Reborn as a Noble's Son-Chapter 11 - 10 Natural Born Rivals_1

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11 Chapter 10 Natural Born Rivals_1

Translator: 549690339

Following the sound, at this moment, three groups of people have already gathered at the school gate. Nie Zhenbang’s group, Zhou Chen’s group, and Yang Anbang, who unscrupulously lit a cigarette and leaned against the school gate wall, watching the drama unfold.

Nie Zhenbang stared at Zhou Chen, staring at this third-generation leader of the Zhou family. This was an enemy destined by fate. In the last lifetime, with the departure of the old Nie patriarch, the Zhou family, being in the government, clashed with the Nie family during the power struggle. The highest leader had to intervene, and only then did Zhou family lay down their arms. But since then, Zhou Chen set his sights on Nie Zhenbang. From then on, Nie Zhenbang became a laughing stock in the Crown Prince circle of Jingcheng. A son of low birth is naturally a person to be ridiculed. It was unknown how Nie Zhenbang had offended him, but Zhou Chen seemed to take great pleasure in humiliating him. Then, Nie Guodong decisively set up his own faction, and Nie Guowei never recovered. Behind all this, Zhou Chen was the instigator.

Hearing this, Nie Jiamin had already stood out: “Zhou Chen, what kind of crap are you speaking? Are you asking for a beating?”

Nie Zhenbang stared at Zhou Chen, a cold light flashing in his eyes. He chuckled, “Well, it’s the Crown Prince of the Zhou family, rightful heir and seed of a fine pedigree. Should I address you as Big Brother Auspicious?”

As Zhou Chen heard this, an arrogant smile crossed his face. Being a direct descendant of the third generation of the Zhou family, he was undeniably worthy of this title.

But then, Nie Zhenbang changed his tone: “Zhou Chen, when did your father’s [‘family jewel’] get a leak like you? It’s a wonder what God was thinking. Did some bored angel neglect to leave a bastard out in the cold and stuff you in a womb instead? What did I do to you? Bite you? Or shit on your head? Did your old man also get busy on the side? Where’s your elder brother from the common folks?” freeweb

Nie Zhenbang’s words were piercingly sharp and malicious. After enduring a miserable fate for twenty-four years, he learned many classic insults from the twenty-first century. Now, he used them effortlessly, his performance was perfecting. At least Zhou Chen’s face had turned the color of pig liver.

On his side, Yang Anbang was dumbfounded, thinking it was genius. The insults were truly classic. At this moment, Nie Jiamin looked at Nie Zhenbang with awe. His brother was really one of a kind, the Red Hare among horses. He dared to talk back to elders, studied on his own, yet still made a name for himself. Nie Jiamin had never felt such respect for anyone before.

“Nie Zhenbang, you’re all talk. You’re just a crude son of common folk with no home training.” Zhou Chen’s face was livid, but he was raised in a powerful family. He knew how to maintain his composure and his counterattack was equally malicious.

At this moment, Nie Zhenbang had no intention of having a good relationship with Zhou Chen. From the moment they met, it was clear they could never be friends. The Nie family was part of the conservative faction, while the Zhou family was neutral. The Nie family had always followed the military path, whereas the Zhou family’s connections were with the political authorities. Given their historical background, especially the Zhou family’s betrayal which led to the complete defeat of the conservative faction, the Zhou family ended up victors. This alone made it impossible for Nie Zhenbang to befriend them. In the last lifetime, Nie Zhenbang was under their feet once. This time, it’ll be their turn. Nie Zhenbang was naturally enemies with Zhou Chen. Now and always.

“Nie Zhenbang, cut the crap and pull your punches! This isn’t my style. If you have guts, let’s have a match. Don’t say you’re afraid. If you are, I’ll lose all respect for you. Toying with you until your death will be a piece of cake for me.” Zhou Chen seemed very confident.

“You? Grandson, don’t think too highly of yourself. Did you think this was some old folks’ gathering? Even your old man wasn’t so arrogant. Do you, Zhou Chen, think you’re some divine being coming to earth? If I gave you a hundred times your courage, would you dare? Toy with me till my death? Show me what you got. Pick any place, any time, any method. Nie Zhenbang was not raised a coward,” Nie Zhenbang retorted, looking at Zhou Chen with utter disdain.

Nie Zhenbang knew very well that he had just arrived and barely managed to join the circle. In others’ eyes, he had yet to gain the status necessary to stand on equal footing with them. For example, Yang Anbang, as well as Li Zhen from the government institution and Zhang Xu from the military institution. To get such an opportunity, he needed someone to make a stand against. Zhou Chen was the perfect choice.

