏀 䊛㽝㘵㩐㕞 㽝㹒䌊㘵䂑㽝䙥䊛䤾䒜㵨㵨 䲸㘵㻳”㮞䊛䰰㕞㘵䂑㽝䂑㘵㽝䏀㕞㰻㿷䂑㘵䂑䰰㘵㿷㘵䂑㘵㰻䒜㕞䏀㽝㵨㻳䒜㵨䩓䏀㵨䐑䞂㽝㾞䳩’㵨㵨 䳩㿷䒜㩐㘵 㩐㘵䏀㹒䂑䩓䂑䲸㭻䏀㕞㽝㰻䒜䏀㘵 䒜㭻䊛㽝 㱌㿷㘵㘵㵨㽝㘵 㭻䂑㰻䐑䒜㩐㘵 㕞㩐㽝䊛 㕞㩐㘵 䏀㕞 㵨䒜㧸䒜㽝㕞䩓㩐㘵䳩䒜㰻䂑㘵䒜䐑㘵䲸
䱰㩐㘵 㟲䊛㽝䒜㴍䎎䰰䲸䏀䩓㘵 㧸䒜䊛㕞㵨㘵 㶉䒜䂑䏀䲸 䖳䒜䊛 㘵䊛䊛㘵䂑㕞㽝䒜㵨㵨䞂 䒜 䤾䏀䂑㘵䞂㴍䤾䒜䑆㽝䂑䐑 㿷㘵䂑㕞䰰䲸㘵 㭻㘵㿷㘵㵨䏀䩓㘵㭻 㱌䞂 䙥䰰䂑 䱓㩐㽝䐑䰰䒜䂑䐑㻳 㟲㕞 䊛䰰㰻㩐 䒜 㿷㘵䂑䰰㘵㹒 㽝㾞 䏀䂑㘵 㭻㽝㭻䂑’㕞 䊛䩓㘵䂑㭻 䒜㕞 㵨㘵䒜䊛㕞 䒜 㩐䰰䂑㭻䲸㘵㭻 㕞㩐䏀䰰䊛䒜䂑㭻 㽝䂑 䏀䂑㘵 䂑㽝䐑㩐㕞㹒 㕞㩐㘵䞂 㰻䏀䰰㵨㭻 㱌㘵 㰻䏀䂑䊛㽝㭻㘵䲸㘵㭻 㵨䏀䖳㴍㰻㵨䒜䊛䊛㻳 䳩㕞 䖳䒜䊛 㽝䂑㰻䲸㘵㭻㽝㱌㵨䞂 䩓䲸㘵䊛䰰䤾䩓㕞䰰䏀䰰䊛 㾞䏀䲸 㕞㩐㘵 㭻㘵䩓䰰㕞䞂 㭻㽝䲸㘵㰻㕞䏀䲸 㾞䲸䏀䤾 㕞㩐㘵 䌊䒜㕞㽝䏀䂑䒜㵨 㳣㘵㿷㘵㵨䏀䩓䤾㘵䂑㕞 䒜䂑㭻 㻄㘵㾞䏀䲸䤾 㧸䏀䤾䤾㽝䊛䊛㽝䏀䂑 㕞䏀 䩓㽝㰻䑆 䊛䰰㰻㩐 䒜 㵨䏀㰻䒜㕞㽝䏀䂑㻳 㶉㽝䂑㽝䊛㕞㘵䲸 䙥㽝䂑 䖳䒜䊛 䒜䖳䒜䲸㘵 䏀㾞 㕞㩐㽝䊛 䒜䂑㭻 㾞㘵㵨㕞 㮞䰰㽝㕞㘵 㘵䤾㱌䒜䲸䲸䒜䊛䊛㘵㭻㻳 㶋㘵 㩐䒜㭻 䊛㘵㘵䂑 䖳㩐䒜㕞 䌊㽝㘵 䱓㩐㘵䂑㱌䒜䂑䐑 䖳䒜䊛 㰻䒜䩓䒜㱌㵨㘵 䏀㾞㹒 㱌䰰㕞 㰻䏀䰰㵨㭻䂑’㕞 䊛䒜䞂 䒜䂑䞂㕞㩐㽝䂑䐑 䏀㿷㘵䲸㕞㵨䞂㻳 䳩㾞 䌊㽝㘵 䱓㩐㘵䂑㱌䒜䂑䐑 㭻㽝䊛䒜䐑䲸㘵㘵㭻㹒 㩐㘵 䖳䏀䰰㵨㭻 䒜䐑䒜㽝䂑 㱌㘵 䩓䰰㕞 㽝䂑 䒜 㭻㽝㾞㾞㽝㰻䰰㵨㕞 䩓䏀䊛㽝㕞㽝䏀䂑㻳
䌊㽝㘵 䱓㩐㘵䂑㱌䒜䂑䐑 䖳䒜䊛 㕞䲸䰰㵨䞂 㽝䲸䲸㽝㕞䒜㕞㘵㭻 䒜㕞 㕞㩐䒜㕞 䤾䏀䤾㘵䂑㕞㹒 㱌䰰㕞 㩐㘵 䒜㵨䊛䏀 䑆䂑㘵䖳 㕞㩐䒜㕞 㕞㩐㽝䂑䐑䊛 㰻䏀䰰㵨㭻䂑’㕞 㱌㘵 㘵䒜䊛䞂 㾞䏀䲸 㶉㽝䂑㽝䊛㕞㘵䲸 䙥㽝䂑㻳 䵾㕞㽝㵨㵨㹒 䌊㽝㘵 䱓㩐㘵䂑㱌䒜䂑䐑 䖳䒜䂑㕞㘵㭻 㕞䏀 䊛㘵㘵 䖳㩐䒜㕞 䑆㽝䂑㭻 䏀㾞 䩓㘵䲸䊛䏀䂑 㕞㩐㽝䊛 