Reborn as a Noble's Son-Chapter 389 - 377: Fame Shakes_1

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Chapter 389: Chapter 377: Fame Shakes_1

Tian Xujian was not an easy opponent either, “So Mr. Nie Zhenbang, you address me as the Deputy Governor, correct?” Immediately, Tian Xujian subtly retaliated.

“Mayor Nie,” such an honor, being the city mayor, yet was referred to as “Mayor Nie.” Sure, it was a bit insulting but what else could Nie Zhenbang say?

It was just like Nie Zhenbang addressing Tian Xujian as the Deputy Governor – Tian Xujian had no options because that was his job title. If he took this too seriously, others, like Ning Shouchang or Shen Yanshuo, might falsely think he was power hungry.

Now, Nie Zhenbang was feeling the same. Position-wise, Tian Xujian was a vice-ministerial level officer, half a step above Nie Zhenbang. From an age perspective, it was perfectly fine for Tian Xujian to address Nie Zhenbang as Mayor Nie.

Nie Zhenbang didn’t mind being called Mayor Nie. Not just Tian Xujian, but Fan Changsheng had called him that in the past too.

Nie Zhenbang then replied with a casual smile, “Deputy Governor Tian, regarding the issue with the Spinning Group, suggesting it’s all groundless rumors and purging of dissent, I think that’s impossible.”

Upon hearing this, Fan Changsheng couldn’t hide his joy, young people, they had no sense of measure. By saying this, he was publicly slapping Tian Xujian’s face. Arguing with a higher-ranking official, his crime was not trivial.

So now, if word got out, or after Tian Xujian returned to Jiangzhou and reported this to the provincial committee leaders, Nie Zhenbang’s impression would deteriorate in their eyes.

Unfortunately, Fan Changsheng at this moment was just making his judgement on common sense. On this matter, Nie Zhenbang had a much clearer view than Fan Changsheng. For example, considering the relationship between the Nie and Li factions, even if Nie Zhenbang had displayed exemplary behavior, he wouldn’t be treated as a close associate of Shen Yanshuo, nor would he be groomed for bigger responsibilities, that is simply because of factionalism, nothing else.

That is why at this point, Nie Zhenbang dared to clash with Tian Xujian. This is the difference between the offspring of powerful families and ordinary people. Ordinary staff, even with a bit of backstage support, would have to consider those backers’ ideas, but those privileged don’t have to. As long as what they are doing is not illegal, and it’s reasonable, they can get their family’s support.

However, Li Guohua, who was standing by, could see clearly that Nie Zhenbang seemed ready to stake everything this time. Sure enough, Nie Zhenbang continued, “Deputy Governor Tian, firstly, let’s discuss the purge of dissent. Right before the restructure of the Spinning Group, there was a sudden fire at Spinning Factory No. 1. Afterward, the manager of the factory, Wu Aijun, was caught at his mistress’ house. During interrogation, he confessed the fire was intentional with the aim of disrupting the Disciplinary Committee’s investigation. Now, I can say with confidence that so far, every official taken away by the Disciplinary Committee has something unsavory to hide. How can this be labelled as purging the dissent, or as spreading unfounded rumors?”

Not having finished, Nie Zhenbang looked at Tian Xujian, who wore a cold expression. In this situation, a Deputy Governor, being rebutted openly by his subordinate, and yet Tian Xujian didn’t storm off, showed good self-restraint.

Of course, at this point, saying that Tian Xujian was in a good mood would absolutely be an understatement. Giving Nie Zhenbang a glance, Tian Xujian was about to reply, but Nie Zhenbang continued, “Now, let’s talk about the shareholding reform within the Spinning Group. According to the economic data of Liangxi City from the last few years, the Spinning Group has three factories. Every year, they receive almost 80 million in subsidies from the city treasury. Over three years, that’s 2.4 billion. Adding on the provincial fiscal support means they have received at least three billion over the years. However, apart from a handful of new machinery and equipment, the factories are mostly idle. There is even a saying in the factories that operating makes them lose more money. From this point alone, it is proof that the leadership of these three factories are utterly unfit for their jobs. Such people should step down and leave the chair for capable individuals.”

At this point, Nie Zhenbang let himself loose, thinking: since I have already offended him, why not offend further. So Nie Zhenbang continued, “The Spinning Group’s workers distrust their factory’s leadership. I don’t know what impact the Disciplinary Committee’s investigation would have on the Spinning Group. But I’ve heard that every time the Disciplinary Committee takes away an official, the factory workers celebrate by setting off firecrackers. The Disciplinary Committee has even been awarded three or four flags. I believe that these people who harm the collective should be thoroughly investigated and sternly scrutinized. Let’s give the workers a clear world.”

As soon as he stopped speaking, from the other side, Lei Dingguo, Secretary of the Municipal Disciplinary Committee, chimed in to support Nie Zhenbang, “Governor Tian, this matter is related to our disciplinary committee’s work and I can vouch for it. After Wu Aijun was arrested for the Spinning Group case, I specifically travelled to Jiangzhou City and reported it to Secretary Sun Daliang, who personally gave his instruction.”

