Reborn as a Noble's Son-Chapter 411 - 394: Date with Fan Changsheng_1

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Chapter 411: Chapter 394: Date with Fan Changsheng_1

Nie Zhenbang was naturally unaware of the arrangements and exchanges on the side of the government. After the article was sent out, Professor Wang called him later, complimented Zhenbang’s achievements quite highly and proposed the idea of Zhenbang pursuing a doctorate degree with him. Moreover, the conditions were very favorable, he could still skip classes. All that was required was to submit a project paper every year.

Zhenbang was very thankful to his mentor for his consideration. At this point, the role of the diploma was starting to stand out. Nowadays, a large number of grassroots officials in their fifties had high school and middle school dropouts listed in their career history. In Huaxia, that was a thing of the past.

Now, junior college graduates were not regarded as highly educated, while bachelor’s degree graduates were considered as normal. Master’s degree graduates were the true focus of cultivation. Nie Zhenbang agreed readily, as he had extensive knowledge of the future, and knew well that a diploma would be an important measure for promotion in the future. He had no reason to refuse.

After looking through a few documents, Yi Jun walked in from outside, looked at him, and said in a low voice, “Mayor, Secretary Ding Guo is here, and it seems quite serious. What do you think…?”

Lei Dingguo is here? Hearing this name, Zhenbang felt a throb in his heart. In Liangxi City, it was rumored that nothing good ever happened when you got involved with Lei Dingguo, which referred to Lei Dingguo’s title as Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission.

As a member of the municipal party committee and the secretary of the disciplinary committee, Lei Dingguo wouldn’t come to him for ordinary matters. Also, this man had a strong sense of independence. Although they had cooperated a few times before, they were not subordinate to each other, but merely had a common goal and interest.

Of course, this interest was not personal interest but national interest. In the official circles, there were no permanent friends nor enemies; it depended on whether you could find common ground with others. Zhenbang understood this matter quite well. The common point between him and Lei Dingguo was to eliminate the unhealthy tendencies in the official circles of Liangxi. Zhenbang needed this to pave the way for his own plans, and Lei Dingguo needed to increase his political achievements by stepping on these corrupt officials.

After a moment of thought, Zhenbang nodded, then stood up personally and said, “Please come in!”

At this moment, Zhenbang handled the situation very smoothly. He calculated the timing just right, making his move as Lei Dingguo walked into the office, positioning himself at the center of the office.

This was the most appropriate method. If he moved too early, it would seem overly enthusiastic, giving people the feeling of being too eager. If he moved too late and only emerged from behind the desk when the other party had already walked in, it would feel like he was too arrogant and did not regard others seriously. Zhenbang pulled this off very accurately, with just the right balance. He managed to show his enthusiasm without losing his composure.

“Mayor Nie, sorry for the interruption.” Upon entering, Lei Dingguo started speaking with a smile.

Lei Dingguo’s words were also very tactful. The two were not subordinate to each other, but both served in the same region; Nie Zhenbang held a higher office, and Lei Dingguo held a deputy-level position. Their interaction was more or less like equals. His words conveyed a respectful attitude and gave Nie Zhenbang face.

Nie Zhenbang also laughed, making his way towards the water cooler with light steps. With his back to Lei Dingguo, he asked casually, “Old Lei, do you prefer tea or plain water?”

“Hehe, I’ve heard that Mayor Nie has some excellent Da Hong Pao tea here. I’d like to try it. It’s kind of a waste to brew it with tap water, but I’ll have a cup of tea.” Lei Dingguo seemed very relaxed.

This was a demonstration of their harmonious relationship. At the level of city bureau and county magistrates within the system, there was no such thing as who pledged allegiance to who. More often, their relationships were based on mutual interests and mutual support.

As a result, distinctions of closeness and distance naturally arose, and now, the relationship between Nie Zhenbang and Lei Dingguo was very good.

After brewing a cup of Longjing tea for Lei Dingguo, Nie Zhenbang also said with a smile, “I don’t have Da Hong Pao, but we can have a cup of Ming Qian Longjing. Served with our Zisha City’s Yixing purple clay teaware, even though the water is not so great, it’s still not bad. The fact we’re not using porcelain cups is already pretty good.”

He then returned to his own chair, looking at Lei Dingguo and asked, “Old Lei, I understand your character. Is there something you came to see me about?”

When it came to serious matters, Lei Dingguo also became serious. He took a sip of tea, as if savoring the taste of the Longjing. After pondering it over in his heart, he said, “Mayor Nie, the Spinning Group’s nest case is basically coming to an end. All the case files have been sorted out, and we will formally hand them over to the prosecution authorities for official charges soon. But…”

The matters in officialdom are such that, even if many things have a certain attitude, what is feared the most are these turn of phrase words.

Seeing Lei Dingguo’s hesitating manner, Nie Zhenbang also began to laugh: “Old Lei, is there something that can’t be said, or do you not trust me?”

