Reborn as a Noble's Son-Chapter 230 - : Unexpected Result_1

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Chapter 230: Unexpected Result_1

Translator: 549690339

Seeing Yi Jun, Nie Zhenbang did not show any surprise. His sudden departure from Lixian without any explanation or instructions was bound to cause anxiety amongst the local officials. However, this was precisely Nie Zhenbang’s intention.

In Lixian, Nie Zhenbang knew he would not be able to maintain his presence forever. This place marked his first step, and also the most significant one. His objective was to ensure the continued growth and success of the town, even after his departure. To achieve this, a strong and competent successor was necessary, and this was Nie Zhenbang’s first test for his potential successors.

Nie Zhenbang then turned to Min Zhigao and the others, saying, “Brothers Min, Zhou, and Qiao, please head over to the restaurant and wait for me. I have something to attend to, but I’ll join you soon.”

Min Zhigao and the others gave him a nod. Each person has their secrets, and this was especially true in the world of politics. They understood that Nie Zhenbang’s position was different – as leading people in their municipal roles they had fewer complications compared to Nie Zhenbang himself.

“Xiaoyi, I was considering that you all might come over after a few days. I did not expect you to come here so quickly, which is a surprise for me.” Nie Zhenbang said this with a smile.

These words made Yi Jun feel a little embarrassed. When the county head spoke, there was implicit criticism in his words. At this moment, Yi Jun, who was full of doubt, had to explain, “County Head, now the whole of Bazhou City is talking. They say… they say that you abused your power for personal gain during your tenure in Lixian. They even claim that coming here for study is just a cover. They say the discipline committee is going to investigate you.”

Upon hearing Yi Jun’s words, Nie Zhenbang’s face turned serious. What bothered him were not the rumors per se, but Zhou Chen’s insolence was surely causing unnecessary speculation.

Nie Zhenbang responded, “Xiaoyi, how come you’ve also started blindly following rumors? The organization will clarify whether these rumors are true or not. This is not something you should worry about. For now, your responsibility is to focus on Lixian’s economic development and your work. Don’t concern yourself with other matters. Do you understand?”

Nie Zhenbang appeared stern. Since his departure, there seems to be certain unrest in Lixian, and he was concerned about what would happen in the future.

Yi Jun gave a nod of agreement and said in a low voice, “County Head, I understand. I will return to Lixian immediately.”

Nie Zhenbang’s mood seemed slightly more relaxed now, and he replied, “Good, go back. You know my number, call me if anything comes up.”

After watching Yi Jun leave, Nie Zhenbang hurried to a Sichuan restaurant next to the party school where the other three were waiting. They had already ordered and made no enquiries about Nie Zhenbang’s matters. Each of them was a leader, with enough understanding to know not to pry into what should not be asked, and what needed to be spoken would naturally be said.

Min Zhigao now picked up a bottle of Yili liquor, pouring a full glass for Nie Zhenbang, and said laughingly, “Drink deeply if feelings are true; if not, just sip. Brother, we’ve been waiting for you. This round of drinks is your penalty.”

The culture of drinking was intrinsic to the Huaxia political landscape. Foreigners might enjoy sipping wine freely at social events, but the culture here was altogether different. Here, there were ancient customs and rituals associated with drinking. It seemed as if there were always reasons and excuses to drink at any occasion.

Nie Zhenbang smiled at the sight of the three men. Min Zhigao was very chivalrous, while Zhou Chunlei was straightforward. Qiao Yuan, though scholarly, was a person of warm heart under his reserved exterior. All were good company. Nie Zhenbang picked up his glass and said, “Brother Min, this is bullying me because I’m the youngest.”

As he spoke, a single gulp finished the glass of liquor. His face remained untouched by the drink, presenting an air of calm.

After a round of drinks, the four people had cleaned up four bottles of white spirits. Among them, Qiao Yuan had the poorest tolerance, barely managing one bottle, while Zhou Chunlei and Min Zhigao were clearly seasoned drinkers. Nie Zhenbang’s hardiness, however, surpassed everyone’s expectations.

A few days passed.

Especially over the weekend, Lin Yang and Xu Jianhua were on the move. Unlike other party school training classes, the methods and tactics at the Young Cadre Training Class were quite different. If it were training class for county or lower-level cadres, having a strong background would be an unquestionable advantage.

However, for this cohort of the cadre training program, the political connections don’t seem to be that important. All of them are deputy bureau-level officials. Everyone has some connections behind them. Transitioning from a division position to deputy bureau level is a hurdle, and those who can cross it all have their paths.

Moreover, unless they have extraordinary influential connections, the attraction isn’t that strong for them at this level. As such, both Lin Yang and Xu Jianhua are trying their best to build relationships; today you treat people to dinner, tomorrow I’ll invite them for drinks. For a while, the entire cadre training cohort spent their whole weekends in social activities. freēwēbηovel.c૦m

Monday morning, eight rings.