At this moment, the enraged Zhou Chen was like a male rooster in the mood for mating, full of aggression. Staring at Nie Zhenbang, Zhou Chen snapped, “Don’t pick a time. Let’s do it today, at People’s Park. Eight o’clock tonight. Who doesn’t show up is a coward. Whoever kneels down and apologizes is a loser. Do you dare?”

“Alright, eight tonight, let’s see if you’re brave enough to show up,” said Nie Zhenbang nonchalantly.

With Zhou Chen’s departure, Yang Anbang stepped forward: “Let me introduce myself, Yang Anbang from compound one.”

Looking at Yang Anbang, a smile surfaced on Nie Zhenbang’s face. This was the one he had been waiting for. In the previous life, this young man abandoned the path of politics and military for the unexpected choice – business. It infuriated his father, but later the young man started his business on Nandao Island, setting foot in various industries. Under his management, Shengtian Group became one of the top 500 companies in the world twenty-four years later. He was a born businessman.

Nie Zhenbang is doing this now for two reasons. One is to gather some connections for his future official career, and the other is because of Yang Anbang. This person is a crucial part of his plan. Yang Anbang also has another identity. He is Yang Anna’s elder brother.

“Yanbei, Nie Zhenbang.” This is Nie Zhenbang’s response. There was a sense of loneliness and confidence, but it would not be overlooked by others.

In reality, everyone knew that the old master of the Nie family had never recognized Nie Zhenbang’s existence. Bringing him back to the family was merely a helpless act. There had never been a ceremony acknowledging ancestors and returning to the clan. Nie Zhenbang did not qualify to enter the family tree. That’s just the way it is.

If it were anyone else, they would probably go by “Nie Zhenbang of Nie family”. But Nie Zhenbang’s phrasing indicates his meaning. If the Nie family did not recognize him, then he did not acknowledge the Nie family either. It would not be until the day when the Nie family formally acknowledged him that he would recognize himself as a member of the Nie family.

There was no slightest hint of contempt on Yang Anbang’s face. After a formal handshake, he said, “Zhenbang, this Zhou Chen is notoriously sneaky. Be careful tonight.”

Nie Zhenbang let out a hearty laugh. As a reborn individual, he knew Zhou Chen’s character all too well. But if he dared to go, he would not fear Zhou Chen. However, he appreciated Yang Anbang’s concern and responded solemnly, “Second brother, thanks. After today, I’ll invite you for a drink.”

Eight o’clock in the evening.

People’s Park was already mostly deserted. In a forest deep in the garden, the scattered rays of dim lamplight from garden lights reflected off tree branches and onto the ground.

By Nie Zhenbang’s side were Nie Jiamin, Liu Kun, Li Hua, Li Wen0 Ge, plus a few offspring from the military commission compound. On the opposite side, Zhou Chen was there with his gang, alongside a large man over 1.8 meters tall.

Seeing Nie Zhenbang arrive, a flash of ruthless aggressiveness passed by Zhou Chen’s face. In a grave voice, he said, “Nie Zhenbang, you’re not afraid of dying. Today, my brother here will fight you one on one. If you win, we’ll let bygones be bygones and not interfere with each other again. If you lose, you will kneel and kowtow to me three times.”

The moment his voice fell, Nie Jiamin shouted, “Zhou Chen, you bastard. How crafty you are. By your rules, you are in advantage whatever the outcome. Let’s change it then. If you lose, you’ll kowtow three times to our third brother, if you win, we’ll not interfere with each other again. Agree?”

His words left Zhou Chen speechless. He truly didn’t know how to respond.

At this moment, Nie Zhenbang waved his hand and said: “Jiamin, no need for any more words. Words once said are like water splashed. Since he set the rules, alright, let’s follow them. Zhou Chen, have your friend make his move.” After finishing, Nie Zhenbang took up the starting position of the Shape-Intent Fist.

“Young Master Zhou, this man is a martial artist, and it looks like he has deep fundamentals. This is the famous Li family Shape-Intent Fist from Yanbei. I practice boxing. I’m afraid… I’m afraid I cannot win.”

Preliminary fright. The bulky man’s words made Zhou Chen’s face darken. “Wang Bo, just fight freely, I’ll take responsibility if anything happens. Just don’t lose. You know the consequences if you lose.”

Zhou Chen’s words carried a hint of warning. The strong man clenched his teeth and charged at Nie Zhenbang.

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