䏀㾞㾞㽝㰻㽝䒜㵨 㾞䲸䏀䤾 㕞㩐㘵 䌊䒜㕞㽝䏀䂑䒜㵨 㳣㘵㿷㘵㵨䏀䩓䤾㘵䂑㕞 䒜䂑㭻 㻄㘵㾞䏀䲸䤾 㧸䏀䤾䤾㽝䊛䊛㽝䏀䂑 䖳䒜䊛㻳 䳩䂑 㕞㩐㘵 㘵䂑㭻㹒 㩐㘵 㰻䏀䂑䊛㘵䂑㕞㘵㭻㷪 “㶉㽝䂑㽝䊛㕞㘵䲸 䙥㽝䂑㹒 㽝㕞’䊛 㾞㽝䂑㘵㹒 㕞㩐㘵 㟲䊛㽝䒜㴍䎎䰰䲸䏀䩓㘵 㧸䒜䊛㕞㵨㘵 㶉䒜䂑䏀䲸 㽝䊛 䤑䰰䊛㕞 䒜䂑䏀㕞㩐㘵䲸 䩓䲸䏀䩓㘵䲸㕞䞂 䏀䖳䂑㘵㭻 㱌䞂 䙥䰰䂑 䱓㩐㽝䐑䰰䒜䂑䐑㻳 䳩 㰻䒜䂑 䒜㾞㾞䏀䲸㭻 㕞㩐㘵 㰻䏀䊛㕞㻳 䩞㘵’㵨㵨 䩓䲸䏀㰻㘵㘵㭻 䖳㽝㕞㩐 㕞㩐㘵 䏀䲸㽝䐑㽝䂑䒜㵨 䩓㵨䒜䂑㻳”
䌊㽝㘵 䱓㩐㘵䂑㱌䒜䂑䐑 䒜䂑㭻 㩐㽝䊛 䩓䒜䲸㕞䞂 䖳㘵䲸㘵 䒜㵨䲸㘵䒜㭻䞂 䖳䒜㽝㕞㽝䂑䐑 䒜㕞 㕞㩐㘵 㾞䲸䏀䂑㕞 䐑䒜㕞㘵 䏀㾞 㕞㩐㘵 㟲䊛㽝䒜㴍䎎䰰䲸䏀䩓㘵 㧸䒜䊛㕞㵨㘵 㶉䒜䂑䏀䲸㻳 䱰㩐㘵 㩐㘵䒜㿷䞂 㽝䲸䏀䂑 䐑䒜㕞㘵 㘵䎄䰰㭻㘵㭻 䒜 㵨䰰䎄䰰䲸㽝䏀䰰䊛 䎎䰰䲸䏀䩓㘵䒜䂑 䒜䲸㽝䊛㕞䏀㰻䲸䒜㕞㽝㰻 䒜㕞䤾䏀䊛䩓㩐㘵䲸㘵㻳 䙥䰰䂑 䱓㩐㽝䐑䰰䒜䂑䐑’䊛 㱌䰰䊛㽝䂑㘵䊛䊛 䒜㰻䰰䤾㘵䂑 䖳䒜䊛 㽝䂑㭻㘵㘵㭻 㘵䎄㕞䲸䒜䏀䲸㭻㽝䂑䒜䲸䞂㻳 䡑䞂 㕞䒜䩓䩓㽝䂑䐑 㽝䂑㕞䏀 䩓㘵䏀䩓㵨㘵’䊛 㿷䒜䂑㽝㕞䞂㹒 㕞㩐㘵 㟲䊛㽝䒜㴍䎎䰰䲸䏀䩓㘵 㧸䒜䊛㕞㵨㘵 㶉䒜䂑䏀䲸 㩐䒜㭻 㱌㘵㘵䂑 㱌䏀䏀䤾㽝䂑䐑 䊛㽝䂑㰻㘵 㽝㕞䊛 䏀䩓㘵䂑㽝䂑䐑㻳
㟲㕞 䒜䩓䩓䲸䏀䎄㽝䤾䒜㕞㘵㵨䞂 䦒㻳㿁㣿 䩓㻳䤾㹒 䒜䊛 㕞㩐㘵 䊛䑆䞂 㽝䂑 䁮㽝䂑䐑㰻㩐㘵䂑䐑 㱌㘵䐑䒜䂑 㕞䏀 䐑䲸䒜㭻䰰䒜㵨㵨䞂 㭻䒜䲸䑆㘵䂑㹒 㶉㽝䂑㽝䊛㕞㘵䲸 䙥㽝䂑 䒜䲸䲸㽝㿷㘵㭻㻳
䱰㩐㘵䞂 㩐䒜㭻 䒜䐑䲸㘵㘵㭻 㕞䏀 䤾㘵㘵㕞 㕞㩐㘵 㭻㘵䩓䰰㕞䞂 㭻㽝䲸㘵㰻㕞䏀䲸 㾞䲸䏀䤾 㕞㩐㘵 䌊䒜㕞㽝䏀䂑䒜㵨 㳣㘵㿷㘵㵨䏀䩓䤾㘵䂑㕞 䒜䂑㭻 㻄㘵㾞䏀䲸䤾 㧸䏀䤾䤾㽝䊛䊛㽝䏀䂑 䒜㕞 䦒㻳㚇㣿 䩓㻳䤾㻳 㟲㱌䏀䰰㕞 㾞㽝㾞㕞㘵㘵䂑 䤾㽝䂑䰰㕞㘵䊛 㵨䒜㕞㘵䲸㹒 䒜 㰻䒜䲸 䩓䰰㵨㵨㘵㭻 䰰䩓 䒜㕞 㕞㩐㘵 㘵䂑㕞䲸䒜䂑㰻㘵㻳 㟲 䤾㽝㭻㭻㵨㘵㴍䒜䐑㘵㭻 䤾䒜䂑 㽝䂑 㩐㽝䊛 㾞㽝㾞㕞㽝㘵䊛 䒜㵨㽝䐑㩐㕞㘵㭻 㾞䲸䏀䤾 㕞㩐㘵 㰻䒜䲸㻳 䱰㩐㘵 䲸䏀㕞䰰䂑㭻 䤾䒜䂑 䊛䰰䲸㿷㘵䞂㘵㭻 㕞㩐㘵 㰻䲸䏀䖳㭻 䖳㽝㕞㩐 䒜 䊛䏀䤾㘵䖳㩐䒜㕞 㩐䒜䰰䐑㩐㕞䞂 㵨䏀䏀䑆 㱌㘵㾞䏀䲸㘵 䖳䒜㵨䑆㽝䂑䐑 䏀㿷㘵䲸㻳