At this moment, all the trainees of the cadre training program have seated themselves in the classroom. On Lin Yang’s side, a few people gathered on the left side of the classroom and occasionally discussing something in whispers. On Xu Jianhua’s side, a similar group of people gathered, maintaining a lively, jovial atmosphere.

With the ringing of the class bell, Zhang Xiaou also walked in appropriately from outside. Being the head teacher of the cadre training program was not easy. That was Zhang Xiaou’s first impression.

All those present are deputy-level officials. Normally, officers of this caliber should all be studying at the Central Party School. However, this time, the District Party Committee has opened such a class. Truthfully, Zhang Xiaou’s rank is also at the deputy bureau level. If it wasn’t for the backing of his identity and support from the Autonomous Region Party Committee, Zhang Xiaou would indeed feel out of depth.

Nevertheless, Zhang Xiaou is very pleased at the moment. Being the class instructor, all these students will become his connections in the future. Regardless of whether there’s a way for him to climb further, Zhang Xiaou dares assure himself that as long as he doesn’t violate any fundamental principles, this group of students alone will be enough to secure his position for life.

Walking up to the podium, Zhang Xiaou then spoke: “Classmates, this is our first class meeting of the cadre training program. For the next year, we will live and learn together here. Thus, the theme of this class meeting is to elect the leaders of our cadre training program. We need a branch secretary, a publicity delegate, and an organization delegate. Those of you interested, please come up to the stage and participate in the election.”

The rules of this election took a completely fair and open democratic election method to appoint class leaders. They first act as agents. Even Zhang Xiaou didn’t dare oppose these people. None of them are to be taken lightly. In such way, the dissatisfaction of any unsuccessful candidates can be minimized.

Hearing Zhang Xiaou’s explanation of the election rules, everyone including Lin Yang and Xu Jianhua nodded in satisfaction, recognizing this as the best approach.

Next, Lin Yang stood up and walked onto the podium, “Hello everyone, since it’s a public competition. Let me be the first to make a proposal…”

Seeing Lin Yang step forward, Xu Jianhua’s face darkened for a moment. He was a bit too slow and let Lin Yang take the initiative. However, since things had already gone this far, Xu Jianhua could do nothing. He could only go up second. Afterward, all 32 students in the class took turns giving a brief self-introduction and made their campaign speeches.

“Zhenbang, think about what you want to say. After class, it’ll be your turn. This campaign, even though not everyone wants to be a class leader, you have to show that you are willing to, understand?” Min Zhigao and Nie Zhenbang sat together, whispering to each other. frёewebηovel.cѳm

Nie Zhenbang nodded. Min Zhigao was right. To deliver a campaign speech was necessary as it demonstrated an attitude. All being cadres with ranks and status, if it got out that one didn’t even have this little bit of ambition, it would affect one’s career advancement. Regardless of whether they could be elected or not, at least they ought to show that attitude. Politics is like that. At times, even if one doesn’t want to compete, they would be urged to by other reasons. This is the case now.

Nie Zhenbang was the last one to take the stage. Looking at everyone below the stage, Nie Zhenbang nodded and said: “Hello to all of you. Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Nie Zhenbang from Lixian, Bazhou City. This time, I am also running for the position of branch secretary…”

After this round of introductions and campaign speeches, Zhang Xiaou distributed a pile of white papers for voting. It was time to cast votes.

At this moment, Xu Jianhua’s face also darkened. Looking at the smug look on Lin Yang across from him, Xu Jianhua bent over and began whispering to the students next to him.

Under Zhang Xiaou’s arrangement, several students in the front row took on the responsibilities of counting votes and monitoring the process. The ballots were distributed face-to-face and collected on the spot. The votes were counted and announced immediately. Everything was done in a completely transparent manner. Zhang Xiaou wouldn’t dare to pull any tricks on such an occasion. Something like this, as long as there’s no bias, was just fine. Trying to get fanciful would only cause trouble.

With the vote counting ongoing, the names of candidates were announced one by one. At this moment, Min Zhigao and others started to laugh while Nie Zhenbang opened his mouth wide, looking at Qiao Yuan and others on the side. The situation had exceeded his expectations. Among the candidates for the position of branch secretary, he had already got 22 votes. There were only 32 people in the entire class, and he already had three votes more than the second candidate. It seemed that Nie Zhenbang’s election as branch secretary was a foregone conclusion.

PS: The third update has been submitted. Please vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. The results this month are a bit bleak. Brothers and sisters. Those who have bottom-vote, please support Old Cai. (To be continued. If you like this work, welcome to to cast your vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)