With Nie Zhenbang’s words, a slight embarrassment appeared on Lei Dingguo’s face. The conversation had reached this point already and he needed to speak. If he truly didn’t say anything, then he would have come for no reason? Moreover, after this event, there certainly wouldn’t be such harmony between him and Nie Zhenbang as there is currently.

Shortly thereafter, Lei Dingguo spoke hesitantly: “Mayor Nie, in this investigation, according to multiple testimonies and some evidence we have gathered, I’m afraid Minister Huang is also implicated, and the matter is not minor.”

Hearing these words, Nie Zhenbang’s demeanor became more serious, though there wasn’t much surprise. He had long suspected that Huang Junshan had issues. Now, it was only a matter of confirming this. Just now, Lei Dingguo’s performance clearly reflected some suspicion towards him. It seemed that his harmonious relationship with Fan Changsheng during this period had caused Lei Dingguo to have some reservations. After all, Huang Junshan was Fan Changsheng’s man. Secondly, if something could make an old Commission for Discipline Inspection member like Lei Dingguo say it’s a big deal, then it must surely be a big deal.

Now, the relationships throughout Liangxi City were very delicate. Due to the bond default incident, Li Guohua had basically been marginalized. At present, his relationship with Fan Changsheng was in a honeymoon period. If Huang Junshan were to cause the relationship, which had just improved, to deteriorate again, it could not be ignored. Based on Lei Dingguo’s temperament, if he chose to still speak up, it would mean he trusts Nie Zhenbang. If Nie Zhenbang were to violate that trust, he would lose Lei Dingguo’s support.

Nie Zhenbang found himself in a difficult dilemma over how to handle this matter. After a moment of silence, he nodded and said: “Old Lei, why are you being so hesitant? My view is, if a problem is discovered, it should be investigated. Covering it up will only embolden some cadres. Ousting the scum from the ranks of cadres to maintain the purity of the party is a principle I will always uphold, both now and in the future. I won’t change my attitude. I wholeheartedly support you on this matter.”

After some deliberation, Nie Zhenbang decided to support Lei Dingguo. Compared to Lei Dingguo, Fan Changsheng had too many uncertain factors. If cover-ups were allowed once, they would happen again. People must be responsible for both their actions and inaction. He could not abandon his principles for his own advancement. If he did so, what would set him apart from the rest of the world?

At this moment, Lei Dingguo on the couch noticeably relaxed, hearing Mayor Nie’s reassuring words made him feel much more at ease. With Nie Zhenbang’s support, handling this matter would be much easier. Consequently, Lei Dingguo stood up and said: “Mayor Nie, with your assurances, I feel much more sure about this. You go ahead with your work, I won’t disturb you. I will be in touch should anything come up.”

As Lei Dingguo was getting up, the phone on Nie Zhenbang’s desk rang. It was a call on his internal line. Seeing that Nie Zhenbang was busy, Lei Dingguo didn’t make any further small talk and excused himself with a smile. Nie Zhenbang picked up the phone, and after a brief “hello”, heard Fan Changsheng’s voice on the other end: “Mayor Zhenbang, are you busy?”

A call from Fan Changsheng? Such a coincidence, Lei Dingguo had just left and the phone call arrived. Could it be that Huang Junshan had sensed something?

Nie Zhenbang quickly composed himself and with a smile said: “Secretary Fan. How are you? How come you had the time to call me today? What can I do for you?”

“Well, nothing in particular, Mayor Zhenbang, are you free tonight? If possible, how about having dinner together at Yidege Special Private Dishes at seven o’clock? I’ve heard the steamed bass there is exceptional.” Fan Changsheng’s voice came through the phone again.

An invitation? Nie Zhenbang had been in Liangxi City for a long time. From Fan Changsheng’s initial hostility, to the current forced harmonious relationship, to today’s active invitation to dinner. Nie Zhenbang was somewhat puzzled. He couldn’t quite grasp Fan Changsheng’s intentions.

Does this have anything to do with Huang Junshan? As Nie Zhenbang pondered this, he fell silent for a moment and decided to accept the invitation to see what was going on. Since he had already been invited, there was no reason to refuse. Doing so might give Fan Changsheng the wrong impression. The Secretary and the Mayor couldn’t always be adversaries. After all, unity within the team was an important criterion for evaluating cadres.

Therefore, Nie Zhenbang laughed and said: “Yidege? Alright, I’ll be there on time tonight.”

After setting up the dinner time, they exchanged a few more pleasantries before hanging up. At the city committee, Fan Changsheng seemed pleased. Nie Zhenbang’s promptness had made him happy. In officialdom, if you give me face, I’ll give you face. This was a form of exchange. Fan Changsheng immediately pressed a button on his desk phone and instructed Wang Mingxuan outside: “Mingxuan, arrange for a banquet to be set up at Yidege for seven o’clock tonight.”

After the office hours were over at five o’clock, Nie Zhenbang stayed back. Such a scenario was too common for him. When it was nearly six o’clock, Nie Zhenbang cleaned his desk, walked out of his office, and headed for Yidege with Yi Jun.