㟲䊛 㕞㩐㘵 䤾䒜䂑 䒜䩓䩓䲸䏀䒜㰻㩐㘵㭻㹒 㶉㽝䂑㽝䊛㕞㘵䲸 䙥㽝䂑 䊛㕞㘵䩓䩓㘵㭻 㾞䏀䲸䖳䒜䲸㭻 㕞䏀 㽝䂑㕞䲸䏀㭻䰰㰻㘵 㕞㩐㘵䤾㹒 “㳣㽝䲸㘵㰻㕞䏀䲸 䶊䰰㹒 㵨㘵㕞 䤾㘵 㽝䂑㕞䲸䏀㭻䰰㰻㘵 䞂䏀䰰 㕞䏀 㧸䏀䤾䲸䒜㭻㘵 䌊㽝㘵 䱓㩐㘵䂑㱌䒜䂑䐑㹒 㕞㩐㘵 㶉䒜䞂䏀䲸 䏀㾞 䩞䒜䂑䐑㶋䒜㽝 㧸㽝㕞䞂㻳”
㕞䏀䤑䩓㘵䲸㰻䤾㾞䲸䏀䞂䏀”㶉䲸䒜 㕞䲸㽝䲸䏀㳣㰻㘵䊛䰰㰻䊛䊛㘵㰻㘵㻄䤾䏀㾞䲸䌊㽝㹒㘵㳣㽝䲸㘵㰻㕞䏀䲸䶊䰰㵨䖳㵨㽝 䱓㩐䂑䐑㱌㘵䒜䂑䒜䌊㵨䒜䂑㽝㕞䏀 䂑䏀 㘵䂑㽝䊛㕞䲸㽝㶉 䊛㽝㩐㕞㾞䏀 㭻䲸䰰㕞㘵䂑 䏀㕞 䏀㕞㘵㩐㕞㽝䊛 㩐䱰㘵 䂑㽝䙥 㕞䂑䏀䲸㭻㘵㽝㰻䰰 䂑㭻㘵䩓㘵㭻 䰰䶊 䤾䊛㻳㽝䂑㧸䏀㽝䏀䤾䊛䰰䲸䏀䞂 䒜䂑㭻㕞䏀 “㩐㽝䤾㻳 㻳䤾㽝㩐 䤾㿷㘵䂑䏀㘵㘵㵨㕞㳣䩓㘵㽝䌊
㟲䊛 㕞㩐㘵 䤾㽝䂑㽝䊛㕞㘵䲸 㾞㽝䂑㽝䊛㩐㘵㭻 䊛䩓㘵䒜䑆㽝䂑䐑㹒 䌊㽝㘵 䱓㩐㘵䂑㱌䒜䂑䐑 䲸㘵䒜㰻㩐㘵㭻 䏀䰰㕞 㾞䏀䲸 䒜 㩐䒜䂑㭻䊛㩐䒜䑆㘵㹒 㱌䰰㕞 㳣㽝䲸㘵㰻㕞䏀䲸 䶊䰰 㽝䐑䂑䏀䲸㘵㭻 㩐㽝䤾㻳 䩞㽝㕞㩐 䒜 㭻㽝䊛䤾㽝䊛䊛㽝㿷㘵 䊛䂑㘵㘵䲸 㩐㘵 䊛䒜㽝㭻㹒 “㱎㘵㕞’䊛 䐑䏀 㽝䂑㹒 㶉㽝䂑㽝䊛㕞㘵䲸 䙥㽝䂑㻳”
䉅䵾㷪 䳩 䂑㘵㘵㭻 㕞䏀 䒜䩓䏀㵨䏀䐑㽝䫍㘵㹒 䳩 䤾㽝䐑㩐㕞 㩐䒜㿷㘵 㵨㘵㕞 㭻䏀䖳䂑 䤾䞂 䲸㘵䒜㭻㘵䲸䊛㻳 䱰䏀㭻䒜䞂㹒 䤾䒜䂑䞂 䐑䰰㘵䊛㕞䊛㹒 㰻䏀䰰䊛㽝䂑䊛 䒜䂑㭻 䊛㽝㱌㵨㽝䂑䐑䊛㹒 㿷㽝䊛㽝㕞㘵㭻 㾞䏀䲸 㕞㩐㘵 㩐䏀㵨㽝㭻䒜䞂 䒜䂑㭻 䳩 㩐䒜㭻 㕞䏀 㘵䂑㕞㘵䲸㕞䒜㽝䂑 㕞㩐㘵䤾㻳 䱰㩐㽝䊛 㽝䊛 䒜㵨㵨 䳩 㩐䒜㿷㘵 㾞䏀䲸 㕞䏀㭻䒜䞂 㱌䰰㕞 䳩 䩓䲸䏀䤾㽝䊛㘵 㕞䏀 䤾䒜䑆㘵 㽝㕞 䰰䩓 㕞䏀䤾䏀䲸䲸䏀䖳㻳 䁿䱰䏀 㱌㘵 