Reborn as a DRAGON-Chapter 337: Struggle

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Chapter 337: Struggle

My back and forth against the water element continued like that for a while. The battle between us reached a fever pitch. Both of the elements' colossal size and raw power unleashed a relentless display of might. As the clash escalated, the atmosphere grew charged with a palpable tension, causing the once serene grassland to be engulfed in an air of foreboding. Dark storm clouds loomed overhead, their swirling masses casting a shadow over the land and plunging it into an eerie darkness.

The magnitude of the clash was not lost on the minor deities, who could sense the overwhelming power emanating from the warring forces. Their expressions mirrored the gravity of the situation, as they understood the destructive potential that lay within the combined might of the water and wind elements.

Witnessing the intensity of the struggle both elements posed, I redoubled my efforts to separate them, determined to restore the balance to the disrupted mana flow. My focus sharpened, I extended my influence over the water element, employing every ounce of my power to communicate my intentions. But despite my relentless efforts, the bastard remained obstinate, unwilling to heed my plea for separation.

With each passing moment, the wind element grew increasingly agitated, its fury manifesting as violent gusts and cyclonic formations. The ground trembled beneath the onslaught, and the once tranquil grassland became a battlefield of elemental forces. The clash of the elements reverberated through the air, a symphony of chaos and power that resonated with the very fabric of the plane.

Aware of the dire consequences should the elemental storm continue unabated, Breta, Serenia, Zeph, and Ravensong sprang into action. Calling upon their divine abilities, they invoked powerful shields to protect the land from the tempestuous onslaught. Their shields stood as a bastion against the raging wind, holding steadfast in the face of its relentless assault, and preventing the power of the elements from extending further away from the grassland.

However, despite their best efforts, the sheer magnitude of the elemental clash proved challenging to contain. The storm clouds swirled with growing ferocity, crackling with lightning and unleashing torrents of rain upon the land. The once thriving grassland now lay battered, with gusts of wind uprooting trees and sweeping away anything in their path. The very fabric of the mortal plane seemed to tremble under the weight of the elemental turmoil.

Amidst the chaos, my gaze sharpened and remained unyielding. I intensified my efforts to calm and separate the elements, seeking a resolution to their tumultuous clash. free(w)

The battle of wills continued, the struggle between the water and wind elements echoing throughout the planes. The elements surged and surged, their powers clashing and intertwining in a mesmerizing dance of destruction. It was a sight both awe-inspiring and terrifying, a testament to the raw power of the elemental forces that governed the mortal realm.

As our clash persisted, a mix of frustration and determination welled up within me. I could feel my patience wearing thin, and my pride tested by its relentless resistance. The thought of conceding defeat was unthinkable; I refused to let this elemental standoff diminish my authority. (f)

I forcefully calmed myself down, before I decided to tap into the depths of my powerthe sanctuary of my soul space.

The moment my soul space intertwined with the earthly realm, the atmosphere shifted. A surge of pure energy coursed through my veins, infusing me with an unparalleled strength and clarity of purpose. I felt the power of the elements inside my soul space surging within me, empowering my every action and silencing any doubt that had lingered within.

With newfound resolution, I extended my claw towards the turbulent clash of elements, channeling the raw energy of my soul space toward both of the elements. My aura enveloped them both, radiating with an otherworldly brilliance that defied comprehension. It was a last resort, an ultimate measure to assert my authority over the stubborn forces that defied me.

"Fine then," I proclaimed, my voice carrying an air of unwavering resolve. "Since it's not working this way, then don't blame me for what comes next!"

With a resounding whoosh, the colossal water and wind elements were forcefully drawn into the depths of my soul space. Gone were the gentle appeals and attempts at communication; this time, I wielded my authority with unwavering command. I granted them no reprieve, no opportunity to resist or regain their senses. They were seized by an irresistible force, inexorably pulled towards me.

The sudden disappearance of the immense elements unleashed a chain reaction among the remaining minor ones. Freed from the grip of the entangled forces, they surged forth in a frenzy, their energies released in a chaotic torrent. The unleashed power caused further destruction to the already ravaged grassland, threatening to escalate the devastation.

In this critical moment, Breta, Serenia, Zeph, and Ravensong sprang into action once again, their divine presence commanding authority over the unruly elements. They exerted their influence, employing their powers to forcefully halt the rampaging elements in their tracks.

United in their efforts, and under Breta's lead, the minor deities managed to quell the rampage, reigning in the elemental chaos and restoring a semblance of order to the grassland.

I, on the other hand, had no time to think about all of this. Without a moment's hesitation, I swiftly descended to the solid ground. Closing my eyes, I delved deep within the recesses of my soul space, fully aware that a pressing matter awaited my attention. Within the sanctuary of my inner realm, I could sense the tumultuous presence of the captive elements, their sheer power threatening to disturb the tranquility that resided there.

In the depths of my soul space, the colossal water and wind elements continued to wage a relentless battle, their struggles reverberating through the ethereal plane affecting all of my elements. Their obstinate nature manifested itself in their ceaseless attempts to break free from their confinements, wreaking havoc within the confines of my sacred sanctuary.

"You bastards! What are you doing inside of someone else's home?" I growled.

Now that they were here, however, they were within my domain. I exerted my authority within the vast expanse of my soul space, forcibly separating the colossal water and wind elements from the rest of my earth and water elements. Like a relentless tide, I propelled both colossal elements toward the far reaches of my inner realm, where a small but potent strand of darkness mana resided.

Though the darkness mana appeared minuscule in comparison to the colossal elements, its significance as a pillar of existence could not be underestimated.

As the water and wind elements neared the edge of my soul space, their tumultuous struggles began to ebb, subdued by the overwhelming presence of the darkness mana. It acted as a stabilizing force, serving as a firm boundary that curbed their unrestrained power and thwarted any attempts to break free from their confines.

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