While saying so, Lei Dingguo took out a document like a magician pulling something out of a hat, from his briefcase and handed it to Tian Xujian, “Governor Tian, this is the written instruction from Secretary Sun Daliang, please take a look.”

As for Tian Xujian, Lei Dingguo was not worried. His work as a Disciplinary Committee had a lot of autonomy by nature. Tian Xujian, a Deputy Governor in charge of industry but who was not yet a standing member of the provincial committee, naturally carried little weight. In addition, Lei Dingguo had the backing of Sun Daliang’s personal instructions, so he was completely unafraid.

Furthermore, at this moment, Tian Xujian was left hanging by Nie Zhenbang’s words, neither being able to back down nor push on, in utter embarrassment. Now with Lei Dingguo’s straightforward words chiming in with Nie Zhenbang, albeit quite rudely, Tian Xujian could still use this chance to step back respectfully through the platform of Sun Daliang’s directive.

Therefore, Tian Xujian didn’t bear any grievances towards Lei Dingguo. However, at this moment, he bore a grudge against Nie Zhenbang.

Off to the side, Fan Changsheng watched the scene in shock as Tian Xujian was forced by Nie Zhenbang into such a humiliation. In reality, Fan Changsheng didn’t know. Unless someone was involved in scheming intrigues and played his cards unorthodoxly, otherwise, Nie Zhenbang had the logical upper hand in this matter, Tian Xujian had absolutely no chance for victory.

Immediately thereafter, to spare Tian Xujian from further embarrassment, Fan Changsheng gently suggested with a smile, “Governor Tian, look, we have prepared lunch, and it’s almost time. Let’s have a meal together before continuing. What do you think?”

It was almost the time, Tian Xujian only entered Liangxi City around nine and went into the City Committee office building around ten. Now it wasn’t even eleven. Nie Zhenbang scoffed, but he didn’t expose the haste at this point, knowing when to advance and when to retreat. He had won this round, and pressing further wasn’t good. After all, Tian Xujian was still the deputy governor, albeit not a constant one. Some matters were stuck in his hands, if the tension wasn’t eased, it would be troublesome for him as well.

The contention between Nie Zhenbang and Tian Xujian had set an eerie tone for the noon atmosphere. In the Liangxi Grand Hotel banquet hall, Tian Xujian and the Deputy Secretary-General of the Provincial Government Shi Dongming occupied the host seats, next to Fan Changsheng on their left, Nie Zhenbang to their right, and the other standing committee members of the Liangxi City Committee seated in order.

It was quite clear that Tian Xujian was in a bad mood. He hinted his words subtly and couldn’t believe Nie Zhenbang didn’t understand. However, Nie Zhenbang deliberately ignored and retorted, leaving him speechless, which was frankly a slap in the face.

Therefore, as soon as they took their places at the table, Tian Xujian only made a cursory toast with Fan Changsheng, drinking less than a dose, and then covered his cup with the lid, symbolizing he wouldn’t drink anymore.

With the main guest, Tian Xujian, not drinking, the others didn’t find any pleasure in continuing either. The lunch had a bland vibe to it

After the meal, Fan Changsheng accompanied Tian Xujian’s party to the Spinning City in Guicheng district for an inspection visit. Inside the Spinning City, Tian Xujian visited and comforted the worker representatives from three factories. On the surface, Tian Xujian highly appreciated the work done by the Liangxi City Disciplinary Committee, assuring the workers to wait patiently for the share reform of the Spinning Group.

Afterward, Tian Xujian received some cadre representatives from the three factories. During the discussion with these cadres, Tian Xujian highly appreciated their work performance and comforted everyone not to fear investigations as long as they maintained their integrity. In the end, Tian Xujian entrusted them with the share reform of the Spinning Group, emphasizing them as the backbone force, they ought to be confident.

In the afternoon, around five, Tian Xujian left the Spinning City and returned to the Number One Courtyard of the Liangxi City Party Committee for rest. At seven in the evening, he attended the welcoming dinner held in the same place. That night, Nie Zhenbang didn’t attend. His relationship with Tian Xujian was already like fire and water. Showing up would only make things awkward. Instead, it was better to spend more time with An Na and her family.

However, Nie Zhenbang was unaware that his daytime incident had already been widely spread throughout Liangxi City after an afternoon of spreading.

The news of Mayor Nie challenging Deputy Governor Tian in the meeting, rendering him speechless, had already escalated into several different versions within Liangxi City. By then, Nie Zhenbang had become quite famous.

Many high-level officials from various bureaus of the city, even those in charge, started to become motivated. Nie Zhenbang’s assertive style had been sustained since the new year. Some thoughtful officials even started to sense some inkling.

Nie Zhenbang didn’t know that his conflict with Tian Xujian had changed the perspectives of many officials who were waiting to see how the situation would evolve. After the dinner, within the Number One Courtyard of the Party Committee, Tian Xujian personally received the visiting couple Yao Yuhong. (To be continued. If you like this novel, please go to to vote for it. Your support is my greatest motivation.)