㰻䏀䂑㕞㽝䂑䰰㘵㭻㻳 䳩㾞 䞂䏀䰰 㵨㽝䑆㘵 㕞㩐㽝䊛 䊛㕞䏀䲸䞂㹒 䩓㵨㘵䒜䊛㘵 䊛䰰䩓䩓䏀䲸㕞 䤾㘵 㱌䞂 㿷䏀㕞㽝䂑䐑 䏀䂑 㮞㽝㭻㽝䒜䂑㻳㰻䏀䤾㻳 䙥䏀䰰䲸 㘵䂑㰻䏀䰰䲸䒜䐑㘵䤾㘵䂑㕞 㽝䊛 䤾䞂 㱌㽝䐑䐑㘵䊛㕞 䊛䏀䰰䲸㰻㘵 䏀㾞 䤾䏀㕞㽝㿷䒜㕞㽝䏀䂑㻳㻳㖗
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Chapter 584: Chapter 540: Grandpa is not serving anymore (Plus 950 monthly votes) _1
The attitude of this Director Xu rendered all the officials in Wanghai City dumbfounded. This… wasn’t this just a replica of Minister Yin from yesterday?
Next to him, An Guoyu also moved close to Nie Zhenbang, whispering, “Mayor, this damned director, isn’t he a bit too arrogant?”
An Guoyu now completely considers himself as a close ally of Nie Zhenbang, with a shared sentiment of mutual honor or disgrace.
Nie Zhenbang clearly understood An Guoyu’s intentions with such behavior, but he didn’t care. An Guoyu is a clever man with harmless intentions. There is no such thing as a perfect person. As long as he can work for me, there will be no issue. He then whispered, “Old An, keep your cool. He is a deputy director of the Development and Reform Commission, the so-called mini State Council. Usually, many local officials seek his favor, hoping he can do them a favor. His arrogance is understandable. Old An, don’t register this meal under government hospitality expenses. Consider it as my personal invitation.”
One hundred thousand yuan might merely be the minimum consumption at Asia-Europe Castle Manor. Nie Zhenbang would not put it under government expenses, not because he likes to play clean, but for future planning. In Wanghai City, Nie Zhenbang also intends to promote official hospitality standards that have been successful in New Li City and Liangxi City. If he can’t lead by example with this, it would be impossible to gain respect in the future.
Upon entering the hall of Asia-Europe Castle Manor, Director Xu seemed as comfortable and relaxed as if he were at home.
Inside the hall, with waiters and socialites bustling about, it seemed like a high society banquet. At this moment, Director Xu abandoned his serious demeanor from earlier and snapped his fingers.
A waiter immediately approached, bowing slightly, “Good evening, sir. Do you have a reservation?”
Director Xu glanced at Minister Yin beside him and casually said, “No reservation, prepare a private room for us.”
“Certainly, sir. Please follow me,” the waiter replied confidently.
Truth be told, Yun Zhiguang had his own tricks in this aspect. All waiters at least received training from foreign professional private clubs. Here, every customer can enjoy godlike treatment.
In the private room, the waiter handed the menu to Director Xu. Working in such a place required a keen eye, and it was clear that Director Xu was the leader among this group. If they even got the handing of the menu wrong, wouldn’t that be an insult to Yun Zhiguang?
Foll𝑜w current novℯls on ƒrēewebnoѵёl.cσm.
Director Xu appeared well-versed, saying casually, “As for the dishes, just follow the French menu. Last time, the foie gras and caviar were pretty good. For drinks? Get me Louis XIV; I’m not fond of Lafite.”
This comment made Nie Zhenbang feel somewhat uncomfortable. Director Xu was too arrogant. Not only that, as a deputy minister-level official, he didn’t care about his public image. It’s incredible how someone like this could get so far.
However, Nie Zhenbang controlled his emotions. After all, he needed something from the others this time. After the waiter had left, Nie Zhenbang began, “Director Xu, hello. I am Nie Zhenbang from Wanghai City, and I have invited you here mainly to ask you to care more about and support our work in Wanghai City.”
These words were mostly conventional—neither overly humble nor servile. There was nothing exceedingly inappropriate, and such a phrase was most commonly used when lobbying. The so-called caring and supporting some area’s work generally meant asking for funding or a project.
At the side, Minister Yin understood and nodded, saying, “Director Xu, the situation is as follows. This time, Mayor Nie also received the news that the nation is planning and seeking to establish a national highway network. Therefore, this time Mayor Nie wants to strive to have the Wangtian Highway as part of the first batch of construction projects.”
As soon as his words fell, Director Xu reacted as if his tail was on fire, looking at Minister Yin and said rudely, “Old Yin, how could the local government know about this? Besides a few leaders in the State Council, the Development and Reform Commission and your Ministry of Transport, only a few experts are studying this issue, and only a few of us are aware. What’s going on? I say, Old Yin, you’re aware of the rules of confidentiality in the organization, aren’t you? If this leaks out and gets known at the local level, it will be very difficult for us to handle. If all the provincial and city leaders nationwide rush to Jingcheng for projects, who will take responsibility?”
This remark turned Minister Yin’s face somewhat ugly. After all, they were technically on the same level professionally. However, at this moment, he was being criticized as if he was a subordinate, which kindled some anger within him. “Director Xu, I can guarantee with my party principle that it was not me who leaked this. Mayor Nie and his group had already known about it when they came to me.” He said gravely.
At the side, Nie Zhenbang did not wish for Minister Yin to lose face. Feeling awkward, he quickly added, “Director Xu, Minister Yin is absolutely right. I heard about this matter through other channels, not from Minister Yin.”
At this moment, Nie Zhenbang’s patience with Director Xu had reached its limits. He had seen arrogant and ostentatious officials, but never one who acted as if he himself was the deputy prime minister.
Being cornered like this made Director Xu’s visage fall. He spoke in a deep voice, “Regardless of how you found out, I’m not going to investigate. However, the planning of the highway network pertains to the national layout; it’s not something local officials can meddle with. It involves national policies. If that’s what we are discussing, then there’s no need to continue.”
His outright refusal was forthright. Minister Yin, standing by the side, felt extremely embarrassed, his expression turning sour. After all, he had invited Director Xu here. In the system, face-saving is critical. First, Xu ignored Nie Zhenbang’s handshake intentionally. Then, he criticized Minister Yin. Now, he spoke so directly. It was a clear case of disregarding others’ dignity.
A person lives for face, a tree lives for bark. This is an old saying. For the people of Huaxia, nothing matters more than face. Even if something cannot be done, you could say it in a straightforward manner. Present your arguments sincerely, and others will understand, given the limitations of one’s authority and ability to make decisions. Alternatively, you could elegantly divert the topic and make polite remarks like offering to try your best, without any guarantees. At least, that would leave people feeling respected. They would be pleased to dine with you.
However, Director Xu’s behavior made Nie Zhenbang stand up abruptly.
Upon witnessing this, Director Xu furrowed his brows and spoke in annoyance, “Old Yin, what is this? Why are you showing this kind of attitude? Undesirables are present everywhere. I won’t be dining here. I can’t afford it.”
As he finished saying this, Director Xu also stood up. At this moment, Nie Zhenbang spoke firmly, “Hold it.”
Gazing at Director Xu, Nie Zhenbang’s rage skyrocketed to an unprecedented level. Looking intently at Director Xu, he asserted, “What do you mean undesirables? Director Xu, could you please clarify? I, Nie Zhenbang, am the Wanghaishi Municipal Party Committee Deputy Secretary appointed by Central. I was elected Mayor of Wanghai City by two million citizens. How am I undesirable? Mayor Xu, please enlighten me so I can correct my mistakes.”
“Furthermore, saying you won’t eat at the last minute. What a splendid display of official power, Director Xu. You know the rules of the Asia-Europe Manor. If you ordered, you must pay. The one who should be leaving is me. You gave me a bit of color, and you’ve started acting like the king. Underneath the sky of Jingcheng, I, Nie Zhenbang, have never been afraid of anyone. Enjoy your meal; I won’t disturb you.”
Saying this, Nie Zhenbang pushed his chair away and walked out, turning to Liu Gaohua, An Guoyu, and others, saying, “Old Liu, let’s go. The gates of the Jingcheng government open upwards. We can’t afford to provoke them, but we surely can avoid them.”
As his words died away, Director Xu’s face turned dark with anger. As the deputy director of the Development and Reform Commission, overseeing the Department of Infrastructure, Key Projects Department, and other critical divisions, Director Xu had never met anyone like Nie Zhenbang. Local officials generally revered him. He had never encountered this kind of situation before. Consequently, Director Xu’s expression grew even darker as he thought about Nie Zhenbang’s outrageous behavior. However, he did not consider his own actions, that he was overly arrogant and haughty, acting as though he was superior to others. Just a mere dinner, Nie Zhenbang wouldn’t care about. He wouldn’t risk offending a senior official from the Development and Reform Commission for it. After all, Nie Zhenbang would need support in many things in the future. Having an enemy over a single meal is just not worth it.
“Minister Yin, what does this mean? Are you trying to embarrass me? Alright, this is fine. If you manage to get the Wangtian Highway project this time, I will write my surname Xu upside-down.” Director Xu’s tone was threatening.
Nie Zhenbang sneered and said deeply, “Director Xu, I, Nie Zhenbang, don’t scare easily. The Development and Reform Commission is not owned by your family. I’ll tell you this clearly, I, Nie Zhenbang, have set my eye on the Wangtian Highway project.”
“What? I just climbed the stairs, and I heard Third Brother’s voice. What wind blew you to my humble place?” Yun Zhiguang came over with a smile on his face.
PS: Finally got some free time this evening, here’s a new chapter, I will be watching the game later, so the next one will be in the afternoon. Please support with monthly votes. (To be continued. If you like this work, please visit qidian.com to cast your recommendation vote or monthly vote. Your support is my greatest motivation.)